MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-v2 Chapter 125 Long Yin

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In the roar of the earth, the space above was shattered and expanded almost endlessly, forming a dark golden sky, and the terrifying power continued to spread out.

This seemingly boundless little heaven and earth is only shrouded in the Empress Nuwa, as well as She Xilu and the Golden Crow girl behind her.

In addition to She Xilu and the Golden Crow girl who were sheltered by Mother Nuwa, and the saviors who were sheltered by the ancestors of the demon of the dark night, such as the true demons and the Hidden Dragon Illusory World Formation, the Great Formation of Eternal Dragons still exists safely, even this twisted The forbidden enchantment of the space is trembling, it seems that it is almost unbearable, and it is about to reach the brink of collapse.

As if the sky was collapsing, a huge skylight suddenly fell from this dark golden sky, like a punishment from the sky, carrying the power of the sky, and slammed towards the Empress Nuwa and the She Xilu and Jinwu girls behind her to suppress!


Empress Nuwa frowned slightly, looked up at the dark golden sky in the sky, and raised a hand gently.

That seemingly slender and weak palm, flowing with mysterious divine light, seemed to carry the power that was enough to open up the heavens and the earth, and easily supported the collapsing sky light.

At the same time, Empress Nuwa waved her sleeve robe with the other hand, and the Golden Crow girl and She Xilu were swept away by a gentle and broad force, and instantly flew out of the dark golden sky, leaving this small world.


Ming Ye Demon Ancestor snorted coldly, but he was not surprised at all.

He didn't expect to suppress Youchan to death so easily, and he had long expected that Nuwa would send Youchan out, otherwise, in the power of this dark night, Nuwa would not be able to protect Youchan. Chan.

It's just that Nu Wa actually sent out Xiao Jinwu, the daughter of the emperor, which made him feel a little tricky.

But, there's only so much.

The Demon Ancestor Ming Ye kept mobilizing all the power of the 'Ming Ye' sky, trying his best to trap the Nuwa who was trying to lift up from the sky. He had no time to care about him, but he still glanced at the savior and said indifferently: "Quickly. Quickly break the Great Formation of Fulong Dragons, let the little dragon come out, as long as it comes out, this little golden crow can't protect Youchan, kill Youchan and get its reward, the game can be reversed!"

The savior was slightly startled, and immediately reacted.

Compared with the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor, her strength is comparable.

But she has already hurt the source. In her current state, she wants to kill Youchan and let Youchan return to the embrace of 'it'. It is not realistic at all.

The Demon Ancestor of the Night Night barely trapped the Empress Nuwa, but it was impossible for her to be trapped all the time. She had to kill Youchan before Nuwa could get out of the trap.

So, the best way is to get help.

And for the external demon side, the best helper in the world right now is the demon dragon in this great formation!

Before this dragon was sealed, it was already the pinnacle of the demons. According to the demon ancestor of the night, this dragon seems to have made a breakthrough. If this dragon can break out, it can be Kill Youchan!

"Break the formation!"

The savior instantly understood this, and a black fire lotus spilled out of his hand, which immediately blew up on the crystal crack on the lake surface under the golden pagoda, opening the crack to a larger gap.

And in the clouds and mists surrounding the golden pagoda, the white hidden dragon wandering around the golden pagoda, and the 'Guan Shiyin' who controlled the hidden dragon fantasy world formation, immediately triggered the formation, and moved towards the lake on the lake. Rush that crack!

The dragon head of the Hidden Dragon had penetrated into the crystal crack on the lake surface in an instant, submerged in the lake water, but Guan Shiyin in the dragon head was hindered by the phantom formation 'The Secret Way of Hidden Dragon', and could only follow the path of the hidden dragon. The method of cracking passed down to her by Ye Demon Ancestor slowly advanced in the illusion, and the dragon body outside the lake slowly sneaked into it.

"Want to release the magic dragon?"

The Golden Crow girl's face turned cold, she immediately pulled She Xilu, turned into a rainbow of sunlight and rushed over, and at the same time slapped Guan Shiyin directly with her palm.

I saw that the pure and incomparable Golden Crow firepower was continuously gathered and turned into a round of sun star phantoms. Along with the phantom of the majestic Heavenly Emperor, the phantom waved to create the great sun, and the phantom of the sun star also turned into a rolling phantom six feet high. The sun wheel directly rolled towards the cloud-shrouded Hidden Dragon!

It was the same trick that the emperor created the sun again!

She made this move with all her strength, and she was about to break the Hidden Dragon Illusionary Formation and burn out Guan Shiyin within it!

Now that the Demon Ancestor of the Night is unable to take action, the demon dragons in the Great Array of Eternal Dragons must rely on the Hidden Dragon Imaginary World Array to avoid the killing formation "Hidden Dragon Sword Pillar" in order to break out of the formation.

And the Hidden Dragon Fantasy World Array can only be activated by the mana of the practitioners.

So as long as she kills the second primordial spirit of the world's saviour, the outside demon can't mobilize the hidden dragon illusion, and the demon dragon can't break out of the formation!

"This trick again?"

The savior's face changed slightly, and the black flames all over his body converged, and instantly turned into a dark red glowing black light, transformed back to the pure power of the gods, and instantly operated another method, forming three thousand paths of harmonious and weak water spirits. Qi, and then converged into an abyss-like vortex of weak water!

"Three thousand weak waters?" The Golden Crow girl frowned.

Unexpectedly, this savior still hides such a skill. Not only has he practiced the ancient "Chongyuan Shenhuo" method, but he can also comprehend the magical effect of water and fire, and practiced another equally powerful "Three Thousand Weak Water" method!


The dazzling sun wheel formed by the shadow of the sun star was immediately swept in by the vortex formed by the three thousand weak waters, and the devastating hurricane flow erupted and circulated between water and fire. , began to fade gradually and tended to go out.

"Can't stop... eh?"

The Savior confirmed this, and he just breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but his eyes suddenly changed, and he found that two figures suddenly appeared not far away.

It was a cold and beautiful woman shrouded in the moonlight, holding a pale paper talisman at her fingertips, and beside her stood a woman who was seven or eight similar to her, but only under ten years old. A pretty doll-like girl!

She Xilu was taken aback for a moment, "Sister Xiao Sui? Is that little girl her second soul..."

Xiao Sui's second primordial spirit has been guarding the Great Array of Fulong for All Ages recently, and Xiao Sui's deity has also come in a long time ago, but he has never shown up.

And now it suddenly appeared?

"Can you escape my perception?"

Ming Ye Demon Ancestor also noticed Xiao Sui's appearance, glanced at the pale white paper talisman in Xiao Sui's hand, and couldn't help narrowing his eyes, "Life and death are impermanent? Is it the talisman that Cui Fujun gave her?"

This paper talisman is based on yin and white paper, thinking that the blood of vain death is cinnabar, and the impermanent rotation of life and death displayed already contains a little bit of heavenly meaning, and the breath is restrained in the impermanent rotation. It's the 'Cui Fujun' in the Eternal Dark Prison!

"Outer Demon."

Xiao Sui looked coldly at the white hidden dragon that still had half the dragon body before entering the lake. When he turned his hand, there was a glazed bead-like treasure in his hand. A country full of glazed gold.

She moved her fingertips and immediately crushed the glass beads.

During the Buddhist chanting, the glazed beads were broken, and the glazed world in it also emerged and descended, turning into a bright, pure and peaceful light that spread out, and everywhere it passed was transformed into pure land glazed, monks, Arhats, The phantom of the Bodhisattva then appeared, and the voices of countless chanting scriptures echoed, and the massive vows turned into a red-gold kingdom, trying to cover the white hidden dragon that had not yet entered the lake!

This is the last of the three supreme divine objects bestowed by the heavens. She has been lurking and hiding until now, just waiting for this opportunity!


The savior's eyes did not change, but she was still resisting the golden crow girl's sun wheel. She had not resolved it yet, and had no strength, so she immediately transmitted a voice to the cat breeder and the preacher: "Stop her!"

Ming Ye Demon Ancestor also shouted coldly: "Block it!"

The cat breeders and the preachers did not dare to dodge under the gaze of the Demon Ancestor of the Night, so they could only bite the bullet and rush towards the red-gold kingdom, one using the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of their hand, and the other trying to break it with force.

However, this is a supreme divine object after all, with the power close to the reincarnation of the supreme being. Before the saviors can truly break through the demons, it will take a lot of power to block this supreme divine object. How can they stop it?

I saw that the red-gold kingdom was slowly twisting, swallowing both the cat-keeper and the preacher, and the two struggled frantically, trying their best to hinder the power of this fetish.

The speed at which the red-golden kingdom spread suddenly slowed down.

Among them, the cat-keeper and the preacher struggled a few times before being engulfed by this kingdom at the same time, and then in the infinite power of will, they turned into glazed gold everywhere, and then shattered and disappeared.

The red-golden kingdom continued to spread, shrouding the hidden dragon that had already entered the lake with most of its body.

And at this moment, the sun wheel formed by the 'Emperor of Heaven created the sun' was also swallowed up by the weak water whirlpool of the saviors and completely extinguished.


The savior looked at the red-gold kingdom and the glazed world, and immediately put his hands together.

She swirled around the weak water with one hand, and burned black flame with the other. At the moment of contact, a circle of violent power erupted, swept out in waves, swept everything, and broke the red-golden kingdom in an instant. Now, the phantoms of monks, Arhats, and Bodhisattvas will also disappear when you touch them.

The phantom of the glass world was immediately shattered, and the power was exhausted.

Under the restrictions of this world, even the supreme fetish is just a joke to the real demon, and it can be blocked with a wave of the hand.


With a light sound of lake water, the white hidden dragon transformed by the hidden dragon fantasy world formation, under the control of Guan Shiyin in the dragon head, also completely penetrated into the hidden dragon's secret way, and even the dragon tail completely submerged into the hidden dragon lake. Inside.

Only then did the savior breathe a sigh of relief, standing in front of the crack, calmly looking at the Golden Crow girl and Xiao Sui, and said softly, "It's useless."

"Go away!"

The Golden Crow girl gritted her teeth and attacked the savior again. The surging Golden Crow firepower erupted.

However, Xiao Sui frowned, bit her lip, and sighed slowly: "Is it still too late?"

She took advantage of the impermanence of life and death that the person gave her, and hid in the dark and observed for a long time, and it was already at the best time to show up. That Guan Shiyin broke the Hidden Dragon Illusory World Array.

However, the savior still hides his strength, and it is easier for the weak water method to resist the firepower of the Golden Crow, and it was blocked at the last moment.

"Hahaha, great!"

The laughter of the ancestors of Ming Ye echoed in the sky and the earth, full of joy: "You have done a great job! As long as this little dragon comes out and allows Youchan to return, the rich reward given by 'it' is enough to make this little dragon on the spot. Break through to become a Demon Lord! Haha, a Demon Lord in the human world is truly invincible, even Nuwa can only retreat!"

The Golden Crow Girl, Xiao Sui, and She Xilu suddenly changed their expressions when they heard the words.

Even Empress Nuwa's incarnation in the human world is only the ultimate mana in the human world, and her cultivation is no different from other human immortals.

And the power of the Demon Venerable surpasses that of the immortals by many levels. It is simply the difference between heaven and earth. The gap is so terrifying that even the realm of heaven cannot make up for it.

"Let's escape first, as long as the emperor takes action, it's useless for the dragon to come out!"

The Golden Crow girl made a decisive decision, and immediately wanted to turn into a golden rainbow of the sun, fly out of the forbidden space of this great formation, and then fly out of this demonic realm to find Lin Zhishui.

"I can't escape." But Youchan sighed: "Look at the entrance to the forbidden space."

"Huh?" The Golden Crow girl looked at the entrance of the forbidden space in the distance, and her face changed involuntarily.

At this time, after the Hidden Dragon Illusory World Formation entered the lake, the clouds and mist in the space of the Great Formation of Eternal Dragons also dissipated, and the entrance was completely sealed by an incomparably majestic dark golden power!

"When?" The Golden Crow girl turned her head in disbelief to look at the ancestors of the dark night.

"Hehe, do you still want to escape?"

Ming Ye Demon Ancestor sneered mockingly: "This seat paid such a tragic price to trap Nuwa, do you think this seat will give you a chance to escape? Today, all of you will die here!"

His indifferent and grand voice echoed in the forbidden space.

At this time, Empress Nuwa's grand voice came out from the dark golden sky: "Just wait and find a way to support it, I still need some time to come out, it is best to break into the Lake of the Hidden Dragon. Inside, kill the traitor who presides over the Hidden Dragon Fantasy World Formation."

"Nüwa, you need at least forty-two breaths to get out."

The Demon Ancestor Ming Ye said with a low smile: "But, at most twenty-five breaths, the second primordial spirit of saving the world can take the demon dragon to escape the killing formation of the Qianlong Sword Pillar and break out. Seventeen The rest time is enough for it to kill Youchan."

He said indifferently: "As for this little golden crow, just grab it and hand it over to the savior. You have done great deeds. The primordial spirit of this golden crow is enough for you to dedicate to it, and it will be enough for you to break through to the Demon Lord. , you and that little dragon are in the world, and it is more than enough to kill the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor!"

The woman in white 'Savior' was standing in front of the crystal crack on the lake, with strands of weak water all over her body turning into vortexes, and black flames turning into lotus flowers. Obviously, she planned to guard the crack with all her strength.

"Do you have a talisman bestowed by Heavenly Dao? Do you have other treasures or trump cards?" The Golden Crow girl sent a voice transmission to Xiao Sui.

Xiao Sui smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "This talisman is used to hide my origins, there are no other magical powers, as for the supreme divine artifact...that's it, it was given by the heavens, it has already been used up, if There are even stronger cards, which I used just now."

She looked at She Xilu again, and asked through voice transmission, "How about you, little snake? Did Senior Lin give you any other cards?"

She Xilu bit her lip, and before she could waste time talking, Youchan had already transmitted her voice: "Her biggest trump card is the picture of the Nuwa, and even the Nuwa has been invited down, what other trump cards are there? Others... just a few. What is the meaning of a copybook at the level of Hunyuan Qibao at this time?"

Hunyuan Qibao is only close to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's full blow, and it can't even hurt the first-class real devil, let alone the savior of the devil level?

Even if you take it out, it's just a mayfly shaking the tree.

"You are the daughter of Heaven and Earth in the very beginning, don't you have any treasures to protect yourself?" Youchan asked the Golden Crow girl through voice transmission.

"I am equivalent to being punished and demoted, and my cultivation base has been melted away, let alone other treasures?"

The Golden Crow girl shook her head helplessly, then frowned and said, "Damn, there are such traitors in the world, and the traitor must enter the Qianlong Lake to kill her... Sigh."

"But apart from you, other people can't enter the Lake of Qianlong, and they can't kill Guan Shiyin." Youchan said: "Even if there is a mixed treasure, it's useless, the power inside the Lake of Qianlong is too powerful. Strong, either it is a tricky method like the Hidden Dragon Fantasy World Array, or it is your strength that can forcibly resist the power in the lake."

"The savior of the world even understands three thousand weak waters, a method that is extremely good at defense, and water and fire help each other, so I can't help her. Even if I can force her back temporarily, in front of her, I have no chance to enter. "The Golden Crow girl said through a voice transmission.

The communication speed of Yuanshen's voice transmission was extremely fast, and in just an instant, the three of them realized that they were really helpless.

And the savior didn't care about the three of them, he just stood in front of the crack and guarded with all his strength with the method of water and fire, and wished the three of them gave up.


The Golden Crow girl sighed and said, "I knew earlier that I should have asked my father more about the way of cause and effect. If I understood the way of cause and effect in the legend, even if I didn't enter the lake, I would be able to kill the traitor."

"Cause and effect?" Youchan said nothing.

Such a rare and incomparably rare Dao is obscure and difficult to understand, and it is extremely difficult to comprehend. Only the Dao of consciousness is more difficult than the Dao of cause and effect.

"It's a pity that the emperor didn't know what happened here, otherwise it would be easy to solve it." The Golden Crow girl couldn't help but feel a little desperate, "I haven't seen the emperor yet, so I'm going to die like this."

"However..." Youchan suddenly wondered: "Lin Zhishui specially prepared the Nuwa picture, it should have been calculated that there will be a demon ancestor in the world, with his computing power, didn't he think about the demon ancestor? Will this situation not be counted at any cost?"

Xiao Sui was slightly startled when she heard the words.

She suddenly recalled in her mind that the last time she took Great Senior Dongyan to visit Senior Lin, before she left, Senior Lin gave Great Senior Dongyan a copybook and reminded her inexplicably.

"Xiao Sui, you should understand the copybook I gave you soon."

Xiao Sui suddenly recalled that Senior Lin seemed to remind her that it would not be long before she would be able to use the copybook of "The Birds Love the Old Forest, the Chi Fish Thinks of the Ancient Abyss" that was given to her before.

Although this copybook belongs to her, her realm is not enough, and she has never known the role of the great supernatural power in this copybook.

Senior Lin also said that this copybook will only be used in the future, so she kept it unused.

Could it be that Senior Lin meant to... let her use it again at a time like this?

After all, if she doesn't use it now, she will be killed, and she will never have a chance to use it again.

"Just try it."

Thinking of this, Xiao Sui turned his hand, and there was an ordinary-looking copybook in his with the ink characters of 'The bird loves the old forest, the pond fish thinks of the old abyss', in the wind Constantly fluttering feebly.

In the chaotic chaos of the collision between the great powers of the heavens and the Tao, and the dazzling devils, this inconspicuous copybook looked a little pitiful.

"Xiao Sui, is this the copybook that Lin Zhishui gave you before?"

Youchan noticed Xiao Sui and sighed: "In the past, this kind of Primordial Primordial Treasure might be considered a trump card, but now... a Primordial Primordial Treasure is meaningless at all."

"Try it." Xiao Sui shook his head slightly.

Rather than trying, it is better to say that it is her trust in Senior Lin, the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor in the beginning, such a supreme power, should not be aimless.

at this time-


Just listening to a dull loud noise, the Qianlong Lake, which was sealed by the power of the eternal demon, suddenly burst open, and the gorgeous crystals on the surface of the lake suddenly bulged out, as if forming a mountain, there seems to be some kind of behemoth. Fierce impact in the lake water.

Everyone's face changed.


After another loud bang, the protruding crystal suddenly shook, then shattered into bits of light, and instantly dissipated without a trace.

On the lake, there was also a huge hole that was a hundred times larger than before!


The laughter of the ancestors of the dark night echoed in the heaven and earth: "This little dragon has begun to break away from the Qianlong Sword Pillar, and it is finally coming out!"

next moment-


Accompanied by the violent waves and dark waves on the lake, a long and low roar slowly came out from the lake.

Long Yin, who has been away for thousands of years, echoes in the world at this moment!

(Volume II 'Dragon Song', the end.)

PS: (There is another chapter, it is estimated that it is the first chapter of the third volume around the early morning.)

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