MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-Chapter 6 snake and well

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At the dining table, although the two ate the same meal, Lin Zhishui ate dinner, and She Xilu ate breakfast.

After Lin Zhishui finished dinner quickly, he wiped his mouth, took a sip of water, and did not leave the table in a hurry, but turned around, leaned into She Xilu's ear, and said, "Don't go to bed too early tomorrow. "

She Xilu was used to having such a close conversation with Lin Zhishui, and knew that he deliberately sat on the right hand side in order to make her hear clearly.

After all, her left ear is deaf, and her right ear is only hearing loss, and she can still hear clearly when she gets closer.

But she was still a little embarrassed, especially when the hot air he exhaled blew on her ears, which made her dare not turn her head to look at him, so she could only lower her head and pretend to drink porridge, and asked in a muffled voice, "Why?"

Lin Zhishui looked at her drinking porridge, but didn't answer her, just reached out and touched her arm, and slowly slid along her cool soft skin to her wrist.

She Xilu struggled a little stiffly, and whispered, "Why...why..."

Lin Zhishui let out a low laugh, tore off a black rubber band from her wrist, then got up and walked behind her, helping her tie her long hair back in a high ponytail.

Immediately, he bent down, lowered his head and said in her ear, "Look at you, you don't even know how to tie your hair up after a meal, and it all fell into the bowl."

She Xilu was slightly startled and whispered, "Thank you..."

After the hair that covered her ears and face was tied up, her long neck, small ears, and a quiet and beautiful profile that were originally covered by her hair were also seen again.

Just like a finely carved jade statue, with a natural blush, it looks even more exciting.

It wasn't the first time that Lin Zhishui saw her face, but he still felt very moved, so he leaned over and kissed her red earlobe.


She Xilu didn't know what to say, but felt her cheeks were hot, her heart was beating wildly, her eyes were staring at the few scraps of porridge left in the bowl, and she didn't dare to look at him.

After a while, she coughed uncomfortably and stammered, " haven't said it yet, why don't you...don't go to bed early..."

Lin Zhishui smiled and stopped teasing her, and said, "I'm going to take you to get a new hearing aid, but they don't open the door in the middle of the night."

She Xilu hurriedly waved her little hand and said, "I...I don't want it, I'm already...enough, and you can still... hear you on my right."

"Enough for what?"

Lin Zhishui pinched her ears punishingly, and then said, "Your hearing aids are too outdated, I'm half a meter away from you, you can't hear clearly, and I wanted to replace you with a high-end one for a long time. , but I still owe foreign debts before, and now I am not so tight, of course I have to match new ones."

After being silent for a few seconds, She Xilu said in a mosquito-like voice with a blushing face, " closer, it's's okay..."

In fact, she thinks it's good to talk like this now, at least the two of them can chat with each other justifiably, but she naturally can't say such a disgusting reason.

Lin Zhishui didn't guess that this timid and shy girl would have such thoughts, but smiled: "Of course it's fine for me to get closer to you, but you can't just talk to me alone, right? Women don't care, but I can't stand other men talking in your ear."

She Xilu bit her lip, holding back her shame, almost forcing herself to whisper, "Then...then I don't need to talk to anyone else..."

Anyway, she was only willing to talk to Lin Zhishui.

Lin Zhishui was stunned, then rubbed her head and said with a smile, "Humans are gregarious animals, you can't be alone in your world, and I can't sit by your side forever, right?"

She Xilu was stunned for a moment, but she couldn't help looking up at him and asked, "You... where are you going?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, don't think so much like the heroine in your book, I'm tangled to death..."

Lin Zhishui smiled and flicked her bright forehead, "You are really a little snake, you just like to pester me."


She Xilu covered her forehead with her hands aggrievedly, and said weakly, "But this is too... a waste of money..."

The corners of Lin Zhishui's mouth curled up, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, showed her the text message balance, and smiled, "Hey, do you see it? I checked, and the best high-end hearing aid costs about 40,000 yuan. , I have 140,000 on my card, more than enough for you to change a hearing aid, and maybe you can buy a big house in the future."

She Xilu stared blankly at the figure on the balance, wondering what she was thinking.

After a few seconds, she silently whispered: "I'm sorry... I... I'm so useless... I want you to work hard to make money..."

"You are here again."

Lin Zhishui had a headache, this girl was always so inferior, she couldn't help but slapped her leg heavily, and said sternly: "Don't say such things again, or I'll spank your butt, this time I won't. It's over the pants."

"I... I won't say it..." She Xilu was so frightened that she hurriedly grabbed at the waist of her trousers, for fear that he would really rip off her trousers.

"Okay, let's go wash the dishes after eating." Lin Zhishui stood up, rubbed her head, and said, "I'm going to take a bath. Would you like to join us? Save water for the country."

"No... no need."

She Xilu waved her hands hurriedly, then picked up the dishes and chopsticks on the table, and ran straight to the kitchen as if running for her life, "I, I, I'm going to wash the dishes, you wash..."

Lin Zhishui looked at her back and couldn't help but smile.

Although he dotes on this little girl very much, housework is a housework, and it has to be done by division of labor and cooperation.

When the man cooks, it is the woman who washes the dishes.

It's also a respect for her.

After all, this girl is a little too inferior, and giving her justice and equality is the best way to treat her.

That is to say, on the Internet, She Xilu will let go of her inferiority complex and reveal the self hidden deeper in her heart.

"It's been more than three years."

Lin Zhishui looked at the slender figure of She Xilu washing dishes in the kitchen, and couldn't help but sigh silently.

It has been more than three years since the two met.

At first, it was he who read She Xilu's novel on the Internet and became her first fan before he met her.

At that time, she hadn't established a reader group, and the two just chatted in the extremely cold book review area. After getting to know each other, he also mentioned it many times before finally adding her QQ friends and starting to chat more deeply.

At that time, through the content of chat and the shadow in the book, he discovered that She Xilu may be two completely different people in reality and online.

But it also made him more interested in this girl who seemed to hide a lot of stories.

The penetration of the spiritual world may not be as intuitive as the real face value, but the impact is more subtle.

So after a few months of chatting all night, there are not so many vigorous stories, and two equally lonely people have entered the very common online dating rhythm along the way.

Online dating for two and a half years is a miracle.

It wasn't until the spring of last April that She Xilu finally agreed to meet Ben Xian, unable to hold back his repeated requests.

—Of course, in the past two years, Lin Zhishui has already sent her a lot of handsome photos of himself, and he has seen a few selfies of her, even though she looks a little ordinary wearing huge round glasses and her hairstyle is a bit dull , and covered his eyes, but he still wouldn't die in the light.

The two were originally from the same city, so they met in a sparsely populated tourist attraction.

Lin Zhishui was still looking forward to the day when he arrived. After all, he was about to meet after two years of lovers. While waiting for She Xilu, he wandered around the street stalls in tourist attractions, and even found this beloved brush.

Unfortunately, I waited left and right, but she didn't see She Xilu appear, and sent her a message, but she didn't respond.

At that time, Lin Zhishui was a little doubtful that he was not handsome enough, so he died when he saw the light?

Until he thought he had been pigeons, he comforted himself to go up the mountain to buy a new brush, and it was not in vain. , then rolled down the mountain road, fell to the ground and fell into a coma on the spot.

When he woke up, he found himself in the ward, and She Xilu was resting beside the bed.

Later, he learned that She Xilu had already arrived at the agreed place to wait for him, earlier than he had arrived, but he did not dare to approach, and just watched him secretly from a distance, so he was able to save him on the spot when he fell down the mountain road. he.

At that time, he finally determined that She Xilu was really two different people in reality and online.

In reality, she was even more pitiful and distressing than he had guessed.

Deafness, stuttering, high myopia, social phobia, premature death of parents, infirmity, unpaid debts, frequent headaches for no reason, and nightmares every day... more than a tragic word?

After all, it was a two-and-a-half-year relationship. Naturally, Lin Zhishui couldn't let her have a bad meal by herself, and continued to be self-abased all day long.

So, he took the initiative to move in to take care of her.

Under the premise of sleeping in a separate room and not harassing her, after a long time, She Xilu reluctantly agreed.

Although there have been many twists and turns in the past year of cohabitation, the results are not bad.

"Unfortunately, I still dare not see anyone."

Lin Zhishui sighed helplessly, looked at She Xilu who was washing dishes in the kitchen, walked quietly behind her, suddenly hugged her, and wrapped her arms around her waist. UU reading

She Xilu was so frightened that the bowl in her hand fell into the pool, her body was stiff, she didn't struggle, she didn't dare to look back at Lin Zhishui, she just asked in a trembling voice, "What... what's wrong?"

Despite living together for nearly a year, the two are rarely this close.

"I suddenly remembered something."

Lin Zhishui put his chin on her shoulder and said in her ear, "In addition to hearing aids, do you want to take you to see a psychiatrist tomorrow?"

"No... no need?" She Xilu couldn't help showing a look of resistance.

"Don't you often have nightmares?" Lin Zhishui said with a smile: "This is a psychological problem. Find a psychiatrist for consultation, maybe it will help?"

"It's alright, it's been very good recently... a lot."

She Xilu pretended not to care and continued to wash the dishes, letting Lin Zhishui hold her, but her trembling voice and stiff movements exposed her, "As long as I don't dream...of that snake, I...I'm not afraid."

Lin Zhishui had also heard from her that among the nightmares she had had over the years, the most common occurrence was a huge two-headed black snake without a tail, because even the tail was a head.

Day thinking, night dreaming.

Nightmares are generally related to people's experiences, but the strange thing is that although She Xilu is nicknamed Little Snake, it is only because of her surname. blacksnake.

"You are my little snake."

Lin Zhishui kissed her on the cheek, and then said softly, "What did you dream about recently?"

She Xilu blushed and thought for a while, then said in a low voice with a slightly confused look:

"A well, a well of black liquid."