MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 8 eighth

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chapter eight:

Lin Luoqing and Lin Fei were also preparing to eat at this time.

"What do you want to eat?" Lin Luoqing asked Lin Fei while flipping through the menu.

Lin Fei felt that something was really wrong with him these two days, otherwise why would he pick him up and ask him what he would like to eat? Didn't he always only order what he likes?

"Sweet and sour pork?" Lin Luoqing asked him, "You kids seem to like this kind of sweet and sour pork, do you like it?"

Lin Fei nodded.

"The Kung Pao Chicken?"

Lin Fei continued to nod.

"Sauced pork with pickled vegetables."

Lin Fei then nodded.

"pumpkin pie."

Lin Fei still nodded.

Lin Luoqing closed the menu abruptly, looked at him and laughed, "Wow, Fei Fei you are a little sweet bean, I didn't expect you to look so cool, but actually so sweet."

Lin Fei: ...

Lin Fei silently shifted his gaze and looked out the window.

Lin Luoqing smiled, and stopped teasing him, called the waiter over, added a piece of boiled beef and a piece of mapo tofu, and then placed the order.

He looked at Lin Fei's fair face, held his chin and said to him, "Let's go to the supermarket in a while."


"Buy something," Lin Luoqing said, "The refrigerator is empty, so don't buy something to fill it up."

Lin Fei wanted to fill up the refrigerator a long time ago, but he had no money, and "Lin Luoqing" was away from home all day long, and he didn't care if there was anything in the refrigerator, so the refrigerator became a decoration.

He looked at Lin Luoqing and thought to himself, he is really different these two days.

Is he sick?

Is it dying too?

That's why it happened all of a sudden.

Lin Fei felt a little worried all of a sudden. Although he didn't like Lin Luoqing, Lin Luoqing was his guardian. If Lin Luoqing died, what would he do?

His mother once told him that a child can't grow into an adult by himself, and he must be watched by an adult before he can grow into an adult in peace, so he has to stay with Lin Luoqing obediently and cannot leave him.

But what if he died?

"Are you going to die?" Lin Fei asked him.

Lin Luoqing almost spit out the tea after taking a sip.

"Why did you ask so?"

"My mother got sick and died. You are her younger brother. Will you get sick too? Will you die too?"

"Everyone will die." Lin Luo said calmly, "But everyone's death time is different. For now, I should not die for the time being."

"Then when will you die?"

As long as you don't abuse me, and Ji Leyu doesn't want me to be in love, I can definitely live to be 100 years old!

Lin Luoqing was very ambitious, "Probably in eighty years."

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. Fortunately, it's not just that he's about to die.

At least until he grows up, he doesn't want Lin Luoqing to die, so if he wants to die, let's wait until he grows up.

After Lin Fei solved the doubts in his heart, he stopped talking to him and looked out the window quietly.

Lin Luoqing just looked at him, wondering if she was so good-looking when she was a child? Good guy, then he should be a child actor!

This face value!

It is also the most handsome in the child star circle!

I am so sorry!

It seems that hundreds of millions have been missed!

Not long after he regretted it, the waiter came over and began to serve them food one after another.

Lin Luoqing picked up a piece of tenderloin and put it in Lin Fei's bowl, "Eat."

As he spoke, he continued to pick up other dishes for Lin Fei.

This is the second time Lin Fei enjoys this kind of treatment at his place. It was the first time last night, and now it is the second time. Lin Fei is really not used to it. He said "I can do it myself" while eating quietly with his head down. .

Lin Luoqing saved some snacks, and noticed that he was the same as yesterday, not picky eaters, but his taste was sweeter, probably because he really likes sweets, Lin Luoqing thought, he can buy him a small cake or something when he goes back later.

He paid the bill, asked the waiter to pack the leftovers, and went to the supermarket with Lin Fei.

When the two returned from the supermarket, Lin Luoqing saw someone standing in front of his house as soon as they got out of the elevator.

The man was dressed very richly, with jet-black hair tied behind his head, and ten pearl hairpins were inserted in total, all of which were valuable emeralds, just like a peacock spreading its tail.

Lin Luoqing stood still silently, thinking about who this is, does he know him?

The man turned his head, and when he saw him, the corners of his eyes began to twitch.

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing felt that she probably went to the wrong door. Looking at the strength and frequency of the twitching, the place she really wanted to go should be the ophthalmology department.

However, before he had time to remind the other party that the ophthalmology department was not in this building, he saw the other party shouted "Lolo" and rushed towards him.

Lin Luoqing hurriedly took a step back, dodging her attack.

I saw the man's legs were slightly bent, and his hands were lowered, which was actually a bit like the posture of a court lady saluting in ancient times.

Lin Luoqing couldn't help laughing, and said to her, "Be flat."

other side:…

Lin Luoqing watched her stand up quickly, and began to twitch the corners of her eyes again, looking like she was about to cry, but suddenly felt like she remembered something, at this age, with this kind of dress, he would still be called Luo Luo. It must be the narrow-minded stepmother of the original owner.

Then he almost knew the purpose of her coming here. After all, the original owner thought that he was going to replace Lin Luojing and Ji Yuxiao in marriage after hearing her words.

So she appeared here at this time only for one thing - let the original owner replace her son and marry Ji Yuxiao!

Really, it came just in time.

Lin Luoqing opened the door and let Chen Feng—the original owner's stepmother—enter the room.

"Sit whatever you want," he said politely.

Lin Fei glanced at Chen Feng while changing his shoes, but didn't speak.

Lin Luoqing waited for him to change his shoes, then pulled him into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and put the things in his hand in batches.

"In the future, if you are hungry, you can come here directly to get food. But you are still young, so don't start a fire easily. If you are hungry, eat some bread, biscuits and other cushions, and wait for uncle to come back and cook for you."

Lin Fei looked up at him, skeptical about the phrase "I'll cook for you when uncle comes back".

Lin Luoqing looked at his three-point suspicion, three-point disbelief, and four-point puzzlement eyes, stretched out his hand and pinched his face, and thought to himself why he started drawing again without paying attention. If this continues, he will become a professional Illustrator!

"Trust me 1 He shook the flesh on Lin Fei's face that he was pinching.

Lin Fei let out an "oh", and didn't bother arguing with him about it.

Only then did Lin Luoqing let go, seeing that his face was a little red from being pinched by herself, she rubbed it for him with a smile, Lin Fei slightly avoided it, but did not avoid it, so she let him go.

"Let's go." Lin Luoqing stood up and supported his shoulders, "You should do your homework after dinner."

Lin Fei didn't speak.

Lin Luoqing sent him back to the room, stood against the door frame, and said to him, "I have something to talk to the grandma outside, after I finish talking, can you come out again?"

Chen Feng not far away:? ? ? ? grandmother? ! How did she become a grandma!

Chen Feng was so angry that he gave Lin Luoqing a hard look, and because he had something to discuss with him today, he had to hold back.

Lin Fei nodded and sat down at his desk.

Lin Luoqing saw that he took out the book from his schoolbag, closed the door, and walked towards Chen Feng.

However, as soon as Lin Luoqing left, Lin Fei put down the book.

He has seen this grandma, Lin Fei thought, she remembered that she had come to her house before, and she didn't know what she said to his mother, and his mother's eyes were red in the end.

So what is she doing here this time?

Is it related to him? Is it about his mother?

Thinking so, Lin Fei stood up, quietly walked to the door of his bedroom, and lay down on the door, wanting to listen to the movement outside the door.

Lin Luoqing walked back to the living room and sat down on the sofa opposite Chen Feng.

He looked at Chen Feng and said with a smile, "Auntie, why are you here?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng smiled and said softly, "Luo Luo, I'm here today because I have something good to tell you."

"What good thing?"

"Of course it's your marriage." Chen Feng said, "Your father has already decided that you will replace Xiao Jing and marry Ji Yuxiao. We all know what kind of family Ji's family is. Xiao Xiao gets married, this is really marrying into a wealthy family, and the future glory and wealth will be inexhaustible."

Lin Luoqing smiled lightly, thinking that it's been a while, why are you still chatting with him here?

To put it bluntly, before Ji Yuxiao was disabled, Chen Feng and Lin Luojing saw Ji Yuxiao's status as noble, handsome, and wealthy, and wanted to climb high. Chen Feng and Lin Luojing were unwilling to have such an opportunity for Lin Luojing to advance.

They neither wanted to marry a disabled person, nor did they dare to publicly refuse to offend Ji Yuxiao, and they still wanted to marry the Ji family and break into the upper class of the wealthy family. That's why they thought of Lin Luoqing, the Lin family who had been expelled from the family early, I want him to marry instead of Lin Luojing.

When the original owner heard the news, he acted preemptively, went to Ji Yuxiao, told Ji Yuxiao clearly that he was unwilling and humiliated Ji Yuxiao, and thus completely cut off the Lin family's retreat.

Lin Luoqing looked at the woman in front of her, and she had already made up her mind.

He took a sip of water unhurriedly, and said calmly, "I don't have the guts to fight with my brother for such a good thing, let Xiaojing and Ji Yuxiao get married."

Chen Feng quickly said, "It's okay, your father and I agreed, and Xiao Jing has no objections, so you can marry Ji Yuxiao at ease."

"But Ji Yuxiao is now a cripple." Lin Luoqing hesitated, "I'm a star, how can I marry a cripple?"

Chen Feng silently rolled her eyes in her heart, and said to herself, what kind of star is your name? Are all the Internet celebrities in the live broadcast better than you!

"Although he has a disabled leg, he is rich"

"Am I short of money?" Lin Luoqing looked disdainful, "I'm a star, and I will be rich in the future."

Chen Feng: ...It has been said that Internet celebrities are more popular than you! Where on earth do you have the confidence that you will have money!

"Anyway, your father has already decided on this matter, so Luo Luo, you don't have to think so much, as long as you show up on time and go with Ji Yuxiao to get the certificate."

Lin Luoqing laughed mockingly, "So what if Dad decides? Is he married to Ji Yuxiao? If I don't go to the Civil Affairs Bureau, can he still pretend to be me? If I don't go to the wedding scene, he can still go by himself Do you make up like me and Ji Yuxiao exchanging rings?"

"Wow~" Lin Luoqing became a little excited when he thought of this, "The picture must be very beautiful, I'm looking forward to it."

Chen Feng: ...

Chen Feng looked at his unscrupulous look, and said angrily, "So you don't want to?"

"Of course I don't want to." Lin Luoqing crossed her arms and said, "Which celebrity got married so early, after I get the three gold medals, I'll think about whether to get married or not."

Chen Feng: ...

Chen Feng felt that she might not be able to wait in this lifetime!

Lin Luoqing won the three gold medals, and that tortoise can drive a jeep!

Seeing that this trick was not working, she had no choice but to soften her expression and decided to change it.

Lin Luoqing watched, and saw her eyelids twitched again, frowning while twitching, her eyes getting more and more sad.

Lin Luoqing: ...Could it be that she wanted to perform a crying scene, but couldn't cry, so there was only thunder and no rain, right?

This is really a gangster, Guan Gong is playing a big knife in front of him, why do you think you should do it?

Chen Feng squeezed for a long time but failed to shed tears, finally gave up, and said sadly, "Luo Luo, you can help your brother, you can marry Ji Yuxiao, you have a oil bottle, and he also has one." Tuoyoubo, you two can drag Youyoubo to contact you.”

Lin Luoqing: ...

Chen Feng twitched his eyes again, "I know you don't like him, but as long as you marry Ji Yuxiao this time, your father is willing to let you return to the Lin family. Isn't this a good thing for you? You just Don't you want to go back to your father?"

I really don't want to, dear.


"Sorry to interrupt," Lin Luoqing looked at her curiously and said, "May I ask, do you want to cry?"

Chen Feng: ...Well.

"You can't do this." Lin Luoqing shook her head helplessly, "Come, look at me, and follow me."

After he finished speaking, he blinked his eyes, pursed his lips, and his expression suddenly became sad. He looked at Chen Feng, tears slowly appeared in his eyes, and his eyes were wronged and innocent, "it's dad who doesn't want me, and it's not me who doesn't want me." He, why should I come back to him again, I don't care."

After finishing speaking, tears fell down without disappointment. Lin Luoqing turned her head and raised her hand to wipe away the tears, with a stubborn and pitiful look.

Chen Feng: ...

"This... your father was wrong and kicked you out, but..."

"Have you learned it?" Lin Luoqing turned her head and looked at her again.

"Crying scenes, we have to act like this. Tears follow emotions. At the beginning, they can't fall, expressing the protagonist's forbearance and grievances, and then slowly slipping down, showing his sadness and stubbornness. I don't know if you just twitch the corners of your eyes like you I thought you had cramps in your eyes, so I wouldn't be moved by it at all, I just want to advise you to seek medical treatment as soon as possible and recover soon."

Chen Feng who thought he was really crying just now: ...

Chen Feng, who is now annoyed and furious:! !

However, Lin Luoqing was still continuing his acting teaching, "Come on, do it again, this time, you must be full of emotions, tears in place, don't just twitch without raining, this way it won't infect people, and the director will call out."

Chen Feng:! !

"Lin Luoqing, you are enough!" Chen Feng said angrily, "What are you doing? "

"Crack." Lin Luoqing raised his hand and patted it, "The tone is impatient, the expression is too ugly, like a villain, start again."

Chen Feng:? ? ?

"Do you find this interesting?"

"Cut." Lin Luoqing continued to play the board, "The emotion is not rich enough, the tone is too bad, your lines are not good enough, try again."

Chen Feng: ...

Chen Feng was almost ashamed of his anger, "Let me tell you, you don't have to come here, you and Ji Yuxiao are married.

Lin Luoqing was dissatisfied, "Kakaka! Tears! After talking for so long, what about your tears! You are really the worst class of students I have ever taught 1

Chen Feng: ...

Chen Feng was so angry that he wanted to turn around and leave, but because he wanted to leave the marriage to him, he could only grit his teeth and look at him, his eyes were full of anger.

Seeing that Chen Feng stopped talking, Lin Luoqing said slowly, "Actually, it's not that I can't do it at all."

Chen Feng's eyes lit up instantly, what did you say? Can you say that again!

"Thirty million, give me thirty million, and I will promise you to marry Ji Yuxiao."

"You're dreaming." Chen Feng refused, "You want me to give you 30 million when you get married. You're thinking beautifully."

"Then let Lin Luojing marry a disabled person."

Chen Feng: ...

"Three million." Chen Feng gritted his teeth, "For three million, you will marry Ji Yuxiao."

"Fifty million." Lin Luo said calmly.

"What did you say 1 Chen Feng was shocked, "Lin Luoqing, you are such a lion, open your mouth 1

"Then you can let Lin Luojing marry him and become a father directly. In one step, you can hug your grandson on the spot. Are you happy?"

Chen Feng: ...

"Ten million." Chen Feng gritted his teeth.

"100 million." Lin Luoqing didn't even blink his eyes, "If you keep haggling, I'll continue to add more. Anyway, I don't care if it's successful or not, and you don't care either?"

Chen Feng had never felt that he was so difficult. She looked at the person in front of her, her teeth were about to gnaw, but it didn't help.

"After a long time, Chen Feng finally made up his mind, "Just as you said at the beginning, 30 million, I will give you 30 million, and you will go to Ji Yuxiao tomorrow and say that you like him and you want Marry Xiaojing instead of him 1

"Deal." Lin Luoqing smiled, and he slowly took out a bank card from his wallet, "Come on, dear stepmother, write down my card number, when the deposit arrives, I will go to Jiyu The time of the sky."

Chen Feng was annoyed, but he had no choice but to take his bank card, took a photo, and returned the card to him.

She looked at Lin Luoqing and vaguely felt that he seemed different today than before, but she was so angry that she didn't want to talk to him anymore, so she stood up and walked out.

Lin Luoqing waved her hand, "Walk slowly, come here often when you are free~"

Who will come here often! Chen Feng complained in her heart, seeing you feels annoying!

She closed the door with a "bang" and went downstairs bitterly.

Lin Luoqing smiled, and glanced at the bank card in her hand. She was in a very good mood. She made 30 million yuan the next day after passing through, which is really cool.

It would be great if I could wake up with thirty million more every morning.

Lin Fei listened for a long time, but only heard the word marriage.

He knew that Lin Luoqing was going to get married, so he didn't take it seriously, and returned to the desk to continue reading.

When Lin Luoqing knocked on the door and came in, he saw him obediently writing Chinese homework stroke by stroke.

"So cute." Lin Luoqing said, and put the washed and cut apples on his desk.

"Is that grandma gone?" Lin Fei asked him

"Well." Lin Luoqing said, "Tell me about my marriage, and then leave."

Lin Fei nodded, thinking that he really wanted to get married, so he didn't think much about it.

Seeing that he was busy with his homework, Lin Luoqing didn't bother him, rubbed his head and left his bedroom.

He went back to his bedroom, planning to pick out clothes for going out tomorrow. After all, he was going to meet Ji Yuxiao's family, so he had to make a good impression on them.

Lin Luoqing opened the original owner's closet, looked at the clothes full of it, pondered for a while, and finally clicked on WeChat.

Lin Luoqing: 【Are you asleep, bro? 】

After waiting for two minutes, he received Ji Yuxiao's reply: [Not yet. 】

Lin Luoqing immediately took out a suit of clothes, took a photo and sent it to him: [Can I wear this tomorrow? 】

Ji Yuxiao looked at it and commented: [It's too serious. 】

Seeing parents is a serious matter, Lin Luo said with a clear heart, but he didn't hesitate, and quickly chose the second set of clothes, and sent it to Ji Yuxiao again.

【Is this not serious? 】

[It's too simple. 】Ji Yuxiao said critically.

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing had no choice but to choose a suit of clothes again: 【What about this one? It's not that plain, and it's not serious. 】

Ji Yuxiao: [That's true, but if you wear this, there may not be a ten-meter-long red carpet in front of our house for you to play. 】

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing felt that he was simply too picky!

He clicked on the keyboard and asked the question of the soul: [So dear, are you planning to let me accompany you home tomorrow to meet your parents without any clothes on? 】

Read The Duke's Passion