MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 336 Spoiler: A family of four on variety shows (April 1) team leader...

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Spoiler: A Family of Four on Variety Shows (April 1)

Netizens in the live broadcast room didn't realize that Lin Fei didn't eat breakfast, he didn't like it, and wanted to leave it to Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao, and said with emotion:

[Fei Fei is too sensible. 】

【Feifeizhen misses her father all the time. 】

【I want to have a child like this, no matter how much he pays in this life, I am willing. 】

【Then, having this kind of child is worth a lifetime. 】

【The little fish doesn't eat it either, so I guess I want to leave breakfast for my dad. 】

[And Xiaoyu also gave his own milk to Feifei, the two children of Lin Luoqing's family, they really care about their family. 】

[Yes, the kind that really treats you as a relative, it's even closer than ordinary family relationships. 】

[Too envious, I really don't envy Qingqing and Mr. Ji for their successful careers, but I really envy them for having such well-behaved two children. 】

【I also! 】

Lin Fei and Ji Leyu walked all the way. As they walked, Tang Jiale suddenly called out, "Little yellow duck."

Ji Leyu took a closer look, and sure enough, there was a little yellow duck balloon floating on the road not far away.

Everyone walked quickly and saw a small **** along this road.

Tang Jiale took the lead and ran. Cheng Huiya watched and followed him and ran together, but she sprained her ankle and almost fell. At the critical moment, it was Lin Fei who had quick eyesight and quick hands to pull her to prevent her from falling completely.

Cheng Huiya was taken aback, and while thanking Lin Fei, she decided not to run around anymore, but to walk obediently.

Seeing this, Geng Shansi persuaded Tang Jiale, "Brother Jiale, don't run away, as soon as you run, Xiaoya will follow suit, if you fall, Xiaoya should cry."

Tang Jiale nodded quickly, and said very cooperatively, "Well, I will definitely not run around in the future."

They sloped, walked for a while, and saw a river.

As the so-called Prophet of Plumbing Ducks in the Spring River, there was a group of ducklings swimming together on the river at this time, Yang Jing counted them unconsciously, and Geng Shansi remembered the nursery rhyme "Counting Ducks".

Lin Fei and Ji Leyu looked at the river in front of them, and then looked down at the book. The book read: Along the slope, there is a clear small river. Ducks are playing in the small river. There is a man wearing a yellow hat by the river. Uncle, find him and let him take you across the river, then you can continue walking.

"Uncle in the yellow hat." Ji Leyu murmured.

Lin Fei joined the book and began to search on the shore, and the other children followed him. Tang Jiale even called out directly, "Uncle, Uncle in the yellow hat, where are you?"

No one answered, only the little duck was "quack" in the water.

Lin Fei and the others searched for a while, and finally found a man wearing a yellow hat sleeping against the haystack on a haystack.

Tang Jiale rushed over and called him in a low voice, "Uncle, Uncle."

The man opened his eyes and stretched, "What's the matter?"

"Uncle, can you help us cross the river?" Tang Jiale asked.

"What are you doing across the river?"

"Our parents are playing hide and seek with us, we have to cross the river to find them," Tang Jiale said.

The man nodded, "Okay, but you have to answer a question for me."

"No problem, tell me." Tang Jiale was very confident.

The man stood up and asked him, "I took thirty ducks out this morning and lost twelve on the way. But when I got to the river, I found thirty-five ducks by the river. The thirty-five ducks Thirteen of the ducks have been playing with my ducks. When I went back at night, these thirteen ducks followed me home. After I finished eating, I opened the door and saw that the twelve ducks that got lost in the morning Eight of them came back by themselves, so how many ducks do I have now?"

Tang Jiale: ...

Tang Jiale backed away silently.

Netizens laughed:

[Is it true that you took a step back [funny]]

[Lele, why are you still backing away? Isn't it okay? You answer it! 】

【Lele: I really can't do this, I really can't do this! 】

[Lele: Conditions permit, I can't wait to turn around and run away! 】

[Lele: Please ask professionals to answer professional questions, call Lin Fei, and call Lin Fei urgently. 】

[Hahahaha that is indeed more suitable for this kind of question. 】

Tang Jiale's parents on the monitor also couldn't laugh or cry, "I will strengthen his math tutoring when I get back!"

"I knew he couldn't answer it. He got a headache when he heard math problems."

"Let's wait for Feifei to answer, Feifei is sure."

Tang Jiale felt the same way. He glanced at Lin Fei quietly and motioned for him to answer.

Lin Fei said calmly, "39."

The man said in surprise, "It's amazing, little baby, you figured it out so quickly."

what! How did you figure it out so quickly!

Tang Jiale looked at Lin Fei with disbelief.

Lin Fei: ...

Is it rare to know the answer to such a simple question without hearing it?

Lin Fei turned to look at Tang Jiale. Could it be that someone didn't know the answer after hearing it?

Tang Jiale: ...

Tang Jiale bowed his head silently.

The parents of the monitor and the netizens watching the live broadcast burst into laughter.

【Hahaha Feifei seems to be saying: No way, no way, no one really can’t figure it out! 】

【Lele: I'm the one who can't figure it out [woo woo]]

【However, Feifei answered very quickly, and the speed of mental calculation is very fast. 】

[After all, he can get full marks in the exam [proud face]]

[Hahahaha upstairs is as proud as his own cub. 】

[Mother Yun is also a mother, it must be my cub [yeah]]

"I'll give him Mathematical Olympiad classes when I get back!" Tang Zhiqi was heartbroken.

Heng'e glanced at him and said mercilessly, "Just Lele's basics, and the Olympiad math class? Let's start with the basic class first, the elementary school mathematics basic class."

Everyone laughed again, and Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao didn't have any smiles in their eyes.

Lin Luoqing looked at Lin Fei with a paralyzed little face, and asked the staff with no expression if he could take them across the river now, thinking that his son was really smart.

As expected of his little Feifei, although he is young, he already has the posture of the backbone of the team.

The uncle in the yellow hat led Lin Fei and the others all the way. He turned a corner, and there was a small bridge in front of him.

"You can go to the opposite side by crossing the bridge." He said.

Lin Fei said thank you politely, and walked towards Ji Leyu together.

Cross the bridge, a relatively wide mountain road.

Yang Jing hummed a nursery rhyme and picked flowers while walking, while Tang Jiale looked at Lin Fei with a little reluctance.

He is obviously older than Lin Fei, how can he let Lin Fei overwhelm him in everything?

Although he can't compare with Lin Fei in studies, he is not weaker than Lin Fei in other aspects.

Thinking so, Tang Jiale emboldened himself and walked over, "Lin Fei, I'll take that book."

He tried to make himself more confident, "I am the biggest, I should be the captain."

Lin Fei: ...

Lin Fei glanced at him, three points speechless, three points disgusted, and four points calm that he didn't want to talk to him.

It's a pity that everyone only saw the tranquility in his eyes, and only Lin Luoqing read his eyes completely.

Ji Leyu didn't expect Tang Jiale to want to be their team leader, and said in surprise, "But uncle village chief gave the book to my brother."

"But I'm the biggest." Tang Jiale said, trying to puff out her small chest, pretending to be imposing.

Lin Fei: ...

Ji Leyu: ...

Tang Zhiqi: ...

Heng'e: ...

Tang Zhiqi bowed his head silently, unable to bear to look directly at him.

Heng'e turned to look at Lin Luoqing, "Don't worry, Teacher Lin, I'll let him know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is when I get back."

Lin Luoqing laughed, "That's not necessary."

He thought Tang Jiale was quite cute.

But Ji Leyu didn't think that just as he was about to say something, Lin Fei had already handed out the book in his hand.

Ji Leyu:? ? ?

Ji Leyu didn't know, so he glanced at Lin Fei, and saw that Lin Fei was still calm as always, so he didn't say anything, but he was not satisfied.

He was about to shed a few false tears to show his grievance, but he found that his hand was held by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei pinched him lightly, the meaning was very clear, and he was not allowed to fake cry or do other petty tricks.

Ji Leyu: ...

Ji Leyu watched him hold his hand, well, for Lin Fei's sake, let Tang Jiale off this time.

Tang Jiale didn't know that he had escaped a catastrophe, so he took the book in Lin Fei's hand on the spot and read the words on the book.

"Go along the mountain road until you reach a place with lambs, find an uncle with a blue hat, and ask him to tell you how to get there."

After he finished speaking, he raised his arms and called out, "Let's go!"

As he said that, he launched himself out like a small firecracker.

Lin Fei: ...

Ji Leyu: ...

Cheng Huiya and Yang Jing who dare not run too fast: ...

Several people continued to walk slowly.

Tang Jiale ran halfway, but when he turned around, he found that the others were still behind him, so he had to turn back again.

"Why are you so slow?"

Geng Shansi sighed, and pointed to the two little sisters next to him, "You forgot to run when you were on the **** just now, Xiaoya followed you, but almost fell, it was because my brother caught her in time."

Tang Jiale thought about it, and he also remembered his saying that he would never run again. He felt guilty in an instant, touched his head awkwardly, and smiled innocently.

Soon, Tang Jiale, as the team leader, discovered a group of lambs on the grass not far away.

"Xiaoyang Xiaoyang," he said excitedly, "where's the blue hat uncle? Why didn't you see him?"

Geng Shansi looked left and right, and faintly saw a touch of blue in the grass on the other side, "Isn't it there?"

Tang Jiale stood on tiptoe to have a look, "It seems to be a blue hat, no matter, let's go and have a look first."

Lin Fei felt that he should be the only one, so he took the initiative to pull Ji Leyu towards him.

The uncle in the blue hat was feeding the lambs. Seeing them approaching, he smiled, "Little friends, why are you here?"

"We are looking for our parents." Tang Jiale took the initiative, "Uncle, do you know how we should go?"

"Well... if you help with my little problem, I'll help you with yours."

"What's the problem?" Tang Jiale asked curiously.

"I haven't read much. Although I herd sheep every day, I don't know the idioms and poems related to sheep. Can you tell me a few?"

Tang Jiale:! Here again, this time no math test!

Tang Jiale looked at the person in front of him, thinking that he is the current team leader, he must not admit defeat!

He thought about it, thought about it, and thought hard for a long time, and finally came up with an idiom, "Satisfied."

The uncle shook his head, "I'm so proud of my sheep."

Tang Jiale:? ? ? ? ! Why not! What kind of sheep is there!

He couldn't figure it out, so he turned to look at Lin Fei with guilt and embarrassment.

Netizens couldn't help laughing at his meaningful little eyes:

[Hahahaha, it can't be solved, Lele, in the end I have to come here. 】

[Lele: Don't ask, you'll be overwhelmed if you ask, and you'll feel guilty if you ask! 】

[I figured out that the program team should take the opportunity to test the children and help them establish a good study attitude, so there will be a math question and a language question. 】

【Lele is the oldest one. Under normal conditions, he should perform the best. It's a pity...】

[Don't say it, we are happy to transform the desert [cover your face]]

Tang Zhiqi and Heng'e, who were monitoring, also covered their faces silently, and decided to give Tang Jiale more door language tutoring when they went back!

These poems and idioms are too poor to store food!

Tang Jiale didn't know that he already had two extra extracurricular tutoring courses, and he moved to Lin Fei's side step by step with guilt and embarrassment.

"Well, Lin Fei, I think it would be good for you to be the team leader." He whispered softly.

Otherwise, what if he takes an English test later! Oh my god, it's terrible! Tang Jiale, a scumbag, feels horrible just thinking about it!

"This book is for you, and the captain will also give it to you. I will be your vice-captain. Give it."

Tang Jiale took his hand and put the book on it.

Looking at his actions, Ji Leyu smiled innocently and brightly, with a hint of innocence and confusion, "Brother Jiale, are you not the team leader? But you are the oldest."

Tang Jiale: ...But he is a scumbag qaq

Sure enough, it made sense for the teacher not to choose a scumbag as the monitor, and he no longer wanted to be the monitor.

Lin Fei reluctantly took the book in his hand, he knew that in the end the book had to be handed over to him, after all, Tang Jiale was not that smart.

Read The Duke's Passion