MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 319 Extra: A family of four on a variety show (24) "Thank you...

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Extra Story: A Family on Variety Shows (2)

Like Lin Luoqing's family, other families also eat at this time.

As soon as Wu Han came home, he hugged Wen Qinyao and acted like a baby with her aggrieved.

"What's for lunch?" he asked.

"Eat steamed buns and vegetables." Wen Qinyao said warmly.

This morning, the babies went to the market to sell potatoes, and the people learned how to steam steamed buns from the teacher. Among them, Lin Luoqing won the first place again by relying on Lin Luoqing's superb technique and Ji Yuxiao's shaping of the shape of the steamed buns. In addition, I learned how to wrap bunny buns.

Although the other parents did not make steamed buns as good-looking as Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao, they were still edible. Based on the principle of not wasting, the program team asked them to take them home as a staple food for lunch.

Wu Han didn't like steamed buns, so he shook his head in disgust and refused, "I want rice."

"Wait until the afternoon." Wen Qinyao coaxed him, "Eat steamed buns at noon and then rice in the afternoon."

Hearing what he said, Wu Han immediately made a fuss, and it was Wu Fei who spoke, so he stopped making a fuss, and sat down again aggrieved.

When he thought about what happened in the car again, he was doubly aggrieved, his mouth puckered, and he burst into tears.

Wen Qinyao felt sorry for him, and immediately said, "Don't cry, don't cry, mom will steam rice for you."

Wu Han cried and nodded, complaining, "I want to drink hot water, but today we go out, they have hot water, but they won't give me to drink."

"Who won't give you a drink?" Wen Qinyao didn't understand.

"It's Lin Fei and Ji Leyu." Wu Han looked at her, "They both drink by themselves and don't give me anything. They are bad and hateful."

Seeing this, the filming director hurriedly explained the matter.

Wen Qinyao and Wu Fei didn't even dream of selling a potato, but something terrible happened. When they heard that Ji Leyu was crying, their moods became complicated.

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao are two people, one is high-ranking and popular in the entertainment industry, the other is rich and has capital, neither of them can be blamed, but in the end, his son made his son cry, when Ji Yuxiao If Lin Luoqing and Lin Luoqing are eager to pursue the case, the two of them will definitely have a hard time.

Wen Qinyao looked at her son and taught him, "Why do you still steal other people's things? It's not that there is no hot water at home, so it's the same when you come back to drink? Why do you want to grab other people's water?"

When Wu Han heard what he said, he felt even more aggrieved, "But I want to drink."

"Then you can't grab it either." Wu Fei said angrily.

Wu Han cried again with a "wow".

Wen Qinyao felt sorry for him after all, hugged him and coaxed him loudly, "Okay, okay, don't cry, mom knows you didn't mean it, we Hanhan are good. When you see Ji Leyu and Lin Fei again in a while, why don't you cry?" They apologize, okay?"

"What?" Wu Han was unwilling, "Obviously they didn't give it to me."

"Your child is so ignorant." Wu Fei frowned, "Your mother said that you can't **** things, it's your fault if you **** things from others."

Wu Han was yelled at by him, and he retracted into Wen Qinyao's arms in fear.

Wen Qinyao hugged him and coaxed him slowly, and took him to eat after a while.

Netizens looked at it with speechless faces:

[So the matter is over? The two of you, husband and wife, don't recognize education, so it's over? 】

【Wen Qinyao spoils her child too much, and "Mom knows you didn't mean it, we Hanhan are good" Your son did it on purpose, and he said he was broken, you still say "Mom knows you didn't mean it"? Not intentional, what is intentional? 】

[Before, Xiaoyu was bad and hated, but now it has become "they are bad and hated". It's all bad. 】

【see it? It's all the same, the mother is still coaxing, your son didn't realize that he was wrong at all, and if it goes on, it will only get worse and worse. 】

[Now I know how the bears are born, as a result, behind every bear there is a doting parent. 】

[However, Feifei and Xiaoyu didn't tell Mr. Ji and Qingqing about the matter. It feels like they might not want Mr. Ji and Qingqing to know. 】

[It's possible, after all, he's the one who can send pocket money to Mr. Ji and Qingqing [cover face]]

[Looking at Feifei and Xiaoyu, and then looking at Wu Han, the world is uneven, the gap is too great. 】

[That is, Feifei and Xiaoyu species have too few children, it is hard to find a child! 】

【As for Ji Zong and Qingqing, there are two of them, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 】

[Guan Ji sum and Qing Qing saved the Milky Way in his previous life [狗头]]

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao finished their meal, checked the time, and planned to take a nap with the children.

Hearing this, Ji Leyu couldn't wait to get on the kang and chose a seat for herself.

Ji Yuxiao lost, "If you can sleep while studying, then that's fine."

"I have studied hard now." Ji Leyu was very proud, "I am the second."

"Then why don't you take the first place?" Ji Yuxiao asked him, "Don't you want to?"

Ji Leyu nodded, and said confidently, "The number one is my brother."

"Then you can be even more powerful, surpass your brother, and be number one."

Ji Leyu:? ? ? ?

Ji Leyu thought for a while about the idiom story he and Lin Fei had read, then turned to ask Lin Fei, "What is that idiom? What do you think, it means it's very unreliable."

"Wishful thinking." Lin Fei said calmly.

Ji Leyu nodded and looked at Ji Yuxiao, "Wishful thinking."

Ji Yuxiao haha, "Why don't you believe yourself."

"Because I believe in my brother~" Ji Leyu came over in an instant with a brilliant look.

Ji Yuxiao was so cute that he kissed him on the cheek, "Then you are a good brother."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and kissed Lin Fei, "Our Feifei is also a great brother."

Lin Fei: ...Oh.

Lin Luoqing looked at Lin Fei with a cold face, rubbed his face, only to let go of Lin Fei's disgust, and hugged him, "Sleep, sleep, sleep gone."

Lin Fei lay down and slept peacefully in his arms.

I slept almost until 2:30, when the task of the program team came.

Lin Luoqing woke up Lin Fei and Ji Leyu, rubbed his eyes, and got into bed with Ji Yuxiao who had already been woken up by the program crew.

Ji Leyu was sleeping soundly, and was suddenly woken up by Lin Luoqing. She was a little dazed, and her reaction was half a beat too late.

Lin Luoqing helped him put on the down jacket, rubbed his sleeping flushed face, "You're a little slob."

Ji Yuxiao looked at him silently, thinking that you are the same, baby~

But he only dared to say it silently.

The two got dressed and took the two babies out.

Netizens were instantly excited:

[Very well, the clothes are already put on, and the only thing left is to find the money! 】

[Hurry up, hurry up, can't wait! 】

[So excited, so excited! Fast forward to Qingqing discovering the money, fast forward to Qingqing surprise, Qingqing loves each other! 】

[Yes, yes, hurry up! 】

Feeling cold, Lin Luoqing stuffed his hands into his pockets, and as soon as he put them in, he touched something like a thick wad of money.

He was a little puzzled, didn't he remember that there was money in his pocket?

Lin Luoqing lowered his head, took out the things in his pocket a little bit, and saw the familiar banknotes of one yuan, five cents, five yuan, and ten yuan.

The amount of these money is too fragmented, so it can't be his own, so it can only be the money from selling potatoes by Lin Fei and Ji Leyu in the morning, but Ji Leyu's money has already been put in his bag, so it is Whose is self-evident.

Netizens were immediately excited:

[I found it, I found it, Qingqing finally found it! 】

[Surprise or surprise, surprise or happiness, surprise? Qingqing? ! 】

[Very good, Qingqing, you should be able to guess who gave it to you! 】

[It's him, it's him, it's him, your little baby, Xiao Feifei! 】

【Kiss him, kiss him! Kiss our little Feifei baby! 】

【Weeping with joy, Qingqing, you finally found out! Mr. Ji, why haven't you found out yet! Quickly reach into your pocket! 】

[Mr. Ji, you are so anxious to death! 】

【Ah, Qingqing, why don't you kiss him? If you don't, I will kiss him for you. Mua~mua~ Holding Feifei is just a kiss! 】

Lin Luoqing put the money back, and looked down at Lin Fei who was holding his hand.

Lin Fei looked ahead and walked quietly, as usual, with no expression on his face, which matched the cold season of winter very well.

Lin Luoqing couldn't help lowering her head, Lin Fei turned her head, as if she didn't understand him.

Lin Luoqing rubbed his hair, feeling that he was a gentle and beautiful child.

He bent down and hugged Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was a little surprised, looked into his eyes and seemed to say: Why did you suddenly hug me?

Seeing this, Ji Leyu immediately stretched out her hand to hug Ji Yuxiao.

Ji Yuxiao poked him on the head and hugged him. Ji Leyu hugged his neck happily and asked him, "Father, are you cold?"

"Not cold." Ji Yuxiao said, "How about you? Is it cold?"

Ji Leyu shook her head and leaned into his arms, "I won't be cold if you hold me~"

Listening to his words, Ji Yuxiao wondered, neither his brother nor his sister-in-law are sweet talkers, so why is Ji Leyu's little mouth so sweet?

It's just like sugar, sugar man.

Ji Yuxiao's filter got thicker and thicker.

Lin Luoqing carried Lin Fei down the slope, put his mouth close to his ear, and said softly, "I found it~"

Lin Fei looked up at him.

Lin Luoqing's tone was gentle, "Winter is here, the forest is covered with snow, and the beautiful wild flowers are covered by the snow, and no other colors can be seen anymore. One day, the sleeping forest opened its eyes and found that there were "colors" scattered on the snow in front of it. ’A colorful little flower, next to the little flower is the paw print of the little tiger leaving, so the forest said to the direction where the little tiger left, ‘Thank you, little tiger, thank you for bringing the colors of spring.’”

Lin Fei understood, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

He already knew, he thought, Lin Luoqing should have found the money in his pocket and guessed that he put it there.

Lin Luoqing looked at him, and he kissed him on the cheek, "Not every forest has cubs, but a forest with cubs must be a happy forest."

Lin Fei didn't speak, but just looked at him again, as if colorful flowers were blooming in his heart.

Even though it was winter, he seemed to feel the color of spring.

Read The Duke's Passion