MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 3 third

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third chapter:

Lin Luoqing got an affirmative answer, which is equivalent to getting the gold medal for avoiding death, and jumped out of Ji Leyu's death note.

He was in a good mood, and he became more involved during the audition. The performance was earth-shattering and touching. Not only did he cry, but the interview staff almost cried.

The assistant director in charge of the audition asked him a few questions, and the official told him to go back and wait for an announcement.

Lin Luoqing didn't ask too much, after all, there are simply too many things to consider in determining a role, not only your image and acting skills, but also the capital behind you.

He has gone through too many auditions, and he has already understood the twists and turns behind it, and he has long learned to calm down.

Therefore, Lin Luoqing thanked him politely and left the interview room.

After leaving the room, Lin Luoqing walked towards the elevator with ease, preparing to go home and rest for a while—he had experienced so much in just a few hours!

But speaking of which, where is the original owner's house?

As he was thinking, a place name automatically popped up in his mind.

Lin Luoqing tentatively took a taxi and drove towards this place. Sure enough, as the destination approached, some memories came to his mind vaguely.

Those memories are not clear and deep, like a fog, only a vague shadow.

But Lin Luoqing is not in a hurry, he has now resolved Ji Leyu's biggest crisis, so what else is there to be afraid of?

Is there anything more terrifying than villains in this world?


So he can relax first and wait for the memories belonging to the original owner to return slowly.

The car stopped at the entrance of the community, Lin Luoqing got out of the car, entered the community, and walked towards the familiar unit building by instinct.

He didn't even need to think, his hand had already pressed the number 15 after entering the elevator.

Lin Luoqing watched the elevator keep going up, stepped out of the elevator door on the 15th floor, turned right with both feet, and came to the door of the house.

He took out the key, opened the door, looked at the fairly spacious room in front of him, and silently let out a sigh of relief.

It's not easy to finally rest.

After changing his shoes and entering the door, Lin Luoqing vaguely heard some movement in the kitchen as he passed by the kitchen. Lin Luoqing stepped back suspiciously, walked towards the kitchen vigilantly, and saw a five or six-year-old man in front of the gas stove. The child, who is stepping on the bench, seems to be cooking.

child? ? ? ? ?

How could there be children in this house? The original owner has children?

Lin Luoqing looked at the child in front of him suspiciously.

The child heard the footsteps, turned his head slowly, and met Lin Luoqing's eyes.

He looks very good-looking, a very handsome kind of good-looking, most children at his age are just cute, but he can already clearly see the delicacy of the facial features and the handsomeness of the outline

His eyelashes are very long, but they are not curly, but drooping densely, covering his too clear eyes. He looked at Lin Luoqing, without the child's surprise after seeing their parents back, calm and even a little indifferent.

"I'm cooking noodles, do you want to eat?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing couldn't help approaching him, and looked into the pot.

There were not many noodles, and there were a few green vegetables swimming in the pot with the noodles, which looked very miserable.

"You just eat this?" He asked the child in front of him.

The child gave a cold "hmm", as if he didn't want to say anything more to him.

Lin Luoqing thought for a while, walked to the refrigerator, and opened the refrigerator.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was really shocked when I saw it. The fourth floor of the refrigerator was clean and there was almost nothing there. There were only a few eggs, a handful of vegetables, a bag of dried noodles and two tomatoes.

He opened the freezer and looked, good guy, it was also clean and spotless.

So the original owner didn't open fire at home?

Is this refrigerator just a decoration?

Lin Luoqing sighed, walked to the gas stove again, and turned off the fire.

The child looked up at him. Although there was doubt in his eyes, there was no expression on his face, let alone surprise, "What are you doing?"

"Take you out to eat." Lin Luoqing looked at him, "At your age, you are still growing up. How can you eat so lightly? I will take you out to eat something good."

It was rare for the child in front of him to show a puzzled, strange and slightly mocking expression. He looked at Lin Luoqing quietly without speaking.

Lin Luoqing looked at him with eyes like a fan-shaped statistical chart, and felt a little uncomfortable, "What is your expression?"

"Also..." He looked at the child in front of him, not daring to reveal the fact that he had changed, and deliberately put on the airs of an adult, "Test you, what is the relationship between us?"


"What do you call me?"


"What do I call you?"


Lin Luoqing was puzzled, "Why don't you speak?"

The child secretly rolled his eyes helplessly, turned around and fired again.

Lin Luoqing simply passed him and closed the main gate, "I told you to take you out to eat, why do you still want to eat noodles?"

He walked over, reached out and hugged the child in front of him off the bench.

The child looked at him in surprise, with an expression of disbelief.

Lin Luoqing was about to say something, when he saw bruises on his arm, not only that, but also a scar that was obviously beaten by something like a stick.

He couldn't help pulling the opponent's arm to observe carefully.

"What's going on here?" Lin Luoqing looked at his other arm, which was also bruised, "Who hit you, a classmate in your class? Or the teacher?"

The child in front of him showed that complex look like a fan-shaped statistical chart again, but this time the statistical chart was three points puzzled, four points speechless, and three points mocking.

Lin Luoqing: ...Why are you five or six years old so proficient in fan charts!

Shouldn't you be crying and complaining about your grievances, and throwing yourself into the arms of the adults? !

Why do you still have to draw pictures at this time!

Are you a drawing expert? !

"Don't worry, I won't say anything about you. Tell me, and I'll help you get justice. Whoever hits you, I'll make you hit back too."

Hearing what he said, the child in front of him finally seemed to have some movement, "Whoever hit me, you let me hit back?"

"Of course." Lin Luoqing looked at him, "otherwise you were beaten in vain? Why?"

"You're right." The child nodded.

"So is it your classmate or your teacher?" Lin Luoqing asked worriedly, "Have you gone to school yet?"

The child still nodded, "It's up."

"Who bullied you then?"

The child blinked, his long eyelashes were like feathers, and suddenly, he smiled lightly, his handsome face had a rare childish cuteness.

"You." He said softly, "So now, do you want me to call you back?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing:! !

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ?

Lin Luoqing looked at the child's smile in front of him, and felt deeply that he probably had a knife hidden in a smile, a needle hidden in a cotton, and a small smile contained great energy!

He smiled awkwardly but politely, and said dryly, "How could it be me who hit you? You remember correctly, I never hit children, I'm so kind."

"Oh?" The child uttered a syllable, pulled his arm out of his hand, bent down, pulled up his trouser leg, and showed him the injury on his leg.

Lin Luoqing:! ! Hold!

Original owner, you are not human!

You can handle such a small child!

and many more!

Lin Luoqing suddenly felt as if he remembered something, children, abuse, and living with "Lin Luoqing" when he was a child.

In an instant, he felt like a blow to the head, and asked the child in front of him blankly, "Lin... Lin Fei?"

"Yeah." The child's tone was flat, "So let me call back?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing: qaq

It's too bad!

He is too miserable!

Ji Leyu was dealt with just now, so why is it Lin Fei's turn!

Lin Fei would not let him marry a dog when he grows up, but he just went straight to the black house! He wished he could turn into a dog!

Lin Luoqing's heart was broken. Other people's time travels were all princes, generals, rich sons, what about him? He was still struggling on the verge of life and death, and finally passed one hurdle, and God sent another hurdle in front of him.

How could he have forgotten that at this time, Ji Leyu hadn't grown up yet, and Lin Fei hadn't grown up yet, so he was still with the original owner and was being abused by the original owner.

Lin Luoqing looked at the child in front of him. Lin Fei looked very handsome, and his whole body was clean. Looking closer, he could tell that he was somewhat similar to himself.

When he was in Ji Yuxiao's guest bedroom before, Lin Luoqing saw his current appearance in the mirror. To his surprise, he looked almost exactly the same as the original owner. The only difference was that there was a tear mole under his eye. The original owner did not.

Therefore, it makes sense for Lin Fei to be like himself. After all, a nephew is like an uncle, and Lin Fei is the original owner's nephew.

Lin Fei's mother, Lin Luoxi, is the older sister of "Lin Luoqing". family, so he has always loved this younger brother who is dependent on him.

However, a loving mother has many losers, and the same is true for a loving sister. "Lin Luoqing" enjoys Lin Luoxi's care, but she doesn't feel grateful, she just thinks it should be. Later, Lin Luoxi passed away from a serious illness, and entrusted her son to her younger brother before she died. "Lin Luoqing" watched her sister dying and burst into tears. The sadness at that time was real, but the boredom afterwards was also real.

No matter how precocious and sensible Lin Fei is, no matter how unwilling to trouble others, he is still a child, so there are many things he does not understand, and there are many times when he needs adults.

He remembered that his mother told him that his uncle was the closest person besides his mother. Before his mother died, his mother called him to the bedside and told him to follow his uncle well and be filial to him when he grew up.

So Lin Fei instinctively gave his trust and dependence to "Lin Luoqing" after Lin Luoxi's death.

But "Lin Luoqing" didn't accept it, he found it annoying, living with children was annoying, taking children to school was annoying, manual homework was annoying, parents would be annoying, parent-child sports games were even more annoying, not to mention buying clothes for children , cooking, bathing.

"Lin Luoqing" tried to do it for a few days, and completely collapsed, especially when he heard a friend say, "You are so young, and you only carry such a big oil bottle, how can you fall in love in the future?" "Lin Luoqing" is more bored with Lin Fei It directly escalated into disgust.

He has someone he likes, although the other party doesn't like him and doesn't pay him much attention, but just because the other party doesn't like him at all, wouldn't it be even more impossible to be with the other party if he added another oil bottle now? up?

He was very heartless at this time, and felt that his sister really didn't think about him, and it was fine if he died, and he still had to entrust his son to him, and he didn't think about how he would get married in the future when he was so young and had a child.

That is to say, from then on, "Lin Luoqing" became more and more displeased with Lin Fei, and began to verbally abuse him, and when he scolded a lot, he began to attack.

Lin Fei was still surprised at first, and said to him in a nice voice, "Uncle, don't do this."

Later, I probably saw clearly that my uncle could not be saved, so I stopped talking. He scolded him, and he just read a book quietly. When he hit him, he would dodge calmly, and when he was beaten, he would silently write down the account in his heart.

He is precocious and smart, knowing that he is still too young, so he can't do much. If he leaves his only relative rashly, he will meet other bad people. After weighing the pros and cons, he feels that "Lin Luoqing" is something he is already familiar with. He would let himself go to school, so he chose to stay with "Lin Luoqing".

He lived calmly and grew up calmly. No matter what injuries he suffered, he would bear it until he graduated from elementary school and entered junior high school.

Relying on the money he had saved, he chose to live on campus. "Lin Luoqing" felt at ease, feeling that he had gotten rid of this oil bottle, but he didn't know how Lin Fei grew up so fast in a place he couldn't see.

Until one day, when he saw this nephew whom he hadn't seen for a long time and seemed to have almost forgotten in the haze, he realized that his nephew had grown taller than him and was stronger than him, and he had become an existence he had to look up to .

It was at this time that Lin Fei, bit by bit, recovered all the suffering he had suffered from him.

He calmly took revenge on "Lin Luoqing". When he beat him when he was a child, he had someone beat him. When he scolded him when he was a child, he asked someone to scold him. The house was locked for seven days, and it was not until "Lin Luoqing" could hardly hold on that he was released and announced that he had no relationship with him.

A person like him is destined to be successful, so it is not surprising that he started from scratch and became the famous cold-faced Hades in the industry.

But now, the little Hades who has not yet become the cold-faced Hades is looking at him with a smile, his voice is soft and immature like a child, but what he just said is enough to make him tremble.

"Can I call back? Uncle, you just said that someone hit me, and you asked me to call back, does that count?"

Lin Luoqing: ... Hey, why aren't you cold-hearted at this moment! Why are you still laughing? Don’t you know that people who don’t usually laugh suddenly laugh very scary? !

Lin Luoqing looked at the harmless smile on his face, took a deep breath, and decided to save himself again!

He hugged Lin Fei tightly, and before Lin Fei could react, he kissed Lin Fei **** the face twice.

Lin Fei pushed him in disgust, but didn't push him away. He could only push his shoulder hard, tilt his head, trying to avoid his sudden intimacy.

"I'm sorry, Feifei, it's my uncle's mistake." Lin Luoqing hugged the child in his arms, crying, "Beating is pain, scolding is love, not beating or scolding your own flesh and blood, uncle beats and scolds you because he loves you."

Lin Fei: ...

Lin Fei stared at the sky silently.

Lin Luoqing let go of him slightly, and looked at his fair little face, "When I hit you, it hurts in my heart. In fact, every time I hit you, my heart hurts more than yours. Uncle's heart—"

Lin Luoqing touched his heart, "It's like chopping dumpling stuffing, crushed 1

Lin Fei: ...

Lin Fei twitched the corner of his mouth silently.

Lin Luoqing let go of his arm, and stretched out a hand in front of him, "You hit me."

Lin Fei: Huh?

"I knew you wouldn't do it." Lin Luoqing said in a sad tone.

Lin Fei: ...

"Then scold me." Lin Luoqing said sincerely.

Lin Fei:? ? ?

"You are so kind, how could you scold people 1

Lin Fei: ...

"Oh my god, Feifei, how can you repay your hatred with kindness and forgive your ugly uncle so much 1 Lin Luoqing hugged him affectionately.

"A child, a young child, has learned the principle of repaying grievances with kindness at a young age, and has learned to use love to influence the evil in this world. Feifei, you really make my uncle ashamed and proud of you! Pity Qin Huang Han Wu , The pattern is too big, Tang Zong and Song Zu, the age is too far away, a generation of Tianjiao Genghis Khan, who was not as sensible as you when he was a child! You are the hope of the nation, the future of the motherland 1

Lin Fei: ...

The fan-shaped statistical chart in Lin Fei's eyes has unconsciously changed its content. Now it is 30% shocked, 30% speechless, and 40% unwilling to speak.

"Uncle knew it was wrong," Lin Luoqing said in a gentle tone, "Uncle will never beat you again. From today on, you are Uncle's sweetheart. I will not sleep unless the moon sleeps. I will accompany Feifei every year."

As Lin Luoqing said, she wanted to kiss him again. Lin Fei immediately pushed him in disgust, and looked at him with complicated eyes.

"So, what you just said doesn't count?"

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ! !

No, son, why are you still thinking about getting revenge on your hateful uncle? !

Is that a bunch of words I just said for nothing? !

At this time, shouldn't you throw yourself into my arms and have a deep affection with my nephew?

Why are you so indifferent?

eonbaby, Uncle's arms are opened for you!

However, Lin Fei didn't want to fall into his open arms, and still looked at him calmly.

Lin Luoqing: ...All right, or say that he is the cold-faced king of Hades. Sure enough, he won't be moved by the rhetoric, so just hit him. It's better to let him beat him now than to be hired by him when he grows up.

"Okay." Lin Luoqing sighed, "No matter how much uncle loves you, how much he loves you, how much he cares about you, but I did hit you before, it was my fault, it was my fault, so you hit me Bar."

Lin Fei:? ? ?

Lin Fei was very skeptical, Lin Fei was very disbelieving, the fan-shaped statistical chart in Lin Fei's eyes became three points of doubt, three points of doubt, and three points of distrust.

Lin Luoqing looked at his evenly distributed fan-shaped statistical chart, and couldn't understand why he was so keen on drawing pictures at a young age? !

Is this trying to be a painter?

Drawing pictures from dolls?

"Let's fight." Lin Luoqing blinked, some tears welled up in his eyes, stretched out his hand, and looked at Lin Fei sincerely.

Lin Fei was really confused by his innocent appearance. No matter how smart and precocious he was, he was only a five or six-year-old child. He couldn't understand why this man called him a moron before going out in the morning. Now But he looked like he liked him and cared about him.

However, it was rare for him to have a chance to take revenge, so he raised his hand without much hesitation, intending to avenge himself.

Lin Luoqing watched him raise his little hand, and was ready to be hit by him.

As a child, with how much strength you have, it is probably soft and painless when you fight!

So he looked at Lin Fei with a gentle face, and encouraged him, "It's okay, uncle doesn't hurt, you don't worry about hitting, if you hit hard, uncle doesn't blame you."

Lin Fei seemed to be reminded by this sentence, and the moment he dropped his hand, he withdrew his hand, "I'm going to get something."

Lin Luoqing:? ? ?

take things? take what?

He looked suspiciously at Lin Fei walking to the back of the kitchen door, and the next second, he saw Lin Fei coming out with a broom from behind the door.

Lin Luoqing:! !

No! Seriously? !

Is it so violent? !

Am I still your dear uncle? !

Oh never!

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