MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 286 Ji Yuxiao, the master of two and one double standards in the extra episode (there are so many bullet screens...

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Extra episode one:

Cai Yu never thought that Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao could get such a high score in the first half of the round, and his eyes were full of surprise.

The other guests couldn't believe it, and they always felt as if they had returned to yesterday's game scene, remembering the fear of being left behind by Ji Yuxiao.

"Now, I would like to trouble the two guests to change positions, and let me guess for the second half." The host smiled and cueed.

The netizen looked at it and asked curiously: [It's Mr. Ji's turn, and I don't know what level Mr. Ji draws? 】

[Certainly not worse than Qingqing [cover face]]

[What if? What if it’s because the painting is not good enough, so he can understand each other [funny]]

[I don't believe Ou Leu, how could Mr. Ji be the same as Qing Qing's painting, and I don't believe it when he hit me! 】

【Mr. Ji is so versatile, so he probably won't be a hindrance in painting. 】

[No, Mr. Ji is so sullen, I don't accept it! 】

【Me too! Come on Mr. Ji, I believe in you! 】

"Come on." Lin Luoqing glanced at Ji Yuxiao as he passed by.

Ji Yuxiao turned around and smiled at him, then naturally raised her hand to touch his head, "Okay."

Lin Luoqing tilted his head to dodge, but he didn't dodge, he had to be slapped, and walked to the seat where Ji Yuxiao was sitting just now, eager to try to guess the idioms drawn by Ji Yuxiao.

Seeing that they were both seated, the host announced, "Start."

The staff immediately raised the question board in their hands.

Lin Luoqing carried the staff behind her back, she couldn't see the idioms in her hand, but she could see Ji Yuxiao lowering her head.

Full of curiosity in his heart, he couldn't help stretching his neck, waiting anxiously. Fortunately, Ji Yuxiao raised the whiteboard not long after.

His paintings are very concise, yet unusually vivid, with just a few strokes, people can quickly guess what he wants to express.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." Lin Luoqing said.

"Smart." Ji Yuxiao smiled at him.

The netizen exclaimed: [His painting is so clear, I can tell it is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon at a glance. 】

[The lying tiger and the dragon hiding behind the tree both have dragons and tigers, so the gap in this drawing is too big! 】

[Qingqing, look, these are normal tigers and dragons, what the **** is yours!

[So Qingqing, when you see this painting, you really don't think of your own painting, don't you feel ashamed? [cover face]]

[Obviously not, look at him smiling happily! 】

[Not only happy, but also proud! 】

[After all, Mr. Ji just praised him for being smart, can you not be proud? 】

[Mr. Ji, can't you use yourself as an example to teach him? Obviously you can draw well! 】

[Mr. Ji: Thank you for the invitation. Don't ask. Asking is just spoiling my wife. My wife's paintings are the best! 】

【Not only good, but also smart, as expected of you, Mr. Ji! 】

Lin Luoqing hit the target right away, feeling happy, silently waiting for the first idiom, and soon, he saw Ji Yuxiao lowered his head again, and a few seconds later, he lifted his whiteboard again.

On the whiteboard is a smiling man with a knife stuck in his face.

"There's a knife hidden in the smile." Lin Luoqing didn't hesitate.

"Awesome." Ji Yuxiao continued to boast.

Lin Luoqing was even more proud in an instant.

[Good guy, awesome Mr. Ji, this painting is so vivid. 】

[Mr. Ji's drawing skills are really good, fast, concise and clear, suitable for this kind of game. 】

[His painting skills can be seen as having a foundation in painting. It is impossible for him to draw such an image with just a few strokes. He has never learned how to paint. 】

[That's great, Mr. Ji is still the almighty male god, Su Su, Su, I love him so much! 】

【Hahahaha, I feel relieved now, and I don’t have to worry about my children’s art education anymore. 】

[No, sister, why do you think of children? 】

[Shouldn't it? Fast forward to getting married, fast forward to having children, is there any problem? [狗头]]

[Hahahaha no, it's a pity that Qingqing and Ji can't have children, otherwise their genes would give birth to beautiful children! 】

[Stop talking, I'm already crying, and today I'm also crying for Ji Zonghe's celestial looks. 】

Under Ji Yuxiao's precise drawing skills, Lin Luoqing's idioms became more and more idiomatic. He answered every one, and Ji Yuxiao praised him once. The words were not repeated, and the compliments made the hosts and netizens toothache.

[This is to show affection, right? ? ? This is simply to show affection, right? ! 】

【Toothache, it really hurts! 】

[If I have high blood sugar, don't ask, it's the man in front of me who did it! He is so sweet! 】

[Sweet, I rolled on the spot, and I laughed like a fool on the bed. 】

[Hahahaha, me too. 】

When the three minutes were up, Lin Luoqing also finished answering the last idiom, and the host counted: "Mr. Lin has seven idioms, plus the eight idioms answered by Teacher Ji in the first half, a total of five, which is five points. .”

"It's so tall." Yang Xinyue said enviously, "It's twice as tall as mine."

She looked at her boyfriend, "It's too miserable for us."

"It's okay." Li Zhiyuan sighed quietly, "Thinking that I set off together yesterday, but I couldn't see him the whole time, if I didn't clearly remember that this time it was five groups of guests, I should feel that I Four is all."

Hearing what he said, Yang Xinyue laughed, "It's still worse for you."

"That's right, so at least we are still together now, and we can still see him, which is not bad." Li Zhiyuan comforted her.

Lin Luoqing looked at his score, and whispered to Ji Yuxiao, "Five points, I should be number one, right?"

"Probably." Ji Yuxiao guessed.

Both he and Lin Luoqing drew quickly and guessed quickly, no matter how good the guests behind them were, they probably wouldn't be able to achieve these two points at the same time.

But he doesn't have any obsession with winning or losing this game, so he doesn't think about it. Anyway, the worst is the third place now, which is okay.

Ji Yuxiao put his arms around Lin Luoqing's shoulders, and walked with him towards the bench where he was sitting.

Cai Yu didn't expect the two of them to be so good, and he was a little dissatisfied. He originally wanted to show off in this game, even if the score was mediocre, he would rely on his superb drawing skills to let everyone see his charm.

But judging from the reactions of the guests just now, everyone is obviously more interested in Lin Luoqing's abstract painting method that doesn't follow the rules and Ji Yuxiao's concise but surprisingly clear and intuitive painting method.

Then wouldn't he be able to make a blockbuster?

Cai Yu is not reconciled, he has always had his own little cleverness, since he has lost the east corner, he must find a way to reap it.

So he set his sights on Ji Yuxiao who obviously learned to paint like him at first glance, and the main accost said: "Brother Ji, you are so amazing."

Ji Yuxiao didn't expect Cai Yu to turn around and praise him as soon as he sat down, and said politely, "Thank you."

"Brother Ji, you must have practiced painting, right? I can see it at a glance. You must have practiced sketching, right?"

Ji Yuxiao said lightly, "Yes."

"Actually, I also practiced when I was young." Cai Yu said positively, "It was only when I grew up that I changed to oil painting."


What does it have to do with him?

"Then I can draw together another day." Cai Yu said enthusiastically.

He had just chatted with Lin Luoqing before the game started, and Lin Luoqing obviously didn't reject him, so now, if Ji Yuxiao agrees to him, then he can use this to interact with him, from the camera of the two of them, better Use his heat to take himself off.

Cai Yu felt that Ji Yuxiao would not refuse. After all, they are both adults, and everyone has just met, and they are still in the stage of being polite to each other. At this time, no one would be embarrassed to refuse others.

Just as he was thinking, he heard Ji Yuxiao calmly say, "No, I won't be painting for the New Year anymore."

Cai Yu:? ? ? ?

Cai Yu was instantly embarrassed, and then Li Jiamao laughed, like a mockery.

He was ashamed in his heart, and he couldn't help but said hastily, "Forget it."

After speaking, he turned around.

Li Jiamao saw that he had sat down again, and thought he deserved it, his boyfriend is still sitting beside him, so you can directly invite him to draw together, and you won't be afraid that his boyfriend will be unhappy.

I really thought that everyone was like his false couple. Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao were officially announced lovers. Ji Yuxiao was on the show just to accompany Lin Luoqing, how could he have the heart to be with other people? How stupid.

Netizens felt refreshed: [Hahahaha I like a man like Mr. Ji who directly refuses! 】

[Did you see Cai Fen, this is the attitude of your brother, Mr. Ji, are you satisfied with what you see? 】

[What's the matter with Cai Yu, Li Jiamao and Lin Luoqing are both here, so he just said that he wants to paint with Ji Yuxiao in the future, which is too heartbreaking for Li Jiamao. 】

[And I hate it, have you ever wondered if Lin Luoqing would like him to paint with her boyfriend? 】

【Fortunately, Mr. Ji rejected him, otherwise he would be mad at me! 】

[How could Mr. Ji agree, isn't Mr. Ji always "uh ohh" perfunctory throughout the whole process? 】

[Mr. Ji is probably annoying too. He was still talking to Qingqing just now, but was interrupted. 】

[Mr. Ji is really... quite double-standard [cover face], when he is clear, he is completely willing to listen to you, and he treats others like "no". 】

[That is, Ji Yuxiao only loves Lin Luoqing, is there anyone who doesn't know? [funny]】

Seeing Cai Yu turn around, Lin Luoqing asked Ji Yuxiao, "Why?"

"what why?"

"You just said that you haven't painted for many years, why?"

"Of course you don't want to?" Ji Yuxiao looked at him, "Otherwise what else could it be?"

"Do you not like it?"

Ji Yuxiao shook his head, "I can't say whether I like it or not, but my brother taught me when I was young, and I followed him to learn. Later, he was busy and had no time to teach me, so I stopped learning."

He thought for a while, "It feels like graduating. Do you still want to do your homework after graduation? You don't want to either."

Lin Luoqing suddenly laughed, "I really don't want to."

"But if you want to learn, then I can teach you." Ji Yuxiao said softly, "Do you want to?"

"Didn't you all graduate? What is this? Returning to school to be a teacher?"

"What do I do as a teacher? I'll teach you. It's not bad to be a private teacher."

The smile on Lin Luoqing's face deepened, "Are you willing to draw again now?"

"Doesn't that mean that unemployment or employment after graduation depends on the individual's own thoughts?"

"Then let me think about it." Lin Luoqing said proudly, "I think my painting is pretty good now, and I don't need to make up lessons."

Ji Yuxiao nodded with a smile, "That's true."

Netizen: [? ? ? ! ! are you serious? ! I see few paintings, don't donate to me! 】

"But I don't seem to be as vivid as you in my drawing." Lin Luoqing said again.

[Good guy. ] The netizen was shocked: [Qingqing, you also know, are you not as good-looking as Mr. Ji? You clearly have nothing to do with image! 】

"But your paintings are more soulful."

Ji Yuxiao stared into his eyes with a smile, "My paintings all have a serious appearance and no soul, but you are different. Your paintings have soul and your style, so your paintings are better."

Netizen: [? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【Is he serious? Is he serious? 】

[People can't, at least they shouldn't be so unconscionable! 】

【Hahahaha how do you know that Mr. Ji has no conscience? I think Mr. Ji is sincere! [dog head]]

【That's right, Mr. Ji clearly said it out of his own conscience. 】

【Then his conscience really won't hurt! 】

[Of course, he has a clear heart, and of course his conscience is also clear [funny]]

[Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and soul is in the eyes of Mr. Ji, there is no problem. 】

[So did I notice Mr. Ji's double standard? Cai Yu on the front foot is still the year I don’t paint, Qingqing on the back foot means I can teach you, don’t you think? 】

[Hey, isn't this normal? Can my wife compare with a colleague who hasn't said a word? 】

[Especially when colleagues are like you, and you just got to know each other when you arrived at the company yesterday. 】

[And President Ji said, he wants to be a private teacher, he wants to teach Qingqing~~]

[You can have this, Mr. Ji, really teach your wife! 】

[Mr. Ji: But I listen to my wife. 】

[Hahahaha is sweet! Sweet who, sweet me! 】

[It's too high, it's really too high, I can't stop at all, this cp is really too crazy. 】

[Who would have thought that yesterday I was a noble passer-by, but today I am a passionate drug addict who can scream! 】

[It's not because I'm too good at eating, it's because I'm too passionate. Who the **** can bear the wave after wave of sugar? ! 】

Read The Duke's Passion