MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 270 Extra Five Sweet Dates

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Extra five:

Just when Lin Fei and Ji Leyu were thinking about going out to play, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao had already entered the cinema.

This time he didn't reserve the room, he walked in the dark while the movie was about to start, and sat in the seat reserved by the two of them.

There were not many people this time, Lin Luoqing relaxed a little, and then carefully took off his mask for the time being.

He took a sip of Coke, leaned back in his chair and ate popcorn, and when the movie started, Ji Yuxiao looked at him, leaned over when he was eating popcorn for the first time, and snatched him from his fingers in a flash. popcorn inside.

Lin Luoqing:? ? ?

Lin Luoqing looked at him in surprise, and Ji Yuxiao smiled, looking smug.

Lin Luoqing suddenly felt that he looked like a big dog who thought he was very smart, so he raised his head and touched his head.

Ji Yuxiao: ...

Ji Yuxiao grabbed his hand and rubbed his head.

Lin Luoqing was worried that his carefully camouflaged hairstyle would be messed up by him, so he hurriedly begged for mercy, and Ji Yuxiao let him go and held him in his arms.

He reached out to Lin Luoqing's popcorn bucket and grabbed some popcorn, and fed it to Lin Luoqing's mouth, "Here, it's a courtesy."

Lin Luoqing opened her mouth unceremoniously.

Ji Yuxiao continued to feed him with a smile, and occasionally deliberately teased him, the popcorn was fed to his mouth and quickly delivered to her own mouth, Lin Luoqing was so angry that she pinched him several times, making Ji Yuxiao laugh non-stop .

It's rare for them to watch a movie alone, so this time they are especially elementary school students, and they fight around during the movie.

Ji Yuxiao watched the movie where the male protagonist kissed the female protagonist, and then turned around and kissed him on the face.

Lin Luoqing almost didn't realize it, and he was taken aback before he remembered what he said before, "The hero and heroine kissed a few times in the movie, and I kissed a few times too."

He stopped laughing, "You are so dear."

"Otherwise?" Ji Yuxiao was confident, "I told you how many times the hero and heroine kiss in the movie, and I will kiss a few times."

The smile on Lin Luoqing's lips deepened, okay, he thought, let him also see how many times the hero and heroine in this movie can kiss.

However, contrary to his expectations, the male and female protagonists in the movie kissed just that time, so that Ji Yuxiao waited for a long time and didn't get the chance to kiss for the second time.

"This movie is outrageous." Ji Yuxiao couldn't believe it, "The love movie on Valentine's Day on Chinese Valentine's Day is only for one kiss, is that appropriate?!"

Lin Luoqing laughed loudly, "This is pure love."

Ji Yuxiao: ...

Seeing his speechless face, Lin Luoqing smiled more and more happily.

Ji Yuxiao squinted his eyes with his blatant laughter. He looked at Lin Luoqing, suddenly pulled him closer, and kissed him directly on the mouth.

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ! !

"Why are you still making a surprise attack? There is no kiss in the movie."

"I only said that the male lead kisses the female lead a few times, and I will kiss you a few times. If I didn't say that the male lead would not kiss, I would not kiss."

Lin Luoqing: ...What a cunning man!

Ji Yuxiao smiled, "Let's go, let's eat."

After speaking, he took the initiative to help Lin Luoqing and himself put on the masks, and dragged him out among the crowd.

The lunch was ordered by Ji Yuxiao. Lin Luoqing thought he would book a western restaurant, but Ji Yuxiao took him to a teppanyaki restaurant.

"I'll show you something fun." Ji Yuxiao said.

Lin Luoqing was curious, "What?"

Soon he saw it, facing the customer's barbecue table, the flame suddenly lit up, burning the shape of a cloud, and then after the flame fell, the white rose-shaped ice cream slowly revealed, and was served by the chef In a transparent rose bowl.

Lin Luoqing was curious, "What is this?"

"Flame ice cream." Ji Yuxiao said, "Is it fun?"

Lin Luoqing nodded, "Can I have one?"

"Yes." Ji Yuxiao said with a smile.

Until the end of the meal, Lin Luoqing ordered flame ice cream four times in total, and he even asked the chef with great interest, "Are there other shapes besides clouds?"

The little brother looked at Ji Yuxiao and replied, "This is a pattern specially customized by Mr. Ji."

"Then what is your original pattern?"

"There is no pattern." The little brother's voice was gentle and gentle, "The flame is just a gimmick for this ice cream. Everyone thinks it is very exciting when they see the flame, and they will not ask for a pattern. Mr. Ji added an extra price , so I tried to burn a cloud."

Hearing this, Lin Luoqing turned to look at Ji Yuxiao with a smile in his eyes.

He said why Ji Yuxiao didn't take him to the western restaurant today, so it was like this.

Huoshaoyun, he is quite romantic.

"Let's go." Lin Luo said with a clear heart, "The meal is over, I should go to the playground."

"Yeah." Ji Yuxiao stood up.

Lin Luoqing walked briskly into the elevator, thinking of Shi De and Ji Yu Xiao and said, "I can come to this store next time."

"Okay." Ji Yuxiao agreed.

"Next time is fine."

Ji Yuxiao laughed, "Okay."

"Next time is fine."

"You want me to buy it directly." Ji Yuxiao deliberately teased him.

Lin Luoqing shook her head, "That's not true."

"Really? I think you like it."

"That's what I like about his performance, and I think he's great at it."

"By the way, buy that chef."

Lin Luoqing was amused by him, "Sister-in-law Zhang will lose her job if you do this."

"It's narrow, I can hire a few more chefs, so that you can eat whatever you want, and you can choose from the eight major cuisines."

"Thank you, do I want a hotel?"

Ji Yuxiao put his arms around his shoulders with a smile, "Then if you want to watch it later, I'll show you."

"Yes." Lin Luoqing responded, "But will he also perform cloud patterns for others?"

"Others won't give him extra money, of course he won't."

"That's right." Lin Luoqing nodded.

His mood became brighter and brighter, La Jiyu Xiao got into the car and went straight to the playground.

The playground on Qixi Festival has never been short of tourists. When Lin Luoqing entered the park, he saw that the playground was already crowded with people.

"Fortunately, I have VIP." Lin Luoqing said with emotion.

He pulled Ji Yuxiao and walked quickly towards the rapids, "Let's go, let's play rapids first."

Seeing the excitement on his face, Ji Yuxiao simply took him to a run.

Lin Luoqing was pulled by him, and she couldn't help but smile all over her face. She felt inexplicably happy even before she started playing.

The two ran to the queuing gate of Jiuliuyong, found the staff, showed him his sssvip, the staff hurriedly took him to the other passage, and said politely: "I wish you a happy time, what's the problem? You can contact the staff in the park at any time.”

"Thank you." Ji Yuxiao said politely.

The new boat stopped not far from him, and the staff sent him straight to the boat before leaving.

After playing in the circle, Lin Luoqing couldn't get enough of it.

When he played for the third time, the young girl who got on the boat and sat next to him asked curiously, "Are you a VIP? I saw you played several times."

Lin Luoqing nodded, "Well, it's a super member."

"Wow." The girl instantly became envious, "Then you must be very good, I said super membership is super hard to get."

Lin Luoqing smiled, "I don't have it either, my friend has it."

The girl poked her head over her eyes, and could vaguely see Ji Yuxiao's handsome side face. On this day, she even played with him three times... This must not be an ordinary friend!

"Your friend is quite handsome."

Lin Luoqing was surprised, it could be seen that Ji Yuxiao was wrapped tightly.

"You're pretty handsome, too."

Now Lin Luoqing was even more surprised, he wrapped it more tightly than Ji Yuxiao!

"You two are quite a match."

When Lin Luoqing heard this, his eyes, which were a little surprised just now, instantly bent, "Thank you."

The boat started to move, and Lin Luoqing was sitting on the boat, but the girl beside him suddenly said to him, "Oh, I just found out that you look a bit like Lin Luoqing."

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ? He was wrapped up so that only his glasses remained, can you still tell?

I really love fans!

"Hahaha, is that right?" Lin Luoqing pretended to be happy, "It's the first time someone says I'm like a star, thank you."

"You're welcome, Lin Luoqing is my idol here, but I also know that he will definitely not come to this kind of place on such a day, he is so popular, if he comes here, then everyone will not line up to play the project, but line up to see him. "

Lin Luoqing, who was sitting next to her, nodded cooperatively, "Yes."

"But he should be dating today too. He just announced his relationship at zero o'clock today. This is a date with Definitely and Mr. Ji."

Lin Luoqing, who was indeed dating Ji Yuxiao, nodded honestly: "Well, you're right."

The two chatted until the boat climbed up the **** and began to dive.

Lin Luoqing yelled loudly, and the girl next to him also screamed again and again, Ji Yuxiao thought to himself, is this the legendary fan follower?

He smiled, a little cute in his heart.

Lin Luoqing played it three times, and finally had enough, and wanted to play other games.

He got out of the car, and the girl sitting next to him also got out of the car.

The other party quickly took off the poncho and shoe covers and threw them into the trash can, and waved to him, "See you, I hope you two have a good time."

"You too, it's fun." Lin Luoqing said.

"Yeah." The girl turned and walked towards the exit very heartily.

Throwing away the water-stained mask and replacing it with a new "disposable" mask, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao calmly left the rapids and went to ride the roller coaster.

Lin Luoqing pointed to the tallest and most trembling roller coaster, "I'm going to play this today."

Ji Yuxiao looked at the almost 90-degree slope, and hesitated, "Are you sure?"

Lin Luoqing nodded, "That's right."

"Then let's go." Although Ji Yuxiao was not interested, Lin Luoqing liked it, and he was willing to play with him.

Lin Luoqing, who was still waiting for him to persuade her:? ? ? ?

Lin Luoqing grabbed him, "Why did you just leave?"

"Don't you want to play?"

"You persuade me." Lin Luoqing said awkwardly, "persuade me."

Seeing him like this, Ji Yuxiao made no sense - it seems that he doesn't want to play that much.

"See the one next to him? I think that's more suitable." He persuaded.

"But that's not a signboard."

"But there must be a lot of signboard people. When Wan recognizes you, the unimaginable."

Lin Luoqing was satisfied, "That's right, then I'll play with that."

"it is good."

However, having said that, when it was really coming, Lin Luoqing began to be afraid.

Isn't the **** of this roller coaster inappropriate? It's taller, it's longer, it's twists and turns!

Lin Luoqing looked around, and finally pointed to another roller coaster and Ji Yuxiao and said, "How about that? The "color" looks really cool."

Ji Yuxiao laughed, "Okay."

So the two changed directions and walked towards the roller coaster that had no incredible slope.

However, it is not that incredible, for a screaming party like Lin Luoqing, it is still enough for him to play his high-pitched tenor voice.

Ji Yuxiao originally thought that what he called was earth-shattering, and that it was time to bid farewell to the roller coaster.

Who knew that Lin Luoqing slowed down and rushed towards another roller coaster.

Ji Yuxiao couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to walk forward with him.

After playing for a long time, Lin Luoqing was also tired. When passing by the ice cream shop, Ji Yuxiao bought two bottles of ice-cola and an ice cream.

He found a relatively empty place and sat on a bench.

Lin Luoqing took off his mask, drank two sips of iced Coke, and felt himself alive.

Seeing his blushing face, Ji Yuxiao put his iced cola on his face.

It's icy cold, and it's pleasant in the hot summer. Lin Luoqing unconsciously tilted his head against his Coke bottle, like a cat greedy for cold.

Ji Yuxiao thought he was cute like this, so he took out his phone and took a photo for him.

"Candidly shoot me."

"It's an honest shot." Ji Yuxiao shook the phone.

Lin Luoqing's face froze for a while, but it wasn't that hot anymore, so he asked Ji Yuxiao to take the Coke back.

"Hurry up and drink."

"No rush." ​​Ji Yuxiao said, slowly tore off the ice cream wrapper, and handed him the ice cream.

Seeing that there was only one on him, Lin Luoqing asked in confusion, "Why did you only buy one?"

"I don't eat ice cream very much, you can eat it."

Having said that, Lin Luoqing still wanted him to try it, especially now that it was so hot, he didn't take the ice cream, but just took a bite of his, and commented, "It's not bad, try it."

Ji Yuxiao had no choice but to taste it, it tasted like chocolate, it tasted okay, but it was too sweet for him.

He was the least fond of sweets in the family, so Lin Luoqing didn't let him eat more, and he took it after Ji Yuxiao finished eating, and ate it.

At the end of the meal, Lin Luoqing ate the chocolate chunks in the cone, and handed them to Ji Yuxiao for the first time, "There are chocolate chunks, which are quite delicious, try it."

Ji Yuxiao lowered his head and took a bite, there were indeed big chocolate particles.

"How, is it okay?" Lin Luoqing asked expectantly.

"Yeah." Ji Yuxiao nodded.

He saw the chocolate on Lin Luoqing's lips, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Luoqing asked in confusion.

Ji Yuxiao didn't speak, took out a piece of paper, and wiped his mouth for him.

Only then did Lin Luoqing realize that there should be something on his mouth. He didn't move, and let Ji Yuxiao wipe it off very cooperatively. Seeing how good he was, Ji Yuxiao kissed his mouth with a "boo".

Lin Luoqing:! !

Lin Luoqing opened her eyes instantly.

"It's finished." Ji Yuxiao said with a smile.

Lin Luoqing snorted, ate the last mouthful of ice cream, and confidently stretched out some chocolate to dip herself in, "Yeah."

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