MTL - I Am the Cutest in the Universe-Chapter 27

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[My God, the royal family and the military jointly held a press conference, and the real purpose of His Royal Highness's series of actions was announced! ]

[His Royal Highness and the vanguard fleet arrived at the central star first this evening! I also went to the port to pick up the ship! The aura of His Royal Highness today is 8.8 meters! ! ]

[His Royal Highness at the press conference is so handsome! As soon as I came back from the battlefield, I was going to participate in the press conference, and I didn't even have time to rest. His Royal Highness the Duke worked hard for the country! Have a good rest! ]

[His Royal Highness is mighty! Glory to the Empire! Undefeated God of War! ! ]


[Did anyone notice? When His Royal Highness said Mianmian, his eyes instantly became gentle! Ah Wei is dead, Tie Han is tender, I can! ]

[Mianmian! Mianmian! Your husband has returned successfully! Look at the star network! Don't eat it! do not! eat! ! ]

After everyone sat around the bonfire in awkward silence for a moment, Fritch got up and went to the robot to bring a lot of food.

He distributed the food to Tu Mianmian, Robbins and Xu Lu, and the four of them ate dinner together and whispered whispers.

As if they were awakened by their actions, the four people on Boger's side were no longer in a daze. After they came back to their senses, they also went and brought back a lot of things to solve the dinner problem.

The corner of Boger's mouth was broken, and he felt a dull pain when he opened his mouth slightly. He rejected the dinner handed by his teammates, seeing that everyone around him was eating deliciously, and he had no appetite.

He simply brought his own brain, and wanted to go online to see how low his evaluation was.

However, as soon as I opened the star network, what caught my eye was the news of the Duke's triumph that filled various sections.

Borg was startled: "..."

He slowly raised his head and stared at Tu Mianmian.

Picture: "…"

For a long while, I felt that the sharp figure on my back was unbearable, glared at Boger, and akimbo aggressively, "What are you looking at!"

He is super fierce.

Borg twitched the corners of his mouth, raised his bright brain, and said sternly: "Congratulations, Madam, His Royal Highness the Duke has returned triumphantly."

"Huh?" Tu Mianmian's momentum weakened.

He immediately turned on his optical brain and found that he had received a message from Sivir early.

In the message, Sivir informed Tu Mianmian of the victory of the army at the end of the war, and told Tu Mianmian at the end of the letter that he would come to the zoo and plantation garden to pick him up home. At the same time, Sivir informed Tu Mianmian of the content and purpose of his previous plan.

After being unable to find out the traitor at the beginning of the war, the Duke returned to the central star and made an appearance in the public through the live broadcast that Tu Mianmian participated in.

& nbsp;

Following the continuous appearance of Tu Mianmian, it is also to contain public opinion.

After the public opinion, the star network was chaotic. It turned out that several spies from other countries planted in the central star, as well as the traitors who hid in the central star and cooperated with the border traitors couldn't help but get involved one foot.

As a result, they were all found out, and they were all collected, but they received a lot of goods.

Sivir's plan was being carried out before, and he was not allowed to disclose it. Now that the dust has settled, he immediately revealed everything to Tu Mianmian.

It's just that the things involved are extremely complicated, and the cute and headless picture looks dizzy.

I don't know what to do.

Tu Mianmian turned off the brain after reading the message.

Beside him, Robbins just finished watching the video of the conference that was widely circulated on the star network.

The content of the video is almost the same as the content of the message Sivir sent to Tu Mianmian, both of which are to clarify the real purpose of the Duke's series of actions.

The difference is that the press conference is more serious and serious, and the results of the disposal of the relevant personnel are announced.

"Mianmian!" Robbins exclaimed: "Did you see it!"

Robbins snorted, with a look of increased knowledge: "It turns out that the people who madly spread rumors about His Royal Highness on the star network were all sailors!"

There is no such thing as a navy in the entertainment circle of the interstellar age. Under the huge number of people, every fan user is a real existence.

"They are all users of extranet planets and have been banned from speaking in Chaoyang Empire forever."

Fitch was also watching the news, and he narrated the disposition of the sailors.

"There are also some incited domestic users who have been warned and punished according to the severity of their troubles on the star network."

Xu Lu added: "There are also several spies planted by other countries in the central star, and they have been arrested."

He highly praised: "His Royal Highness is really amazing."

"Yes." Tu Mianmian chicken pecking rice nodded.

He remembered the stalwart figure of Sivir driving the mecha back to the border in the rainy night, and smiled unconsciously, a small dimple appeared on his cheek: "Sivir is really awesome."

I will come to pick him up later, the Duke is so virtuous.

[I feel distressed, Mianmian's husband is back from the war, our Robbins' husband still doesn't know where he is]

[My poor duke has finally cleared his grievances! No need to be accused of dereliction of duty again! ]

[Have you all read the content of the conference? Everything is the strategy of His Royal Highness! plan! The idiots who followed the trend at that time owed the Duchess an apology! ]

[Woo woo woo I apologize to His Royal Highness! I have followed the trend and criticized it before, but now that I think about it, my brain is really flooded! ]

so amazing! As expected of you! Your Royal Highness! ]

After the topic of the Duke's triumphant return from the battle, the atmosphere of the show melted like ice and snow, and suddenly became harmonious.

Borg's three teammates changed their reluctance to speak before, and came to Tu Mianmian's side to greet him and be attentive.

The duke's mansion was riddled with bad news before, and they were unwilling to hold Tu Mianmian. Unexpectedly, the situation has reversed now, as if giving them a blow to the head.

You can only quickly slap yourself in the face and lower your posture to please Tu Mianmian, hoping that Tu Mianmian can forget what they did before.

Borg sat alone by the campfire, only to feel it was more difficult.

Finally wait until the end of the bonfire party, and the zoo and plant garden variety show announced that the first phase ended perfectly.

After the bonfire was put out, Du Lulu, who was afraid of the fire, ran out again and beside Tu Mianmian.

Dandancao went to sleep after dark, and the elf was locked in the energetic observation room, and the two of them couldn't run out anymore.

Tu Mianmian was squatting on the side, playing with Du Lulu's vine bow, when she suddenly found a silence beside her.

He turned his head to look, and found that Robbins, Fritsch and several other guests were very stiff, and they seemed to be **** and could not let go. His eyes were still looking straight in one direction.

Tu Mianmian followed their gaze and saw a tall figure.

The visitor was wearing a black cloak in the cool night, with long legs and a cold aura. The coat of arms on his military boots glowed with a cold golden light.

"Sivir!" Tu Mianmian's eyes lit up, and immediately rushed up, "You're back!"

"Yeah." The Duke reached out his hand to catch the little sweetheart who was throwing his arms around.

He touched Tu Mianmian's head, and the momentum on his body softened in vain.

The picture is like no one else is relying on Xiwei! Erwin. He looked up at Sivir for a while, and suddenly smiled, "I heard that you have conquered a few planets, and the empire's territory has expanded a little bit."

"For you." Tu Mianmian took out the large bouquet of calming flowers from the space button, put them into Sivir's hands, and borrowed the flowers to offer Buddha: "Welcome back in victory, His Royal Highness Duke Sivir."

"Thank you." The Duke hesitated slightly, then took the bouquet presented by the little girl.

"Wait a minute!" Unexpectedly, Tu Mianmian shook her head and refused.

He came out of the arms of the Duke and ran to the observation room, leaving a message to Sivir: "I'll go and say goodbye to the elf first!"


In the observation room where the elf is.

In order to better take care of the elf, the whole room of the observation room is made into the landscape of the ancient forest. In the center of the room hangs a large iridescent flower, which is a breeding ground for elves.

After Tu Mianmian came in, the elf who fell asleep from boredom immediately woke up. She flapped her wings and flew over, and approached Tu Mianmian affectionately.

Tu Mianmian stretched out his hand and flicked the elf's forehead, and the thumb-sized elf was instantly flipped by Tu Mianmian for a backflip.

"I'm going home." Tu Mianmian carried the elf and put her back on the flower, "I'll see you next time."

He tapped the elf's head with his finger, and after a while, turned to leave.

The elf immediately caught up and flew around in front of Tu Mianmian, chattering incessantly.

Tu Mianmian pushed her away with her fingers: "I don't understand."

"Stop talking, bye bye, see you next time." Tu Mianmian returned to her heart and hurried to open the door, "I want to go home with my husband."

The elf shut up on the spot and turned into an action figure. She lay on Tu Mianmian's shoulder, and with a wave of her wings, countless pieces of light fell down.

The rays of light turned into demon power, pouring into Tu Mianmian's body continuously. The demon power that was once absorbed by the elf now returned to him.

…No, no! !


There is too much demon power, overflowing, and Tu Mianmian almost out of control. He quickly took the elf away, and immediately mobilized the demon power in his body to control it.

After a while, Tu Mianmian controlled the demon power. He stretched out his hand and touched his ear nervously, realizing that the ear was normal, and he was relieved.

The big stone hanging in Tu Mianmian's heart almost fell to the ground. When she touched her coccyx with backhand, her whole body froze, and her eyes showed panic.

Read The Duke's Passion