MTL - I Am the Cutest in the Universe-Chapter 10

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[Hot! His Royal Highness's mysterious companion is revealed today! Both parties are suspected to be married! 】

[Hot! His Royal Highness The Duke's love affair was made public for the first time, the Duchess is beautiful and lovely, and the husband and wife are sweet! 】

[Hot! The Duchess makes her first public appearance! Going out is the exclusive airship transfer from the Duke's Mansion! 】

"..." Tu Mian remained silent, quitting the Star Online, and no longer watching those hot news.

The speed of interstellar heat spread is really fast. As soon as he left the gate of Xenophyte Park on his front foot, various related hot posts were posted on his back foot.

Among them, Reuters photos are also varied, almost 360 degrees without dead ends, and the picture Mianmian candidly photographed over and over again.

But don't tell me, it's still beautiful.

After a "du" sounded in my ear, the airship of the Duke's House that Tu Mianmian was riding in slowed down slowly, and then landed smoothly.

Judy, who was close to the cabin door, opened the door, and when she looked out, she was already familiar with the view of the courtyard of the Ducal Palace.


Tu Mianmian was refreshed and happily got off the airship.

Butler Anderson was waiting with several maids. When he saw Tu Mianmian back, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

…If you ignore the bright eyes of the maids who saw Tu Mianmian, this will probably be a very warm scene.

"Welcome Madam to go home after work." Butler Anderson bowed to Tu Mianmian with a gentleman's salute.

When he straightened up, Mr. Butler looked honored, and he was proud of Tu Mianmian: "As I expected, Madam is very popular, and your final number of votes is that everyone is right Your favorite performance."

"Huh?" Tu Mianmian was a little surprised that Mr. Butler even watched the live broadcast.

He waved his hand and said bluntly, "It's all because of Sivir. If it weren't for him, others wouldn't have voted for me so much."

Anderson shook his head and looked at Tu Mianmian lovingly: "It's Madam who is belittling herself."

Tu Mianmian had a few conversations with Butler Anderson, and she endured and endured, and finally couldn't help it, looked over Anderson's shoulder and looked behind him.

Behind Mr. Butler, there are maids with bright eyes.

The excited look seems to be screaming: Mianmian! Mom loves you! Hurry up mommy!

Picture: "…"

Bathed in the eyes of a wolf like a tiger, Tu Mianmian felt a tingling in her scalp. He briefly ended the conversation with Anderson, and then rushed to the bedroom on the second floor, his back seemed to be running away.

Mr. Steward seemed to feel something, and looked behind him, but saw the maids behind him smiling and decent as usual, no different from usual.

Anderson was slightly puzzled: "?"

Tu Mianmian entered the bedroom and closed the door before he sighed in relief.

His eyes swept away casually, and then he was stunned.

A military jacket was thrown in a mess on the bed, the same clothes that Tu Mianmian used to hide when she changed back to the lop-eared rabbit body at noon.

He rushed over to pick up the clothes, patted them, shook them again, and hung them in the closet again.

The picture is a little guilty.

This is the dress of the Duke!

Tu Mianmian just closed the closet when there was a sudden "hum" outside.

He turned around suspiciously, and through the clear window, he could see a soft and transparent film-like thing outside, covering the entire duke's palace.

Indistinctly, I could hear the announcement in the courtyard: "The protective energy layer has been opened."

"Huh?" Tu Mianmian couldn't help but wonder.

He walked to the balcony, wanting to see what happened.

The floor-to-ceiling windows automatically sense to open to both sides, and when the evening sunset light falls gently in Tu Mianmian's eyes, there is also a strong wind blowing on the front.

The daytime shooting star streaks across the dusk, returning home from afar.

The three- or four-meter-high white mecha easily passed through the protective layer, and the protective layer swayed with a wave of water before calming down again.

The gust of wind brought by the momentum of the mecha roared in this small world. The trees planted in the courtyard swayed in the wind, and the grass on the lawn swayed like a wave of wheat.

Tu Mianmian couldn't open his eyes due to the wind, and when the wind dwindled and disappeared, he opened his eyes again.

So I saw the "day" hovering in front of the balcony.

Tu Mianmian made a small "wow", and her eyes lit up.

The mech of the Duke!

The mecha in front of it stretched out its arms and lifted its owner out of the cockpit.

Sivir is slender and slender, and his shoulders are shining in the sunset. He stepped on the palm of the day and climbed over the balcony railing, and his military boots made a "click" when they landed.

Seeing Sivir who suddenly came to her side, Tu was stunned for a moment.

Then, his eyes brightened, his face raised a smile, and two small dimples were looming on his cheeks, "You're back!"

Inexplicably, the Duke heard this sentence and his heart suddenly beat heavily.

He curled his fingers, trying to avoid the numbness like an electric shock.

The picture in front of me welcomes me home.

Sivir's eyes slowly overflowed with tenderness, he hummed, and responded with a solemn tone that he didn't even notice: "I'm back."

The author has something to say:Sivir: It is the feeling of heart ▼_▼

Mianmian: o(*////▽////*)q

Mecha "Day": Come on, there are two Hanhans in love