MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 940 Arrange

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10 four-level mutant zombies, what a terrifying scene.

All the gods and demons who detected this scene were stunned.

This is the second time that the mutant zombies have launched such a fierce offensive in more than a month.

As for the first time, it was when the corpse tide just broke out, when these mutant zombies launched their general attack.

At that time, there were more four-level mutant zombies than today, reaching more than twenty.

But that time, the military had already made preparations, and sent an equal number of experts from the gods and demons to deal with it from the very beginning.

More importantly, there is Huo Feiteng, a strongman in the realm of rules, who is fighting the battle, and the final result is of course a near miss.

But this time it was too sudden, and the military did not expect it at all.

When the report on the front-line battle situation was sent to the staff, the staff officer who got the information had his face covered.

After checking and confirming that the information was correct, his complexion changed drastically in an instant, and he immediately uploaded the information.

Then the entire staff was a little riotous.

As the chief of staff, Liu Fei contacted Lin Xinghai immediately.

"General Lin, the current situation is very urgent. There are only 5 strong people in the realm of gods and demons on our military side. They are in an idle state and can be dispatched to support them immediately."

"I'm afraid the second batch of support staff will have to wait for about 15 minutes. Can you hold on? If not, I will notify Marshal Huo Feiteng now and go to the town in person." Liu Fei explained the situation as soon as possible and gave Lin Xinghai some advice. out of choice.

If it was someone else, he would have informed Huo Feiteng immediately.

However, in Lin Xinghai's information, the column of combat power rating has four big characters "quasi-regular environment" written on it.

This is easy to imagine, and it is precisely because of this that he will ask this question.

"It's enough to support 5 strong people in the realm of gods and demons, I can handle the rest." Lin Xinghai replied calmly.

In fact, if he didn't take into account, he might not care about the safety of the Thunder Legion after he took action, and he didn't even need the support of the military's gods and demons.

That's right, Lin Xinghai intends to let them come over to serve as babysitters to protect the safety of the Thunder Legion soldiers.

As for the 10 fourth-level mutant zombies, he really didn't take it too seriously. Even when he was in the shape of the body, he was sure to solve it alone, let alone now.

Invincible at the same level, it's not just talking about it.

When Liu Fei heard Lin Xinghai's calm words, he was immediately infected, and his heart suddenly became much calmer.

"Okay, I see. I will dispatch the second batch of support forces as soon as possible." Liu Fei said again.

Lin Xinghai did not correct the other party's words. Facts speak louder than words, and the other party will know later.

After the phone call, his expression was still so calm, but with Jian Hua beside him, at this time he was not at all certain.

"How's it going? When will the reinforcements arrive?" Jian Hua asked immediately.

"Don't worry, I'll be here soon." Lin Xinghai comforted casually, then opened the internal communication channel and began to make defensive deployments.

This time, the Thunder Legion had to face more than 200 mutant zombies, which was definitely a huge challenge for them.

Of course, in the face of this situation, Lin Xinghai did not require everyone in the Thunder Legion to be able to defeat.

If it were another ace division, facing more than 200 mutant zombies, it would be impossible to delay success.

Not to mention more than 200 mutant zombies, even twenty mutant zombies, combined with such a huge group of fish corpses, will pose a great threat to the ace master, and a careless one may collapse the defense line. .

As for the more than 200 mutant zombies, to tell the truth, this test is not at all whether the ace master is strong or not, but the question of how many strong gods and demons come to assist.

But in the Thunder Legion, it may not be impossible to fight.

After all, ordinary soldiers, even against the weakest mutant zombies, don't actually have much resistance, but the Thunder Legion is completely different.

Here is a random team, and they all have a record of defeating first-level or even second-level mutant zombies alone.

Although they lost such big killers as mechas in the water, luckily their equipment was still usable, even in the face of first- and second-level mutant zombies, they still had the confidence to save their lives.

In particular, the Gauss rifle combined with the depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile can become their trump card against the enemy.

Although the power of the firearm in water is greatly reduced, it can still be used, and the strongest point of the depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile is not its own attack power, but when the uranium 238 burns after hitting the target, it produces a terrifying high temperature to kill.

In other words, as long as the bullet can hit, it can cause huge damage.

Therefore, the ordinary Thunder Legion squads are fully capable of resisting and even killing the first and second-level mutant zombies.

As for the third-level mutant zombies, it depends on the members of the Xinghai team.

Of course, even if they can't win, with Liu Miaomiao's thorny field, they should at least be able to do a defensive counterattack to support the arrival of the rest of the gods and demons.

With the issuance of orders one by one, the Thunder Legion moved quickly and formed a tight defensive formation.

It's just that the mutated zombies of the fourth level have a lot of wisdom. How could they watch helplessly as the Thunder Legion lined up.

With the "dead claw" of the fourth-level peak headed by him, a roar was heard.

More than 200 mutant zombies ready to go instantly charged in the direction of the Thunder Legion.

10 four-level mutant zombies, all stepped forward at this time.

Of course, they did not attack directly, but put pressure on the side, they were waiting.

As long as the Thunder Legion shows fatigue, or there is any loophole in the defense, they will swarm up and kill this legion that can threaten them.

But how could Lin Xinghai make them so relaxed.

"Yan Feijie, the next command will be handed over to you." Lin Xinghai said in the communication channel.

After more than a month, all the members of the Xinghai team have made great progress, especially their most lacking command, and they have been fully compensated.

Among all the people, Yan Feijie was the fastest in learning, so he was directly promoted by Lin Xinghai to be the temporary deputy commander.

In fact, everyone knows that as long as Yan Feijie does a good job, the word "temporary" will most likely be removed.

As for Fang Tianhe, Gao Shan, and Liu Zhengfan, who was specially dug from the military, although they were the head of the regiment from the beginning.

But that's pretty much their ceiling.

After all, this is a world where the strong are respected, and status and strength are closely related.

They were able to sit firmly in this position, entirely because of Lin Xinghai's face.

Fang Tianhe and others are also very clear that their real role is to stabilize the overall framework of the Thunder Legion at the beginning, and at the same time, in actual combat, impart command capabilities to these members of the Xinghai Squad.

The geniuses with unlimited potential in the Xinghai Squad are the foundation of the Thunder Legion.

"Yes! Legion Commander." Yan Feijie said with a solemn expression.

At this moment, he felt a lot of pressure, but there was also an uncontrollable excitement in his heart.