MTL - I am a Super Sorcerer-v4 Chapter 19 Stinger 1 Strike

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After the preparation was completed, Shannon, Lahalt, and Rowe and I set out with Linsa. In order to reduce the trouble, Linsa did not take the journey, and Xiao Nizi reluctantly entangled Rowisa for a long time. Jiao Fang stopped.

This operation is indeed very risky, because our goal is the king of the gods, the supreme ruler of the heavens. It is synonymous with invincibility and sacredness, but this is an excellent opportunity. It was the best time to assassinate him when Princess Linsa was out of heaven.

After flying for a long time, a huge and solemn palace appeared in front of us. The perimeter of the palace was shrouded by a faint ray of light, which highlighted the sacredness of the palace.

This is the center of Celestial Politics-the "Imperial Temple".

Linsa flew us out of the light and stopped, saying, "This is the enchantment set by the father himself, and no one can enter it except with his permission."

is it?

I do n’t believe in the evil spirit and embedded the spiritual power in the light enchantment. As soon as a counter-shock force is approached, the spiritual power is ushered in. This is the same as the protective energy field on the “Holy Spirit Armor” in the “God of War”. A bit similar.

Under my devastation, the spiritual force pressed the force of the counter-shock and pressed directly toward the enchanted enchantment, and every time I stepped forward, I doubled the strength. I stopped when I was a few minutes away from the enchanted enchantment. Because if I continue to move forward, my spiritual power fluctuations will reach the point where people will be aware of it. In desperation, I will have to stop, after all, this is not the moment to be happy.

Although there is no real comparison with the light enchantment of the kings of the gods, but I have a little understanding of its composition. It is formed by a surprisingly high concentration of pure light power. The most amazing are these The light force was shaking at a very high speed by itself, so that the original strongest enchantment became even more indestructible, and the strength of the strongest "Holy Light Spirit" enchantment was just that, and this This incredible high-speed vibration also gives the enchantment a powerful destructive force. Any object trying to approach the enchantment will be smashed by the particles of high-speed vibration (somewhat similar to the principle of a chainsaw).

This is really amazing. I couldn't help but be shocked, but at the same time a flash of light flashed in my mind: Isn't this the principle of high frequency in physics? Huge energy is generated by the high-frequency vibrations that make up the molecules of matter. It seems that the physical knowledge of my world is equally universal here, and it has also been discovered by the kings of the gods and created such a magical enchantment. , But the theoretical knowledge I learned from the book tells me that the high frequency principle should have more extensive applications, maybe I can ...

Shannon saw me suddenly stunned in the air and she quickly pushed me, worriedly saying, "Man, what's wrong with you?"

I was suddenly awakened. As soon as I entered the line of sight, Shannon's eyes full of worry and affection. I reached out and patted her cheek, saying, "You don't have to worry, I'm fine."

Rahalt suddenly said: "Attention Lord, an angel is here!"

I looked up and saw a group of beautiful and mighty angel warriors, led by a beautiful female "Yao Angel", flew straight to us, flying to them, they saluted to Linsa in the sky, the "Yao Angel" He vomited Jiaoyin and said, "Our subordinates, see Her Royal Highness, Your Highness has been waiting for you for a long time, please let the princess quickly enter the Royal Palace."

Linsa nodded to her and pointed to me and Shannon and others: "They are my personal followers. I want to take them to the 'God's Temple'. Please trouble Ova to tell the father."

"Eagle Angel" Eva could not help but look different when she heard the words. Before Princess Linsha went to the "Goddess" to meet the kings of the gods, she never brought her followers. Now she ...

She puzzled and looked at me and Shannon, Lahalt, and Rowe for a while. From us, she only sensed the faint strength of the junior angel. She really did not understand why Princess Linsa attached so much importance to us. Our rookies enter the most holy "shrine".

Although she felt very confused, Eva faithfully executed the order given by Princess Linsa. She gave her a little salute to Princess Linsa and then rushed towards the high-frequency vibration that protected the "Imperial Temple". Bright enchantment.

The moment the avatar's delicate body approached the enchantment, the enchantment suddenly opened a gap that could be passed by a single person, and after she entered, the gap closed again.

It ’s a magical enchantment. If there is life, you can distinguish the approaching people by yourself. I ca n’t do this. The image of the king of the gods is more terrible in my heart. Unfathomable guy?

Luo Wei came to my side and said in terror, "Master, do you know what this enchantment is about? You can ..."

I reached out and motioned him not to say any more. What he said only hit our confidence. What we need most now is confidence.

We fell from the air and waited quietly for Eva's return, and the rest of the angel fighters were distributed above and around us, strictly performing their mission.

After a while, Eva returned from the enchantment, and she converged and fell in front of us: "His Royal Highness Princess Qilu, Your Majesty has agreed to your request, and your four attendants can enter the Royal Palace with you. See you. Princess, please set off right now, Your Majesty is waiting for you. "

When Linsa gave us a signal, she spread her wings and flew up. When I took off, I suddenly said to Ova, "Master, are you the guard of this" God's shrine "only a few of you? Don't be afraid that the assassins of the Devil will sneak in. ?"

Eva apparently did not expect that this rookie would suddenly ask such a question. She said to me with a disdainful expression: "What do you know, Your Majesty is the master of the universe and the universe, and the demon assassin is nothing but a jumping beam clown. What is it worth? A mention? Although there are only a few of the guards of the 'God's Shrine', in fact it does not need to be guarded at all. The enchantment set by His Majesty himself cannot be entered even by the demon Lucifer, and it is not necessary. We worry. Well, I'll tell you what these are doing! "

She turned away and ignored me, and I flew towards the enchantment outside the "God's Temple" behind Linsa while at the same time, my heart was much relieved: if Ova said good, then there is not only "God's Palace" Is there a king of gods? Maybe there will be a few maids and attendants but they are not afraid to come. This is really good for me.

As we approached the enchantment, the enchantment broke apart again. I really couldn't understand this. How did the kings of the gods do it?

The scene in the enchantment is no different from what it looks like from the outside, but we who enter the enchantment have a strange feeling in our hearts that is like entering a different world, and the situation is weird.

This enchantment cuts off all the sounds and breaths of the outside world. We do n’t hear any sounds in our ears. The eyes are white, plus the thought of facing the legendary Protoss Supreme Lord, me and Shannon. Their hearts couldn't help but jump up sharply, nervous.

Our group walked on the stone steps and entered the "God's Temple". We didn't see any attendants and guards along the way. It seems that what Eva said is not wrong. In this large "God's Temple", there are only gods. The king is alone.

The furnishings in the "Imperial Temple" are very different from the gorgeous and exquisite of the Demon Palace and my "Magic Temple". They look very simple and full of sacred and solemn atmosphere. The sound of our footsteps echoed clearly in the temple, as if In response to our heartbeat in general.

After walking through the long corridor, before we came to a huge hall, Linsha should push open the heavy white jade door carved with a simple pattern, and said softly: "Father Qiqi, daughter Linsha was ordered before Come."

A deep, magnetic voice came from the hall: "Come on, Linsa, and your guards, bring them together."

Linsha responded "Yes", and Lianbu moved gently towards the hall. I winked at Shannon, Lowe, and Lahalt, and lowered my head and walked in behind Linsa. hall.

The hall is very empty, except for a dozen white jade pillars supporting the dome, there are no decorative items and application tools. In the center of the hall, there is a large white high platform. On the high platform, there is a jade with a simple shape and no decoration. On the throne, there is a person sitting on the throne, a person wrapped in a white robe.

The person in the white robe sat quietly without any movement, but every time I took a step closer I felt a kind of noble and sublime kinglike spirit coming towards me. This invisible oppression almost made me breathless. Come.

Lahalt, Lowe, and Shannon all have strong willpower like steel. Even if they face the **** slaughterhouses that are traversed by the corpses, they will not be the same, but at this time I noticed them His body was uncontrollably, and there was a slight tremor that was almost undetectable.

After all, they are now facing the King of Gods, the Supreme King of Gods.

Linsha owed her respect to the kings of gods, and Shannon and I knelt on the ground nervously. This was the most important time. In case the king of the gods saw through our "mirror" camouflage, then we All efforts are in vain.

Fortunately, the king of the gods obviously didn't care about our little characters. He beckoned to Linsa without even looking at us, saying, "Linza, come here."

Linsa got up and walked to the throne of the high platform lightly and came to the king of the gods, and said, "The daughter listens to the command of the father."

The kings of the gods said: "Michele, they sent a battle report. Our expeditionary forces have suffered heavy losses under the great counterattack of the Demon Army, and even the camps have been destroyed. A little accidental fire will burn into the heavens, and we must not allow this to happen. Linsha, I want you to think of countermeasures and lead the army to fight. "

While he was talking, the three Shannon pretended to inadvertently cover my body. I secretly gathered all my spiritual power and began to condense wind elements and light power, because I was afraid that the kings of the gods would perceive it. I made this process very slowly, and at the same time, a spatial fault was placed under my body to isolate the leakage of magic waves, making all this silent.

The kings of gods and Linsa are discussing military affairs intently, and he has no notice of our actions.

Gradually, a small whirlwind appeared on my left hand and a small light ball appeared on my right hand. After all the preparations were completed, I suddenly pulled my hands together and opened a bow and arrow made of light while I raised Chant: "Linsha, get out!"

When Linsha heard the words, she flew out to the party at full speed, and suddenly there was only the inexplicable king of the gods on the throne of the platform.

A bunch of brilliant dazzling silver-colored silver awns shot directly from me to the kings of the gods. Although this bundle of silver ruptures the sky, it did not emit a wave of power fluctuations and sounds, which was my own creation. The compound magic best suited for sneak attacks and assassinations is "a gentle arrow," which is silent and silent and nobody can detect it (unless it is directly seen).

The "gentle arrow" of Yin Mang immediately struck before the kings of the gods ~ ~ This kind of destructive power possessed by Yin Mang can decompose any material in an instant, even if his No matter how strong you are, it is definitely not good to be shot by this "gentle arrow" without any precaution. It would be better if you could hang him up, but I didn't hold that much. Expectations, so I'm ready to summon all my summoned beasts to assist in combat immediately after the "Gentle Arrow" hits the target.

Seeing the "gentle arrow" the king of the gods who was about to rise suddenly lifted his left hand towards it, the damaging light with terrible material decomposition ability was unexpectedly blocked by him with one hand, formed by the combination of wind elements and light power His alien energy turned into a colorful ball of light flowing in his raised hands.

Just when we were horrified, the kings of the gods suddenly grasped the energy light ball with five fingers and one hand, and all the matter within five feet around him, including the solemn and solemn white jade throne, immediately became silent. The dust particles were scattered in the air.

The king of the gods clapped his hands and turned to look at me. Two sharp-looking straight swords shot at me like a sharp sword. He said, "We have finally met, the demon king of the demon world." ! "

God, he ... he knew ...

For a moment I couldn't help but lose my mind.

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