MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 344 It's you

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   Kargos experienced a vision of time for a moment.

   And the illusion ends and returns to reality.

  But it has entered the countdown of life.

  The pain from his heart always reminded him that death was coming.

   But what is going on?

  Kags was stunned and dazed.

  He is not a rookie who has just stepped into the reading world...

  After seeing Ainbo's ability to be suspected of operating systems, he has always maintained a high degree of vigilance, and he has never been stingy with the "condensation" used to prevent hidden moves.

  If there is really something else on his body, or some kind of mind ability, the "condensation" he frequently uses when running away will definitely be able to find it immediately.


   When exactly?

   How did you get caught?

   When the energy was fading away quickly, Kargos stared at Moyou who was close in front of him with his eyes wide open.

   That look seemed to want to swallow Moyou alive, but it also contained a hint of wanting to die to understand.

  But Moyou was not generous enough to fulfill his last wish before he died. He slowly raised the blood-stained dagger, and with a flick of his wrist, the dagger flew out of his hand.


  The short knife pierced Kargos' forehead.

  Kags' face froze, as if a trickle of blood dripped from his forehead.

   This knife speeded up the countdown of life.

  Moyou turned around, and heard the sound of a corpse falling to the ground from behind.

   And so—

  The number of members of the Elimo bandit group who died in the hands of Moyu reached five.

   Without paying too much attention to Kargos' body, Moyou looked in the direction of the large shed that housed the excavated objects.

  Choose to come here first, mainly because Ainbo made too much noise.

  But judging from the results, it was really the right time.

  Thanks to the two characters Ainbo and Kaggs, Moyou has completely tested the actual combat effect of "Flower in the Mirror and Water in the Water".

  Moyu looked towards the large shed, picked up his phone and said, "Wright, are you still there? I just finished off Kaggs..."

   Before the words finished, Mo You suddenly stopped, and turned his eyes to look at a figure in the rain.

  The figure was wearing a military uniform, but his head was wrapped with a nondescript white turban, and it was not tightly wrapped. It could be clearly seen that a lot of hair came out of the gaps in the turban, and was wet by the rain.

  Under the light of the searchlights, the stubble on the face of the figure was even more eye-catching. Even though he was wearing a military uniform, he was immediately recognizable as a counterfeit.

  But compared to the out-of-fitting attire, what Moyou cares most about is the form of thought energy on this figure.

   Solid and quiet.

   cannot be ignored.

  Moyou frowned, and for a moment, he vaguely saw Nitro's shadow on top of this figure.


   It looks familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

"Who is this guy?"

  Moyu didn't wait for Wright's response, hung up the phone without hesitation, and put the phone away.

  He couldn't confirm the identity of this person. The only information he could be sure of was that the other party was not hostile, but he didn't look like a member of the Elimo Bandit Group, nor could he be a member of the Luluxi Army.

  No matter who the other party is or what they plan to do, Moyou is secretly vigilant and ready to deal with it at any time.

   More precisely—

   is to be ready to escape at any time.

no way.

  He saw Nitro's shadow in this person's mind power state.

  Based on this alone, he had to arrange the retreat in advance, and it was impossible to continue talking with Wright. It can be said that he gave the other party absolute respect.

  Jin saw Moyou's reaction, but didn't care much. He raised his hand and rubbed his chin, thinking about the scene he saw just now.

   Kaggs, who had left Moyu behind, stopped suddenly, then held the knife in his backhand, laughed triumphantly, and stabbed the short knife into his own chest.

   This slightly weird development is undoubtedly the effect of the operating system's ability.

   It's just hard to tell what type of operating system capability it is.

   It doesn't look like a suggestive type, nor does it seem like a semi-mandatory type. If you insist, it's somewhere in between.

The key is…

  Jin didn't see any traces of the activation of the "external thought power". On the contrary, the moment Kargos stopped suddenly, the thought power on his body trembled violently, like a light bulb with poor contact flickering suddenly.

   Judging from this phenomenon, it can basically be concluded that it is the time when a certain ability is activated.

  The problem is that when the ability is activated, there is no trace at all.

   "Isn't it visible..."

  Thinking of this possibility, surprise suddenly appeared in Jin's eyes.

  In the complex and colorful mind system, there are indeed "invisible" ability settings, but they are usually applied to "parasitic" mind beasts.

  Because the ability level of "invisible" is too high, when setting the ability system, it is necessary to make a choice between "vow and restriction".

  This is why most "invisible abilities" will be applied to "parasitic beasts".

  Because after this type of beast finally achieves the parasitic conditions, it still needs "a period of time" to conceive its ability.

  The risk of being discovered during this period of time can just meet the constraints of the "invisible" ability, so it can reduce the difficulty of setting.

  Jin came over halfway to watch the battle. Based on the available information, it can only be inferred that Kaggs has acquired an invisible operating system ability.

   Judging from the strength of the ability after activation, there is a high probability that it is a fully developed parasitic beast, so the following rules are usually followed.

  Achievement of parasitic conditions → development and growth process → mobilization ability at maturity.

  Jin observed this invisible operating system ability during the "development and growth process" stage, and also saw the strength that prompted Kargos to directly kill himself after the ability was activated.


  Jin is an outsider, even if he thinks that his guess is right, he still can't see the thing parasitic on Kargos.

   This will undoubtedly make it difficult for his curiosity to be volatile.

   Perhaps more information could have been gleaned if the battle had been seen in the first place.

  Although I really want to know the more specific details, such things as telekinetic ability have always been the information that ability users are least likely to reveal easily.

   Except for coercive means, it is basically difficult to pry out the truth from the mouth of the capable person.

   "I don't know if he is interested in my 'Nian'."

  Jin suddenly thought that maybe he could use the method of "exchanging secrets" to get the corresponding operating system ability details from Moyou.

   It may be a bit too proud to say it, even narcissistic...

  But Jin feels that his "confidential information" is of high value, so this idea may work.

   "What a stupid way."

  Jin had a smile on his face, thinking seriously about the feasibility.

   "But I don't mind giving it a try, after all, sometimes, it takes a stupid way to work."

  King knew the "secret exchange" method was stupid.

  But in order to satisfy his curiosity, he doesn't mind being stupid, so as to figure out the true face of the "invisible thing".

far away.

  Moyu closely watched any move by Kim.

  If he knew what Jin was thinking at the moment, he would probably be speechless besides being speechless.

  This kind of practice is not in line with the identity of the world's five great thoughts.

   But such a guy is a genuine five-in-one ability user.

  Jin decided to give it a try, so he walked towards Moyu, and at the same time waved his hand and said, "Yo, Kester, remember me!"


  When seeing Jin take a step, Moyou's right foot hit the ground with a little strength, but after hearing Jin's greeting, the right foot that had just exerted strength turned and relaxed a little.


   Isn't this the pseudonym he didn't use a long time ago?


  Is this unknown person whose strength seems to be bottomless, someone you have met before?

   Moyou frowned slightly, while maintaining vigilance, carefully sized Jin's appearance.

  If you take off the military uniform, the person in front of you looks like a homeless man on the street.

   Moyou couldn't remember when he had seen this person anyway.

   "It's me, Nico."

   Seeing Moyou's puzzled reaction, Jin didn't pay much attention.

   After all, his current image is indeed a little different from when he met Moyou before.

In order to help Moyu recall faster, after Jin announced his name, he quickly added: "We met in Shivadani City before, just outside the venue where the marsh men's autograph session was held, and we were still there I have exchanged the impressions of Numao."


  Hearing such a well-placed supplement, Moyou quickly recalled the identity of the other party.

   It turned out to be a marsh man who met in Shivadani City.


   The image is too bad, right?

  And the sense of strength is also very different.

   Moyou had a doubt in his heart.

   Not right.

  Perhaps the strength of the telekinetic named "Nigu" in front of him hasn't changed much.

  The reason why I didn't feel strong from this person at the beginning was because I was still weak at that time...

  Now his strength has become stronger, and he even tried it once with Nitero, so now he can see the strength of the opponent at a glance.

  Or because the opponent is in a state of preparation...

  In short, what can be determined is that the opponent's strength is very strong.

  It was so strong that he kept thinking of Nitro.

  But he has never seen such a character in the original book, so it must be the world's top five powers who have not yet appeared, right?


  Moyou's eyes changed slightly, and he quickly glanced at the white messy turban on the head of the man who called himself Nigu.

  Aside from military uniforms, he possesses a Psychic form that is comparable to Nitro, and is suspected of possessing top-notch strength, but also wears a messy turban, and that unkempt attire...

   "So it's you."

   Moyou suppressed the surprise in his heart, smiled at Jin, and said seriously: "Nigu."

   "Haha, remember now."

  Jin stopped when he saw the deal, looked at Moyou through the rain curtain, and smiled: "I thought about buying you a drink that time, but unfortunately you are still underage, but it should be okay now?"

  The surrounding soldiers are slowly approaching.

  They mainly want to confirm the current situation of Ainbo and Karges at close range, as well as Jin's military uniform, which can be said to be three hundred taels of silver here...

   As a result, after seeing Jin and Moyou talking, he temporarily lowered his gun.

  They can directly fire at Jin according to the current situation, but they have to give Moyou face.

  If Moyou hadn't helped them deal with the two monster-level attackers, I don't know how many colleagues would have died at the hands of those two monsters.

   Jin naturally noticed the movement of the soldiers around him, but he never paid much attention to it.

  Speaking of-

  He came in a hurry, but he didn't first obtain a proper identity to come here and act freely.

   But it's not a big problem.

  As long as he goes to the excavation site to show his face casually, he can immediately get a permit and identity.

  Moyou looked at Jin with a smile on his face, and after guessing, he was not as nervous as before.

  But guesses are guesses, you have to verify it...

  Moyou also said with a smile on his face: "You can drink now."

After a pause, Moyou deliberately ignored the strange point that both sides were wearing military uniforms, and then said in a serious tone: "It is fate to see you here, so, this time, I invite you Have a drink, Kim Fraser."


The smile on Jin Na's face froze slightly, but it returned to normal in an instant, and he also said in a serious tone: "That's really great, I've always wanted to have a drink with you, Moyo Isaac."

  Moyou raised his brows slightly, and he noticed Jin's reaction, thus confirming his guess just now.

   It's just that I didn't expect that a big man like Jin would pay attention to a small man like him?

  Looking at Jin calmly, Moyou kept a polite smile on his face.

  Jin was also looking at Moyou, his sincere smile remained the same as before, seemingly unchanged.

  Both parties seem to have not cared about the behavior of "reporting pseudonyms", and at this moment they smile at each other in the rain.

   And try my best to release goodwill, as if to use this method to completely expose the inappropriate behavior of "reporting false names".

   "By the way, I have a proposal."

  Jin finally couldn't hold back his curiosity, and before Moyou could respond, he cut straight to the point:

   "I'm very interested in the ability you showed just now, can you tell me a thing or two, in exchange, I will also tell you the details of my ability, what do you think of this proposal?"


  Moyou froze for a moment when he heard the words, and swallowed the words "Are you okay" with great difficulty.

   Judging from Jin's reaction at the moment, it looks like a cat whose curiosity has been aroused.

  That's why you made such an outrageous proposal out of curiosity?


  Moyou really wanted to know Jin's ability to read, but the most powerful thing about "Flower in the Mirror and Water Moon" is the confidentiality of information, how could it be revealed at will.

   "Not very good, let me refuse."

   Moyou rejected Jin's proposal without even thinking about it.

  Seeing that Moyou refused so simply, Jin sighed with regret on his face: "Well, I'm actually quite curious about what the 'invisible thing' with your ability looks like."

  When Moyou heard this, his pupils shrank slightly.

   Have you been noticed...

  The purpose of mentioning "invisible things" is to make me realize the weight of the bargaining chip in exchanging secrets...

   Moyou suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and looked at Jin without changing his face.

  Seeing that Moyou didn't respond, Jin realized that even if he increased his chips, he couldn't make Moyou agree to this stupid proposal.

  Despite the regret, Jin simply changed the subject and said, "Where do you go for a drink?"

  Looking like that, it seemed that the reaction of eager to satisfy curiosity just now had never appeared before.

   And Moyou also saw a side of Jin that was different from ordinary people based on this insight.

   If you want to use words to describe it, you just can't use it as a theory.

   "It's obviously not suitable to drink now."

   Moyou pointed in the direction of the large shed.

  There, several breaths of thought power burst out.

  Jin touched his chin, nodded and said, "That's right, I'll take care of it, and it will be soon."


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