MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 311 this is kurollo

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  Chapter 311 This is Kurolo

   Without any warning, the attack that fell from the sky hit Rice.

  The dazzling light cluster seemed to be condensed by a large amount of thought power, and it fell to the ground like a comet in an instant, triggering a violent energy release.

  Following that, even if everyone reacted, they were swept away by the aftermath of the explosion in the next instant.

  After a large amount of smoke and dust was swept away by the air waves, a large pit appeared on the originally flat grass.

   Everyone in the Phantom Brigade looked at the pit with different expressions.

  But saw a figure holding a head suddenly jumped out of the pit and landed on the edge of the pit.

  The figure was sturdy, wearing a blue and white outfit, with long shoulder-length silver hair, sharp-edged face, and a pair of beast-like eyes revealing a majestic and stern aura.

  This person is Ba Dike, the contemporary chairman of the Dadike family.

  The reason why he shot Rice was because he accepted the commission from Koko Hex to assassinate Rice.

  Rice's head was casually held in Shiba's hand, and there was still an unbelievable reaction in his wide-open eyes.

  I thought that I could rely on the help of my companions to let the tiger **** behind me have a long memory, but I never thought that justice would come from heaven and send him directly into the abyss.

  The end is to die without resting my eyes.

  The gazes of the Phantom Brigade passed Rice's deathly head, then moved upwards, and all focused on Sheba.

  The gaze that looked at the past contained hostility.

  The members of their own regiment were slaughtered like chickens, how could they let it go.

   It's just that the brigade has an unwritten rule.

   If you want to join the brigade, you must kill one of the existing members of the brigade.

  Because of this rule, when Sheba fell from the sky and killed Rice instantly, the members of the Phantom Troupe did not immediately attack Sheba.

  Siba looked around at the other people present, and could clearly feel the hostility from the brigade members, but he didn't care much.

  The assassination commission has been completed, and the next step is to leave here to find the client to cash in the rest of the reward.

  As for the group of unabashedly hostile people around...

  If you want to avenge the owner of this head in your hand, then go to Kululu Mountain to find him.

  After reading this, Shiba retracted his gaze, ready to leave this place filled with awe-inspiring atmosphere.

   "You have two choices."

  But at this moment, Kuroro spoke.

  His voice is calm and powerful, giving people an unquestionable feeling.


  Shiba turned slightly sideways, looking calmly at Kuroro who was walking towards him.

  The words just now were obviously addressed to him.

  Krollo's eyes were deep. As he was walking, he pointed his index finger at Shiba and said calmly: "The first one is to replace Rice's regiment number and become a member of the Phantom Brigade."

   After speaking, he raised his second finger.

   "The second type, die here."

   In front of Shiba, Kuroro calmly gave two options.

   This is the Phantom Troupe.

  Even if the companion is suddenly slaughtered in front of him, he will judge according to the situation whether to give the assailant a chance to join the brigade.

   Moyou, who was also in the chaos, saw this scene and thought it was unreasonable.

But recalling that in the original book, after Kurapika killed Wo Jin as a chain killer, other members such as Feitan Finks would consciously retain the possibility that "the leader may invite the chain killer to join the group", so I don't think Strange.

  This may also be the fundamental reason why the Phantom Troupe has been able to stand up to this day.

  So that the more powerful professional bounty hunters are, the less willing they are to provoke the existence of the Phantom Troupe.

   That is, the assassination family with a rich background like the enemy, will not worry about revenge from the Phantom Troupe.

  While Moyu was alert to the threat from the Phantom Brigade, he looked at Shiba and Kurolo who were confronting each other.

   I really didn't expect that the ultimate move that fell from the sky came from Qi Ya's father.

   That is to say—

  The guy whose head was taken off was Sheba's assassination target in the original book?

  At the same time, it was precisely because of this entrustment that Sheba complained very rarely, and used this to remind the family members such as Il fans not to provoke the Phantom Troupe.

   It can be seen that after Xiba successfully killed the target, he must have been entangled by other members of the Phantom Troupe.

  Although I don't know what the process was like, but as far as the result is concerned, Sheba was able to retreat in the end, and the Phantom Troupe did not seek revenge from the enemy family afterwards.

  Both parties are well aware of each other's difficulties, so they simply let it go.

   "It turns out that at this point in time..."

  Through understanding the plot of the original novel, Moyou grasped this information, and couldn't help but look at Xiba's side face, his eyes flickered slightly.

  Entered at this timing and helped to eliminate another member of the Phantom Troupe.

   Really helped.

  Thinking in his heart, Moyou quickly took into his eyes the location information of everyone in the Phantom Brigade, and then checked the location of Kang Jae.

  How the next situation will evolve, he has no idea.

   It's just that he can use the ability of "Shape-shifting" to stay away from here at any time, so there is nothing to worry about.

that is-

   "Zai Kang has to get out of this place of right and wrong as soon as possible."

   What Moyou is most worried about now is Kang Jae.

  Even if Kang Jae is a powerful enhancement system, he certainly cannot escape from the siege of the Phantom Troupe.

  Siba's appearance and the act of instantly killing Rice caused the chilling atmosphere in the arena to stagnate a little.

   Kurolo came forward and gave two choices, just waiting patiently for Sheba's reply.

  If Shiba refuses the choice he gave, then he will kill Shiba from the standpoint of the leader.

  Siba, as the contemporary patriarch of the family that beat the enemy, how could it be possible for Xiba to join the Phantom Brigade.

  He ignored the aura created by Kuroro while walking, took Rice's head, turned and left.

   Seeing Shibana's move to turn around and leave, Kuroro directly regarded this behavior as the answer of "die here".


   There is no need to say more, Kuroro suddenly launched an attack, attacking Shiba's back like lightning.

Shiba sensed Kuroro's actions at the first time, and the thought force on his body instantly changed from moving to static, converging on the body surface, converging into a "firm" state, and then suddenly turned around and swept towards Kuroro. The stabbing knife.

   Such a counterattack from behind, intending to directly abolish one of Kuroro's arms at the cost of a thigh injury, can be described as full of cruelty.

Kuroro's eyes shrank slightly, he decisively abandoned the move and retracted his arms, his five fingers closed together turned into a fist, and then he stopped suddenly, letting Xiba's long whip-like legs pass by in front of his eyes, The strong wind lifted the black bangs on his forehead.


  The moment Shiba's long legs passed by his forehead, Kuroro stepped on the ground with one foot, and his upper body suddenly leaned forward to press Shiba.

  Siba glanced at Kuroro's attack from the corner of his eye, and his right elbow sank suddenly in an inverted triangle, hitting Kuroro's fist.

   There was a muffled sound.

  The mental power mobilized by the two of them burst out with the collision of elbows and fists, and suddenly a circle of air waves spread rapidly outward.

While Shiba knocked on Kuroro's fist with his right elbow, his body remained motionless like a rock, that is, when his right leg was retracted and stood still, his left knee suddenly lifted up, from bottom to top , grabbing Kuroro's left fist abruptly.

   "Monster-like physical fitness..."

  Following the face-to-face confrontation, Kuroro had an intuitive understanding of Siba's monster-like physical fitness.

   Unexpectedly, in a posture where the legs have not yet been retracted, the lower body is so firmly tied.

Then, using the perfect body coordination, he first blocked his left fist with his elbow, and then while retracting the whip leg, he used the knee of the other leg to cooperate with the elbow to form a double-teaming situation to control his own fist. fist.

  After a short burst of thinking, Kuroro's left hand, which had been aware of it, emerged with thought power, which turned into a book.

   "The Thief's Ultimate Intention"

at the same time.

Naturally, Shiba could see Kuroro manifesting a book at the first time, but his next attack did not stop because of this, and a large amount of thought power released from the palm of his left hand condensed into a small ball with a diameter of more than one hour. Rice ball.

  He is a release type, the strongest attack method is to release the mind power to the maximum extent and condense it on the palm, and then throw it directly, or bombard the enemy with the help of fists to bombard the condensed and compressed large mind ball.

  Because the opportunity for close combat is always fleeting, Shiba slapped the ball directly to Kuroro's face after the diameter of the ball exceeded one meter.

   At such a close distance, once the reading ball exploded on Kuroro's face.


   Even if Kuroro survived, he would be seriously injured.

  The members of the Phantom Troupe around saw this scene that happened between lightning and flint, and their expressions suddenly changed.

   But at this very moment—

   The "Thief's Ultimate Intention" on Kuroro's right hand stopped flipping, which meant that he could activate his ability.


  During the agitation of the mind force, Xiba disappeared out of thin air with the condensed mind ball.

next moment.

  Xiba appeared in front of Moyouying's avatar holding a black knife, and the dazzling light released by the forward-pressing ball covered the upper body of Moyouying's avatar in an instant.

   It was Kuroro who used a certain release-type ability at a critical moment to transfer Xiba who was in an attacking state to Moyuying's clone.

   Such an operation can be described as extremely insidious.

   It is difficult to figure out whether the two choices given to Sheba earlier are really fulfilling the brigade's regulations, or whether they have been planning for the arrival of "this moment" since then.

  Faced with this sudden change, Moyou reacted quickly enough, forcibly resisting the idea of ​​switching the shadow clone to a two-dimensional state, but manipulated the shadow clone to make a sideways move.

  He threw the black knife to the shadow clone just now in the smoke and dust, just to create a "misleading" information.

   Never thought that Kuroro would do such a thing, and wanted to use Sheba's attack to kill him.

  But because he threw the knife to the shadow clone before, Kuroro thought that the shadow clone was the main body before doing it.

  Moyu's reaction was quick, but Shiba's was even faster.

  However, in this case, it is impossible to contain the attack.

  The main reason is that the timing of the black-haired youth's movement is too extreme...

  In order to prevent the opponent from succeeding, the most Shiba can do is to deflect the offensive trajectory of the ball in his hand.

that's it-

  Under the response of Moyouying's avatar and Shiba's respective responses.

  The reading ball passed Moyou's side and pressed to the ground.


   Dazzling light burst out.


  The explosion in an instant lifted Mo Youying's clone into the air.

  Moyou resisted the pain from the air waves bombarding the shadow clone, made his facial expression meticulous, and then silently controlled the shadow clone to adjust its posture as much as possible in mid-air, and landed on the ground steadily.

  Minding the center of the ball explosion, Shiba stopped where he was unharmed, but Rice's head, which was originally carried in his left hand, was completely changed.

  Xiba casually dropped Rice's head, and glanced at Moyouying's avatar that fell from mid-air and barely stabilized his figure.

  After he took the shot, he noticed Moyou who seemed to have a relationship with Nitero, but he didn't intend to have an intersection with Moyou.

  But the black-haired young man who seemed to be the leader of the Phantom Brigade actually played such a trick in a close-up high-strength attack and defense that could be killed by a mistake at any time, and almost killed Moyou.

   Fortunately, Moyou's reaction was fast enough, giving him the space and opportunity to change his moves.

   Xiba felt apologetic in his heart, but he didn't express it on his face. He turned his eyes and looked at Kuroro who was holding a book in his right hand.

   "The ability of the release system to force the target to move instantly...but it is usually impossible to link it with the book that is realized. Is it a derived ability, or..."

   Doubts flashed in Shiba's heart.

  It is very unreasonable for the materialized book to be equipped with the displacement skill of the release system.

   In other words, it’s not as simple as just taking off your pants and farting.

  But the calm black-haired youth in front of him did use this ability with a book.

  There is too little information, and it is difficult for Xiba to make useful inferences.

  Although Kuroro made a fool of him, Shiba didn't intend to get into it.

  Now he just wants to get out of this vortex full of right and wrong, and then go to the client to cash in the reward.

  Thinking of this, Shiba still made a move to withdraw from the battle circle.

   "Aren't you going to fight after all this?"

   Kurolo looked at Sheba, with a gleam of light in his deep eyes, and said to himself, "But you can't decide."

  Whether it is Shiba or Moyu, Kuroro will not let them go, and will take their abilities.

  Everyone in the Phantom Brigade saw that Kuroro resolved the crisis with only one move, and also used the opportunity to hurt Moyu, and they all smiled.

   This is exactly the leader they knew, a leader who convinced them.

   It's just that they didn't know that the injured Moyou was actually a shadow clone.

  Those who don’t know this, there is Kang Jae.

   "Hey, okay."

   Kang Zai, who was also in the battle circle, asked the Mo Youying clone who had just been blown away.


  The shadow clone just glanced at Kang Jae, but didn't say anything.

no way…

  In this situation, how could Moyu respond to Kang Jae's concern.

   But Kang Jae didn't know this, and when he saw Moyou's cold reaction, he was a little annoyed.

   Kindly care for you, but you are so cold!




  (end of this chapter)

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