MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 61 Sunzi

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In the office, the pale old man was sitting on a chair, with cold sweat on his forehead, panting heavily.

A large group of people gathered around him.

"General Su, the doctor is here soon!"

"Where's the medicine?! Isn't the spare medicine in the coat pocket!"

"I've already taken three pills just now, the adjutant has rushed to get other medicines, and the doctor will come soon—"

"Admiral, is there any discomfort for you?!"

The adjutant hurried over with the medicine bottle, picked up five tablets, and others offered a glass of warm water at the same time, and handed them all to Su Enqi's hand, helping him to swallow them.

Su Enqi even swallowed water dryly, as if an invisible hand had stuck his neck. The bitterness of the pill permeates the nerves of the taste buds, making people want to retch.

Another person handed the aerosol, Su Enqi took it, took a few deep breaths, and his expression finally eased.

The doctor came, briefly checked his condition, and advised him to go to the private medical room to rest, observe the situation, and go to the military hospital if necessary.

"...I'll just stay here." Su Enqi said slowly, with a hoarse voice, "I'm not going anywhere."

Doctor: "Admiral Su, we still recommend that you go to the medical room to rest in bed and keep an eye on your body values ​​to avoid..."

"I said I won't go." Su Enqi interrupted him, gasped a few times, and his face turned red again, "It's just a small problem, I'm already healed, do you think I seem to be in trouble?" He Looking around, a group of officers and soldiers with nervous and worried faces said, "Go out."

Everyone looked at each other, a major general stepped forward and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Su Enqi: "Get out! Go and do your business—you still have a lot of things to do." He waved again and knocked down the tabletop The medicine bottle, the small white pill rolled on the table, "Go!"

His tone was strong.

Everyone hesitated for a few seconds. A few guards walked away first, followed by other officers, and finally the adjutant and the doctor walked away with hesitant faces.

There are only two people left in the huge office.

Su Enqi, and an officer in his thirties, with the rank mark of a major on his shoulder.

"General Su," the major said, "you'd better stay in bed and rest, it's not good for your heart."

"I said no need." Su Enqi said coldly, "Su Liang, don't you have something to do on your own? Or do you also think I'm old and useless?"

—Su Liang, the only son of Su Enqi.

Su Enqi had a son in his middle age, and his wife died early due to illness, but instead of doting on his child, he was strict with Su Liang and sent him to the front line. Su Liang's military rank was obtained bit by bit by guarding the outpost, climbing the mud, bathing in blood, and picking up the corpses of his comrades.

Su Liang didn't speak, stepped forward a few steps, picked up the scattered pills, and wrapped them in paper.

He did not continue to persuade Su Enqi, but said: "All the marchers were dispersed, and no one was injured. The patrol team will strengthen its vigilance in the future to prevent this kind of thing from happening again."

The marchers in the center of the city dispersed, their signs still scattered on the ground.

[Shortage of troops, life and death are at stake, and one more failure cannot be tolerated]

[We don't need commanders who make frequent mistakes! Once or twice is understandable, how many times has Admiral Su lost in the past two years? How many people did not need to be killed or injured? 】

【He is old—his time has passed】

[The capable ones live here! Support General Lu Tinghan with full command! 】

[If there is a better candidate, why not choose him? Onshore will be able to do better! 】

Those big characters are shocking.

Cleaning robots scurry around picking up placards for destruction.

Just over a year ago, demonstrations against Lu Tinghan broke out on the streets of Gleaming City, claiming that Su Enqi was not old. Times have changed, roles have been reversed, and Lu Tinghan has proven his strength time and time again: the fall of "Clarion", the critical battles and perfect responses, the foresight and decisiveness of abandoning Gleaner City, the defeat of "Fuchuan" , he did not hesitate to sacrifice his courage when facing the "Rock Snake"...

Under the oppression and catalysis of the peak period of infection, doubts about Lu Tinghan disappeared, and the number of people who trusted him increased overwhelmingly.

In this precarious era, victory is the only booster. They love it and grab it like they're grabbing tomorrow.

Su Enqi said: "Do you think I will care? I witnessed the beginning of the end times with my own eyes. I haven't seen any storms and waves in the past seventy years. These are just small troubles. They should have better things to do. Building a city and assisting in defense, neither of which is better than holding a sign and shouting slogans."

"..." Su Liang threw the dirty pills into the trash can and said, "The doctor told me, don't stay up all night and get tired again."

Su Enqi leaned on the seat and laughed twice: "Then I said, everyone don't want to die. Is there any choice? It's enough not to die for a while."

Su Liang said: "Perhaps, you can consider letting the land general share the burden? You..."

He paused.

— Su Enqi looked at him, something seemed to be burning in his cloudy eyes, aggressive.

"Su Liang," Su Enqi paused, "Do you also think that I am not qualified to command anymore?"

Su Liang stood up straight and replied, "I just think you need to pay attention to your health."

"Answer my question." Su Enqi stared at him, "Colonel Su Liang, in your opinion, am I not qualified to command?"

There was an icy silence in the office.

"...No, I don't think so." Su Liang said slowly, "No one can guarantee perfection in war, and no one can be a victorious general, let alone facing elusive monsters. What have you done in the past few decades? Very good, the mainstay of the league, and... my role model and idol. But—"

He changed the subject: "But—the general on land is too special. He not only has military talent, but also the natural enemy of monsters. He was born for war. You are his teacher. You must understand this better than me. His progress is also It is obvious to all, and I think that more power can be properly assigned to him. I don't think you are not qualified, but he has done better."

He hesitated to add: "Besides, your health is... not very optimistic."

Su Enqi looked at him silently.

When he is expressionless, the wrinkles at the end of the eyes and the corners of the mouth are very obvious, drooping down and unable to be covered. Fortunately, he habitually maintained a straight sitting posture, so that he would not look too old.

"Do you really think you should give him all the power?" he said.

"Not all of them," Su Liang subconsciously said, "some of them."

"Scattering military power in this way will only cause chaos, and he and I will always have disagreements." Su Enqi said, "Do you know that in this era, military power is everything, enough to override all political, legal, moral and Tradition, even the so-called rules are a joke."

He raised his chin slightly, and said almost arrogantly: "The one who has the military power is the one who talks. When it comes to power, Chairman Chai Yongning is not a fart in front of me and the land general."

These rebellious and arrogant words made Su Liang startled.

Su Enqi continued: "If you want to give him the command of the main city, you must give everything and give everything up. Let me ask again, do you really think you should give him all the power? Should you?"

Just as Su Liang was about to answer, the general on land was competent enough, but a thought flashed across him: Why did Su Enqi ask such a question? He should know Lu Tinghan's talent better than anyone else, unless it means something else...

That thought was so unbelievable that he opened his eyes wide: "Could it be that you, you don't trust the land general...?!"

It is not distrust of strength.

It's about not trusting that person.

"He used to be an abyss monitor, and until now he has to do regular psychological assessments, and the assessors are all my people." Su Enqi looked at Su Liang firmly, "The chairman of the alliance has no real power, and I am the only one who can restrain him Man, you want me to hand over power? Do you want him to tamper with the evaluation results at will, do you want him to do whatever he wants?"

What he said was too shocking.

Su Liang never expected that one day he would hear this argument from Su Enqi, from Lu Tinghan's teacher, friend and comrade-in-arms.

Obviously Su Enqi should be the person who believes in Lu Tinghan the most in this world - everyone thinks so, maybe Lu Tinghan does too.

Su Liang was dumbfounded: "I thought..."

"If you want to talk about Lu Tinghan himself, I absolutely trust him 100%. I watched him grow up, and I know how much he wants to keep the city, and I have seen everything he has done." Su Enqi said lightly, "But , When I saw the irrational monitors again and again, I was thinking, what if? We can't afford this possibility."

He also said: "I believe in his determination and support him as a commander. I don't want to lose him. If necessary, I am willing to die for him. But when I am still alive? I will never allow him to have military power alone." He said He raised his chin again, "I'm still young. Bypassing me? It's impossible."

Su Liang was speechless.

"I don't care about demonstrations or slogans." Su Enqi crossed his fingers, his eyes were burning, "I have fought all my life, no one is qualified to judge my decision-making, and no one can Get me off my horse. You were all breastfeeding when I went to war. I sit here, I was there forty years ago, and I always will be."

"If you want to laugh at me, criticize me, and expect me to make a fool of myself when I grow old, then you are too happy. My comrades in arms are all dead, and only I live to this day. This is also the city I guarded. The decisions I have made so far They are all correct. Even if there are deficiencies, if another person is brought over, they will not be able to do better. Who can question me and who dares to deny me?"

Su Liang was silent.

After a long time, he suddenly said, "Mother is right."

Su Enqi raised an eyebrow.

Su Liang: "She told me before that she likes roses and asked you to buy a bouquet for her on Valentine's Day. But what you bought was a rose."

Su Enqi paused, seemingly puzzled.

Su Liang looked calm, and continued: "She told you, you bought the wrong one. This is a Chinese rose, not a rose. Their buds and leaves are different. But you stuck your neck and told her that this is a rose, gorgeous, beautiful and thorny." , How could it be rose? She tried her best to explain, but you still don’t want to believe that you have regarded rose as a rose all your life. From then on, she knew that you are a proud and stubborn person, and you can’t admit your own mistake."

Su Enqi's tone was angry: "What do you want to say? Don't use her to overwhelm me."

"I've heard about Jiang Huachi." Su Liang's figure was straight, and he looked directly at Su Enqi, "You treat him as your own, but I spent some time with Brother Huachi when I was young, and I know he is a You bastard, something will happen sooner or later. As it turned out, I don’t know what he did, but you covered him, didn’t you?”

Su Enqi stared at him silently.

"Brother Hua Chi is now in prison, waiting to go to court." Su Liang said, "So now, do you think you were wrong? Or, do you regret protecting him?"

Su Enqi's gaze was like a knife.

The answer is self-evident.

"So I was thinking, what mother said is absolutely right." Su Liang said softly, "You don't want to share power and don't consider making concessions. Is it because you don't trust the admiral, or because you can't admit that you are old? Now, my skills are not as good as others, and I will make mistakes and will be replaced by others one day? What reason is it that has the upper hand?"

"Su! Liang!" Su Enqi was almost furious this time. He slapped the table and stood up, the veins on his neck bulging. "Tell me again!"

"I won't say it anymore, you need to rest." Su Liang said, "But 41 years ago, that was really a bouquet of roses."

He took a few steps back, saluted, turned and left.

Su Enqi stood alone in the office.

The old illness hadn't passed yet, and the pain came back again, and he panted heavily, like an angry trapped animal.

Shi Yuan spent several days learning the violin.