MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 83 Don't cry after a while.

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"Hey, boss?"

"Hey, Zhou Xiaohua?"

"Uh ... boss, is there anything you call me like this?"

"It's okay, just to inform you that your bonus is gone this month."



Xia Rong hung up the phone, and finally faced a cat with a bed of cat ears and cat tails, and finally felt a little balanced.

Obviously Xiao Zhou was full of question marks about this plague, and hurriedly sent a WeChat message: "Boss, can I know why !!! [黑熊 呵呵 .jpg]"

"This bonus should be deducted half a year ago. Before that, I was too busy and cheaper for you [smile]"

Xiao Zhou:"???!!!"

Xia Rong was about to retaliate against him, and Su Chi looked up and said, "It is shameful to get angry with a little girl."

"... I haven't really deducted it. Her salary is under the control of Yiyi. It is easy for me to give her bonuses, but it is difficult to deduct bonuses. Can I not let my mouth leak?" Xia Rong poked angrily in front of several sets of fun Props, "It's shameful to robbery while fire!"

"Have I robbed while on fire?" Su Chi smiled and put a pair of cat ears on his head with a smile, and came with a "click" on his mobile phone. "Well, cute."

Xia Rong, who promised the so-called "compensation", forcibly refused to remove the cat's ears and turned his face red: "..."

Su Chi smiled slightly, and had to put on the furry cat's claw gloves to Xia Rong, and fasten the cat's tail around her waist. When Xiao Zhou bought something, he almost put Xia Rong's phrase "Don't be afraid to buy expensive, I will reimburse you". Remember it firmly. Even if you buy **** clothes, it is the best on the market. Cat ears and cat tails have imitations. As soon as Xia Rong was nervous about the bio-sensing device, the cat's ears trembled and the fluffy cat's tail fluttered behind him.

Xia Rong was so ashamed that he felt steaming on his face: it is one thing to change a kitten uncontrollably. He is obviously a human, but he has to use these props to force himself to wear these things to sell and seduce people. It made his straight man (?) Unacceptable.

But now that he has promised to compensate Su Chi, the man ’s husband is just saying what he must do!

In particular, Su Chi said softly in his ear, "Sit on the bed."

Xia Rong crawled awkwardly into the bed because he was wearing thick cat claw gloves. He rolled over, feeling that Su Chi was getting closer and closer, and he did not dare to open his eyes.

Su Chi's breath was getting closer and closer, and his indisputable ears and tail swayed even harder, and he had to reach out a hand and hold the scurrying tail.

Su Chi's soft and warm lips first fell on his eyes, then on the bridge of his nose, lips, and lower jaw ... Xia Rong's throat rolled and he couldn't help gutting and swallowing.

This sound seemed to be too obvious in the extremely quiet and ambiguous room, and he blushed again in a panic, his eyes trembling even more.

It seemed like he was clenching his heart silently with one hand, and every second waiting for Su Chi's next move was clear as if engraved in his pulse.

However, when Su Chi kissed his jaw, the movement that should have continued to stop was stopped, he rolled back, took a bite on Xia Rong's lips, and asked, "Are you nervous?"

"... Crap, crap!"

Immediately, the body and mind will be completely bent into a mosquito coil without turning back, and it's no wonder that you can't be nervous!

However, Su Chi just fumbled with his fingers and took off Xia Rong's gloves, which were intertwined with his fingers, and his lips also pried open Xia Rong's lips and teeth, and attacked the city more deeply.

"... Is that it?" After a deep kiss that made it difficult to breathe, Xia Rong was still a little dull after seeing Su Chi's slow move.

"Stupid fleece." Su Chi reached out and squeezed his face. "I hope our first time, you are full of expectation and joy, I don't want to leave you any unpleasant memories."

... is going to be x, how can it be full of anticipation and joy! You wake up, Su eat, this is simply not realistic!

Although Xia Rong screamed silently in his heart, his expression was clearly understood by Su Chi, and Su Chi smiled and shook their holding hands: "So I can wait for another time."

-In fact, you don't have to wait.

Xia Rong thought secretly in his heart, but this time he converged and did not let Su Chi see through it.

... Well, Su Chi is too sincere. Is he willing to let him say x? Is he nervous for the first time? If he accepted it so casually, what is the dignity of his straight man!

Although I don't know Xia Rong's rich brain activities at this moment, Su Chi still fairly comprehends the second reason to convince him: "And I just saw that Director Li Yan sent you a WeChat half an hour ago and said Ran Yi has decided that it is you, let you look at the contract, and go to his private house in city B tomorrow, and see the relevant staff of the "Awaiting Aurora" crew. "

"Is it all settled for the starring?" Xia Rongdao, "It really settled on me, and it feels like a big piece of pie hit me on my head. Will it arrive tomorrow morning? Then I must fly over tonight. "

"Um." Su Chi smiled and said, "So if you do it today, I'm afraid you can't get on the plane tonight."

Xia Rong's face was hot, and he glanced at him and said, "You're enough!" He took off his gloves, put on cat ears and cat tail, and quickly jumped out of bed to reply to Li Yan.

Su Chi looked at him behind him and quietly breathed a sigh of relief--

The first time he was about to turn theory into practice, he was actually very nervous! If any step is not done, annoying Xia Rong's pain, not only his own heartache, he has maintained such a long-lasting and powerful attack (?) What is the image!

Go back tonight, let's make up the "Expansion Film" again and again, it seems that there are a few steps in the posture that I saw last time.


When Xia Rong arrived in Li Yan's cottage, in addition to Li Yan, he also saw another starring co-star of his forthcoming "intimate" cooperation.

The other was young and handsome, with long legs. When Xia Rong was seen, he happily came up to a bear hug, "It's been a long time!"

Unexpectedly, it was Zhang Xin!

Xia Rong has been focusing on the bubble crew and fighting against the evil evil forces for the past six months. He had not seen his buddies who had participated in variety shows together for a long time. But everyone knows that they will be able to meet in the second season soon. The original WeChat group is still active, but it doesn't feel too rusty emotionally.

However, she was not unfamiliar with emotions. When she faced her partner up close again, she still found that the appearance of the other party had changed dramatically. When Variety just started shooting, they collectively measured their height. Zhang Xin 179 was two centimeters shorter than Xia Rong. At that time, it seemed that his old **** was there and didn't care. It turned out that it was only half a year. It turned out that the male was eighteen, and people quietly ran out. Now the 183 people are even two times higher than Xia Rong. Cm.

In the past six months, he has filmed several scenes, including modern detectives and grave robbing adventures. Anyway, he has eavesdropped and walked in extreme environments. After doing this exercise, he has not only drifted out, his skin is black, and his musculoskeletal has become stronger . From the variety show, the handsome and sloppy otaku, turned into today's handsome boy.

The news of Li Yan's "casting a cast in China" has been receiving much attention from the outset. After all kinds of hype like Sheng Guangji tasted the sweetness of attention, other actors participating in the audition also came out one after another, following the speculation Today, Li Yan is said to be very appreciative of himself, and tomorrow, he said that XX is suspected of unfair competition. Almost every day's hot search has news related to this topic. The people who eat melon have finished eating the old melon and opening up the new melon. They are very busy.

As a result, Xia Rong didn't expect that the final cast was himself and Zhang Xin. These two people have never been involved and released any wind.

Of course, the two of them also have capital, one rich second generation and one star second generation. I don't know if Li Yan intentionally or unintentionally, and just happened to have a "second generation combination".

When I saw Li Yan this time, Xia Rong obviously felt that his mental state was much better than before, not to mention that he suddenly became bright and young and twenty years old, but his smile was brighter and his eyes more hopeful.

Li Yan laughed: "This time is to let you two meet first. It will take some time for the crew to prepare and modify the script. Then everyone will have a meal together. And we decided to take a real-time shooting, about October. Switch it on and start filming outside of Antarctica; after November, we set off for Antarctica! "

His enthusiasm also inspired the two young people present, shouting slogans and saying, "Let's go in November and go to Antarctica!"

The three looked at each other and smiled. Xia Rong suddenly felt that he was full of expectations for this future Antarctic trip.


Li Yan has never been in a messy and hype style. Once the starring role is confirmed, a domestic agent will announce on Weibo, announcing that Xia Rong will play Ran Yi and Zhang Xin will play Yan Jun. The crew will start in October. Stay tuned.

After walking through all kinds of candidate Weibo, and even being bored to arrange and combine the actors who showed the wind, the melon-eating people who learned of this result have expressed their chins.

[Starting in October and starring in February, Li Yan is really an easy-going person who doesn't like fanfare. 】

[Woge? Zhang Xin? ? And Xia Rong? ? ? What about xx, xx, and xxx? 】

[Have you forgotten the sharp edge of the Inferno, and the official team hasn't said it better. 】

[Sheng Guangji jumped so long ago, I thought he had him 100%! 】

[You're being fooled, that's his family's usual means of robbing resources, Li Yan doesn't eat him. 】

[Zhang Xin is okay, Xia Rong? ? ? Every time he exploded resources, he made me lose it [shock.jpg]]

[From the idol drama to Xu Ping, and then from Xu Ping to Li Yan, this is soaring all the way! 】

[Hee hee, it's nice to be rich. 】

[Don't be sore upstairs. If he relied on money to grab resources, would he go to shoot a web drama? 】

[Bet, last time, because he took a web drama, he cried and took off the fans. Will he come back again this time? 】

[I didn't expect Xia Rong resources to be so good, why? Wu Jian Feng has not yet been released. No one knows how he is now. How can resources find him one by one? 】

[I also think, why is he? If only these resources would cook for me! 】

[With good acting skills, good popularity, and good life. Do n’t worry, even if it ’s not him, it ’s not your turn to cook ~]

Some persistent solubilizing powders are a clear stream in these acid black doubts:

[Woo-woo why why Yan Jun is not Su Chi, one person wrote Su Chi to play Yan Jun! !! !! I want to see them kissing on the screen. [Tearful]

Passers-by are mostly ridiculous:

[Solvent powder is really annoying. Both of them have broken out girlfriends. They have to be loved by straight men. I think you are unconscious and need electricity and electricity. 】

Rong Xuefen struggled to refute:

[Just because I know reality is impossible, I want to realize a dream on the screen! Don't even give a chance to dream? Uh ...]


In the turmoil of excitement, Rong Xuefen finally ended this building with a long and lasting "嘤 嘤 嘤".


In previous years of the Chinese New Year, Xia Rong was often busy with New Year's Eve at various major parties, and even one year he went to the Spring Festival Evening, rehearsing day and night, and there was almost no joy when he went home to celebrate the New Year.

However, Xia's parents are also deeply influenced by Western thinking. They don't pay much attention to the Lunar New Year. There are also several times. When Xia Rong called for the New Year's call, they were either on vacation abroad or talking about business somewhere. In short, although the family has a good relationship , But there are rarely any occasions to get together to reunite for the New Year.

It was clearly required that Xia Rong returned to his home in City B on the eve of New Year's Eve to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Xia Rong pushed the announcement and returned to the house before eight o'clock in the evening as required by Xia's mother, but saw that Xia's mother was dressed up and was about to go out: "Xia Rong, go to change clothes, let's go with your father Cocktail party. The clothes are hanging in your bedroom. Go. "

If Xia Rong knew that he would be called back this time, only to attend a New Year's reception, he would surely run away. But Xia's mother knew him better, and called him directly before the reception. He didn't even give him a chance to make excuses and slipped his feet. Xia Rong suddenly had a bad feeling.

When I arrived at the reception, I saw the host, his daughter, and enthusiastically praised his young age. This unpleasant premonition seemed to be confirmed.

The host name of the party was Jiang, and their house was a real match. The daughter Mr. Jiang brought out was his only palm jewel, called Jiang Mingyue.

Jiang Mingyue is just like his name, with bright eyes and generous teeth. When facing Xia Rong, he nodded his eyes and said softly: "Brother Xia."

Her brother Xia was sweating like rain.

I also want to know that my parents must not be seeing Jiang Jiamei for the first day. This time, I half-toughly dragged Xia Rong back and introduced them to each other. Although it is not necessarily malicious, it is not necessarily to arrange a marriage, but let him My heart is not too comfortable, such as choking in my throat.

"Brother Xia, do you want to drink?"

The parents of the two parties tacitly reserved the space for the young man. Xia Rong reluctantly persevered for a few minutes and was trying to find an excuse to leave. When Jiang Mingyue poured a glass of wine so tenderly, he felt a little unhappy: He was also dragged on a blind date, and the little girl was blamed for being innocent. He didn't need to anger her.

He held up his glass and drank it, and then said to Jiang Mingyue, "Miss Jiang, I want to tell you the truth, I ... hmm ..." He suddenly felt a sudden dizziness in his forehead.

After soaking in the entertainment industry for many years, Xia Rong immediately reacted, and this wine probably had problems. In the status of the Jiang family, Jiang Mingyue could not really give him medicine or something. Mostly, he just poured the high-alcohol wine into the low-alcohol wine bottle, allowing him to achieve a slight effect. What he wanted was to look under the lamp. Beauty, the more drunk the more touching.

It is also strange that he relaxed his vigilance and hurried away, drinking too hastily, and drank a cup directly, and then he couldn't digest the alcohol for a moment, and was dizzy. Jiang Mingyue's nephrite snuggled up fragrantly, looking at him with eyes full of eyes: "Brother Xia, what do you want to say?"

Xia Rong rubbed his forehead and sighed, "Nothing to say now."

He pushed her away, stood up staggeringly, took his things, and left without going back.


Xia Rong also knew that he was dizzy and did not dare to drive. He walked slowly along the road alone. Anyway, now the crisis is gone. At the time, his parents didn't withdraw the bodyguards he sent to protect him, so he didn't have to worry about security issues.

Perhaps it was the bodyguards who could report their whereabouts at any time. Also, the best thing for a rich man is a face. If you pull, you lose face.

Xia Rong was thinking that, suddenly a little sad, leaning on the street lamp and calling Su Chi: "Su Chi, come and pick me up."

Su Chi asked him, "Where are you?"

Xia Rong's dizzy head was awake by the night breeze. He slowly described to Su Chi where he came out, how long he had walked, and the landmark building next to him ... After a while, Su Chi drove to a stop Around him: "Come up."

The car slowly moved, and Xia Rong pressed his face to the cool window of the car, trying to ease the heat on it: "Su Chi, sometimes I suddenly felt that the adult world is really hypocritical ..."

Su Chi looked ahead and said earnestly: "I will always like you with the truest heart. In our world, you can always be your little prince."


Since entering, Xia Rong has been drunk to kiss Su Chi without a rule, and he even pressed the other side against the wall to kiss.

Just when he felt that at the beginning of the drama, his general attacker was revived, and he vomited each other with nothing.

Su Chi didn't even sigh, dragged him to the bathroom resentfully, wiped his face, undressed, bathed in water, and patiently wiped his body with a towel. Xia Rong was confused by him, and suddenly opened his eyes. Say, "Su Chi, let's do it."

"..." Su Chi felt he hadn't heard clearly, "... What did you say?"

"Why is my head a little itchy? I washed my hair today ..." Xia Rong murmured and saw Su Chi, remembering what he had just said, "Let's do it."

Su Chi smiled and said, "You want to have **** after drinking?"

"... Why are you so unimpressed ..." Xia Rong was anxious, while scratching her hair, she said anxiously, "Do you like me?"

Su Chi's eyes faded slightly.

Xia Rong scratched his head and suddenly felt a soft, fleshy thing. He was startled, looked in the mirror next to him, and found that two ears popped out of the head. cat ear.

Subconsciously touching the buttocks, a fluffy and beautiful tail swayed.

"Holding grass, what is this play ..." Xia Rong touched his ears, and only remembered a coherent topic in his drunk head, "Sue to eat, can't you?"

Su Chi threw the towel aside, and bit her with unbearable lips: "Don't cry later."

Xia Rong let Su Chi kiss heavily, his head was not sober after he was drunk, and he was not very clear about his current mood, nervous? Scared? shame?

Gasping gap. He tilted his head faintly, and saw his two ears in the mirror shaking with trembling, and Su Chi's hand touched, and he shook even more suddenly.

Looks like ... very looking forward.

Su Chi's clothes were intact. Xia Rong was only dragged by a pair of pants because she was dragged to wipe her body, and she let Su Chi hold her in her arms.

At this moment, Su Chi seemed to be particularly aggressive. The milk on the chest was rubbed patiently by the fingertips, turning it from a soft little spot to a red, erect meatball, and when it was received in the mouth, Xia Rong's breathing sound became heavier when he used his lips to **** and grind his teeth back and forth.

"His ... Don't bite ..." Although the mouth was protesting, the hand inserted into the other's hair changed from rejecting the unconscious to touching, apparently acquiescing to the behavior, and the half-bodied sexual organ was also palmed. Holding it, soothing up and down, Xia Rong breathed hard, giving out a small animal-like hum: "Hey ... don't, don't be together ..."

The two milk particles were sucked and turned red and shiny, and the roots of the flesh were soothed for a moment, the full head was shaking, and the crystal liquid was intermittently spit out.

Xia Rong frowned. You can see that Su Chi is using his clean and beautiful hands, stroking his sexual organs, and his white fingers are sticking with the mucus secreted by the stem, sticking thickly. Su Chi saw him come over, and fell badly I showed him a finger, and the transparent viscous liquid dripped down the fingertips.

Su Chi had enough of his nipples, and came up to kiss him again, and asked, "Rong Rong, what's wrong with you today?"

"I ..." Xia Rong said, "I was called back for a blind date today."

Su Chi seemed silent for a moment, and asked, "How is the other party?"

"I didn't look carefully ... You asked this thousand." Xia Rong shook her ears and woke up, "Hey! Wouldn't you still want to push me out? I, I'm doing this now, just for you Give me a stamp! "

Although he was ashamed, he still remembered his original agreement with Su Chi and his reaction to Zhao Meng when he entered the drama. Almost every time, Su Chi gave him room to repent at any time. Space, but now, he doesn't want Su Chi to be so wronged ...

Unexpectedly, Su Chi said: "How is that possible?"

"But you used to ..."

"I didn't know what you were thinking about, and it wasn't a relationship. What do I care about you?" Su Chi bit his earlobe and said lowly. "Now, I've reached this point. I will never let go again. "

Xia Rong gasped gently: "Then how do you ask my counterpart ..."

Su Chi speeded up the soothing movement with one hand, and gently separated Xia Rong's legs with one hand: "I asked this to decide how to **** you later based on your answer."

After shooting once in Su Chi's hand, Xia Rong was so soft that he was picked up by Su Chi and placed on the washstand. He heard him say, "Separate your legs, be good"

Xia Rong was sitting on the sink, feeling that he was full of heat, and his underwear was taken off halfway when Su Chi helped him soothe the genitals, which was completely taken off. The cat's tail dangled from its legs, and it swayed like life. He hesitated for a while, and listened to the "behavior" that Su Chi made up, then he was dizzy and spookily opened his legs, revealing a private cave that had never been snooped or visited between his legs.

Su Chi was soaked with lubricating fluid in his hands, and his wet fingertips abutted on the tightly closed small mouth, turning gently.

With a bang, the fingertip broke through the tight hole of the hoop and drove straight into it.

Xia Rong buried half of his face in Su Chi's arms because of extreme shame. Su Chi embraced his shoulder with one hand, while visiting the soft hole with the other. He also explored inwardly, pushed in with the knuckles, and sent out the room. The lustful "Guru" gurgles.

"... Oh, don't ..." Remember that Xia Rong was still depressed and didn't make any sound as much as possible. Later, as the frequency of entering and exiting his fingers accelerated, the sound of wet water rang almost throughout the bathroom, and he couldn't help himself Between the lips and teeth, overflowing intermittent moaning, "Well ... don't **** together, too, uh ... too thick ... no, don't three, oh ...!"

The fingers contained in the small hole have increased to three. The hole that was originally tightly closed is now fully opened and turned into a small round hole. Because there is too much lubricant, it drips and drips transparently. Liquid, gathered into a small beach under the bottom.

Should I say that Xia Rong's "how a bit like S" was a god's prophecy. Xia Rong found that Su Chi's performance in sexual affairs did have a little "S" meaning. It was strong, decisive and aggressive. .

Although, let him stingy ...

At this moment, Su Chi pulled out his wet fingers and held the waist with one hand and crossed his knee with one hand, holding Xia Rong in a horizontal position.

He hugged him to bed.

Sitting on a hard marble sink for a long time, and then touching the soft and silky bedding, is a completely new feeling. A pillow was placed under the buttocks, which made Xia Rong's waist more comfortable, and it was more convenient for him to open his legs and expose the soft and hot holes that had been explored, and uncovered the stratum in front of Su Chi.

The small hole was still moist and slightly open, like a small mouth that didn't know how to slacken, and slightly closed with breathing. This time, just inserting **** hastily and probing a circuit, they changed to something thicker and hotter.

The meat was not inserted in a hurry, but was ground back and forth in the already-dampened hole, until the little red ground hole was opened by itself, and it was actively and enthusiastically swallowed in.

The hole has already swallowed a large object into one head. That is the thickest place. It swells the tender hole that has never been through personnel. It shows how full it is. The glans just entered, but slowly pulled out. When it was pulled out, it made a gurgling sound of water, and when it opened the acupoint, it again made a bang, an obvious violation and intrusion.

Xia Rong made him unbearable and gasped with a choked breath: "Don't make it, don't make it like this ... come in, hurry ..."

In fact, Su Chi also boiled reddish, and bowed his head and kissed him, saying, "I said just now, you must not cry."

The hot, fleshy meat flew through the small hole for a moment, straight to the end!

Xia Rong uttered "ah", and at that time he drew physiological tears from the corner of his eye. Su Chi invaded to the end at once, pulled out the hard object half, and then stood up again, propped up the inner wall, and kept digging deeper!

"Woohoo ... don't do this, it's too fierce ..." Xia Rong was almost sobbing, groping his fingers to grab Su Chi's hand on his side, "slower, ah ... slower ..."

Xia Rong has always been respectful and optimistic. How could he ever think that one day he would be so fiercely manipulated by a man under his body? This man is still his boyfriend. Half an hour ago, he still begged to call someone to do some exercises. He still has to spur the Fa ... to do it by himself. What can I do? Now that I ’m doing it, I can only turn into a crying bag, crying and begging my boyfriend to be lighter.

Su Chi really felt sorry for him. When he heard the words, he reluctantly slowed down and came to kiss his followers. His voice was dumb: "I just said that you should not cry."

"That's what you said, I, I didn't agree ...! Oh ..." Xia Rong tightened Su Chi's fingers and didn't let go, so that he couldn't hold his body, so he had to hug Xia Rong along with the trend. The thick meat is still buried in the body and has not been pulled out. From lying to sitting, the change is not only in position. The meat is rubbed firmly against the sensitive points on the inner wall and makes Xia Rong cry. Even worse: "Woo ... it's too big, it's going up, no ..."

"Then I pull it out?"

"no, do not want……"

"Don't continue, or don't pull it out?"

"Don't, don't pull it out ... ohh ..."

Sitting on Su Chi's body, Xia Rong was also given a certain initiative. He had two packs of tears in his eyes. He didn't want to be too fast, and he didn't want others to pull out. He even learned without a teacher and supported himself. Su Chi's shoulders were up and down, swallowing each other's hard object with a small hole and spit it out.

"His ..." Even Su Chi didn't expect him to be able to do this, and he was so excited to make a gasp.

However, Xia Rong's staying power is also very short. After moving dozens of times, he feels weak, and lie on his shoulders. At last, it was Su Chi's turn to nourish his energy, holding his waist, backing up a little later, and let the meat slide out for a while, then slammed his waist, pounded the meat with a slam, quasily and fiercely. Deepest point!

Xia Rong blew a weeping sound, clasped Su Chi's shoulders tightly on his hands, but didn't stop shouting on his mouth. He allowed Su Chi to pump in his body with "snap", and he was **** with his legs She was trembling and her body could not stand up.

Maybe the atmosphere is getting better and better, maybe the little hole is completely opened. Although Xia Rong is still moaning hummingly, he never screamed or stopped, a stormy pumping After that, Su Chi stuck to Xia Rong's ear and said gently, "Flannel, I want to shoot in you."

Xia Rong stunned for a moment, and then continued to groan, "Uh-oh ..."

"Rong Rong, can you?" Su Chi bit his tire lobe tirelessly, as if he had to get a permit before moving on.

"You **** ..." Xia Rong couldn't help scolding, "Injection ... I didn't say no, no, no!"

I have to nod, I'm very ashamed to know!

"I see." Su Chi laughed, and touched his sweaty hair comfortably. "Good. I love you."

The thick and hot **** was sprayed heavily into the body, and the sound of "Guru" and "Guru" brought out when the meat stick was pulled out, and the white slightly turbid liquid also overflowed from the hole.

At the same time, Xia Rong also tightened his mouth and shivered, reaching an unprecedented climax.

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