MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 77 Isn't the other male lead me? Then stop acting.

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Xia Rong can be so excited just by receiving a trial invitation from Li Yan, rather than a clear role invitation, because Li Yan is directing This term of "Position of the Rivers and Lakes", being able to access his resources, is a great glory to the younger generation of young people, and even any domestic actor.

Li Yan is a Chinese of foreign nationality. During his undergraduate studies, he studied in the United States and the Ouzhou countries. After graduation, he settled in the United States. Because of the lack of nationality restrictions and prejudice, he was more widely accepted internationally, and his shooting style was more romantic and diverse. The first film he made in college won the Best Story Short Film Award at the Kashiwagi Film Festival, and later he also won Awards keep coming.

His early style was known for extreme gorgeous romance, and the pursuit of lens and light and shadow reached the peak of the peak. He was known as "the magician of light and shadow", and almost every scene of the movie can be drawn into the painting. His enthusiastic foreign fans even took screenshots frame by frame, analyzing the color mix and composition of each scene, which sounds exaggerated, but the result of the final analysis is that most of his shots are full of strict requirements for photography: symmetrical composition of the picture , V composition, diagonal composition, three-point composition, and even golden ratio spiral composition ...

This analysis made him betrayed in good faith as "the strongest director of obsessive-compulsive disorder in history", and also made him famous in the country, knowing that there is such a great young Chinese director abroad.

But somehow, a few years ago, Li Yan suddenly put down everything and thanked guests behind closed doors for two full years. In the past two years, he has no works and hardly any news. If the dedicated paparazzi were squatting at the door of his house for two years like a day, the masses would really worry about what happened to him.

After disappearing for two years, he returned to make a strong Chinese-style martial arts film "The Wind Stops". When the audience embraced the mentality of enjoying a visual feast again, they were caught off guard by the heart of the cold and straightforward story. The ground moved. The two years of silence and precipitation have turned Li Yan's style from extreme gorgeous romance to a rather simple and pragmatic style: although the composition and color use of OCD still exist, the focus is obviously more inclined Yu, how to express a good story.

"The Wind Only" allowed Li Yan to get six nominations in the Oscar Awards, and eventually won the best director of the Oscar Awards. At 37, he is still very young in the director industry. Became the leading representative of Chinese Asian directors.

With Li Yan's current status, Xia Rong was not even sure whether he knew him or not, but now he suddenly received an invitation to audition from him.

"How on earth did Li Yan know me?" Because of tension, Xia Rong kept asking Dongxi West and Shuyi, "Is he going to enter the domestic market, so he invited all the students of the same age?"

"Impossible." Shuyi said, "I asked Fang Ru, and she said that Ye Mang didn't receive the invitation, and there are some agents who, in their style, would have received the invitation from Li Yan, and now preach it. It ’s flying all over the sky. Although some of the population is very tough, and it is not yet certain, Li Yan's audition this time is definitely not a wide-spread network. "

"Ah ..." Xia Rong still felt a little unreal.

"It's okay, Li Yan has never been the type of director who only chooses big-name actors. He only chooses the people he thinks are the most suitable." Shu Yi said, "A few years ago he filmed" Serbian Night ", and the actor was still nothing The students in the school who have experience in acting have not become the stars of Halle Wu now? Well, you can talk about these related situations when you talk to him. But now, the trial drama has been passed on, I suggest you Think about it ... before making a decision. "

Xia Rong's serious tone made Xia Rong wait for the upcoming script. After he really opened the script, he found that Shu Yi's prudence and asking him to consider it really made sense.

This is a **** movie.

In today's public opinion, the Internet's dominant voice position seems to have increased the tolerance of the word "homosexuality", but in fact, in a more general secular sense, the acceptance of ordinary people is far less than it seems on the Internet Gao. Moreover, negative shadows such as fraudulent marriage and promiscuity have been shrouded in this marginal group.

Xia Rong is a mainstream, young female idol-oriented idol. Although fans seem to have a lot of "rotten powder", he is keen to pair him with other men, cute, draw pictures, cut videos, but The two-dimensional cute cp, and their idols have really become homosexual, which is completely different in their cognition.

If starring in a **** movie, the impact on him, whether positive or negative, is difficult to predict and estimate--

Because in the past ten years, there has never been a rising traffic star, dare to do it.

Although on the cover of the script, under the film name "Waiting for the Aurora," Xia Rong was marked by the "gay theme" clearly marked by Xia Rong, he still couldn't help the temptation of "directed by Li Yan" and continued to open the script.

This turn, it turned to dark.

Today Xia Rong finished work early, and hurriedly asked Shu Yi to follow up. So he returned to the hotel first. Su Chi still had a scene to shoot, and he didn't return to the room until 8 o'clock in the evening.

He watched Xia Rong still nest in the small sofa on the balcony, turned over intently, and asked him, "Have you eaten yet? Have the drama books been delivered?"

"Not yet ..." Xia Rong has read the outline of the plot and trial drama over and over again, and is now searching for the original novel on his mobile phone.

"Waiting for Aurora" is also adapted from the novel, but this time the original is a documentary novel called "The Days I Survive in Antarctica". The original author was an omelette, and told him that he and a partner went to Antarctica to see Aurora. At that time, the avalanche was separated from the tour group. He and his companions trudged in the Antarctic Circle and found a hut left by a former scientific researcher. The hut also had food, fuel, and so on. They used the hut as their "base" and survived forty-five days in Antarctica. Rescued. And he and his companions, in these forty-five days of desperation, have also developed extraordinary feelings.

Egg wheat is a country where same-sex marriage is legal, and the "I" who wrote down the novel is a more sloppy man. Therefore, throughout the novel, most of the time is describing the landscapes, landscapes, animals and plants, weather changes, and their adventures of Antarctica. What you earn for survival. In the end, it was natural and natural to spend time with my little friends. There was not too much entanglement, not much ink, and it made people smile.

The script of "Waiting for the Aurora" has made a radical adaptation of this novel, adapting it from a science-based documentary novel into a tragic Jedi love. The protagonist of the story changed from the egg wheat people to the Chinese people. At the beginning, he strengthened the friendly partnership, and was also changed to two strangers forced to bind, from seeing each other's eyes and confronting each other, to shaking hands and being sincere. Cooperation, to the process of initiating love and struggling, make the story more dramatic.

Seeing this, Xia Rong understands why Li Yan chose to invite young actors in China. Two characters, one is enthusiastic and bright, the other is arrogant. Although the two characters have different personalities, they collide. They are both open and vigorous. It has a never-ending vitality. Such a role cannot be played by non-young people, and young people who are not good-looking can not play that effect.

Xia Rong's role to be tested, called Ran Yi, is a young man who looks cheerful and lively. However, as the story progresses, his cheerful and sunny appearance will also be slowly torn, and through his lonely, dark, and domestic violence childhood, his vulnerability and depression are exposed.

The ending written in the script was that Ran Yi's leg was injured during a hunting trip. When it was hard to hope that he could be rescued, the two had to travel three kilometers to the designated place where the plane landed. Another protagonist, Yan Jun, used tools in the hut to make a simple sled, and he was going to pull Ran Yi together. On the night before leaving, Ran Yi and Yan Jun saw their purpose of going to the South Pole-Aurora, gorgeous Aurora, Ran Yi leaned on Yan Jun's arms and said, "Rather than returning to the city to cherish love Finally, I parted ways with you, so why don't you leave my time in Antarctica forever, the dead will never grow old ... "

It did not say whether Ran Yi was dead or whether they were rescued. It looks like an open, but tragic ending, but the script has an ellipsis at the end, it seems that it is not impossible to have a turnaround ...

Xia Rong sneered at the script for a long time, and even Su Chi, who was next to him, almost ignored it-until the other's spoon was gently fed into his mouth.

"I asked the hotel. You have n’t called for service since you came up, and there are no leftover bags in the room. You probably haven't eaten yet." Su Chi smiled. "Is the script so beautiful?"

Xia Rong swallowed subconsciously, and the sweet and sour taste spread in the mouth. The smooth and delicious hot porridge slid down the esophagus all the way to the stomach. He looked down and saw a bowl of wolfberry and hawthorn porridge, both appetizing and Will not be overly stimulating, immersed in the emotion of one afternoon and one night in the story, instantly replaced by the fireworks in the world, attracting people to start their appetite and move their index fingers.

He looked towards the table behind Suchi, and there were already some home-cooked dishes that he loved to eat, with meat and vegetables and soup. It was presumably made by the hotel. He didn't even hear it.

Xia Rong sat at the table and waited for him to fill his stomach like wind, and then remembered to answer Su Chi: "The script is very good, and Li Yan always has the ability to shoot simple emotions. I believe him, but……"

"But what?"

Xia Rong pointed out the line on the cover of the script to Su Chi: "This is a **** movie." He looked up at Su Chi, who was standing on the side, "I don't know if I should go."

"Well ..." Su Chi thought for a moment, and said, "The other male lead isn't me? Then stop acting."

"Ah ?!" Xia Rong didn't particularly care if he wasn't acting, but he was more shocked. The words actually came out of Su Chi's mouth.

"Funny." Su Chi squeezed his face with a smile, and said, "It's true that there are very few popular boys who dare to touch the homosexual subject matter. In the event of a smash, a movie is okay and destroys the public image. It's not worth the money. "

"But can Li Yan smash?" Xia Rong felt that he had touched the key to resolving contradictions.

Su Chi said with a smile, "I don't think so."

"I have another concern," said Xia Rong, "Li Yan has been making movies longer than director Xu Ping. I'm afraid I won't stay with you for too long. We will ..."

"You don't have to worry too much about this." Su Chi said, "Li Yan has always used real-world shooting, and after" Lanzhou Ji "is finished, the South Pole should enter the winter. The winter Antarctic is very unfavorable for the shooting environment. The crew should still choose to Shooting in summer. It's still a long time before summer in Antarctica. If we can't solve Yu Chengchang completely during this time, then I can take a break and be a family member. "

"What kind of family ..." Xia Rong joked, "Are you going to monitor me by the way?"

"This is really necessary ..."

"Hey, are you so worried about me? I'm not interested in other men!"

"Can't rest assured ..." Seeing Xia Rong's tendency to frizz, Su Chi reached out and squeezed his nose. "I'm not uneasy. You'll like others, I'm uneasy about you."

The logical relationship seems to be a bit complicated ... Xia Rong concentrated on combing, unconsciously pinched his nose and opened his mouth slightly.

Su Chi leaned down, biting his warm lips: "Go and try, I will accompany you if it is unsuccessful."

Read The Duke's Passion