MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 73 If you see Su Chi ... you can give it to him.

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In a flash, all music, vocals, and rose aromas were blocked by the enchantment from the air wall.

The glass lay on the ground with a weak breath, and the hind legs were scorched.

The moment Xia Rong saw it, he wanted to rush up to see its injury. But as soon as he moved, it was another wall of air, which hugged him between the glass and the glass, which made him so anxious that he couldn't come forward.

"Just stay there, don't come over."

Xia Rong's "buzz" in his mind immediately "see" this sentence: neither sound nor words, more like a piece of consciousness sent to his mind, without understanding, you can immediately understand the meaning.

Instead of rushing to speak, he first tried to respond with the same consciousness in his mind.

-"Glass, are you?"

-"Yeah meow."

—— "Yuanshen" communication was successful!

Xia Rong can't wait to continue to ask: "What's the situation now? Who hurt you? I'm trapped inside this boxy air wall, how can I go out to save you?"

The glass lying on the ground was breathing more and more, and Xia Rong's consciousness was separated for a while before being conveyed: "Don't come out, the protective cover is set by me, as long as you are inside, that person can't see you meowing."

"That person? Who is it?"

The consciousness of the glass seems to be a moment of turbulence because of the name "Mu", but it is too late to form a specific answer. The "man" in its mouth has already crossed the corner and appeared from behind the rose wall.

The comer was wearing a dark green and golden cloud-shaped Tang suit and holding an ebony crutch. His hair was not brighter than the black hair he had seen before, but he saw faint silver wires. His face was not as energetic as he was at first, but there was a kind of self-confidence in his look that made him look strangely radiant.

Xia Rong said: "Yu Chengchang ..."

Yu Chengchang's ebony crutches came to “Tuk” and “Tuk”. Every time they touched the ground, a bright spark exploded from the marble steps. The air seemed to condense into ice, and it shattered every inch.

Xia Rong was in the enchantment, but he could not feel the terrible coercion, but he could see the glass pressed down to the ground, his small, furry body was forced to flatten, The legs trembled slightly. He didn't dare to look at it. He touched his phone and found his address book interface with his fingers almost convulsed. He texted everyone who could ask for help, Su Chi, his parents, a certain master, and even Mu Yan ...

But in the enchantment, even the air is still, not to mention the electromagnetic waves. There is always a circle next to the text message sent, and after a while, it will turn into a red exclamation mark.

"Post it later, meow."

In his mind, glass's consciousness was even quite calm.

In reality, it was carrying the coercion of Yu Chengchang, shaking it up, struggling to get up, and it made a provocative "meow".

Yu Chengchang looked at it coldly from top to bottom, holding up the crutch in his hand and digging down heavily, his eyes were extremely light:


With a bang, the crutch exploded with a force that seemed impossible to explode in a flash, and the flames were spitting like dragons, and the small figure of glass was completely enveloped between them until annihilation.

"Do not--"


Xia Rong fell to his knees, and the whistling flames seemed to be swallowing his clothes and hair, but he still kept his head still, and his tears were almost out of sight--


-Not dead yet.

Behind him, a faint but audible meow sounded.

Xia Rong turned back horribly and saw that the glass had also entered the enchantment and lay not far behind him. Although it looked more dying, it was obviously still alive.

Xia Rong walked straight on his knees, and did not dare to touch the small, scarred body: "What shall we do now?"

"I was hit by him deliberately, so that he thought that I was completely destroyed, so I hid in the enchantment." Although the glass "meowed" before the glass, the voice in the enchantment should not be heard by the outside world. Yes, but Yu Chengchang's deterrent is too strong, and the glass still uses conscious dialogue.

Xia Rong then followed the "yuanshen exchange": "Will he still find out? How long can the enchantment last? How can I take you out and who can heal your injury?"

"The tortoiseshell cat I left can only confuse him for a short time, and he will soon find out. You don't need to take me out. You can just go and meow." The glass rolled over and looked very uncomfortable. "He If he can't beat me, he wouldn't hurt me alone, despicable human being.

Xia Rong: "..."

"Oh, I didn't say you." The glass didn't matter. "You stay here and I cast spells that can make him invisible for a short time. You take this opportunity to leave quickly and look for ..." It blinked. He paused for a moment, "Mu Yao found you, didn't he? Go and find him meow."

"Can he trust?"

"Reluctantly. It is also a cunning human being, but it is not enough to die."

"Don't save me? Don't you say that Yu Chengchang can't beat you?"

"..." The glass was silent for a moment, and said, "Don't worry about it, let's go, the enchantment won't last long. Let Mu Yan come to save me and tell him to meow.

Xia Rong said earnestly: "If he isn't fast enough, are you likely to die?"

"... No!" Glass twisted his head a little irritably, and raised his scorched hind legs. "It was not so easy for humans ... what are you doing ?!"

But in a wrong time, the handsome young man in front of him had shaken himself and turned into an orange kitten exactly the same as his original body. He came over and licked the hind legs of the glass.

The atmosphere of pure Yin Ming humanity is a great complement to both the practitioners and the monsters like them. The glass twitched slightly, but it did not escape, because it needs to urgently ask another question:

"What do you want to do? Are you crazy?"

"You will ask me if I'm crazy, indicating that you know what I want to do." Xia Rong, the orange cat version, carried over his scattered clothes and pushed them in front of the glass with his paws. , You can quickly guess what you have been covering me for. This watch, if you see Su Chi ... you can give him. "

"Don't make trouble, change back soon!"

"Let Mu Yi alone to save you who was seriously injured, or you can support your wounds and come with Mu Yi to save an intact me. Which side has a better chance of winning?" Xia Rong analyzed seriously, "Yu Chengchang Caught me back, either to change my life or take me to alchemy. I have been kidnapped and I know that what they want must be alive. "

"Look." In the face of the glass's shaking eyes, Xia Rong continued his efforts, raised his paw and pointed outside the enchantment. "After he just beat you, he also held the carcass you left and back. Look, obviously he still wants to squeeze the surplus value. This time, if he finds that you can appear again intact so soon, it is very likely that he will catch you back until he squeezes out all the remaining value. He laughed twice. "Small glass really is a cat, and his thoughts are too inflexible."

The glass raised his paw in anger and patted him a bit: "Without this cat, you would have been caught by a stinking human for alchemy!"

"Okay." Xia Rong lowered his head and licked his hind legs, raised his head, and the cat's beard turned upside down. It turned out to be a very smart smile, "Remember to save me, little glass."

The enchantment was already overwhelmed, the tiny blade-like ice crystals shattered and shimmered with dazzling light. A little orange cat mimicked the uncomfortable posture of the hind legs and staggered out of the enchantment.

The faint glow of spells floating around the glass, Xia Rong's clothing left on the ground was also unknown where it was received. It looked at the staggering back and forth, and the cat's beard curled slightly: "It is indeed the back of my body, so it looks really handsome."


"It's worthy of being a civet cat worshipped by the Mu family for generations. Its recovery ability is really stupefying." Yu Chengchang squatted down with a smile, but his eyes were as cold as ice-hardened, and his rough fingers slowly touched orange The cat's hind legs, "Suddenly I don't want to kill you now, just because the formation of the tactics has just begun, and I need a little thing like you to sacrifice."

The little orange cat looked at the direction it came from unnoticeably, and then seemed relieved, turned his head towards Yu Chengchang, and made a provocative provocation:



"Yu Agong, you have not let me have an epigenesis, it's like the world evaporates ..."

"No matter, the people who heard the drama crew didn't know ..."

"I heard that Qu Chi's boyfriend, Su Chi, also went everywhere ..."


When Xia Rong woke up again, across the door, he heard several people talking in Cantonese babble.

Fortunately, he has seen a lot of Hong Kong movies, and can understand it, meaning "The young man Yu Chengchang asked them to find was not found. His crew and his boyfriend Su Chi were also looking. "He", who had the same pasty thoughts, became completely sober after hearing the name "Suchi".

The "young man" that Yu Chengchang made people look for is obviously himself, but if there is no accident, the glass may have sent the watch to Su Chi. These people said that "Su Chi is also looking for him", Mostly it was the smoke bombs they released in order not to make Yu Chengchang suspicious.

After reassuring himself a little, Xia Rong remembered to look at his situation at the moment.

He was in a wooden building like an ancestral hall. The dome inside the house was very high, and the skylights were very high. The whole house was cold and dark, and only a little sunlight leaked from the top.

He was lying on the door next to the house, surrounded by dark red and black material like dried blood, filled with strange lines and symbols. He wasn't tied, and there weren't any visible restraints on his claws, but when he tentatively pulled out his claws and took a few steps, he felt like he was being hit with a heavy blow, and he rolled over extremely severe pain in an instant, It seems that even the bones have to be crushed.

When Xia Rong first felt, Xia Rong almost screamed, for fear of being discovered by outsiders, his paws scraggled on the ground, and finally swallowed it forcibly.

The cat's lacrimal glands were too shallow, and almost at the same time that severe pain was felt, tears poured from his large eyes.

He had to wipe his face with some dirty claw pads, and then with a pack of tears, his eyes were carefully and he continued to observe the surroundings.

The weird rune under him occupies almost the entire house, and the place where he is located is not the most central of the formation. At the most central position, it is a white, rectangular, and connected with wires. It's extremely out of touch with this gloomy old atmosphere, modern ... freezer?

Knowing that it's probably impossible to climb over now, Xia Rong couldn't help but be curious about what's in the freezer. All kinds of wild guesses: wholesale ice cream? Fresh various monster corpses? Afraid that the glass will starve to death before being squeezed out by him, the quick-frozen dried fish prepared for him?

No one came in late, and even those who had spoken outside the door quieted down before, I wonder if it was gone. Xia Rong licked his back boringly, and held his tip of the tail for a while, and saw the light coming in from the top of the door, and suddenly a flash of light flashed: he couldn't climb horizontally, jumped vertically to see if it worked ?

Just do it, Xia Rong retreated to the edge of the boundary, grinded his claws, run up, and took off—

See it! I really saw it!

Although a considerable amount of coercion can be felt above the head, maybe Xia Rong's jumping height has not reached the limit that can be sensed by the matrix method and will be punished. The pain that is so severe that it almost crushes the whole body. Did not happen again.

But Xia Rong was pale and fell to the ground, unable to return for a long time.

Glancing at a glance, Coman's bloodless face was inside the freezer.

Read The Duke's Passion