MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 60 I can suspend the contract and refuse to act.

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The time difference between Niuer Defu and China is 14 hours, so when Xia Rong came out of the airport in the evening, it was morning in China.

[Wu Yuxin: a cup of tea, a good book, stole half a day [smile] [picture]]

This Weibo was posted at 9 a.m. in the country, actually half an hour ago. From the text, this Weibo light seems unremarkable, but the eyes of the crowd are often bright, and he quickly found the bright spot by himself from the only picture he assigned.

The picture is a picture. A book and a cup of tea are placed on the wooden desk. Although the early morning sunlight reflects the book cover, the title on the cover is clearly visible-"Infernal Front".

Reviews have opened their brains, and the response has been enthusiastic:

[Wow Xin brother is watching Infernal Edge! This book is so pretty! 】

[It is said that Wu Jianfeng is about to start shooting, and the director is Xu Ping! Brother Xin, are you doing this? 】

[Ah, ah! Who is Xin Xin acting? Fu Yan, my god! !! [tears]】

[Xin Brother should not have made this for no reason, most of it has been settled, look forward ~]

[Wan Fengfeng should be a double male lead act? I really want to know who is the other male lead, my male **** ah ah [covering his chest. Jpg]]

[Gossip, gossip, my friend has seen Su Chi and director Xu Ping eat together, will Su Chi be another male lead? !! 】

[Sink, Sink, Sink! Then this team is too good! All are powerful actors! 】

[If Su Chi is no wonder, his family has never been able to make makeup photos, and no one knows it, it is funny. 】

[Mounting gear and waiting for the day the movie is released, I am ready to contribute to the box office! 】


Looking at the following fan comments, it seems that Wu Yuxin is already firmly established as another male lead, and is looking forward to the future with enthusiasm. # 巫 宇 昕 无间 锋芒 # is also following the hot search list at the same time. Many passers-by have begun to discuss the guessing, Wu Yuxin Who will be starring, and who is the other male lead.

Xia Rong and his team had just arrived at the hotel in Nirvadi and had a meal together in the restaurant with a view downstairs. Most people in the show group did not know that Xia Rong had auditioned for Fu Ye, and was cut off after getting the role. They talked and laughed along the way, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious and harmonious.

Xia Rong was behind the crowd half-distantly, and Shu-yi made an overseas call.

"... You don't want to, so many people are willing." Shu Yi laughed. "This is what Huang Yifeng just left for me, let me tell you."

"This old peacock is childish enough to open the screen." Xia Rong laughed and said.

Shu Yi snorted over there and said, "Man."

"Sister Yi, don't you go up all."

"Okay," Shuyi didn't waste time, and continued to say, "What do you think now?"

"I have to make this scene," Xia Rong said calmly. "On the one hand, I really need to be with Su Chi, on the other hand, Wu Yuxin's way of taking my role, I can't accept it."

He used to fight and grab nothing. What he shot was, on the one hand, lack of interest in acting, on the other hand, just like he said when joking with Su Chi: "Every airborne person who brings funds into the group has a poor one. Powerful actors lose their dreams. "He was born with conditions that are far superior to others. There is no need to rely on these to squeeze the living space of others in areas that he is not interested in.

But this time, obviously he got the role by himself, but also felt the charm of the acting rare, but was cut off by this kind of private and private means, it really made him feel a little ironic.

——I do, but I do n’t have to. I compete with you fairly; as a result, you turn around and hold your capital thigh to play this trick. When you show off, you still pretend to be quiet for years. Is n’t that interesting?

"Okay, then I know." Shuyi's tone was calm. "You can follow the recording and wait for my news. When you're done with this, do you want me to come to you in New Zealand?"

Xia Rongdao: "No, we can't stay for a few days, sister Yi, you fly and toss instead."

He was talking, and Su Chi handed over a glass of juice: "You haven't eaten since you got off the plane. Drink a juice to moisten your throat."

Xia Rong said "um" and took it at will.

Shu Yi also faintly heard on the other end, and said helplessly: "Okay, I know you have someone to take care of and record the program. Also, keep on exercising, don't forget."


After Xia Rong hung up the phone, his eyes a little worried about Shang Suchi: "How?"

"What's up?"

"Can the role be dealt with?" Su Chi whispered, "If not, I can suspend the contract and refuse to perform. Although Huafeng Industrial is the largest owner, it is not the only one. If I don't participate, he will lose. It will be quite large, and I will force him to have to measure, for Wu Yuxin, it is not worth it ... "

"No, no, are you breaking the contract?" Xia Rong was stunned. "Don't do that, it will have a great impact on your reputation and credibility."

"The film side didn't make it easy for me to break the contract." Su Chi drew his hand in his pocket and raised Yang's jaw indifferently. "If it is true, I am more confident that Wu Yuxin will walk last."

"Okay, I know you're terrific." Xia Rong felt that Su Chi, who occasionally committed "secondary disease", was also very fun, and his tone was almost unconscious, "but it's not necessary, Yi sister will be there." Can solve. "

Holding the juice that Su Chi gave him, he took a big sip, and said boldly: "It's hot, let Huafeng Industrial go bankrupt!"


It is certainly impossible for Huafeng Industrial to go bankrupt. And Xia Rong woke up early the next morning, and swipe Weibo, and found that Wu Yuxin sent a new Weibo——

[Wu Yuxin: In other words, should Fu Ye's eyes be bigger? [Naughty] [picture]]

The picture he matched this time seems to be a photo of Fu Yan who is trying his makeup. Rao was set on the spot by Xia Rong at that time, and the director did not tell him exactly when to take the makeup photos, but now Wu Yuxin has even started debugging the makeup in just one day?

Xia Rong felt that he was playing for himself, but the crowd and fans in the comments obviously did not think so--

[Ahhhhh! It turned out that Xin Xin was acting Fu Fu! 】

[Guessed, but I based on Su Chi ’s eyes are narrower and longer, not suitable for Fu team, backward and backward [suddenly]]

[Fu's cat eyes are really special. Although Xin's eyes are also pretty, they don't seem to fit emmmmmm]

[Xin brother is a little bit inconsistent, but I believe that his ordinary acting skills can defeat humans! !! 】

[I dared to send it like this to prove that he knows it, I believe it will be made up with acting skills! 】

[Fu team described in the book, few people can play in the entertainment industry, right? Xia Rong's peach blossom eyes are close enough to face, but others focus on the overbearing president and fall in love with me. 】

[Please do not compare Xia Rong's idol drama coffee with Xin brother, hee hee]


Xia Rong didn't expect that he could shoot himself while lying down. He quit Weibo and flipped through WeChat, except that the top one was Su Chi saying "good night" to him. The latest is the conversation with director Xu Ping last night.

Xu Ping gives the impression that he has always been a serious and old-fashioned person, but yesterday he felt that he was owed to Xia Rong, and his words were unexpected. First, Kua Xiarong, sure of his performance during the audition, he and Xiang Wenbin are very satisfied; and sighed with Xia Rong, the influence of capital is too big, not what they can do. Xiang Wenbin is still revising the script every day. Hair had to be lost; in the end, he even faintly mentioned that this time, he owed Xia Rong a role, and if he had a chance in the future, he would definitely try to return it to him.

Xia Rong's complete dialogue with him was a bit flattered: Director Xu Ping is really a good man. If Xia Rong didn't have a second move, he would be robbed of the role so honestly, with Xu Ping's promise, at least in the movie circle The door was opened to him.

The East is lost, and the Mulberry is closed. In fact, it is a bit mean that Sai Weng lost his horse and knew that it was not a blessing. It can be seen that there is still hope for honest shooting.

Xia Rong was looking at the page in a daze, and a new message popped up above, Su Chi:

"Get up and go downstairs for breakfast. I'm going to survive in the wilderness today. I don't eat enough in the morning and I will lose energy in the afternoon."

After a pause, he seemed to feel that his tone was too blunt, and he added a "kitty flying flutter" expression pack.

This emoji package is obviously made by Suchi because the protagonist of the emoji is Xia Rongben's cat. I do n’t know when he took it. Xia Rong fluttered with orange and white teeth, and his head was dull. Let Su Chi circle out, and also use the red pen to draw the trend, becoming a little love.


In this issue, the nominal theme is "Island Adventure, Wilderness Survival", but this is the last issue. In order to harmonize the overall atmosphere and meet the desire of the audience to watch the "Happy Reunion", the program group will not Tossing guests, basically all the "adventure" and "survival" projects are included in the first day.

Of course, mobile phones can't be brought. Six male divine guests wearing straw skirts, embellished with two leaves on their chests, and holding a harpoon are all dressed up in the "original ecology" of nature.

Their main task is to rely on the island's natural raw materials to satisfy their appetite and set up their own tents before dark. By the way, they collect the "Easter Eggs" scattered by the show crew on the island.

In the sun on the island, all people were lying on the beach searching for "Easter Eggs" and materials. They were all hot and sweaty.

When it was time to cook a fire, except Su Chi and Ye Mang, all the remaining companions were waste wood in the wild. They had to obey the instructions of Su Ye and ran around. However, they can make a lot of jokes just by running errands. For example, Zhang Xin was caught by a crab, Gao Junming asked the monkeys on the island to chase him, and a few friends went on together. As a result, he was able to shuttle between trees Monkey smashed his head.

One day later, the two teams finally stumbled to complete their respective tasks. The temporary tents swayed behind them, all of them were left alone, buried under the sand on the beach, and gazing at the sunset lay dead.

The turquoise and clear waters are gradually dyed by the sunset with a magnificent color. After a whole day of "pure natural contact", when you look back at the bustling urban life of the past, everyone almost feels like another generation.

Today's video ended temporarily after the sunset completely fell to the sea. The director's group announced that the members of the two teams need to live in tents set up during the day and camp through the night.

Unexpectedly this time, Xia Rong and Su Chi "drew" a group, and the third member was Zhang Xin. Xia Rong has always been a "easy to play" person. He was sitting in a tent for a while, and was a little immersed in the mood just now. He stared at the beach and the sea under the moonlight.

Still, Su Chi sat down next to him, holding the cell phone he just retrieved, and called him: "Xia Rong."

"... Ah?" Xia Rong turned a half-beat before turning his head to look at Su Chi.

"A long time ago, Huafeng Industrial announced that it had withdrawn its capital from Inferno Edge."

"Really?" Xia Rong just smiled, as if not too surprised. "Anything else?"

"The new investor filled the gap in Huafeng with amazing efficiency." Su Chi raised his eyes and looked at him, as if he felt something interesting, and looked at him and laughed. Starring. "

The author has something to say: the big boss only needs a back view 2333

I do n’t know if it ’s Jinjiang Tun ’s comment or what, I saw a comment before, I was too busy and did n’t return, but I could n’t find it when I went to look for it _ (: з''∠) _ Then let ’s talk, this article is overhead, although There are place names such as "vertical shop" and "Niuerdefu", but there are still private settings, which cannot be brought into reality. In addition, Su Chi and Xia Rong are not real cats, neither of them has ever owned a cat (not counting the tenacious self-reliance small glass), so many behaviors cannot be regarded as real cats, and angels who do not own cats also Don't be misled by the text and think the real cat is like that ~ bow.

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