MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 57 Constantly hypnotizing he just kissed a cat.

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Morning in which the cat can wake up is happy in most cases.

Unless the owner of the cat was waking up, he was awakened by a serial call in the early morning less than seven o'clock.

Xia Rong's head was fluffy, his eyes were half open, and he was sleepy sitting on the bed, answering the phone with one hand, and holding the same sleepy cat under his palm.

"... Sister Yi, I know, let's go wash and wash ... Okay ... you pick me up at the hotel at eight o'clock ..."

Hanging up the phone, Xia Rong yawned, and his cat seemed to be infected by him. He yawned after opening his mouth, and a bubble popped from a small fang. Come here.

"Are you so cute?" Xia Rong rubbed his face with his eyes narrowed. "Hey, I'm stuck, I really don't want to move ..."

"May I help you meow?" Ying short expressed his enthusiasm decisively.

Xia Rongdao: "How to help?"

The British short cat jumped out of the bed gently and neatly, and didn't look at the clothes that had been aired overnight in the porch, and flashed into the bathroom. After a moment, he came out of Suchi in a bathrobe and a humanoid appearance .

Su Chi's bathrobe straps were not tight, and he exposed his chest generously. His complexion was even and not pale, and his delicate texture was glowing with a satin-like gloss, which made Xia Rong feel uncomfortably removed. Sight: "... why don't you wear your own clothes?"

"Because I have to take a bath for you. It was originally the clothes from the previous day, and we can't wear them if we get wet again."

"Wash ... bath ?!"

"Yes." Su Chi was well-organized and confident, "show you a bath."

After two minutes.

The wet little orange cat accepted the crickets from the human above with a dead fish eye, rubbing his head, rubbing his paw, and putting on a little shampoo ... well, anyway, he really didn't need to do it himself.

In fact, if this kind of incompatibility with the change of identity is abandoned, Xia Rong feels really comfortable to be served—the warm and moderate water gently touches the whole body, and the long, sharp fingers are used to rub him for a while At the top of his head, squeeze the soles of his feet for a while, and then try to pinch his tail properly ... It is an all-round, multi-angled, exquisite and dead angle-free advanced SpA!

In the steaming heat in the bathroom, the sleepy little orange cat can almost empty himself, rubbing his head with his eyes closed, shaking his head, and comforting himself. The human above seemed to enjoy the feeling of being trusted by him. He smiled softly and said, "You can sleep again."

The little orange cat had a crooked head, said to sleep when he slept, and it was unambiguous. When he was conscious again, it was time to put it on a large bath towel, and he was blown slowly with his claws.

The wind was warm and cool, just to dispel the drowsiness of Xia Rong's remnants. He shook his head and asked, "Miao Meow Meow?"-I didn't oversleep?

"No, a cat has a lot of space. It must wash faster than people." Su Chi laughed. "It just works slowly. Fortunately, your hair is not long. Get dressed and wipe your body. , I should have time to have a breakfast in the restaurant downstairs, or I will always eat upset in the car. "

Xia Rongsha nodded his head: it makes sense! And, after having breakfast before Shuyi, he can enjoy some food that will be severely restricted in the future ...

"Well, let's change it back." Su Chi watched the little orange cat immersed in fantasy and drooling, and wiped the corner of his mouth with a smile. "Brush your teeth yourself. Although I can't give you Brush, but I'm afraid that human toothbrushes can irritate cats. "

"Anyway, I'm not a real cat." Xia Rong turned over and snorted, "... You go to the bed, and you become a cat and I become a human."

"It's not me and the cat." Su Chi laughed. "I don't have to look at it."

"... I like to cover my ears and steal the bell." Xia Rong turned over again and stretched his legs to kick him, "Go!"

Su Chi didn't grind, and soon went to the other side of the bed to become a cat, and then ran back "scrambled". For him, "cats and humans can be seen equally", but at least for Xia Rong, Su Chi's attitudes will be very different in different forms. Then it might as well be called Xia Rong's heart, obediently become a cat, and he can enjoy more benefits.

Xia Rong saw that he ran over in cat form. Although he would still give him a glance and let him go, it was obviously not as nervous as when he was in human form. The little orange cat jumped out of bed, turned his back on the cat version of Su Chi, and turned back into a human shape with a squeak.

The back of Xia Rong has a kind of beauty between teenagers and youths. The naked back is thin and white, the butterfly bones on both wings are clear and beautiful, the waist is narrow and the hips are long and the legs are straight and long. Especially when he pulled out the brand-new underwear from the suitcase and was ready to put it on, he twisted his fingertips on the thin piece of fabric, and stretched an extremely smooth line from the thigh to the calf. The radian is submerged within the fabric.

Erotic, love begins.


Xia Rong got dressed, didn't look back, and asked Su Chi behind him, "Are you doing nothing else today? Is there time in the afternoon?"

Su Chi was lying on the bed, covering her nose with her paws, and said, "Do you need me to do anything? Then it will be all right if something happens."

"... Come less," said Xia Rong. "It's not a big deal. Just tell me if you have time in the afternoon?"

"Yes." Ying short jumped up onto his shoulder flexibly, pressed him down, shook the fluffy big tail, and said, "I would have been all year round, except for filming and propaganda, and the announcement also Little, the only variety show was recorded with you. I should be quite busy before the filming of Infernal Affairs. "

Indeed, Su Chi has always devoted almost all his energy to acting, which caused him to lose a lot of popularity in Xia Rong, but his performance and performance are steady, and, as a star, There are so many vacations, so comfortable and so enviable!

Xia Rong snorted and said, "You really enjoy it."

Ying short Yiran meowed: "So what's the matter?"

"I said it yesterday." Xia Rong pinched his little paw with a smile, "Live live to cut your hair."

English short: "..."

Feeling that the little paw in his hand "slipped" and quickly retracted it, even the master with the paw fled back to the bed as if fleeing, and plunged into the bed. Xia Rong smiled and looked back and asked, "Can you?"

"You will be dissed by extreme cat slaves and animal protection! Live cat abuse!"

"How can this be called a cat abuse?" Xia Rong sat down beside the bed and followed her temptingly. "You don't understand, I checked. On the cat's feet at home, if the hair between the meat pads is trimmed irregularly, the hair is getting more and more. The longer it will make them slip on their feet and fall easily when they run, I ’m doing this for my cats, why are they scolding me? I ’ll cut it for you, huh?

"Broken" unwillingly poked a head out of the bed. "Then I'll see you again."

Xia Rong: "..."

"Okay, you don't have to watch it." Su Chi, the cat version, unexpectedly made a concession quickly and put her chin on Xia Rong's hand. "When? In the afternoon? I've been waiting for you back at the hotel?"

"Well, in the afternoon." Xia Rong's guilt rose again, touching the soft chin of the cat. "Yes, I only booked this hotel for one day, and I'll go on for another day later. I will let Xiao Zhou I'll buy you a new set of clothes and come back. Whatever you want to eat and play can be ... Do you need me to bring you the script? "

"No need to bother." Su Chi blinked and said, "I want to go home. It's more convenient to go home, and it's not far from my house."

"Oh ... then I'll go live directly to your house this afternoon?"

"Well, by the way staying in the evening and saving hotel money."

"Also ..." Xia Rong said only half of the time: Dare to wait for him here! = _ =

"I have promised you to broadcast live." The British shortcomings crumbled, "I will not do anything to you."

"... Okay." Xia Rong's help, but reluctantly conceded, "Sister Yi is coming over, then I'll go first."

Thinking that Su Chi was still going to transform into a human form, he glanced over the clothes that had dried on the ground floor, and he said, "Don't go in a hurry, wait in the room for a while, I will let Xiao Zhou give you a set. Come in clean clothes. "

"Um." Yin gradually nodded obediently, two meat claws stretched out, "What a matter."

"Why ... what are you! You want to rot me by selling them!"

Yin gradually said nothing, fell silently, raised a paw, and licked it with nostalgia, as if mourning the fur it was about to lose ...

"Okay, okay!"

Dry and slightly cold lips, "ba 唧" fell on top of the silver gradient layer.

Xia Rong, who just kissed a cat: ...

It ’s just that the inertia disappears every day. I did n’t expect Xia Rong to kiss him. Although his blush was not visible because of the thick hair, he had fallen into the apparently sluggish Suchi: ...

The sky is high, the sky is clear, the sun is shining, and summer is not necessarily a season suitable for love.


"Xiao Zhou, go buy a suit for me." Between breakfast at the restaurant downstairs, Xia Rong did not forget to arrange a task for Xiao Zhou, "Directly delivered to my hotel room. Just knock on the door twice. Leave it at the door if nobody opens. "

"Okay! What do you want?"

"For boys, the size should be one size larger than mine, and the colors and styles are simpler and simpler ... Don't be afraid to buy expensive, I will reimburse you ... Yes, the best is black and white gray, pure cotton ... ... "Xia Rong wanted to say.

"Boss." Xiao Zhou asked quietly over there. "Did you spend the night with Su Chi again?"

Xia Rong: "..."

"What nonsense, is it too late to play a game, do you understand it?"

"Luminous games, I understand, I understand too much."

"Zhou Xiaohua! Do you still want your bonus!"

"Yes, I want to! I promise I'll keep my mouth shut and say nothing! And the boss, I'm obviously called Zhou Xiaotang ..."

"... Zhou Xiaohua sounds better." Xia Rong said, "Yes, buy another set of pet trimmers, buy a little better, oh, yeah ..." He touched his nose and continued, " Buy two more sets of clothes for the cat and bring them along. "

Imagining the beautiful kitten obediently putting on cute clothes and crouching in his arms and letting him slap, it is so adorable ...

But Xiao Zhou on the opposite side obviously couldn't appreciate his rippling wave, or in other words, he realized it, but the direction was a bit off--

"IMHO, boss, what play are you playing?"

"..." Xia Rong looked up at the time, and Shu Yi was about to come over, so he said briefly, "Your bonus."

"... I shut up!"

"Come on." Xia Rong was finally slightly satisfied, "Hang up."


Xiao Zhou looked at the mobile phone with a beeping sound, a little at a loss: clothes for cats?

She really didn't buy it ...

However, looking back at the suspicious pause in Xia Rong's words, combined with the situation and context, Xiao Zhou, a student who reads and understands the full score, thinks he understands!

So after an hour--

Facing a set of normal clothes, a set of pet hair trimmers, and two sets of Suchi like cat ears and tails: ...

Five hours later, I hurried to Su Chi's house and started to broadcast on Weibo, but faced with two sets of Xia Rong that had been disassembled, and it was more obvious that they were role-playing **** clothing: ...

Seems too late to explain what to do! !! !!