MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 55 But this does not mean that Fu Yi's image is thin.

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The scene was a little deadlocked.

The young people who just came out of the conference room were also very distressed and apologized to them: "Sorry, this is a mistake in our time planning. Look, which party is inconvenient to move the time back ..."

"I'll have a notice later." Wu Yuxin shook the stack of paper in his hand and said lightly, "Not very convenient."

Xia Rong whispered to Shuyi: "Can I push the announcement at night?"

Shu Yi also lowered her voice and frowned, "You let him, but he didn't accept you ..."

"No, so I can watch more scripts for a while ..."

Xia Rong was whispering with Shu Yi, but a man stepped out of the conference room and asked displeasedly: "The next actor hasn't come yet?"

It turned out that Director Xu Ping was anxious and walked out directly from it. He has a square face, big eyes, a wide nose, and a look full of righteousness. In his early years, he also made a lot of films on his own. In his middle age, he also belongs to the more handsome category of uncles. Rao does not need to be reminded in advance. Looking at his face as dark as the bottom of the pot, he also knows how much he values ​​the concept of time.

"No, no, here it is." The young man who came out explained quickly, "It was our time to make a mistake and inform the wrong actors of the time, and then came two ..."

"Oh, that's our responsibility." Xu Ping's face was a little hesitant, and it was easy to admit that he had misunderstood, and the extremely oppressive glance swept across Xia Rong and Wu Yuxin's faces, and asked, "Is it you two to audition?"

"Yes." Wu Yuxin faced Xu Ping, and her attitude converged a lot. The tone of the answer actually seemed very modest, "Hello, guide you."

Xia Rong nodded seriously.

Xu Ping waved a big hand: "Since it's our problem, come in together and try it out as soon as possible. I won't waste your time, okay?"

"You can't say that, in order to perform the characters more comprehensively, the time spent is not wasted ..." Wu Yuxin seemed to forget that he also said, "There will be a notice later." Love.

Xu Ping didn't answer him, strode back behind the conference table, pulled open the chair, and sat down again.

The conference room is very large. Except for a long table, extra tables and chairs are pushed aside, and a large space is vacated in the middle to provide performance space for the actors who come to audition.

Behind the long table, sitting in the middle is the director Xu Ping, and next to him is screenwriter Xiang Wenbin. Sure enough, as Shuyi said, compared with Xu Ping, Xiang Wenbin was much more amiable. When contacting Xia Rong's eyes, he smiled and nodded his head slightly.

There were still a few people sitting on either side of them, some of whom Xia Rong thought were familiar but could not be called names, while others were completely unfamiliar-after all, he was still too far away from the film industry.

Someone walked over to debug the camera in the field, and gestured to Xu Ping: "It's time to start."

"Well." Xu Ping asked in a deep voice. "Who the two of you arrived first?"

"Xu Dao, it's me." Wu Yuxin smiled slightly and stepped forward.

"Then you start." Xu Ping nodded slightly at him, and looked down at the script. "The first game."

Wu Yuxin heard the words, put the phone in the script aside, stood back in the field, and introduced himself: "Xu Daohao, good screenwriter, I am Wu Yuxin, and my role for audition today is Fu Ye."

In Infernal Affairs, Fu Yi is a police officer. Xia Rong has seen novels and scripts, and knows that whether in the novel or the script, the story is based on another protagonist-that is, "Zhu Xiaofei" played by Su Chi.

But this does not mean that Fu Yi's image is thin.

Ten years ago, when he graduated from the police academy, he went undercover. His undercover work is not the traditional younger brother who works hard for the underworld boss, but the tutor of the underworld's eldest daughter Tan Xiaoxiao, a gentle, handsome, and even a little green college student.

Tan Xiaoxiao was only sixteen years old ten years ago. She was crazy about this tutor and desperately wanted to fall in love with him, but after three months, she waited for her father to go to jail.

Ten years later, the underworld boss Tan Feng was commuted and released from prison. He has become an outstanding criminal policeman. He has not given up on a pending case many years ago. However, during an unannounced unannounced visit, he was met by Xiao Xiaofei, a boyfriend who claimed to be Tan Xiaoxiao The kidnapping, with extremely complicated feelings and desires, the confrontation between the two began ...

There were three plays in the playbook, a tutor show ten years ago, a confrontation show when Tan Feng was arrested, and a kidnapped by Zhu Xiaofei. The time span was extremely large, and the contrast between the characters was extremely high. Obviously, it can be said to be quite difficult.

Xiao Zhou was just beside me, and I saw Wu Yuxin's attitude towards Xia Rong. Now I saw that he was about to start acting, and he was very angry. He whispered to the nearby Shuyi: "It seems like what flowers he can perform. ... "

Shu Yi's face was tight, her eyes stared at the center of the venue without blinking, and she didn't speak. Xiao Zhou knew that she was in a state of high tension. After a pause, she couldn't help turning her head and pinned her eyes on Wu Yuxin. Body.

Unexpectedly, this young man with a look of arrogance and disdain before suddenly changed his temperament suddenly—he softened his eyebrows, the original melancholy of the eyebrows was swept away, and a gentle smile appeared naturally. Indulgence and helplessness: "Did I not repeat this question when I came here last time? What, did you forget it?"

He rubbed his eyebrows, with a kind of green trouble that is unique to a new college student: "... What can I do? I'll tell you again, smile, not me, your memory ..."

"Oh, don't make any noise." Wu Yuxin looked as though she had been thrown by something, her face flushed and gasping, "Your dad is going home? Let him How bad to see ... "

After a short breath, he turned his face to the side and seemed to inadvertently whisper: "Smile, what's your dad doing? The time home is so unstable ..."

"Stop--" Xu Ping raised his hand and Shen said, "Next."

Xu Ping was still stubborn and couldn't see any expression on his face, and Xiang Wenbin next to him still smiled and said nothing. The composure of the "judges" actually made Xiao Zhou's heart beat more. She whispered to Shu Yi: "Sister Yi, he ..."

Shu Yi turned her head and briefly looked at her, both of them sinking--

Obviously, both of them have realized that this opponent is more threatening than expected.

Shu Yi quickly pulled her eyes back into the field and whispered, "Look at it, the next one is starting."

Wu Yuxin from the previous second was still a gentle and undergraduate tutor. The next second, his temperament changed suddenly: his back was straight, his eyes were sharp, and he became a calm and conscientious police officer. Seems to get on him in an instant.

He was standing still, silent, but his eyes were not empty, he stared sharply and intently, as if someone was passing in front of him.

"... I can't think of it?" He seemed to listen to whoever questioned him, and for a moment hesitated, and condescended, "Tan Feng, from the day you started on this road, you should think of today, as for that person It doesn't matter if I am. "

"... laugh?" It seemed like someone was hit on him again, he was hit back again and again, Wu Yuxin stared at the "person" in front of him, and said lightly: "... Sorry. But this is my duty, I am Policemen."

"Stop--" Xu Ping shouted again, nodded at him, "the last scene."

This nod of Xu Ping made Wu Yuxin's proud smile appear on the corners of his lips, and Shu Yi and Xiao Zhou's hearts fell down again.

It also takes almost no time to switch. When Wu Yuxin opened her eyes, her breath had changed again—from a young police officer to an experienced, calm and calm policeman.

He fell to the ground without hesitation, with his hands behind his back, his legs tightly together, as if being tied tightly. He seemed to be heavily restrained by someone, his face flushed, and his breathing was intense, but his eyes remained calm and sharp: "... you, who are you?"

After "hearing" the opposite answer, he responded slightly: "Smile? You say you are Tan Xiaoxiao's boyfriend?"

"I ..." He sighed softly, straightly, "I did owe her, but her father was not wronged, I just exercised my responsibility ... cough, cough ..."

He coughed extremely painfully, as if someone was choking his throat suddenly, his hands twisted and struggling violently behind his back, and his legs were kicking wildly and abnormally, as if he was doing his best to fight the person in front of him.

Even Xiao Zhou couldn't help holding his breath, watching Wu Yuxin's performance idly, muttering, "Isn't there really an air man helping him ..."

The answer, of course, is no. Wu Yuxin was struggling for a while, seeing that she was on the verge of dying twitching, and suddenly her eyes brightened, hissing: "Smile ... Smile ...!"

"Stop!" As he shouted, Xu Ping dropped his pen, turned around and talked with Xiang Wenbin briefly, and said to Wu Yuxin, "As a result of the audition, we will inform you when you go back. You worked hard. "

Xu Ping has always been expressionless, but his tone is obviously much milder than when he first entered the door.

Wu Yuxin crawled up from the ground with a slight gesture, wiped the sweat seeping from her forehead with a smile, and bowed, "Thank you, the director, for your hard work."

"Well, then you can ..." Xu Ping nodded to him, signaled that he could go.

"I want to stay here and watch my opponent's performance, can you?" Wu Yuxin interrupted, and smiled a little embarrassed, "He has looked at me, I also want to see his ... Ha ha."

"Hehe." The director also laughed and said, "We have no problem. Ask Xia Rong. Xia Rong. Xia Rong?"

Xia Rong suddenly regained his mind until Shu Yi reached his elbow, and looked up and said, "Huh ...? Huh!"

His blank look made Wu Yuxin sneer at once, and Xu Ping had to repeat it again: "Wu Yuxin said he wants to stay and watch your performance, do you mind?"

Xia Rong didn't hesitate and said, "Yes, no problem. Can I play now?"

"Well, come on." Xu Ping picked up the pen again, tapping on the paper for a moment, and as Xia Rong walked to the center of the venue to stand, the audience's eyes focused on him.

The first one, a gentle and austere tutor.

Xia Rong's temperament also changed quickly, with soft smiles on the corners of his eyes and brow, reluctantly saying, "This question, when I came last time ..."

"... Xiao Zhou." Shu Yi turned slightly to the side, her voice tense, "... What do you think of him?"

"It's pretty good ...?" Xiao Zhou stammered, "Isn't he different from Wu Yuxin?"

"..." Shu Yi turned around and sighed silently. "Xia Rong has performed very well, at least he has been reborn in his idol drama ... but his opponent is Wu Yuxin. No matter whether it is acting experience or skill, Wu Yuxin, It ’s all too familiar with him. In this comparison, Xia Rong is still a little bit green ... ”

"Ah, ah? What should we do?" Xiao Zhou nervously, "Is the boss going to lose? No, no, Yi sister, he and Wu Yuxin are still playing differently ...!"

Shu Yi heard the words, and once again fixed her eyes firmly on Xia Rong.

At the beginning, I only noticed his youthfulness, and the more I saw it, the more I could discover the difference in his performances. Unlike Wu Yuxin, he deliberately wiped out the melancholy between the eyebrows. Xia Rong's original face was instead clear There was a hint of melancholy, which made him more hesitant and struggling when he was arguing with Tan Xiaoxiao and inquiring about her father's work.

"Stop--" the same thing was to just stop, Xu Ping said, "Next."

"... I can't think of it?" Police officer Fu Yi after the successful arrest of Tan Feng had less pleasure and coldness in his eyes, and some more complexity and heavyness: "... It's not important whether that person is me."

"... Smile?" Xia Rong also tightened his body this time, and restrained himself to take only a half step back with his eyes hidden with guilt and perseverance, ":" ... …Sorry. But this is my duty ... "He exhaled deeply," I am a policeman. "


"... Stop." This time, it didn't seem as sharp and decisive as usual. Xu Ping looked at Xia Rong thoughtfully, and said a moment later, "Next."

"... you, who are you?" After hissing the sentence, Fu Yi, who got the answer from the other person, suddenly choked, and then he almost murmured, his voice trembling: "Smile ?! You said you Is Tan Xiaoxiao's boyfriend ?! "

In his eyes, there was a moment of sorrow and sorrow, and he whispered, "I do owe her, but her father is not wrong ..." His tone was better than convincing Zhu Xiaofei. To myself, "I just exercised my responsibilities ... cough, cough ..."

After being choked by the other's throat and forced to cough violently for a while, he seemed to be struggling, painful, and struggled with Zhu Xiaofei silently.

Seeing his eyes turn white, almost dying, suddenly there was a sound and someone came in, letting the "Zhu Xiaofei" restrain the force, Fu Yan turned his head and stared at the "person" above him. , Revealing a terrible and crazy smile: "" Smile ...? Smile ...! "

For a moment, he seemed to be relieved and fell into the deepest abyss of despair.


After Xia Rong's performance, Xu Ping and Xiang Wenbin kept talking in a low voice, without saying "go back and wait for the news" and without saying "hard work", Xia Rong always stayed in place, which made Shuyi and Xiao Zhou more and more Nervous, densely packed with cold sweat.

"Xia Rong, isn't it?" I didn't expect that the one who spoke this time was always sitting next to him, just saying nothing but laughing, Xiang Wenbin, which was like a lucky cat mascot decoration. He still looked at Xia Rong with a smile and asked, "Can you tell me why you are acting like this?"

Xiao Zhou was a little at a loss: "Uh, why did the boss act ..."

Shu Yi patted the back of her hand: "Listen to Xia Rong."

"... I think." Xia Rong wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, took a deep breath, and looked up. "I think that although it is not written in the script, Fu Ye should love Tan Xiaoxiao. This is a You need a premise that is hidden but not very important, and with this premise, Fu Yi is complete. "

"Oh?" Xiang Wenbin said with a smile, "Nothing in the script, how do you know that Fu Yi loves Tan Xiaoxiao? As far as I know, even in the complete script and novel, it is not mentioned?"

"It's not written in the script." Xia Rongdao, "But if you have read the novel, you will find that many contradictions and struggles of Fu Ye's thought and behavior are based on this hidden condition. With this premise, Fu Ye Many of his behaviors make sense. For example, why did he deliberately evade and hide for Zhu Xiaofei when he found all the clues of the case pointing to Zhu Xiaofei? Why did he have to suspend his life when he arrested Zhu Xiaofei? Why after Zhu Xiaofei's death, he still willingly took care of the amnesiac Tan Xiaoxiao all his life? Many of Fu Yi's behaviors are abnormal at first glance. You must find this reason that makes him abnormal in order to make his image truly complete. Three-dimensional. "

"He loves Tan Xiaoxiao, and I think that's why."

Xiang Wenbin looked at him, his face still looked like he was smiling, as if thinking, and as if he thought he was funny: "Continue."

"Although this is known, Fu Yi's love is extremely forbearing and restrained. Unless someone cuts his mind, he will never reveal this secret to anyone in his life. I think this is also a novel author and screenwriter, Invariably, there was no clear reason for his feelings. "Xia Rong continued," He has his own duties, but he also hopes that Tan Xiaoxiao will be happy, even if this happiness is not given by him. "

Xiang Wenbin said: "Can you talk more about your overall view of Fu Ye?"

"The sharpness is his sharpness." Xia Rong replied, "Fu Yi loves Tan Xiaoxiao, but he has never shown the slightest bit. He has also been weak, evasive, and fearful, but after struggling with conspiracy, blood and pain, In the end, he still did not give up the pursuit of truth and justice ... Although both the novel and the movie are narrated from the perspective of Zhu Xiaofei, I think that Fu Yi is the subject, the one who really tempered the sharp edge from the endless hell. people."

"Um." Xu Ping, who was silent for a long time, still had a cold face on his face, and couldn't see the specific thoughts. "That's it, I won't waste your time, Xia Rong, you go back and prepare Just a moment. Xiao Li, go and inform the remaining actors who haven't auditioned, you can stop using it. "

"What ?!" Wu Yuxin stood up from her chair almost in a state of disorientation-which meant that Xia Rong was set on the spot! Because of being too excited, his face looked slightly distorted: "Xu Dao, Xiang screenwriter, this is not in line with the rules!"

"My crew, I am the rules." Xu Ping said lightly, "Mr. Wu, I heard that you will have announcements later, we will not waste your time, I hope you work well."

"..." Wu Yuxin blushed, and it took a while to force a few words out of her teeth. "... I see, Xu Dao, we'll see it later."

He waved his hand and walked away wildly.

Xia Rong paused for a while, then bowed to them afterwards: "Thank you director, thank you screenwriter, then I will ..."

"Don't hurry," Xiang Wenbin smiled. "Come and say a few more words."

"Oh, oh ..." Xia Rong stepped forward in a daze, but he didn't expect it to be so smooth.

"What do you think of Wu Yuxin's acting?" Xiang Wenbin asked softly. "It's okay, just be a pull, just say whatever you like."

"He performed well ... better than me," Xia Rong paused, adding, "technically."

"Well, indeed." Xiang Wenbin nodded. "You know that too. So in what respect do you think you are better than him, let us choose you?"

"... Probably, a bit of a routine?" Xia Rong hesitated, "I have seen two of his films. When he was acting as a tutor, he was a bit like one of them ... when acting as a police officer, The other one I saw was a bit like ... "

"The common problem of old actors." Xu Ping, who has not spoken, said in a deep voice. "It's too much. I figured out the routine myself. The teacher played the teacher who played before, and the police officer used the police who played before. It's smart and easy, but it's actually lazy. The acting skills are good at first glance, but the audience always sees a few character templates. "

“Without you, it ’s not a bad idea to choose a template without success.” Xiang Wenbin laughed. “However, in our case, the actors who have good acting skills are already easy to find. What is really hard to find is that they are willing to think for themselves Actor-you gave us a surprise. "

The word "surprise" made Xia Rong a little flattered, and he scratched his head and said, "In fact, I am also cheating. I read the original book in advance ..."

"We're not talking about too many people behind." Xiang Wenbin smiled. "But if I don't want you to see the original, I try to adapt the words 'from the novel of the same name'" Infernal Edge "in the playbook. Why is it so big? "

Xiang Wenbin's words made Xia Rong couldn't help laughing.

"Xia Rong, Su Chi mentioned you many times with us." Xu Ping suddenly said, "Remind us that we must look at you seriously."


"Look now, it's exactly the same as he said." Xu Ping looked up at him, and smiled, "... there is indeed a little bit of acting, but it really does have a little meaning."

Read The Duke's Passion