MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 39 You know ... are we pressed for time?

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When Xia melted out of the locker room and asked the friends what they had pumped, Gao Junming said first: "I picked the little hunter ..."

Su Chi said: "Little wizard."

Ye Mang said: "Little King."

Kang Yifan was slightly proud, saying, "I'm the little prince!"

Everyone said it generously and cheerfully, but the second one was more embarrassing, except Xia Rong, who was Zhang Xin. Under the urging of Kang Yifan, Zhang Xin said blushingly, "I got a little ... little princess."

Everyone laughed, except Xia Rong—when the card was drawn, he could tell from Zhang Xin's expression that he was probably worse than himself.

Now Zhang Xin was ridiculed by the group, and Xia Rong also felt a kind of sadness of rabbits and foxes. After lingering for a while, he was coaxed by everyone. Qi Qiran said his character card: "Mine is Little Red Riding Hood."

"Hahahahaha !!! I'm curious for a while, what the little princess and Little Red Riding Hood will look like after changing clothes ..." Kang Yifan was gloating.

"But why does everyone's character cards have a 'small' in front of them?" Ye Mang asked a question.

Su Chi speculated: "Should be the childhood version of the fairy tale characters? Will it grow up slowly by doing tasks?"

Ye Mang nodded: "It's possible ..." He paused a bit, and joked Zhang Xin and Xia Rong, "Will the little princess become a 'big princess'? Little Red Riding Hood becomes 'big red hood' '?'

Zhang Xin and Xia Rong chanted at the same time: "... you're enough!"

The little friends laughed without a word, and the on-site director began to call them to go to their dressing rooms to change clothes. Each person's locker room is independent. Xia Rong held a heart and shaken off his "equipment" to check back and forth, a little sigh of relief: although the overall color is a bit brighter, the style of the clothes is still more elegant Yes, leather armor, leather gloves, boots, tight and tight, do not look feminine. Coupled with the big red hood and ground cape necessary for "Little Red Riding Hood", when the hood was put down, he threw the cape and he had the illusion that he was a teenager general and ready to go.

I didn't expect to get out of the locker room. Before Xia Rong showed off his other friends with other friends, he was directly brought into a secret room by the "man in black" sent by the show team.

As soon as he entered the back room, he shuddered for no reason-it was too cold in the back room, and it was physically cold. There is also a large iron cage in the center of the room. There are many half-height ice cubes stacked in the iron cage, which is constantly releasing the cold air.

Xia Rong noticed that there was a thermometer at the door, indicating that it was now minus 1 degree Celsius. No wonder the "equipment" sent to him would be so warm, it turned out to have been premeditated.

He looked around. There were many lamps installed along the edges of the wall in the dense room. They were gray and not lit, and he couldn't see where the switch was. There are two small black boxes on the two opposite corners of the room. There are some props next to it. There are blank cardboard and a game box like a board game. Xia Rong just walked to the corner with cardboard and suddenly heard the show group. The broadcast sounded above his head.

Suddenly a loud-speaker broadcast sounded in the secret room. Not only did Xia Rong startle, even the lamps on the wall seemed to be shocked.

"Children from the fairy tale kingdom, welcome you to the castle of the super witch. Because you ca n’t stand the temptation of candy, you are seduced into her castle by the witch. If you ca n’t escape the castle today, the witch will be in Before dawn, make you all doll people. "

Xia Rong: ... Who can't stand the temptation of candy! Can screenwriters not toss players to players!

At the same time he voiced, he also knew that this time it should be to escape from the back room within the prescribed time. As for how to escape--

"A total of three keys are needed to leave the secret room. The keys are magically sealed by the witch in the ice cube in the center of the room. The two cipher boxes in the corner contain the key of the cage and the tools for cutting the ice cube. You are gathering. Only after you have three keys can you open the door to the secret room. At the same time, you will get the information of your partners who are traveling with you, continue to cheer, and escape from the castle and this forest with your partners! 30 minutes before dawn, The countdown starts, five, four, three ... "

Is it half an hour before dawn? If it was Kang Yifan, he would definitely be in the air at the time, but Xia Rong didn't care much about it-it was filming in the studio anyway. He said that if it was dawn, it should be dawn.

What Xia Rong pays more attention to is to tease out the rules of the game revealed in the broadcast: In other words, you must first leave the back room to know who your teammates are, and then go on with them. Moreover, it turned out not only to escape from the castle, but also from the forest?

Xia Rong was so cold again that after the broadcast, he hurried to the corner of the box where he observed the two ends. One of them was a board game where marbles walked through the maze. It should be possible to let marbles go to the exit. The password pops up; the other one, Xia Rong walked in and found out that there is a recording pen next to the blank question board. Press the recording pen to open, and the mechanical sound starts to play slowly:

"Question 1: Chickens and rabbits are in the same cage. From the top, there are 49 heads of chickens and rabbits; from the bottom, there are 100 legs. Ask me, how many chickens? How many rabbits?"

"Second question: There are 100 monks, eating a hundred magpies, a big monk eating three maggots alone, and three young monks eating a maggot, ask, how many big monks, how many young monks?"

"Question 3: ..."

Why not let these monks eat chickens and rabbits too! !!

However, although Xia Rong is a bit worse in mathematics, the questions presented by the program group are not difficult. They are all very classic binary equations. The difficulty of junior high school, as long as you calm down and formulate the formula, it is not that you cannot do it come out……

According to the speed of the voice recorder, who knows how many questions there are? Xia Rong pressed the acceleration and dragged it directly to the end. He was found to tell him: "Subtract the answer to the first question, divide the answer to the second question to get an integer, the answer to the third question ... the tenth question ... finally Add them up and multiply the ten hundred digits by number to get the password ... "

Who is such a crazy question! After ten first-order equations in two variables, we still have to do math problems! !!

Xia Rong estimates that this problem is time-consuming for the show crew to come up with. He put the recording pen aside, and chose to go to the marble labyrinth first, and decided to save some time by listening to mental arithmetic while listening.

As a result, when he got the key to the maze game, the recording pen slowly read the fifth question. Xia Rong was so dizzy that he couldn't hold the screenwriter's collar now and shaked madly-"You want to keep your mind Freeze our children! "

The key of the maze game opened the code box next to it, which contained an ice cone. It seemed that this was an auxiliary tool to help him remove the key from the ice cube.

The recording pen's math problem really gave him a headache. Xia Rong held an ice cone in his hand and tried to knock open the ice cube through the railing of the iron cage. However, this behavior similar to speculation failed, and his palm hit the frozen hard The rusty iron railings were red and did not reach the center of the key hiding place.

Can it only take a lot of time to do math problems? Xia Rong depressed the ice cube in the cage with an ice cone, depressed, and accidentally pierced the railing. The reaction force immediately numbed Xia Rong's mouth. Icing Cone took off her hand and bounced far away, but fortunately, Xia Rong was not stabbed.

However, Xia Rong did not have time to rejoice, because the moment he looked up, he noticed that the ice cone rolled to the ground and slammed, and the lamp on the wall lit up again.

Once can be said to be accidental, twice or three times may not be a coincidence.

Xia Rong's line of sight went down the light tube, looking for its head and tail, and found that it started from the doorway and extended all the way behind the box next to the recording pen, and disappeared! He took three steps and made two steps, got to the beginning of the lamp, and yelled, "Ah!"

I saw a firework burst out from the inside of the lamp, and the light went straight to Xia Rong's head!

Voice-activated, this is actually a voice-activated lamp!

The show team will definitely not put a voice-activated lamp in the back room for no reason. Xia Rong can't stand the cold, so he decides to gamble on it. Anyway, when he turned into a cat, he didn't lose his sight too much. He tightened his voice recorder and was so angry with Dan Tian that he made a loud noise: "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

Shouting like this in a room with a sub-zero temperature, Xia Rong felt that his brain was almost deprived of oxygen, but fortunately, his efforts were not wasted. Behind the box in the corner-a slight "click", without the password, the box opened by itself.

This is probably the "egg" prepared for them by the show team. Xia Rong wiped the thin sweat exuding from the rubbing horns, gasped and took out the key in the box, then smoothly inserted the lock of the iron cage and opened the cage.

With the help of ice cones, it is very laborious to dig out the keys from the huge ice cubes. When Xia Rong took out all three keys, Rao was in the freezing chamber below zero, and he was still sweating. He almost flung to the front door of the secret room, inserting the three keys into the keyhole on the door one by one.

I don't know if it's too much physical energy, he felt his hands shaking, and his eyes turned black for a while. Reluctantly inserted all three keys into it, and clicked, a small box was opened on the door of the secret room, and a golden key and a task card lay quietly in it.

This golden key should be the ultimate weapon to open the secret room. Xia Rong forcedly inserted it into the golden key hole corresponding to the door, and the secret door opened.

The air coming in was warm and humid, and Xia Rong walked against the wall for several steps before he noticed that there was a long and narrow corridor after going out. The lights were faint and the candles were beating, as if they were really the underpass in a witch's castle.

However, the “castle” used in modern artificial shooting is still different from the fairy tale world. For example, the inconspicuous part of the dark wall can be found by hand to find the hidden door of the fire prevention passage.

Regardless of the camera he followed, Xia Rong opened the hidden door and flashed in.

-Suddenly, he had understood that this uncomfortable discomfort was not that he was too tired or that the temperature in the back room was too low, but that he was actually getting used to it ... another reason.

I thought I would definitely be exposed to the camera this time, but I never thought it would be an invincible road-even if it turns into a cat, I can slip away!

However, the moment Xia Rong saw himself opening the door, a despair came to his mind: what was special was not a fire safety channel, but a narrow utility room!


If God closed a door for you, then he would surely close the window, otherwise, why is he struggling to close Barra? Can't let you run away! ——By "Xia Rong's Philosophical Quotations"


At the last moment when his eyes fell sharply, Xia Rong opened the mission card and saw the above content:

"Congratulations, your escape partner is: Su Chi (little wizard)."


When he got out of the clothes pile again, Xia Rong first covered his nose and sneezed-the cat also sneezes!

The little orange cat in a little red hood rubbed his nose, then fell down with a look of disappointment-he really escaped. Although I brought the door subconsciously when I came in, the lock in the utility room was extremely old and loose, and I could pull it away just by pulling hard. He had heard the sound of the camera knocking on the door: "Xia Rong, are you all right? Do you want to continue shooting?"

Xia Rong really wanted to tell him "I'm not going to take a photo", but now he can figure it out, and he can only issue a "meow" that no one except Su Chi can understand. He also had the idea to give up variety shooting in this regard, but on the one hand, this opportunity for exposure to many people was easily obtained by him and Shu Yi; on the other hand, the damages of up to tens of millions after the breach of contract and the skylight that opened for no reason Public condemnation is not something he can easily decide to bear.

——This is all right, just drag and drag and drag it to the laboratory for dissection.

The little orange cat stumbled into the corner again ruthlessly, listening to the camera's knocking on the door getting louder and more hurried, I'm afraid the next moment, we must open the door forcibly and find out what he looks like at the moment. ——

"Don't go in. I have an appointment with Xia Rong to meet here and discuss follow-up actions. Give us five minutes."

Forcibly suppressed, so that the sound of extremely calm sounded outside the door, and the knocking sound of the door finally stopped temporarily.

Xia Rong was so scared that his heart was almost jumping out. When he saw someone coming in, he immediately hurriedly raised his small head to meet the other person's sight.

The comer squatted down on one knee, and the black cape, exclusive to the wizard, dangled, so that a small orange cat was enclosed in it.

"You know ... are we pressed for time?"

The little wizard asked softly.

"Meow ..."

The little orange cat nodded blankly.

The little wizard smiled slightly and reached out to hold the little orange cat on his knee.

Xia Rong was a little anxious, and looked back at the red cloak that had slipped off his body.

The next second, his head was choked back, and his moist, cool lips covered without hesitation.

Almost at the moment of saliva exchange, Xia Rong changed back from the cat's body. Although he fell to the ground in time, he almost fell back because he didn't master the center of gravity. Su Chi reached out and embraced his back of the head, his lips just separated, and clung up tightly.

Xia Rong opened his eyes wide, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

The world in front of me is slowly spinning at this moment, and time is condensing like a shred. His body is almost stiff and he can't let the other party kiss.

The author has something to say: Hee hee hee hee hee!

ps: This game has a secret room with reference stars.

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