MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 35 Wait, the pants aren't finished yet.

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Xia Rong turned sideways to let Su Chi come in, his eyes couldn't help but keep an eye on the bucket in his hand, and his mouth said, "It's so late, eating calories so high Can things work? "

"I usually have a fitness program myself, so Han is not likely to interfere with me." Su Chi said, "If you can't eat it, then I'll eat it myself."

In the face of the aroma of the family bucket, Xia Rong refused flatly: "No! Even if you have a fitness program, you can't indulge yourself like that! Let me help you get half the calories!"

"Um." Su Chi had expected, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said gently, "That's really hard for you."


At 9:30 in the evening, Xia Rong sat on the hotel bed and turned on the TV. He transferred to Orange TV and waited for "Liang Shanbo and Romeo" to air. The air conditioner gently blows the cool breeze. After sitting next to the Suchi, I immediately felt that there was a lot of "popularity" in the room. In addition, I was able to twist a piece of chicken wings and take a sip of ice cola, which was near. In these days, Xia Rong felt the most pleasant moment.

While waiting for the show to start, Xia Rong opened his trumpet brush Weibo again, and his fans were promoting preheating in his super topic, brushing various beautiful pictures and show Reuters, looking harmonious and quiet, thriving.

I really do n’t know what it will be like after this episode is broadcast-because Xia Rong was a bit worried because it was broadcasted in the previous and next episodes, will the program group deliberately engage in editing and gaining access to clips like the previous tidbits video? Topic and attention.

Su Chi also looked down at the phone, and Xia Rong couldn't help but look at his screen: "What are you looking at?"

Su Chi also brushed Weibo, but he looked at the topic of # 梁山伯 与 罗密欧 #. The content in this topic would be more comprehensive and complicated than personal ones. Everyone brushed it, fans, passers-by, and even fans. They all come and go, with different angles and mixed opinions, which seems quite interesting.

Looking at it, Xia Rong found a question: "How do you use Weibo to brush Weibo? Are you afraid of slipping?"

"It's okay," Su Chi said. "I use my left hand to swipe. I also slide my hand to forward, and then exit."

"It's so inconvenient. I told you, it's better to register a trumpet, and you won't be afraid of playing." Xia Rong said on the rise, and he pointed his finger up. "Look, it's like this kind of Weibo , I can just go back with a trumpet, otherwise I can only hold it, how unhappy ... uh, I didn't mean it ...! "

The two kept their eyes open and looked at the Weibo that Xia Rong "also deceives his brain by acting on his face so bad, why is the program in the same file as our Suchi", the like box quickly turned red, and a pop-up from the center of the screen A cartoon little hand, sparkling than his thumb, seemed to approve Xia Rong, "You are awesome!"

Su Chi: "... Do you pay?"

Xia Rong: "..."

Although Xia Rong decisively reached out and pressed it again to cancel the like, it is estimated that the entire process took less than five seconds. However, with the attention of Su Chi, he was in a sensitive period on the eve of the show. Such a microblog ... Xia Rong remembers that there is even an app specially developed for star-chaser celebrities. As long as they follow the idol microblog, fans can always grasp and monitor the dynamics of their love beans on Weibo, even love beans You know when and when you go online, not to mention the "like" action.

Sure enough, it took less than two minutes to search for "Suchi", and many people began to take screenshots to exclaim "Suchi Suchi actually liked Hei Xiarong's Weibo ?!" "Is Suchi and Xia Rong in a relationship?" "Wow, it's been exposed so early! It seems that Su Chi has a long history of grievances!" "Su Chi is so unpretentious, I like the black teammates before the show starts" ...

Su Chi turned his head and asked, "Do you lose me?"

Xia Rong's face was painful: "... compensate!"

Fifteen minutes later.

People who closely followed Suchi's developments quickly posted a new Weibo on the homepage.

[Su Chi: My cat ordered it, really. @ 夏 融 V [Picture]]

In the Weibo picture, there is a fluffy, white and soft cat's claw, without even being guided by the person. He obediently pressed the meat pad on the "like" point of a certain Weibo, as if recreating the "accident" on site".

Thousands of comments quickly emerged in a short period of time. In addition to the devoted fans who are devoted to idiots, the comments of the people who eat melon are also quite interesting:

"Give science to the unknown, just now Su Chi accidentally slipped this [picture]"

"I gave 82 points for this crisis PR, and the rest is sent to you in the form of 666 [二 哈]"

"It's so sinful! I even tried to pass the price with the cuteness! And I eat this set shamefully!"

"Dare to @ 夏 融, does it mean that it is really slippery?"

"It depends on Xia Rong to ignore him, otherwise it will be embarrassing. 23333"

"Xia Rong is not the kind of good old man hhh waiting to watch a show ~"

"The cats of Su Chi's family are so cute. QAQ white gloves cute halo QAQ"

"Only I want to know how he took this picture? Does Su Chi have two mobile phones?"


Su Chi, who took two mobile phones to complete the photo shooting, put one of them down and the other handed it to Xia Rong, "It's your turn."

Xia Rong, who had just turned back, was still wearing a shirt button, Wen Yan took the phone with one hand, rested on his lap, and continued to tie the remaining buttons.

Su Chi leaned back on the bed and asked with a smile, "How does it feel to master the transformation yourself?"

"Yeah." Xia Rong thought for a while, "After you find the trick, it's still very easy. And when you used to be a passive cat, it was always tiring to change back to a person. Come here. Now that I'm in control of the change, I feel much better. "

"Well, so am I."

"Hahaha! Now that I can control the transformation skills myself, it will be more convenient to date or whatever ..." Xia Rong has not forgotten his "beautiful imagination after becoming a cat".

Su Chi raised his hand. It seemed that he wanted to give him a hand, but after he raised his hand, he realized that now they are both humanoid. It doesn't seem to be good to shoot again, so the palm of the hand finally fell on Xia Rong's head. , Half rubbed and pushed a bit: "... Go to Weibo, and say good compensation to me."

"Wait a while, the pants aren't finished yet." Xia Rongwo was in the quilt, arched and arched, and he also put on the trousers. At this time, he picked up the mobile phone that was dropped aside and entered Weibo. The above shows: there are 9999+ new messages.

Waiting in front of the TV and waiting for the broadcast, the crowds who watched Weibo on their mobile phones and brushed Weibo, and after five minutes from Suchi ’s Weibo sent out, Xia Rong's Weibo was reprinted—

[Xia Rong V: I must believe, because my cat is so old. [二 哈] ps: Your cat is so cute, I have never seen such a handsome cat! // Su Chi: My cat ordered it, really. @ 夏 融 V [Picture]]

Compared with Su Chi, Xia Rong is a "victim", and the direction of comments is more harmonious:

"We are so generous and never care about these!"

"Fleece is so proud of other cats, it's going to be angry if it's broken!"

"Yeah hhh Rongrong, did you forget the break on the shore of Daming Lake?"

Harmony to, and even some strange sounds ...

"Cobbled up from the bottom of the lake to come up for sugar"

"Secretly eating +1 sugar, I saw the trailer and thought it was going to be torn again. Who knows that there was still sugar to eat before the broadcast! [Tears flow]]

"Two public interactions in one month, the second time was on the 520 day! It was a complete success. Even after the pure powder on both sides was torn apart, I have no regrets. [Big cry] Our Arctic cold ring suddenly saved the Milky Way. ?"

"The crisp shrimp cult is not dead yet [squint]"

"Ah! Pure powder is here and run !!!!"

After the so-called "cult" broke out, people who came afterwards also began to express their views:

"In this way, the inside of the Liang Ou regiment is quite harmonious. Regardless of Su Chi's intention, at least Xia Rong is willing to help whitewash the peace."

"According to Xia Rong's character, this already shows a certain problem [laughs and cry]"

"Xia Rong's pure face passer-by fan asked curiously, what is his character?"

"Reply to xxx: It's pretty selfish. Anyone he likes can be troublesome. He can't wait to see it. Even if he sticks it on the pole, he doesn't even give a thumbs up. [Laughs]."

"Summary is a little big-master temper [er], but it doesn't offend people, and the emotional quotient is not too low."

"Passengers who pay more attention can find that Xia Rong's family should be rich, from eating to dressing and talking, but he has never set up people. Think about it this way, the family has money, looks handsome, and after his debut, Popularity is high, people like this are winners, and they still have a little master temper, but I feel very cute [doge] "


In the last five minutes before the launch of "Liang Shanbo and Romeo", due to the publicity in the group of "the most handsome person in the universe", other members also stepped forward:

[Kang Yifan: Two suspected cats in disguise on the right have reported. // Xia Rong V: …… // Su Chi: ……】

[Gao Junming: I like dogs ha ha ha ha // ……]

[Zhang Xin: The evil hand slip! When I took the invisibility just now, I slipped my hand and let it fall to the bottom of the bed! [Crazy] // ……]

[Yang Mang: Little Oolong Yiqing [laughs] before the broadcast starts. The show is about to start. Are you ready? # 520 梁山伯 与 罗密欧 # // ……】


Those who are keen on sightseeing stop non-stop on various Weibos, and those who are looking forward to the program—such as Xia Rong and Su Chi—have already held their buckets and put down their mobile phones, waiting for the show to begin.

The show opens with an early morning panorama of S City:

"... Before the official start, let's explore the secrets of male gods ..."

Xia Rong originally thought that after the end of this subtitle, it would be the scene where the director took the camera and went to various rooms for "unannounced inspections". I did not expect the screen to change and went directly to the University Gymnasium in S City. Six members were standing in line. Team, stepped forward to measure their height.

... Well, this is one of their secrets, but is that how it was cut?

Xia Rong had some regrets, but as the show progressed, he also had to lament the magic of the late stage of the orange stage—smooth close-up and alternate scenes, just right subtitles, and lively and meticulous interpretation of various details, both creating laughter and being able to Remind the audience that the cartoon villains with six of them are also next to each other. With these rich and delicate embellishments, even some slightly embarrassing scenes are set off against playful and interesting.

I always felt that the amount of information was too rich when I saw it for the first time. Xia Rong also decided to wait until he was free. He would go online and check the "Barrage Edition" again. Follow the barrage and take a closer look at the details and highlights that might be ignored by him.

When watching variety shows, each person ’s perspective is different. Ordinary passers-by viewers take a look. Fans need to be concerned about the performance of their idols, where they **** powder, and where they may hack. Xia Rong pays attention to the lens allocation of the show group.

In general, the shots of the six members are average, and everyone is a person who has experienced countless shots at a young age. The only one who seems more reserved is Su Chi, who has never been on variety shows before, but he always has a cold and abstinence face, but he can't see the tension and restraint. When he was still shooting his shots later, he combined his pictures with Zhang Xin's and named them "Face Paralyzed Brothers".

Also because of the lack of words, "Face Paralyzed Brothers" has a slightly smaller lens than others when it is being played. The biggest highlight of Su Chi in the early stage was that when Xia Rong pointed at the little fold ear cat and asked Su Chi "Is this your son?" Su Chi responded violently, holding a Shiba Inu, and calmly asked Xia Rong, "This is just Are you the biological brother you lost for years? "

At that time, because Xia Rong was a little flustered, and he was not very familiar with other people. When everyone laughed in coordination, he felt the scene was slightly awkward. I did not expect to give them an impassioned background music here in the later stage. The two flames of red and blue were set behind them, and then Su Chi's questioning infinite ghosts and animals cycled, and instantly became the war of the century. The effect is full of laughter, and even Xia Rong is almost happy to spray cola.

Xia Rong knew that he laughed a little low, and was silly for a long time for this stalk. Then, the other funny bridges in the show continued to emerge, and he didn't stop laughing. He almost didn't sit still. One side tilted, or Su Chi helped his shoulders. Unconsciously, the two sat closer.

Some of these bridges have been experienced by Xia Rong himself, or because the second part was shot separately, so he could not see them.

When the program went to "Xia Rong went to the museum alone to answer the question, but the kitten caught his legs," Xia Rong couldn't help but sit up straight, focusing more on the screen.

He knew it was time for him to feel nervous.

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