MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 22 Xiandi started his business but died in the middle.

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Xia Rong turned his head and happened to be in the right line of sight with Su Chi. Xia Rong has long been familiar with variety shows, and knows that if he deliberately engages in things later, it is very likely that in the picture at this moment, the two eyes will confront each other, and crackling sparks with lightning in the air.

However, Xia Rong himself knew that his gaze towards Su Chi was actually full of sincerity and care: "Will not be a cat again? Today's clothes are big, nothing is wrong, come to the bowl soon!"

Su Chi also looked back at him very amicably: "No, I'm fine, forget it."

Silent expression in his eyes refused Sanlian.

Although Xia Rong is a bit discouraged that he cannot openly cats, but after thinking about it, it is also very good to be able to compete with acquaintances. In case of any unexpected situation on Suchi Road (limited to changing cats), he can also take care of him A bit (only in cat form)-

Ah, the cat is so cute!


The director was surprised and delighted that Su Chi was able to stand up and ask Xia Rong to take the initiative: these two are the traffic in the traffic, the popularity is in popularity, the show team worked hard to invite them to come over, no Is it just a gimmick and topic to use their conflicts?

The first grouping by height was actually a deliberate design designed to put them in opposing teams, and the actual program effect did not disappoint them. Presumably, after a thick edit, the audience will remember this pair of rivals. Up to now, Su Chi was able to stand up so consciously and ask them to compete in a group. It was like falling asleep and rushing to send pillows!

The director smiled, and deliberately asked Xia Rong, "Xia Rong, do you choose to fight?"

Xia Rong was looking at the camera, sideways showing a folding fan, and smiling a little: "Of course."

"He's so entertained, haha." Kang Yifan smiled, and while holding a sword flower with one hand, put out poSe. Because he had filmed sitcoms in period costumes since he was a child, his movements were flowing and flowing, and he was also very good-looking. "I want to challenge the King of the World Warrior, I wonder if the King of the World Warrior is willing to fight?"

Speaking of Xia Rong entering the drama, he is even more involved than Xia Rong. Moreover, the opponent he chose was obviously deeply involved in the play, standing upright, and straightly arching his hand: "The battle of Jin Shiyi!"

The remaining two are Ye Mang, an honest man who has never been a moth, and a middle-aged man, Gao Junming. They look at each other and look at each other very plainly. Shake hands with each other-"Please advise."

"Hahaha you too, please advise."



A blast of cold wind passed. The two were relatively speechless, and spread their hands in silence.


After the director's team announces the official start of the first round of the game, all competing teams must set out in order to go to the "place with tea" and complete the mission "beginning to enter the rivers and lakes."

This group of Xia Rong Suchi is the last to set off. The rules require the stars to run past, and before they set off, they can have a short time to organize and make up. Xia Rong took a break and shoved the jade pendant into the hands of the accompanying Xiao Zhou-the reality show is in principle not allowed to accompany agents and assistants, but artistes work hard, many assistants just follow away, Without entering the camera, the show crew generally opened one eye and closed the other.

Xiao Zhou was also the person who saw Yu Lao's "Gift Jade" process in the dressing room, and asked in amazement: "How did you remove it?"

Xia Rong was anxious to go back to the video, but didn't say much: "Not sure if this thing is good or bad, hold it first and try to keep it away from us as much as possible. If you are afraid, it is okay not to be with you, just don't forget Just put it where you want. "

Xiao Zhou's focus is: "... 'we'?"

Mainly that cat spirit. Xia Rong thought silently, but I can't tell you.


Xia Rong, who had put down his mind, ran more briskly. Originally, most male stars in the circle needed fitness and muscle building. Xia Rong was also a sportsman since he was a student. He didn't care about playing football or basketball. He was about 1,000 meters from the starting point to the task point. I ran down easily, and the atmosphere didn't pant very much, just somehow, I felt my head was a little hurt by the wind.

When arriving at the task point, Xia Rong turned around and found that Su Chi arrived almost at the same time as him, but also looked rosy and not too strenuous, and was immediately aroused a little bit of excitement: Although it is a pity not to be a cat, but now People, they are competitors!

He still remembers the last Oolong incident, "The scrambled clams competed, and was profited by the fishermen." He said that he would not be laughed at after the broadcast. This time, I would take advantage of the opportunity and say a few times to win him. Shame before the snow!

The key word of the task point is "where there is tea". In fact, it is very simple. You should be able to see a teahouse with the word "tea" in the distance. When Xia Rong saw the small camera outside the tea house, he confirmed his thoughts: "It should be here!"

He entered the teahouse with ambition, but found out that the teahouse owner looked up a little, familiar?

Boss lady with pink face and pink cheeks, bright and charming, is a popular little flower Meng Xuan. Xia Rong also made a campus idol drama with her several years ago. Because Meng Xuan looks so gorgeous and her acting skills are mediocre, she doesn't act like a pure girl of sixteen or seven years old, so the play fluttered. Meng Xuan also Going on the line of "what is pure and not pretending to be an aging mother is to be a seductive girl", it really made her shine and became more and more popular.

It seems that Meng Xuan is the "final goddess" of this issue, but the show crew is obviously not satisfied with such popular flowers, but only let them brush their faces and be a vase in the last scene, but instead let them also Here comes the show.

When Meng Xuan saw Xia Rong coming in, he immediately called him a "Tochigi" with a smile. Xia Rong took a moment to react. This was the name of the actor in the idol drama they played. He thought about it for a moment and called her: "Uh ... Xiaoru!"

He Xiaoru is the name of the heroine of the idol drama, but Xia Rong really can't remember the heroine's last name, so she can only call her a nickname. Meng Xuan laughed: "I know, you must not remember, anyway, you have always been so big ..."

Su Chi had already lifted the curtain and came in. Xia Rong didn't know how much he heard. Anyway, he shook hands with Meng Xuan and smiled: "I haven't seen you for a long time. I also shot an advertisement with you. Don't you Eccentric. "

Meng Xuan laughed; "No, no, both of you are male gods ..."

Xia Rong asked, "Who are we handsome?"

Meng Xuan froze for a moment, then suddenly laughed, and pinched her hair at the camera, wondering how to answer. Xia Rong was not meant to ask for a result. The three of them laughed, and this section can be revealed, and began to talk about the rules of the game.

"When the heroes first entered the rivers and lakes, the first thing they need is superb eyesight and ears, so that they can practice the martial arts skills." Meng Xuan whispered, in fact, according to Taiben, "I will ask the heroes to stand later Behind the curtain, the proprietress dances and hums for the heroes through a layer of veil. The heroes need to guess the name of the song based on the proprietress's dancing and singing. In the same time, the more heroes who guess the right song win, "-" She lifted her head and cast a wink. "Wu Lin Cheats will be won by the boss lady."

The rules are actually quite easy to understand, in fact, it is a game of guessing song names in disguise. And this reminder is also very comprehensive. It has both physical performance and humming reminder. It is still very easy to guess the song name. Sure enough, the challenge of "beginning to enter the rivers and lakes" is still not too difficult, and the program group is not It's always so pitted!

——Until Xia Rong saw Meng Xuan wearing the pair of headphones, which was playing super heavy metal music at a glance.

The order of accepting the trial of the boss lady was determined in the order of entering the teahouse. Xia Rong stepped forward and stood behind the curtain. Because the space was small, there was only a fixed camera behind the curtain. How did Meng Xuan perform outside?

Xia Rong was separated by a layer of dream-colored gauze. Outside the curtain, the charming and charming boss lady sang gently and danced, but his mood remained unchanged, and he even wanted to drop the headset.

His mother-in-law, who can tell what song is from this confusing and magical hum, he will follow his surname!

And Meng Xuan, don't sing anymore, your idol bag is already broken! !! !!

Xia Rong's mood collapsed, Yu Yu punched his head, and felt that his head was more painful when he was blown by the wind. Moreover, he gradually felt more than just a headache, as if the joints in all parts of the body were causing pain.

He felt a little painful to squat down, but he remembered that it was recording a program, and there was a video camera next to him. He stepped back and managed to lean on the wall behind him to maintain his standing position. However, in this way, he has no time to pay attention to Meng Xuan's humming and performance.

He felt that he was getting more and more wrong, his body was hot, but from the bone marrow slits, there was a burst of coldness. His eyes were constantly shaking, and the light and color were momentarily distorted. He wanted to open his mouth to stop and tell the director that his body was uncomfortable, but his lips were closed several times, and he couldn't spit out a word.

At the last fall, relying on the star's biggest instinct, he pulled the black cloth on one side, covering the only camera around him.


Five seconds later, a furry claw trembled out of a mess of male clothing on the ground.

Xia Rong: "..."

Xia Rong originally thought that his fall would not shake the earth, at least it could shock this circle of people in the recorded program. Who knows, as a result, he fell silently and silently ... turned into a cat .

With Su Chi ahead, Xia Rong's ability to accept "becoming a cat" is actually quite strong. He raised a meat pad, put it in front of him, and came back and watched it.

Well, the palm is pink, the meat claws are white, and the hair is orange. Turn your head and look at yourself ...

Xia Rong was angry.

——Why is Suchi Cat becoming a beautiful silver gradual British short breed cat, and he is a Chinese rural little orange cat! There must be discrimination in the cat world, there must be!

Also, how exactly will this program be recorded? When he first entered the rivers and lakes, his rivers and lakes roads will die before he starts!

Is it true that Xiandi was killed halfway through his business? !!

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