MTL - How Can I Get Confused with the Top?-v3 Chapter 588 Year-end summary

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The latest website: The exhibition hall of Gulangyu Art Center is currently rented out. The iQiyi team has built a pretty good stage here. This "good" includes the expensive music equipment and lighting equipment. A good stage effect must be enough Little money piled up.

However, due to the size of the exhibition hall, the original plan of 3,000 spectators could not be accommodated, so 1,000 people were reduced.

The venue is divided into three parts, from top to bottom are the stage, the players' waiting area, the instructor's platform, and the auditorium. They are distinguished by obvious lighting differences, and the auditorium is very dark.

At present, the auditorium and the player waiting area are full, waiting for the program to start recording.

"I'm so nervous, so nervous. This is the first time I've faced an audience. I heard that there are thousands of people. If I sing wrong on stage, I'll lose face." "I'm not nervous. What are you afraid of?"

"Nonsense, you are a contestant who will perform tomorrow, and you won't be on stage today." "I feel like I'm going to faint in a second."

"Hurry up, quickly suppress me, the prehistoric power in my heart is almost uncontrollable!"

From the messy discussions of the trainees, you can hear their panic and a little excitement. At present, they are still very eager to be on the stage.

The order of performances was drawn up according to the small activities that all members participated in two days ago. The performances were divided into two days. Today there are 25 trainees performing, and Miao Chen is the 20th.

Think about it too, according to the self-introduction time of the contestants plus a song, the average per person is not more than five minutes, if they perform all the performances, it will take more than four hours. Wait... It's not impossible. It's normal for the audience to record for six or seven hours. iQiyi's arrangement is mainly based on the competition system and other arrangements.

Ten minutes passed quickly amidst the hustle and bustle, until the sound of synthetic applause "Pa Pa Pa Pa—" suddenly sounded, and four instructors, Gu Lin, Chen Han, and trainees represented Nan Kui on stage. Each instructor sang a masterpiece to kick off the program.

Gu Peng and Lin Xia don't need to introduce much, the former is the little prince of folk songs of social terror, and the latter is the former top class. What needs to be discussed in detail are the two female singers Chen Han.

Han Lulu was born in Hong Kong in 1991. She is a well-known female singer at the age of 34. She is the Chinese female singer with the most streams on Spotify in the world. And won the Asian Music Awards "Best Asian Artist Award" twice, and one MV was certified by Guinness World Records as the most viewed Chinese music video on YouTube, and was later recognized by Chu Zhi's "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" MV beyond.

Chen Qihua, about her - I like to say that she is the light of the mainland female singer, an award-winning robot. Those who don't like her will say that she is a "relationship household who can't sing". In her thirteen-year career as a singer, she has won 314 awards at home and abroad, and became the first best female singer to win the four major awards of China Music Media Award, China Music Top Ranking, Chinese Song Music Festival, and Global Chinese Music Chart. Singer, most popular female singer.

"Mr. Lin Xia, it's a pity that there is no new song. Listening to his voice, you can feel the arrival of midsummer." Such an original singer"...

"Mr. Han Lulu is also famous in Thailand. Although I have never heard of Mr. Chen Qihua before, I never expected that the scene would have such an appeal." Zong Ravimon, a trainee from Gray, the largest entertainment company in Thailand, sighed.

This is why it is said that iQIYI's "Idol Going Forward" is the reason why many companies want to squeeze people into it. This program has gained a lot of resources and endorsements in Asia, and there are also twelve foreign trainees.

Hearing Annan Monkey boasting about his country's singers, Xu Kong, a Chinese trainee next to him, felt very proud.

Xu Kong said: "Ms. Chen Qihua is the first person in China to win the fourth award for Best Female Singer and Most Popular Female Singer. It is equivalent to a Grand Slam. The first male singer to win a Grand Slam is Chu Zhi. You What do you think?"

"Teacher Chen Qihua is so powerful?" Zong Laweimeng didn't take it seriously when he heard the first half of the sentence. force.

The female singer who can finish the Grand Slam alongside Chu Zhi is definitely at the level of a little queen.


All the mentors in my eyes seem to have something to do with Chu Zhi, it's not an illusion, because Chu Zhi's records in various fields are the ceiling of China Entertainment, and excellent singers will naturally come into contact with this board.

The stage of the instructors ignited the audience, and the response was quite good. The only one who pulled his hips was Nan Kui, the representative of the trainees. Originally the lead singer of the Crimson Boys, he was still a little stronger than his teammates, but compared with the four mentors, he seemed so ordinary, and he used transliteration to avoid the high-pitched passages.

The first practice growth phase to play belongs to the category of young face, with big round eyes, fleshy cheeks, and some baby fat. "All the instructors have worked hard. I am Jia Xu, a trainee from Nanfang Tian. I am 24 years old this year."

Judging from the outside, Jia Xu is a top-notch man, he stammers a bit when he speaks, and he is obviously nervous.

"Nanfangtian Agency, if I remember correctly, Mr. Nan Kui is your junior." Chen Qihua said.

"Really? If Mr. Han doesn't say that I'm still a Mongolian." Lin Xia looked up and down, especially staying on the immature face for two seconds: "Compared with us in the entertainment industry, the young people nowadays are so young. .”

I look forward to this player's performance, just like I look forward to Jia Xu. "

Even on the show, you can't forget your nonsense character design, Lin Feifei's thoughts.

"I know that Jia Xu is the best singer and dancer in the South." Nan Kui said, "I will not disappoint Teacher Lin's expectations."

Jia Xu's first show was to sing a masterpiece of the Crimson Youth League. The songs of the seniors in the same company can be free or less copyright royalties. The South is naive and shrewd. The dance music was sung and danced, but the lighting effects were not coordinated enough, and the overall performance was not very bright. The 2,000 spectators were very respectful, and the applause and cheers did not fall.

"Because I'm my younger brother, I won't comment." Nan Kui said, "Teachers please comment."

"The basic skills are solid, and the singing and dancing can keep the breath stable." Chen Qihua has also released several dance songs. She said: "The songs are almost emotionally invested, and this can be improved." Lin Xia said: "Sense of relaxation, singing must have a sense of relaxation, To be relaxed enough is to be powerful enough.”

"Thank you Teacher Chen and Teacher Lin." Jia Xu thanked.

"What do you think, Mr. Gu, Mr. Han." Lin Xia said, "Have you heard my comment and decided to comment again?" Gu Peng and Han Lulu don't like to talk, the former is social fear, and the latter is sarcastic Not much, you must have ue to speak before you speak.

"No, no, no, the two teachers analyzed it very well. I have nothing to say." When Gu Shao spoke, he didn't look directly at the contestants. If he was given a keyboard, he would be able to evaluate thousands of words.

"The timbre is very thin and neutral. The main reason is that the song selection is not suitable." Han Lulu cherishes words like gold, but her comments are very sharp. Contestant Jia Xu's own position must be to sing folk songs, but Nanfangtian management company has no artists who are folk songs singer.

Jia Xu finally got 71 points (16 points for Lin, 15 points for Chen, 15 points for Gu, 17 points for Han, and 8 points for Nan), 20 points for each tutor, and 10 points for trainee representatives, the full score is 90 points.

The contestants came on stage one by one, and it could be seen that the brokerage company pushed all the most valued trainees over. There were two original songs among the ten. The eleventh trainee surnamed Wang was an original choreographer and won 77 score.

"Waji, waji, actually hired a choreographer and created an original piece of choreography, what a sixth child." Xu Kong said. The trainees around him all agreed and condemned the sixth child.

That's what I said, but I vaguely envy the trainee surnamed Wang. To put it bluntly, a powerful agency can buy popular songs for trainees to sing. When you are not famous, it is definitely more important to be able to sing a popular song Captivate the audience. If you are more capable, create an original choreography for trainees who are good at dancing, or create a good song for trainees who are good at vocal music.

The first stage of "Idol Going Forward" can be said to be a show by the brokerage company behind it that it has its own trainees.

The commenting styles of the instructors are also familiar to the audience and contestants. Lin Xia’s gentle comments are mixed with encouragement and nonsense. Han Lulu’s comments are quite humorous, with a touch of Beijing flavor. Although she was born in Xiangjiang, she went to school in the capital.

"I think so too." Gu Peng opened his mouth to say that, with a little encouragement. Chen Qihua's words hit the nail on the head even more.

This is where the trainees continue to correct.

Nan Kui came here purely to improve his presence, and the suggestions he gave were not dry at all, "Singing should pay attention to the sense of rhythm", "The sense of rhythm is a little bit bad", "The rhythm of dancing is good, keep working hard", "Lack of rhythm" Wait, no one knows what the rhythm feeling in his mouth is.

Zong Laweimeng, the 16th overseas trainee on the stage, broke the record of a trainee surnamed Wang, with a score of 78, temporarily the highest score in appearances.

Gray has the ability to obtain the singing copyright of "My Destiny (Thai for Zong Laweimeng. This song is a bit of a saying. At the beginning, "You Are From the Stars" made Professor Bai the dream lover of Asian boys and girls. Three countries, Annan, Qin Kingdom, and Neon purchased the copyright to remake. "My Destiny (Thai is the theme song of the Thai version, and the original song is written in Thai. After investigation by Gray Company, there are too few Chinese people who watch Thai dramas and listen to Thai songs, and this song is at least familiar to most Chinese. Coupled with Zong Laweimeng's singing skills, the first stage was a blockbuster!

Returning to the seat, no contestant would dare to ignore this trainee from the Kingdom of Thailand. Strength is hard currency after all! Mao Ye, who is familiar with Miao Chen, performed a re-arranged old song "Old Bridge" on stage.

"I know the singer and composer of this song, not very familiar, but I have talked with him about music." Gu Peng rarely took the initiative to say: ""Old Bridge" is a song he wrote for his deceased grandma, and the melody mostly uses harmony Minor mode, the lyrics of the chorus [The bridge of the people is only the wind and rain corridor bridge in my heart], Fengyun corridor analysis is also called the Renmin bridge, which is a bridge with local history in Baoluan, Fengdu, but when he walks again, no history I remember, I just remember grandma holding his hand and walking across the bridge.”

"I don't know who made this arrangement, but it's a mess, and completely destroyed the original intention of "Old Bridge" to express the yearning for grandma. I only stand on my own side, and I hate this kind of random modification. "Gu Peng spoke harshly, and he only gave 12 points.

Mao Ye was so scared that he quickly apologized. Mao's manager in the audience wanted to call the company and ask if he had offended Gu Peng. They are both thousand-year-old foxes. What are you talking about in Liao Zhai? Mao's agent didn't believe it.

In the end, he scored 55, the second-to-last among the current trainees on stage. Another trainee was recruited, and finally arrived at Miao Chen.

"Teachers, I am Miao Chen on the 20th, the second of He Miao, the morning of Qingchen." Miao Chen introduced himself: "The agency is Aiguo Media."

As soon as Miao Chen came on stage, he became the focus of the audience. In addition to Aiguo's name, Miao Chen's appearance, he was wearing a crooked suit, leather shoes on his feet, and his face was painted with paint in an unsuccessful clown outfit.

The image of the whole person seems to be a clown for a day. Not only did no Taoist laugh and earn money, but he was pushed and shoved by the guests, because both the suit and the ready-made clothes inside were crumpled.

"He still did this, and he will suffer. If the score is low in the first stage, Mr. Niu will probably kill me."

Miao Chen's agent, Lao Caitou, was very anxious backstage. He was also an old man in the picture, and he switched to Aiguo. Even if it was because of the performance, the instructors didn't think well of his attire.

After getting the song last week, Miao Chen started to design his first stage performance, but was rejected by Lao Caitou decisively. The instructors didn't like it. Why do you get high marks.

Lao Caitou didn't expect it, and Miao Chen changed his clothes on his own initiative just because he didn't watch for a little while before going on stage. [Song name: "You Spectrum"

Lyricist: Chu Zhi Composer: Chu Zhi Arranger: Chu Zhi Concert: Miao Chen]

Seeing the information introduced on the screen, not only the other forty-nine trainees were talking, but also the four instructors and one trainee representative present were all shocked.

They originally wanted to see what skills Aiguo Media's one-in-a-thousand trainees had, but they didn't expect Chu Zhi to write songs for him directly! His current strange attire is not important in front of the word "Chu Zhi".

"It's actually Brother Nine's song." Lin Xia leaned back: "It's too much." "6" Gu Peng spit out a number coldly, and many thoughts flashed in his heart.

With our relationship, we should be able to find Brother Nine to invite a song, right? I think it should be possible.

"Mr. Chu's songs are the most valuable in the entertainment industry. I remember someone spent

He spent millions of dollars to invite the song but failed. "Han Lulu jokingly said: "Is there any advantage to being an artist of Aiguo? I want to change jobs."

Chen Qizi said, "I'm looking forward to it."

Nan Kui, the representative of the trainees, didn't say anything, because he was so angry. He and the team members raised money to invite songs together but failed. If Chu Zhi was willing to help write songs, they would not disband. That's right, Nan Kui blamed Chu Zhi for everything, anyway, he didn't do anything wrong.

This trainee, no matter how you look at it, Nan Kui compared himself with Miao Chen, and after the comparison, he came to the conclusion that Chu Zhi had no vision. Miao Chen began to sing, and the lights on the stage dimmed, leaving only a single light shining on Miao Chen.

"Wear slippers and a suit, and you can embarrass the audience with just one mouth." "I usually use a rag to wash my face, and it's really cool to drink water from a goblet."

"Although the number one is the last one, it is often the hero who starts against the wind. Pretending to be confused, this is my attitude in life." The content of the lyrics perfectly fits Miao Chen's appearance.

The singer did not look at the auditorium, but lowered his head, living on the stage like a seedling bent under the weight of wheat ears. The tone of his voice suddenly rose, and Miao Chen raised his head slightly.

"Have you ever seen someone who has a better score than me, who writes songs in 1645, and the lyrics sound vulgar." "Who cares?"

"No, it's just that I don't have much talent. At worst, I can create my own way. Whoever gives me ordinary burdens, if I don't know music, they are outrageous!" Miao Chen sat on the steps, not in the posture of a liar.

Compared with the stage lighting and props of other contestants, Miao Chen's is very simple, and the props are only plastic stairs, the texture is bluestone. The whole state is the cries of the stalwarts, and the sound of the guitar is inserted into the melody, bringing mania and restlessness.

This song is not simple. Chen Qihua likes this piece of guitar very much, and feels that it will develop into a motivation and start the next melody.

"They took a taxi and I walked, and they hid from the rain and I took a walk in the rain. They said I was a monster, and I saw them as worse than a clown." Miao Chen sang to this point, turning his thumb over and pointing at himself.

"An idiot is also a gift. If you want to eat a tiger, you must first learn how to pretend to be a pig."

"Failure is actually more lonely. Being ridiculed is painful and I can't lose my demeanor."

He straightened his wrinkled collar, held the microphone in his right hand, and brushed up his messy hair with his left hand, but I have roughly mentioned Miao Chen's shape before, so it is not clear whether his movements have lost his grace, but the overall shape is more ridiculous.

Standing up abruptly, Miao Chen stared straight ahead sharply: "Have you ever seen anyone who has a better score than me? They all use 1645 to write songs, and the lyrics also sound vulgar." "

"Who gave me the general burden, I don't know notation—"

Miao Chen made an angry sound at the end, as if venting his dissatisfaction and grievance.

He then sang: "Only they are outrageous, they are outrageous, and I am the most reliable." "Whoever is more accurate than me, they are outrageous!"

Completely crazy, Miao Chen put all his heart into it, his limbs moved very widely, raised one foot and stomped down, and waved his hands recklessly, I was really worried that he would throw the microphone in his hand.

It feels like a fine puppet toy, moving the body in an exaggerated posture, and even made the mentor Han Lulu feel the uncanny valley effect. He shouted a strange voice in his mouth, "Let's right, right?

"Okay, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, who is more reliable than me."

The strange sound repeated, vividly like a clown who was caught in a desperate situation by life, and then broke out in the desperate situation.

Miao Chen uttered the sound of blah blah, stepped up the prop ladder step by step, stood on the highest point, and sang in an unexpected operatic voice: "Others laugh at me for being too crazy, and I laugh at others for not being able to see through, not seeing the tomb of heroes in the five tombs." , without flowers and wine, **** the field."

As the verses of "Song of Peach Blossom Temple" were sung, Miao Chen's exaggerated posture was also restrained at the top of the stairs, and his voice seemed to be sluggish because the cemeteries of Wuling heroes had been turned into plowed fields.

"Only they are outrageous, who is more outrageous than me." Miao Chen threw his head up into the sky and laughed wildly again: "Hahahahahaha." It was originally a clown costume, and the makeup added a little bit of ferocity to the smile.

The audience was very quiet,

No one applauded for a while.

Is this trainee in a bad state of mind? Nan Kui's first feeling was that he couldn't sing this song with the same effect, because he was in a normal mind.

Lin Xia reacted and was the first to stand up and applaud.

The applause was like the fuse, and there were successive cheers and applause from the audience.

"Brother Jiu's song is really well written, and this song really suits you." Lin Xia said, "When you sing this song, it's as if the clown himself sang a song for us. I like your performance .”

"Very good, although the singing has flaws, but the flaws are not hidden." Han Lulu commented: "This song should be placed in the final round and used on the first stage. It is a waste." "I agree with Teacher Han's opinion." Gu Peng started to fish again.

"Acting is better than singing." Chen Qihua hesitated for a few seconds before saying, "But I'm not sure that this kind of crazy performance is good. Maybe it would be better if the madness in the performance was slightly weakened? I'm not sure."

Miao Chen finally scored 84 points, which is the highest score so far, and also the first trainee whose score broke 80 points. The big stone in Lao Caitou's heart fell to the ground in the background, but luckily he got a high score.

As for Yixi, the chief director who monitors the backstage, whether it's Chu Zhi's songwriting or the performances of the contestants, they are all very interesting. Two weeks later, "Idol Going Forward" will be broadcast in mid-December, and it will definitely be a hit. And red.

When Miao Chen was recording the program, the tickets for the tenth round of the concert went on sale, which was also the last round of the "Global Tour with You". There were 100,000 people in the Bird's Nest in Beijing, 60,000 people in the Tokyo Arena, and 100,000 people in the Jamsil Olympic Stadium in Seoul. , Bukit Jalil National Stadium 80,000 people, Munich Stadium 65,000 people, over 400,000 tickets.

The small fruits all over the world are trying their best, especially the overseas ones. They think about holding a tour only after eight years since their debut. Who knows when the next tour will be, so they snatched up tickets and got "broken blood", and the eight immortals crossed the sea. Supernatural powers.

This is actually due to the lack of understanding of Xiao Guo overseas. In fact, the original body held a world tour (five shows in total) not long after its debut. But it is right to be worried, the next tour is not known how many years away.

That's 400,000 tickets, no matter how you can grab it, the little fruits all over the world think this way. Indeed, 400,000 tickets were released at the same time, without a second, and this time it lasted for three seconds.

400,000 tickets sounds like a lot, but 300,000 tickets are all from abroad. In fact, the overseas small fruits are waiting for flowers. For trouble's sake.

Germany's "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" commented on Chinese star Chu Zhi, who is about to hold a concert in Munich, "Even our neighbor's Lixi knows that he (Chu Zhi) is coming."

For an ordinary star, it is worth bragging to be able to perform several consecutive concerts with 10,000 people. This standard is not only in China, but also at home and abroad. The 02 Stadium in London, which MJ chose for his comeback, only has 20,000 people.

Like Chu Zhi, there are more than 40 consecutive shows, and each show has more than 50,000 people. It was only in the 1980s and 1990s that the golden age of the entertainment industry appeared.

In the blink of an eye, it will be December 7th, and the year is coming to an end. Chu Zhi received invitations to the Red and White Song Concert and the Super Bowl halftime show, thinking too much, really thinking too much. Even the Emperor Beast in the Spring Festival Gala refused two or three times in a row, how could it be possible to go to the Red and White Song Club and the halftime show.

Chu Zhi, who refused the invitation, was not idle, and had to go on a high-intensity schedule, because she had to delay entering the group for filming, and had to shoot many commercials that could be filmed first. I was busy working until after ten o'clock at night before going home, took a shower and ordered supper, and then took advantage of the gap before the rider came to play the emperor beast and write something. [Year-end summary:

2025 is a disappointing year from a personal standpoint. Without great progress, it can only be regarded as no regression, to be precise, standing still. The current popularity should be above the global superstars, whether it has reached the "popular symbol" is still controversial.

Complete the work as follows

Released the English single "Strange Thinking" and "Jesus Loves Me" (She Taught Me to Yodel) released the Japanese single "Come on, Sweet Death"

Produced and released the Chinese album "Besieged on All Sides"

Became the chairman of the Asian Music Association, founded and held the first "Asian Music Competition"

"With You World Tour"

Arrange for Little Fruit Star to go online]

Chu Zhi thought about it carefully, and didn't write about things like the King of Masked Singer on the US version, and attending award ceremonies, charity events, etc. It was just a manifestation of fame, and it didn't mean anything to her own singer field.

Hold the pen and continue writing the next item.

[I declined due to time constraints, but I want to participate in the itinerary as follows—a large-scale variety show "Youth Leader" produced by CCTV

"Star Travel 2" flying guest "Song of China 4" tutor

The guests of Sino-French culture, Sino-Italian culture and other multi-country exchange meetings have made good achievements--

The second highest-grossing actor in "Unsinkable"

The singles have achieved decent sales in Neon, Europe and the United States, and the first Chinese physical album is also not bad. ]

He has won more than 30 music awards this year, including several Grammy awards awarded to him while he was recuperating in the hospital, which are not counted in his achievements.

And what does it mean to achieve decent sales, whether it is a single or an album, it is the existence of a breakthrough sales record. In particular, "Amazing Grace", recorded with the gospel of angels, has become the world's best-selling single with overwhelming sales.

Previously, it was the first single in the history of the world in sales. The creator was Billie, a female singer known as the daughter of the United States, who created 9.77 million copies. However, "Amazing Grace" sold more than 13.77 million copies in less than a year after its launch.

Coupled with the copyright fees paid by the cathedrals every year, Yandi Beast can really rely on this song for two Finally wrote:

[Areas for improvement - pay attention to the safety of the dog's life

Pay attention to your body, physical discomfort will affect your career advancement]

Chu Zhi has to write a year-end summary every year, but this year only described it in detail. In fact, it is best to write every month when you have time. He was a boss in his previous life and wrote an article every month by himself.

This kind of summary is similar to bookkeeping. It seems useless to outsiders, but only the parties know that it is very useful.

"Next year's Woodstock Music Festival will play in the Sahel region, and we must pay attention to safety, even with the protection of Zhongnanhai bodyguards." "The four major masterpieces and international albums, plus the filming of "The Matrix" Complete these three major tasks safely."

"The takeaway has arrived, hurry up, how can you treat yourself badly at night."

Going downstairs to pick up the courier, the delivery staff in this community can't come up. Fortunately, the security guard will deliver the items to the takeaway cabinet in the unit building, otherwise it would be too far to get to the door. Time passed in the itinerary of acting as the emperor's animal liver, and it came to December 14th, the first episode of "like rushing forward".