MTL - Hollywood Lover-Chapter 495 sharp-edged man

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  Cleared his throat, Zhang Dongcheng was very familiar with the reporters, even if these 700 or 800 people rioted collectively, he could still calm down the scene.

   "Welcome everyone to attend the opening reception of my new movie. This place is relatively simple, and please don't mind, big reporters." Zhang Dongcheng relaxed on the back of the chair, playing with a pen in his hand, and smiled at everyone.

More than half of these seven or eight hundred journalists are local European journalists, and there are especially many journalists from Britain and France. You must know that although Zhang Dongcheng is very popular in Hollywood, he is also invincible in Europe, especially the background of the British Film Academy. , and his award-winning experience in Cannes, France, made fans of the two countries support him very much, so the box office of Zhang Dongcheng's films in the European market has always been not bad.

  In addition, it is not common for Zhang Dongcheng to come to Europe, so the European reporters are even more excited, and can rarely get in touch with this comet-like super director.

"Speaking of, um, this seems to be my eighth movie, Tuner, Two Smoking Barrels, The Mummy, The Matrix, Dark Wars, Brokeback Mountain, Fellowship of the Ring. Well, it is indeed the eighth movie Movies. In my motherland, the number eight has a special meaning, which represents wealth, promotion and wealth, so this movie is also the most memorable movie in my movie career.” Zhang Dongcheng said into the microphone, He easily controlled the whole situation in his own hands, and the calm and bewitching voice echoed in the reception venue, simply raising everyone's minds.

"Different from before, I have never announced to the world what the movie I am making is, so today, in front of everyone, I will tell you that the movie I want to make, I think it is a milestone movie. What is it?"

Zhang Dongcheng's deceptive words made all the reporters more anxious. They couldn't sit still and stood up, staring at the wall behind Zhang Dongcheng, which was covered with a large piece of flannelette, and intuitively told them that the answer lay in that bright red wall. Flannel back.

   Without keeping the reporters waiting for long, Zhang Dongcheng walked to the corner of the wall and pulled a red string. The piece of flannelette fell like a kite with a broken string, revealing a huge poster on the wall.

  All the reporters raised their heads, staring at the poster on the wall in amazement, and forgot to pick up their cameras to take a picture of the poster.

  On the poster is a girl with a curvaceous waist. She lies flat on the ground, leaving only her imaginative buttocks and **** waist.

   She, she's a ****!

   And in the middle of the girl's most beautiful curves, there is a strange and vague man's face, as if bearing the brand of death, slowly leaning towards the girl.

   He couldn't see his eyes, only two black clusters like the **** of death, his whole face was thin and handsome, especially the sculpture-like nose was particularly distinct and obvious, as if foreshadowing something.

  On the upper right corner, there are several shocking letters: "Perfume"!

perfume? perfume!

The pen in the hand of a French reporter fell to the ground with a slap. He opened his mouth in surprise and turned to Zhang Dongcheng. He couldn't help breaking the rule that only Zhang Dongcheng could ask questions by name, and asked impatiently: "Mr. Smith, Is your new film an adaptation of Patrick Suskind's novel Perfume?"

   "Yes, this gentleman is very accurate. My eighth film is Mr. Patrick's "Perfume"!" Zhang Dongcheng snapped his fingers and spoke leisurely, maintaining an approachable smile on his face.

"Really, really? Perfume, perfume! You must know that there are countless directors who want to shoot this novel, including super directors like Spielberg and Martin Scorsese. They are completely helpless in describing the world of taste. This is a novel that is almost impossible to adapt into a movie!" A reporter waved his arms, as if he couldn't believe this fact, but on the other hand, this reporter must have watched Passed the perfume of this novel.

"I want to correct a little bit what this reporter friend said. Any big director has his unique style and what he is good at. I think it's not that Spielberg and Martin Scorsese can't make this movie, but their personal style. It will cause the film to fail to achieve the artistic conception they want, so they did not accept the filming, rather than not being afraid to accept the filming." Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly, and talked to the reporter team of nearly a thousand people: "And I, Zhang Dongcheng, Personal style is ever-changing. I prefer to try different movie styles, and I don’t like to stick to a certain style. I am full of passion for the movie Perfume. This is what moved Mr. Patrick and asked him to hand over the shooting rights to I."

Boom, in an instant, the shocked reporters finally came to their senses from Zhang Dongcheng's words, and desperately took out their cameras to take pictures of the first edition of the perfume poster on the wall, while racking their brains Prepare to ask Zhang Dongcheng what kind of questions later.

  Because Zhang Dongcheng didn’t disclose any news at all, the reporters could only ask questions on the spot based on what Zhang Dongcheng revealed. Now that the answer is finally revealed, it’s time to fight the reporters’ on-site skills.

   At this time, the incomparably rich experience of American entertainment journalists gained the upper hand. They followed Zhang Dongcheng across the ocean to Europe, and naturally they were unwilling to let their European counterparts steal the limelight.

A female reporter quickly stood up, and when everyone was still in a mess, she asked loudly: "Mr. Smith, the novel Perfume has an incomparably magnificent description in words, and I believe your film will definitely reproduce the ten-year-old oil painting." The style of France in the eighth century, so the question I am most concerned about is, who is the leading actor? Is it a newcomer, or a famous movie star?"

Since Zhang Dongcheng made the movie, he has praised many newcomers, including Orlando, Scarlett, Kate Belkinsey, and even Matt Damon in The Bourne Shadow. Under the power of the film, he became a big star chased by movie fans all over the world.

However, Zhang Dongcheng used a lot of big-name stars, and even some out-of-date stars were rejuvenated under his hands. This piece of Keanu Reeves is the representative, Brandon and Brad Pitt, etc. Go higher and higher step by step.

  So this female reporter was the first to care about the actor of the perfume. This is an extremely brilliant role. Anyone who gets this role will definitely be a strong contender for the best actor at the Oscar party next year.

   "OK, let him appear in front of the reporters in person, let us welcome, the hero of the perfume!" Facing such a question, Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly and clapped his hands vigorously twice.

  The door was opened, and Leonardo, wearing a tattered costume, walked in like a wanderer on the streets of France in the eighteenth century.

  Although it is a tattered costume, Leonardo's naturally handsome face is extremely attractive, but this handsome and charming face is filled with a dangerous atmosphere at the moment.

Leonardo pursed his lips tightly. While his thin cheeks were unforgettable, he felt dark and difficult to approach. His eyes were no longer as clear and bright as Jack on the Titanic, but He lowered his head slightly and glanced upwards slightly, like a beast hiding in the forest, waiting for an opportunity, and would pounce on its prey once it found its prey.

  With the messy hair and this gloomy expression, the super genius in the perfume who knows nothing about the world and only has a charming fragrance suddenly appeared in front of everyone, bringing bursts of exclamation.

   "It's Mr. Leonardo!"

   "Wow, I can't believe my eyes, this is Leonardo? It's completely different from Jack on the Titanic!"

   "Yeah, although he still looks so charming, I always feel that he is very dangerous, like a sharp knife, making people yearn for but afraid of being cut."

   "To be honest, I'm really looking forward to Smith Zhang's perfume."

   There were bursts of whispers from the field, all of which were extremely shocked and admired by Leonardo's current appearance.

Although Leonardo was asked to pretend to be a handsome guy, it was actually more in line with his viciousness as a murderer. Zhang Dongcheng discussed with the top makeup artist in Hollywood for three days before he brought him a picture that looks so handsome at first glance. , look at the shocking look again, and finally the makeup that is both attracted and afraid to approach.

Leonardo is very satisfied. Although he agrees with the idea that the role comes first, it makes him happier not just being handsome, and the difficulty of playing this role is beyond his imagination. This simple appearance So he asked Zhang Dongcheng to NG him more than a dozen times, asking him to find the state of being a blockbuster in front of everyone.

   Now it seems that the effect is very good.

"Mr. Leonardo, sit next to me." Zhang Dongcheng made a calm gesture to the eager reporters, and then continued: "I know everyone is eager to ask Leonardo Question, sir, but let us two girls come out first, these two girls are the key to Mr. Leonardo's killing spree."

  The reporters burst into laughter, no matter how impulsive they were, they could only endure it. They all stared at the door eagerly, wanting to see who the girl Zhang Dongcheng was talking about was.

   This time, is it a rookie or a big star?

  Following Zhang Dongcheng's call, the door of the conference room opened again, and two girls who looked like angels appeared.

  Their appearance caused some changes in the air. Some journalists with sharp noses moved their noses vigorously, smelling the faint sweet fragrance in the air.

This kind of fragrance is not indulgent with heavy makeup, not as gorgeous as a rose, but fresh and elegant, refreshing, which makes people think of their own at the beginning, when they kissed with the first girl, smelled it The faint fragrance of her body.

   This is the scent of a virgin.

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