MTL - Holding On to My Man-Chapter 77 Smashing the face reborn (1)

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"Master, Your Highness can really hurt you, you see, this is another person who sent things over, the night pearl of Persian tribute, I heard that it can be precious..."

When Gu Baigang woke up, he heard a young boy's voice talking in his ear.

Open your eyes and find yourself lying on a couch, standing next to a few people like the eunuch.

This is a very luxurious house, and the surrounding objects are also very expensive. It seems that his mission world should be ancient.

"You go down, I want to sleep for a while..."

Gu Bai did not move the sound to let everyone back, and then closed his eyes to receive the plot.

This time is a story about a born man.

The protagonist of the story is Xue Yunfeng, the prince of Qi State.

Although he is a prince, but because his mother does not have any mother-in-law, he is a prince who relies on the love of Qi, and his prince is not stable, and there are many people who peep at the position of his prince.

However, because she was favored by the emperor, she was raised as a proud son of the sky. Therefore, Xue Yunfeng City House is not deep, and it is very playful. If it is not strictly suppressed by his mother, he would not want to be a prince at all, just want to be happy. After a lifetime.

Therefore, on the surface, the emperor and the maiden are pretending to be obedient, but they are misbehaving in the back, and they still love the beauty, but whoever looks at the eyes, regardless of men and women, he must get it.

Fortunately, the customs of Qi are open, and the male style is prevailing. He is not too outrageous to see a man. The noble lady’s lesson sees that he has done a very good job of fulfilling his mission, regardless of him.

The original subject is the most favored male pet of Xue Yunfeng.

The original owner was not a Qi national, he was a small imperial son of the Northern Zhao Kingdom.

This Northern Zhaoguo is a country, but it is actually a tribe that resembles a Miao-like country. It lives next to Qi, and is located in the border, where the environment is bad.

At the beginning, it was forced to be incompetent. The people of Bei Zhaoguo took advantage of the strong physical strength of their own people, and they often used the strange ability of scorpioning to occasionally rob the people of the Daqi Dynasty and the food life.

But then I tasted the sweetness. Some people in the North Zhaoguo began to take advantage of it. From the beginning, they grabbed food and became burned and looted at the Qi State border.

Such provocations naturally angered the emperor of Daqi, and the viciousness of the Beizhao people was even worse. After all, it was only a small tribal country, so it was quickly defeated by the Qi national soldiers.

In order to ensure that they will not be destroyed, the North Zhao can only succumb to the beauty of the people and seek peace with Qi.

The original Lord, because of his long-lasting beauty, is a man, but he has a more beautiful appearance than a woman, and is also a noble character of the Northern Zhao Emperor.

Therefore, in order to show sincerity, I heard that Qi Guo’s male style prevailed, and Bei Zhao’s reluctance to give his son to Qi State.

With such a gorgeous appearance, the original Lord was seen by Xue Yunfeng, the prince of the beautiful woman, on the first day of his arrival in Qi State, and then asked the Emperor Qi to submit him to his own East Palace.

At the beginning, Xue Yunfeng may only be obsessed with the appearance of the original owner, but not long after, he really liked the original owner.

Not only did she hold the beauty around her every day, she got the strange treasures and sent them to the original Lord to ask him for joy, to smile for the beauty, and to do the unruly ridiculous things. .

Moreover, he did not hesitate to anger the emperor and the emperor to dismiss the other nephews of the East Palace, leaving only the original owner of a man who could not have a child.

What I do is really not like Jiangshan Aimei.

However, these are the things of the past. At this moment, Xue Yunfeng is eager to eat the meat of the original Lord, drink the blood of the original Lord, and hate him!

Since he was born as a prince and was favored by the emperor, Xue Yunfeng did not feel as much pressure and urgency as other emperors.

In addition, his mother had no mother-in-law, so the emperor was a year old, and his prince’s position was shaken. Xue Yunfeng, who was not in the right position, died in the battle of the throne after the emperor’s death.

However, Xue Yunfeng died at that time, but the soul did not go to the local government to reincarnate, but the strange one became a ghost that could not be seen by one person.

Therefore, Xue Yunfeng naturally witnessed the **** battle of the emperor who continued to continue.

He also saw with his own eyes that the former Lord, who was the most beloved, quickly plunged into the embrace of the winner after his death, enjoying the glory and wealth, and nostalgia for him. He fully explained what was called ruthlessness.

This made Xue Yunfeng somewhat unacceptable. He soloved the original owner and did so many absurd things for the original Lord's heart, and almost gave up everything.

As a result, when he died, the original owner sent a hug to others, and even a tear did not flow. He did not have any love for him. All his affection was in vain!

So strong resentment and unwillingness to regenerate him.

After the rebirth of Xue Yunfeng began to rehabilitate, no longer like the past life, only know the enjoyment of Merry Life, he countered the cannon fodder and lost all enemies, all the way to cool.

At the beginning, due to the poor time of rebirth, when he was born again, he had done a lot of ridiculous things for the original owner, which caused the emperor to be angry and the status of the prince to be shaken.

Therefore, Xue Yunfeng had to adopt the strategy of playing pigs and eating tigers. On the surface, he continued to pamper the original ridiculous outside to confuse other princes who wanted to take the position. In the dark, they arranged closely to plan the throne and revenge plan.

After all the smooth development, the emperor of Qi State died, and he defeated the emperor who had tried to misbehave in the thunder.

After successfully counterattacking the guns and ruining all the enemies, the original lord as a ruthless and unjust betrayal of the male slag, the end is naturally not much better.

How much Xue Yunfeng loved him at the beginning, how much hate him now, scratching his arteries by himself, releasing the unique blood of his Miaojiang royal family, and saving his lover after his rebirth...

In this reborn story, the original Lord received his ruthless retribution as a ruthless and unjust male, and his death was extremely miserable.

When the original Lord died, Xue Yunfeng didn't even have a little bit of distress, because such a ruthless person is not worthy of his heart.

However, he will never know how many things this ruthless and unscrupulous male pet has done for him in his previous life.

After his death, the original master did quickly invest in the embrace of the winner, but what Xue Yunfeng did not know was that the original owner did this in order to avenge him.

Although the Northern Zhao State is a small country tribe, as a prince of a country, the original owner used to be an honourable person. He was sent to Qi as a tribute to the ‘beautiful’. The heart of the original Lord was extremely humiliated and fearful.

What he did not expect was that the fearful ‘tribute’ road actually led him to meet Xue Yunfeng, and the other’s care and love made him very moved from a foreign country.

When Xue Yunfeng fell in love with the original Lord, the original Lord also fell in love with him. Even though both of them were men, Xue Yunfeng’s deep love of the single-minded person gradually softened his inner heart and was willing to be female.

Therefore, after Xue Yunfeng’s tragic death, there was only revenge left in the original heart of all his disappointment.

As a tribute from a foreign country, he does not have any capital for revenge. The only weapon he can use is himself.

He used his own appearance and Miaojiang vicious control to confuse the new emperor and ignore the courtiers. He indiscriminately killed the courtier Zhongliang. In just three years, he destroyed the new emperor who killed Xue Yunfeng and destroyed the roots of Qi’s centuries.

He is like a self-discipline in history, and he has become a swearing man in all the population, but he doesn't care at all.

He hated the new emperor for killing his beloved, hating the Qiguo emperor who let his beloved person lose his life, and he must avenge his beloved prince!

When the rebels were beheaded in front of the noon in the name of ‘诛妖男, he was not sad. Some were just happy to meet with the beloved in Huangquan.

However, who knows that waiting for him is not to meet Huang Quan of his lover, but to be a demon who is full of hatred and rebirth.

I didn't even think that Xue Yunfeng was so worried. He even tried to dry his blood bit by bit and died in the pain of desperation.

Before the death, Xue Yunfeng’s ruthless attitude towards him, and the gentle love of another true love, deeply hurt his heart.

All his love has become a resentment. He has no chance to be born again, but he has found a mysterious master to exchange.

He wants Xue Yunfeng to regret it, he wants to use his own never surviving in exchange for Xue Yunfeng's regret forever and ever!

After accepting the plot, Gu Bai licked his temple and had to sigh.

It’s really a good time to kill a dog and a heart-wrenching love. This couple has fully explained what it is called, love you to kill you.

Compared with the plot-free situation that I relied on for the last time, I have a plot and my goal is clear, but it is not so easy to complete.

After the rebirth, Xue Yunfeng's temperament changed to the original hate, and at this moment the other party already has a new favorite object. How could he still care about his love of ruthless and unscrupulous scum, and regret it?

But still that sentence, since he took over the task, he will definitely go all out!


After sorting out the thoughts, Gu Bai called people to come in and wash for himself.

Tonight, Xue Yunfeng will bring the original master to the palace to attend a banquet. As a male favorite of Xue Yunfeng's ‘favorite’, he certainly has to dress up.

Whether it is past life or this life, Xue Yunfeng will bring the original owner together at every banquet. The past life is to bring the original owner to play, pet him love him, and hold him in the palm of his hand.

In this life, he is only used as a shield, as a **** to play pigs and confuse other princes.

And after Xue Yunfeng was born again, he hated him because of resentment. He has not touched the original owner until now, which saves him the trouble of Gu Bai.

"Master, you look so good! You are the best looking person in Yanu, and it is no wonder that His Royal Highness is very fond of the master..."

After changing the clothes, next to the original owner's close-fitting little eunuch, Yanu was full of praise and praise. The other eunuchs in the house also stared at the beautiful man in front of him with amazement.

Gu Bai also put his gaze on the bronze mirror of the opposite person. He had to say that this time the original master was another beauty.

This body has been pampered from a young age, and the skin is very good. The white scorpion like the sheep fat jade is not seen a little bit, the facial features are extremely beautiful, and with a pair of peach eyes, it is really a demon man.

It’s just that since the ancient beauty, it’s true that a beautiful woman has a long life, and a beautiful man is even thinner. The original owner who has taken such many tasks has nothing to do with a beautiful appearance.

Gu Bai shook his head and did not speak. The little **** next to him was a lot of words, and continued to smile.

"The master said that you are so good-looking, and your Highness pamperes you. After waiting for the throne to inherit the throne, you will definitely seal you as a man after the founding of the emperor!"

Qi was born because the founding emperor sealed a man and the male style prevailed.

"Is it? But wasn't it a beautiful man from the outside a few days ago? I heard that it is a good boy with a good character, and I can't even make a poem, and my Highness never touches me..."

Gu Bai’s face seems to be a little sad, acting as a full set. Since it is a task for the original owner, in front of outsiders, he must be the original owner, not Gu Bai.

Although the original Lord is a prince of a country, but the Northern Zhao State is really special, living in the land of poor mountains and waters, let people in the North Zhaoguo pick poisonous grass, play poisonous insects, and other poetry songs will have few talents.

The original master is not a child who loves to study. He only likes to learn the viciousness of the elders in the family. The character is simple and extreme. Therefore, after the death of Xue Yunfeng, he will use his life to pay for his revenge and hate the world.

The little **** saw his sadness and quickly comforted him.

"You don't think so, the Lord's loved one, but you have your grandfather back to the palace because his brother and His Royal Highness are friends. The son of the monk is staying at our East Palace. The master, you must know that the former Highness has dismissed the whole for you. The scorpion of the East Palace! The people of the Imperial City are talking about envying you..."

In the end, the little **** looked and had the honor, and how much the Royal Highness liked their master, but the whole world is obvious to all. If it is not already the blood of His Royal Highness, the position of the Prince is not guaranteed. It shows how deeply affectionate to their master.

The expression of the face of the eunuch, and the eyes of the eunuchs around the palace, Gu Bai smiled and did not refute, affection is affectionate, but unfortunately it was a matter of the last life.

No longer delay, Gu Bai changed clothes and went to see Xue Yunfeng, ready to go out together.

When Xue Yunfeng saw him, his eyes were obviously a bit astounding. Although Gu Bai is still wearing the original skin of the original, but the soul inside is different, there is still some difference.

The former original master was as dazzling as the sun, but at the moment, the soul was changed. The glazed peach blossom eyes had a different temperament. The brocade sleek and exquisite glare, the temperament and brilliance.

But the stunning is only short-lived. When I hate a person, I don’t see anything pleasing to the eye, so the surprise in his eyes quickly becomes contemptuous.

Already connected to do many tasks, Gu Bai’s feelings have been very sensitive, and almost instantly felt the disgust of Xue Yunfeng.

However, he did not care. Xue Yunfeng, who was born again at this moment, was already disgusted with the original master. He determined that the original master was ruthless and hateful, no matter how good the brushing effect would be.

Instead of trying hard to please Xue Yunfeng, it is better to find another way out, first by Xue Yunfeng hatred, he has a way to turn the tide.

If you want to let the first suppression, if you want to let it die, you must let it expand first. How much hate Xue Yunfeng hates at the moment, how much regret he will have in the future!

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