MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 244 Interstellar Live (6)

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Lu Yanzhou really didn't want to leave.

He is very weak now. If he leaves the home planet, what will he do when he encounters the original owner's enemy?

It's better to just stay here, slowly improve the strength and cure Xie Chengze and the others.

On this planet, there may be a military high-level who has become a fallen beast. If he cures the other party, he will provide a training method that can restore the fallen beast... He will have the military as a backer in the future!

At that time, it would be great to take a large group of people and kill them back to avenge the original owner!

It won't take too long. He has learned a lot of self-cultivation knowledge in the previous world, and now he can completely practice Jindan in a few months, and then he can cure Xie Chengze and the others!

As for these few months...isn't it just right to cultivate a relationship with his family's big golden retriever?

Lu Yanzhou was laughing softly, but the hair on Xie Chengze's body had already exploded.

What did he hear? Lu Yanzhou has been controlled by his manager!

He just said how could Lu Yanzhou be so thin, and he is still awake... Lu Yanzhou has already reached the age of awakening, but he has not awakened. It turns out that he was poisoned!

Xie Chengze felt distressed and wanted to comfort Lu Yanzhou, but he couldn't speak, and he couldn't lick Lu Yanzhou...

The others present were also startled, and the monkey jumped up and squeaked to express his anger.

And when he called, everyone else also called out, and various voices came one after another.

After degenerating into animals, affected by the habits of animals, orcs are always less stable than before.

"Don't worry, my situation is not serious. Now that I've gotten rid of them, I can rest here for a while, and I can wake up again." Lu Yanzhou comforted these people.

Xie Chengze heard his words, put his head close, and rubbed him lightly.

Lu Yanzhou touched his huge head: "Aze, don't worry, I'm really fine."

Lu Yanzhou didn't know that he was being broadcast live, and naturally he didn't know that the Internet had already been blown up because of his words!

"Lu Yanzhou has been kept under control?"

"Anyone poisoned him?"

"I'll just say that he's been in a bad state for the past few years!"

"He used to be so sunny! And he has always been in good health, why can't he wake up suddenly?"

"Lu Yanzhou's agent, give me an explanation!"

Lu Yanzhou's fans couldn't be more angry, even those passers-by...

In this live broadcast, Lu Yanzhou looked pitiful the whole time, and because he didn't wake up like a teenager...passers-by also exploded.

At this time, even Lu Yanzhou's black fans were quiet. After all, the news of Lu Yanzhou's explosion was really amazing.

And this undoubtedly caught the emperor by surprise.

The emperor's eyes narrowed, no wonder Lu Yanzhou's performance in this live broadcast was very different from before!

It turned out that he had already realized that it was wrong!

As expected of the son of Marshal Lu, he is quite smart!

The emperor made a decision almost immediately: "You guys have to come out with a medical certificate, saying that after Lu Yanzhou failed to awaken, his mental state was very poor, he suffered from persecution paranoia, and he often imagined some unwarranted things. As for the other things, Don't you need me to teach you?"

The emperor's men went to work immediately.

The emperor watched the live broadcast and sneered.

Lu Yanzhou had long realized that something was wrong, some of the previous reactions were fake, but so what? Lu Yanzhou has been under his control for the past few years!

Even now... Lu Yanzhou doesn't know at the moment, his every move has been broadcast live, and he has been taking medicine for several years that will make people addicted, and once he stops taking it, it will make people unhappy!

He has done experiments, even a person with good physical fitness and strong willpower will become a lunatic if he stops taking this drug after becoming addicted!

This medicine can directly destroy a person's brain!

And the amount he used for Lu Yanzhou was quite large, and he had asked Lu Yanzhou to check more than once, and he was sure that Lu Yanzhou was addicted.

Lu Yanzhou will definitely have a problem in a few days!

Lu Yanzhou was trembling and sweating profusely before, which should also be a side effect of the drug.

It's a pity, he originally wanted those people to think that Lu Yanzhou was a fallen beast who would hurt his mother planet because of his bad nature. Now that Lu Yanzhou is ill, even if Lu Yanzhou goes crazy and beats the fallen beast, ordinary people will not hate Lu Yanzhou too much, and more I wouldn't have an opinion on Marshal Lu because of this.

His plan to attack Marshal Lu was half-failed.

But he can let Lu Yanzhou die on his home planet!

Marshal Lu is not too young, because his health is not good after years of fighting, and his son died like this, he must not be able to bear it.

As for the rest...he has other arrangements.

At this time, Lu Yanzhou's fans had already rushed to the account of Lu Yanzhou's manager and questioned Lu Yanzhou's manager. The situation was almost out of control.

And Lu Yanzhou's manager responded very quickly, and immediately posted some diagnostic records. According to these diagnostic records, Lu Yanzhou suffered from many mental illnesses, including persecution paranoia.

At the same time, there was also a diagnosis record of Lu Yanzhou's previous failure to awaken. It was a medical certificate issued by the largest hospital in Capital Star. It was written that the reason for Lu Yanzhou's failure to awaken was insufficient nutrition and poor physique when he was young.

The agent did more than that. He also started a live broadcast, accusing Lu Yanzhou's black fans, saying that Lu Yanzhou was unable to wake up for a long time, and the pressure itself was already great. Later, it was determined that the awakening failed, and he couldn't fall asleep for a long time. But those black fans kept attacking him... Lu Yanzhou even committed suicide several times during this period.

After a long time, Lu Yanzhou's spirit went wrong!

As Lu Yanzhou's manager, he has been with Lu Yanzhou for nine years, and he has always been very good to Lu Yanzhou. He has not restricted what Lu Yanzhou wants to do, and he has never completely controlled him as Lu Yanzhou said.

He also burst into tears: "Let's not say anything else, if I really control him, how can I let him participate in the live broadcast? If he says something during the live broadcast, I won't be finished? Because his mental state is not good, in fact I have always followed him. Like this live broadcast, I actually don’t want him to participate. I prefer him to go to the hospital for treatment. He lied to me that he would insist on taking medicine, and then he must attend…”

These explanations of the broker are completely reasonable.

In fact, Lu Yanzhou has participated in various activities in recent years, and he has also met many fans during this period. He really wants to be controlled. As long as he shouts in public, his fans will naturally rescue him.

But he did nothing...

At this time, there were only a very small number of Lu Yanzhou's fans, who were still shouting that they didn't believe it.

The agent added: "Didn't Lu Yanzhou often skip some scheduled activities because of illness in recent years? He is indeed ill, but it is not a physical illness, but a mental illness. Will hit the people around... I have always tried to help him hide this, but now I think he can't go on like this..."

After the agent finished speaking, he sent out some videos, all of which were Lu Yanzhou beating and cursing.

Many of Lu Yanzhou's black materials were released on purpose. This time, he released dozens of videos at a time.

This time, no one spoke for Lu Yanzhou anymore, and everyone tacitly agreed that Lu Yanzhou had a mental problem.

However, Lu Yanzhou's fans and passers-by still sympathize with Lu Yanzhou and will not speak ill of Lu Yanzhou. As for black fans...

"If you don't get cured, you will come out to harm others."

"Lu Yanzhou is really crazy!"

"This kind of person should be locked up!"

But the black fans didn't say a few words, and the fans and passersby became angry. After all, Lu Yanzhou's spirit would have problems, and they forced him.

The black powder was scolded like this.

All this, the military side has also seen it.

Before today, Lu Yanzhou was unfamiliar to most of them. Originally, the military might not care, but...

No matter who it is, it can be seen that Xie Chengze attaches great importance to Lu Yanzhou.

This live broadcast uses such high-end equipment, there must be something tricky in it... Marshal Lu didn't want to think about it, so he asked people to investigate Lu Yanzhou.

But although he has military power, he actually has no way to reach out to the capital star, so it may be a little difficult to find out the truth.

You must know that over the years, he and his subordinates have worked hard to keep the Zerg out, but there is no propaganda related to them on the star network. There are even many people on the capital star who think that he is a military force, and that their orc empire can get along with the Zerg. .

Those people even thought that if he hadn't had to fight the Zerg, maybe he wouldn't have to die so many people!

How do these people know that the civilians on the Orc Planet occupied by the Zerg are not living the life of a human being! Among them, men and women are separated, and they have to do a lot of work. If they don't do it well, they will be killed!

Zerg soldiers will deliberately smash some people's beast beads, and then keep them as pets, or send them to the Colosseum to fight to the death.

Marshal Lu sighed and continued watching the live broadcast.

Lu Yanzhou, who was stamped sick, had already eaten a lot of meat.

He actually pretended to be pitiful and said something else, but the big golden retriever next to him kept looking at him with wet eyes, looking very sad and worried.

Lu Yanzhou in turn comforted him: "Aze, I'm really fine, I'm very good, I've gotten rid of them now, and I can definitely wake up again!"

Xie Chengze rubbed Lu Yanzhou with his head again.

It is impossible for a person who failed to awaken to awaken again, Lu Yanzhou was just comforting him.

He regrets it now that he didn't care much about Lu Yanzhou back then!

If he could find out something was wrong more than three years ago, Lu Yanzhou would not have suffered.

Lu Yanzhou hugged Xie Chengze's head and couldn't help but said, "Don't worry, we will all get better." Now he told Xie Chengze that Xie Chengze could recover, and Xie Chengze would never believe him.

I can only live a few days and speak with facts.

The person watching the live broadcast: "Wuwuwu, Lu Yanzhou really has a problem. He actually thinks that he will be fine."

"The two of them seem to be getting along very warmly, but I have the urge to cry."

"A sick man, a fallen beast... alas!"

"I hope that in a different environment, Lu Yanzhou's mental state will improve."

After Lu Yanzhou finished eating, Xie Chengze paddled on the ground: "Go and rest."

Lu Yanzhou asked: "Will you rest with me?"

Xie Chengze shook his head, rushed out quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lu Yanzhou: "..." What happened? Why did his family Azer leave him and run away? !

Just thinking about it, Lu Yanzhou felt a little uncomfortable again.

His face turned pale, and he smiled at the others: "Sorry, I'm not feeling well, I have to go to rest first."

These fallen beasts nodded, beckoning him to rest.

Lu Yanzhou didn't have the strength to say anything, so he returned to Xie Chengze's room and fell into the straw.

This time, his attack was more serious than before, and he even had the urge to destroy.

If he could vent, he might feel better, but he didn't want Xie Chengze to worry, so he could only endure it.

This drug is really vicious, his brain and nervous system have problems, but fortunately, he uses spiritual power to slowly cultivate it, and he can take care of it.

Lu Yanzhou grabbed a handful of hay and stuffed it into his mouth, biting hard...

The people watching the live broadcast were stunned: "Lu Yanzhou looks very painful."

"So he was lying next to the escape pod because he was uncomfortable, right?"

"His expression is so hideous."

"Is he going to be okay?"

"It can be seen that he really has no cleanliness addiction, but there are other diseases."

Looking at Lu Yanzhou like that, it's really not right.

But he obviously didn't mean to hurt anyone, he just felt uncomfortable, and everyone felt distressed when they saw it.

On the other side, Xie Chengze came to the open place and opened his mouth silently.

He was very sad and wanted to do something, but couldn't do anything.

He is no longer the former Major General Xie, and now he is just a beast, a beast that can't even scream.

Xie Chengze slammed into a tree next to him, and after breaking the tree abruptly, he walked back.

Instead of going to Lu Yanzhou, he found Laohou and asked Laohou to contact the military.

He made gestures on the ground, hoping that the military would send someone to take Lu Yanzhou away for treatment, and also expressed that he wanted to give all his property to Lu Yanzhou.

He has established a lot of military industries, and naturally he has a lot of property. Before coming to the home planet, he gave them all to Marshal Lu.

But Marshal Lu said no at the time, and said that he would just keep it for him and donate it when they are gone in the future.

Although it was a bit embarrassing to take back what was given, he wanted to give Lu Yanzhou the property.

He also wanted to ask Marshal Lu to take good care of Lu Yanzhou.

This is the first person he likes and the only person he likes.

He really liked Lu Yanzhou very much, but it was impossible for him and Lu Yanzhou.

Even if Lu Yanzhou can't wake up, he can still live a good life in the outside world, and he is destined to stay here all his life, and his lifespan will be shortened. If he can live another fifty years, he is already lucky.

"You like him so much?" Lao Hou was a little surprised and wrote in his notebook.

Xie Chengze thought for a while and nodded.

Old Hou sighed and went to the contact person.

Lu Yanzhou looked like he was ill, and he shouldn't have been allowed to live in their poor place.

As for them... Although they have become fallen beasts, they are in good health and will not get sick easily.

Even if they are sick... In fact, many of them don't want to live for a long time.

Xie Chengze talked to Laohou and went back to his residence.

Lu Yanzhou lay in the hay, as if asleep.

Xie Chengze walked over lightly and lay beside Lu Yanzhou.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou suddenly turned around and plunged his head into his hair.

The people watching the live broadcast didn't know what Xie Chengze was doing, but they saw that Lu Yanzhou's expression suddenly became calm before Xie Chengze came in, and he took out the hay from his mouth.

Lu Yanzhou also plunged into the arms of the big golden retriever.

What is he trying to do?

Lu Yanzhou didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to hug his beloved.

Xie Chengze is very big, the hair on his back is a little hard, but the hair on his abdomen is still very soft, and his whole body is leaning on it, and the pain on his body is greatly relieved.

Xie Chengze didn't dare to move at this moment, and his tail curled up between his legs.

He looked at Lu Yanzhou greedily... He didn't have much time with Lu Yanzhou.

Thinking of this, the big golden retriever's eyes became moist.

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