MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 235 Blind ancestors (18)

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In this world, the conclusion of a Dao Companion contract requires two people to swear to the Dao of Heaven together, and then exchange their blood.

After all the ceremonies have been carried out in this way, the two have become Taoist companions recognized by Heavenly Dao. If the Taoist companion contract is not released later, they will always have feelings for each other, and the effect of double cultivation will be far beyond ordinary people.

The few Taoist companions who are blessed by the Tao of Heaven will live and die together.

However, that is a legendary thing. It is said that a long time ago, some Taoist companions had deep feelings for each other, and the ordinary Taoist companion contract may become a soul contract of life and death, sharing life.

There is no way to break the soul contract.

Lu Yanzhou wasn't very clear about these things. The original owner was busy practicing and didn't know much about self-cultivation.

Xie Chengze knew it, but the soul contract...he didn't even dare to think about it.

If he can normally conclude the Dao Companion contract, he is already satisfied.

Lu Yanzhou was busy on his way all the way. After arriving at Qingyunzong, he was a little too excited because the time for the Dao Companion Ceremony had arrived, so he didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Even if he pays attention...he doesn't know the people around him.

So Lu Yanzhou had no other thoughts.

But Xie Chengze is different.

Before Xie Chengze came, he had already learned that other Nascent Soul cultivators had come to Qingyun Sect. After coming here, he naturally observed the people around him for the first time.

With this observation, Xie Chengze saw Patriarch Wanxiang and others.

These people didn't show any expressions, but their consciousness had already explored him and Lu Yanzhou back and forth.

They should all come for Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou, a person whose spiritual roots were dug up, suddenly became a master of the Nascent Soul. No matter who he was, he could detect that there was a problem.

There is a high probability that Lu Yanzhou was reborn from the house.

Xie Chengze now does not ask for anything else, but only asks that his Dao Companion Ceremony can be successfully completed.

Even if Lu Yanzhou is an amorous Demon Venerable, even if this person has had many Taoist companions before, even if this person is not sincere to him, he hopes that his Taoist Companion Ceremony will not go wrong.

After waiting... he will not resist, just die at the hands of the ancestors of Vientiane and others.

It's like atonement for Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze was full of eyes, all of them were Lu Yanzhou in front of him.

His eyes were bright, and his spiritual consciousness had been entangled in Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou's consciousness also wrapped Xie Chengze tightly.

He and Xie Chengze were married and held weddings, but the Dao Companion Ceremony was much more grand than marriage. After becoming a Dao Companion, he could even sense some of Xie Chengze's emotions.

Lu Yanzhou is looking forward to this.

When the two took the oath, they did not encounter any obstacles, and the exchange of blood was very smooth.

The Dao Companion Ceremony went on without any setbacks.

The ancestor of Vientiane watched all this in shock.

The Amorous Demon Venerable didn't do anything secretly!

What exactly is going on? Could it be that this Demon Venerable who has failed many people has moved his heart towards Xie Chengze?

The ceremony finally ended, Xie Chengze felt that he was complete, and looked at Lu Yanzhou greedily.

He and Lu Yanzhou haven't been together for long...

Xie Chengze was thinking about it when he sensed that the ancestor of Vientiane, who he had been watching, suddenly stood up.

The place where the ancestor of Vientiane was sitting was not far from Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze. He stood up and frowned and looked at Lu Yanzhou, intending to ask aloud.

And as soon as he moved, the rest of the Nascent Soul cultivators stood up and prepared to attack Lu Yanzhou.

But at this moment, the world suddenly changed dramatically, and the vast and boundless atmosphere permeated the entire Qingyunzong.

Those with low strength do not feel deeply about this, but the monks above Jindan know that this is the breath of heaven.

When a cultivator is promoted to Jindan, he will feel a little vaguely, and when he is promoted to Nascent Soul, the feeling will be more clear.

But no matter how clear it is, it is not as clear as it is today.

The ancestor of Vientiane looked at the sky thoughtfully, what did Tiandao want to do? The heavenly punishment for the passionate demon?

That's right, the Amorous Demon Venerable committed numerous crimes, and Tiandao punished him thousands of years ago, but he escaped with sneaky tricks. Now that Tiandao knows his existence, he will definitely strike him with thunder again!

The ancestors of Vientiane did not stop the Dao Companion Ceremony. In fact, he hoped that Lu Yanzhou would meet the punishment after swearing to the Dao of Heaven.

Now, the punishment is finally here!

The ancestor of Vientiane was excited, but Xie Chengze couldn't help but panic.

This is... God's punishment?

Thousands of years ago, the strength of Amorous Demon Venerable was far greater than now, and there were seven or eight Taoist companions who blocked the punishment for him, so that he could save a life.

Can the current Lu Yanzhou hold back?

Lu Yanzhou really wanted to meet the punishment of heaven, but he was actually doing it himself. He didn't dare to control it, but he couldn't do it.

Xie Chengze hugged Lu Yanzhou almost subconsciously. He had already decided to live and die with Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou actually felt the movement of Tiandao, and he thought that this was Tiandao wanting to reward him.

Holding the Dao Companion he had just acquired in his arms, Lu Yanzhou looked up at the sky.

Everyone thought about it a lot, but in fact, only a moment passed.

At this moment, a crack opened in the sky, and then a golden light shot out from the crack and fell on Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze.

The two were enveloped in golden light, and a golden thread was suddenly wrapped around them.

What's going on here? Those with relatively low cultivation bases do not understand why.

But the Yuan Ying cultivators headed by the ancestors of Wanxiang were already stunned.

They are well-informed, and naturally they know what is going on in the scene in front of them.

It is recorded in the classics that if a pair of Taoist companions is a match made in heaven, God may send blessings and let them conclude a soul contract. From then on, the two have the same heart and life.

Such a Taoist companion, if one party dies, the other party will die, one party will soar, and the other party will also be able to follow.

In addition, there are many benefits, such as they can sense that their partner is hurt, and they can come to their partner when they think about it.

Basically, only Dao Companions who are of good character and have lived and died together can have this honor. There are very few Dao Companions who have signed a soul contract in the world of comprehension, and every time such Dao Companions appear, they are respected.

But isn't Lu Yanzhou an amorous Demon Venerable? How could he and Xie Chengze be blessed by heaven?

The ancestors of Vientiane and the others looked dazed, even a little suspicious of life.

At this time, there was a new movement.

Suddenly, a cloud of auspicious clouds condensed in the sky, and then a little bit of rain and dew fell from the sky.

When a cultivator advances to the Nascent Soul stage, after suffering the calamity, there will be raindrops from the sky, and that's how the raindrops are.

No, it cannot be said that Gan Lin is like this.

Including the ancestors of Vientiane, the real Yuan Ying who was present only encountered a little bit of Gan Lin, and it was not enough to get all their hair wet when pouring it on their heads.

But now that the rain is falling, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze are soaked all over, and even the Nascent Soul cultivators and the Jindan cultivators of Qingyun Sect who are relatively close are also stained with light, and their bodies are stained with floating water. Came rain.

They only feel comfortable and their cultivation has improved.

The benefits they get are so great, and the benefits for Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou must be even greater!

It's just, why did Tiandao give blessings to Lu Yanzhou, but also rained from the sky?

The Ancestor of Vientiane and the others really can't understand, after all, even if the Passionate Demon Venerable has the ability to deceive the heavens in some trivial matters, it is impossible for Heavenly Dao to treat him so favorably.

Just thinking about it, the ancestor of Vientiane suddenly found a golden light rising from Lu Yanzhou's body. The golden light was so dazzling that it almost reached the sky.

Ancestor of Vientiane: "..." Golden light of merit? !

its not right! Even a good person of the tenth generation does not have so much golden light of merit!

How could Amorous Demon Venerable have such a rich golden light of merit?

Wait... Ancestor of Vientiane suddenly thought of something.

Amorous Demon Venerable cannot have golden light of merit, but Lu Yanzhou... maybe he is not Amorous Demon Venerable!

With such a rich golden light of merit, Lu Yanzhou should be the reincarnation of an immortal!

Ancestor Wanxiang thought so, and the Nascent Soul cultivators around him also thought so.

As for those whose cultivation base is below Nascent Soul and who don't know about the Amorous Demon Venerable... Lu Yanzhou Yujian brought Xie Chengze back before, but they couldn't see it, they just thought that Xie Chengze was in control of Feijian the whole time.

Later, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze, but the Taoist partner contract was different, and they still had nectar from the sky... They still didn't know what was going on.

But they all saw and felt the golden light of merit and virtue in Lu Yanzhou's body.

"This Lu Yanzhou turned out to be a great saint!"

"No wonder Xie Chengze became a Taoist partner with him!"

"This kind of person with merit and virtue can get great benefits from being close to him!"

"Where did he get so much merit? I've seen people with merit before, but the golden light of merit is only superficial, only one percent of him."

These people were puzzled, but Lu Yanzhou was not surprised.

He has to re-collect merits in every world, that is because Xie Chengze's soul is deeply connected with these small worlds, and he wants to help Xie Chengze, in essence, to get the approval of that small world.

But even so, the merits he obtained before are still there.

He was glowing all over now, which was normal.

It's the way of heaven in this world, it's a little too smart, in order to please him, he gave him so many benefits at once, making it difficult for him to explain...

Lu Yanzhou thought so, and looked at Xie Chengze who was shocked.

He could feel Xie Chengze's mood, with surprise, joy and doubt, and the whole thing was chaotic.

And all these emotions are surrounded by deep love.

For the first time, Lu Yanzhou clearly felt how much Xie Chengze liked him.

He hugged Xie Chengze and kissed him.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou blankly.

Lu Yanzhou can sense his emotions, and of course he can sense Lu Yanzhou's emotions. Lu Yanzhou's heart is bright, and at this moment there is only joy and love for him.

The love was so strong that he couldn't help but want to cry.

Lu Yanzhou really likes him!

Lu Yanzhou was shrouded in golden light. He must have done good deeds in the past, and therefore, he should not be an amorous Demon Venerable.

Xie Chengze was overjoyed and sad, and was speechless for a while.

He was already ready to die. Who would have thought that Liu An Hua Ming You Village would have guessed many things wrong before!

He also misunderstood Lu Yanzhou, it really shouldn't be!

"Aze, our Dao Companion contract seems to be a little different." Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze nodded.

Lu Yanzhou said again: "But this contract is very good, our connection will become very deep!"

Xie Chengze nodded again.

Although Xie Chengze didn't speak, Lu Yanzhou could feel that he was in a very good mood.

Lu Yanzhou kissed him again, so he had time to pay attention to the others, and then found that the Nascent Soul cultivators were all standing.

As soon as the Dao Companion Ceremony was over, they stood up and didn't know what they wanted to do... Lu Yanzhou asked, "Is there something wrong with you?"

The ancestor of Wanxiang hurriedly said: "There is indeed something, I will rush to congratulate Lu Zhenren!"

Other Nascent Soul monks also said: "Congratulations to Lu Zhenren and Xie Zhenren for concluding the soul contract!"

One thing they are particularly grateful for at this moment is that they are not in a hurry to do something to Lu Yanzhou.

So now... they're definitely not here to find fault, they're here to congratulate!

Read The Duke's Passion