MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 11 President in a Cage (11)

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Xie Yuan only told Lu Qiqi that Xie Chengze sent Lu Yanzhou to a flat.

In fact, in addition to getting a set of large flats from Xie Chengze, Lu Yanzhou also removed 30 million from Xie Chengze's company.

Xie Yuan knew people in Xie Chengze's company, and he didn't usually contact them, but he made a special contact just now, and then he learned that his son had given Lu Yanzhou a luxury house.

He asked this person to check Lu Yanzhou again, and this time, he learned that Lu Yanzhou had misappropriated 30 million from Xie Chengze—Lu Yanzhou, a history graduate, had no ability to keep the accounts clean, and naturally left a lot of flaws.

The courage of this person is really not small, how long did it take to steal 60 million from Xie Chengze?

If things go on like this, Xie Chengze's money will be dug out by him sooner or later.

Xie Yuan turned around and went out the door.

Lu Qiqi waited for Xie Yuan to leave, and immediately called Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou picked up Lu Qiqi's phone while the machine was buzzing, and he was stunned and said, "Lu Yanzhou, you are so good, you took away a suite from Xie Chengze without telling me! Are you worthy of me? I'm really unlucky to raise a white-eyed wolf!"

Lu Yanzhou was helpless.

In the past twenty-five years of the original owner's life, Lu Qiqi has indeed received a lot of help.

If nothing else, without Lu Qiqi, his father would be an ordinary security guard at most, and he would never have the chance to earn 15,000 yuan a month and a security captain with many bonuses at the end of the year.

Although the original owner's mother was an ordinary canteen auntie, she could earn 10,000 yuan a month. She also relied on the little sister-in-law Lu Qiqi.

So no matter what Lu Qiqi said to him, he listened.

"Lu Yanzhou, Xie Chengze's house belongs to the Xie family! You transfer the house to my name, forget about it! And Xie Chengze, you bring him back!" Lu Qiqi said.

"Auntie, Aze gave me the house, I can't transfer it to you," Lu Yanzhou said, "Also, Aze doesn't want to live in Xie's house, so I won't send him back."

"Aren't you going to listen to me? Lu Yanzhou, do you really think you can fight against me by climbing on that short-lived ghost?" Lu Qiqi was angry.

Lu Yanzhou wasn't angry at what Lu Qiqi said about himself, but he couldn't stand Lu Qiqi saying that Xie Chengze was "short-lived": "Aunt! Don't say that about Xie Chengze!"

"I can't tell the truth yet?!" Lu Qiqi said.

"Aze is just not in good health!"

"You're still protecting me!" Lu Qiqi hung up the phone directly.

Based on Lu Yanzhou's understanding of Lu Qiqi, Lu Qiqi will definitely go to his parents and complain to them.

Forget it, the soldiers will come to block the water and cover the soil.

Lu Yanzhou returned to Xie Chengze and sat down next to Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was wearing special protective clothing, so he couldn't eat, drink, or even go to the toilet.

Thinking about it makes me uncomfortable... So when the others went to dinner, Lu Yanzhou didn't go and stayed with Xie Chengze.

"Who called you?" Xie Chengze asked loudly.

"My aunt." Lu Yanzhou shouted.

"Did she tell you?" Xie Chengze asked. Lu Qiqi is not a good-natured person. He has never seen Lu Qiqi dislike Lu Yanzhou before.

He didn't care then, but now he doesn't.

Lu Yanzhou smiled and shouted, "No, she is my aunt after all, and she is still good to me."

Xie Chengze stared at Lu Yanzhou for a while, then pouted and stopped talking.

At this moment, Xie Chengze's cell phone rang next to him - Xie Yuan called him.

Xie Chengze was wearing protective clothing and didn't use his mobile phone, and he didn't want to pick it up, so he just ignored it.

The phone rang once, then rang again, and stopped because no one answered. At this time, Lu Yanzhou's cell phone also rang. It was a **** call.

Lu Yanzhou waved to Xie Chengze with his mobile phone, and went to the balcony next to him to make a call.

"Mom." Lu Yanzhou called out.

Mother Lu on the other end of the phone lowered her voice: "Zhouzhou, what's going on? Your aunt called your father and said that you cheated a suite from the eldest young master of the Xie family."

"Mom, nothing, that house was given to me by Xie Chengze."

"He's so good, how can he send you a house?"

"I accompany him every day, and he will give me a set. Mom, you don't know. The Xie family doesn't care about him. He stays alone every day. If I want to accompany him, he will treat me as a good friend." Lu Yanzhou said After finishing, he picked and told his mother something about Xie Chengze.

Mother Lu listened, and sympathized: "Then he is so pitiful..."

"It's pitiful. He only had me as a friend, so he gave me a house. He has tens of billions of assets in his name and hundreds of properties, so a house is nothing to him." Lu Yanzhou comforted his mother.

Mother Lu felt more relieved now, but still said, "Your aunt is angry, your father is apologizing..."

"When Dad finishes the phone call, I'll tell him." Lu Yanzhou said.

Mother Lu naturally agreed.

Lu Yanzhou told his mother what happened today.

Lu Qiqi had said in front of the Lu family that Xie Chengze's money would be given to Xie Chengyun in the future, but at that time, Lu's mother didn't know that he had so much money. Hearing Lu Yanzhou talk about it now, he couldn't help but be amazed and said, "Your aunt That's right, people are still alive, so they're thinking about it..."

"Yes." Lu Yanzhou sighed.

Lu Qiqi is really well-known to Sima Zhao, but she is better than those who have deep thoughts.

Lu Yanzhou talked to his mother for a while. Father Lu finally finished the phone call with Lu Qiqi. Lu Yanzhou made a video call and explained it to him again.

Father Lu always listened to Lu Qiqi, but he couldn't stop what his son wanted to do.

And it was a house worth tens of millions. Someone else had already given it to his son, and then let his son go back... He is still not that noble.

In the end, the middle-aged man just said, "I can't handle this, so I don't care."

Lu Yanzhou comforted his parents and returned to Xie Chengze again to accompany Xie Chengze.

He didn't stay with him for a while when Xie Yuan came.

The original owner had Xie Yuan's appearance in his memory, but Lu Yanzhou was the first time he had contact with Xie Yuan.

Xie Yuan is about the same age as the original owner's father, but he looks at least a dozen years younger than the original owner's father. He looks very similar to Xie Chengze, looks very handsome, has black hair and sharp eyes, and his body is not out of shape. strict people.

He glanced at Lu Yanzhou, then went to see Xie Chengze, with a mild tone: "Aze, why do you suddenly think of moving?"

Xie Chengze looked at Xie Yuan blankly.

Lu Yanzhou said: "Uncle, it's loud here, and Aze is two floors away from us... He can't hear you when you talk like this."

Xie Yuan also realized this.

Xie Chengze's sudden move was unexpected to him, and the sudden loss of his son, whom he had never taken seriously, made him even more unhappy.

He came here to have a good talk with Xie Chengze, but now is obviously not a good time.

He can't always yell here.

What's more, looking at Xie Chengze's condition, you can see that there is a reason for him not answering the phone... Xie Yuan amplified his voice again: "Aze, you can stay here for a few days... I will visit you often."

Xie Yuan asked a few more words, and seeing that Xie Chengze had been inaudible, he went downstairs with a frown.

Lu Yanzhou gestured to Xie Chengze, followed him down, stood at the entrance of the stairs, and heard Xie Yuan talking to Mrs. Wang.

Xie Yuan's voice came clearly: "I'm busy with work, and I didn't take care of this child before. He must blame me in his heart."

"It's my fault. I feel bad when I see him, so I always avoid him."

"It's fine for him to stay here for a few days. Please take care of him."

What Xie Yuan said was very sincere. Anyway, Mrs. Wang believed it and was very moved.

"I still have something to do, so I'll leave first and come back tomorrow." Xie Yuan chatted with Mrs. Wang for a while before leaving.

Seeing him leave, Lu Yanzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

This Xie Yuan is just an old fox, and he and Xie Chengze can't tear their faces away from him now.

Xie Chengze didn't take off his protective suit until eight o'clock in the evening.

It's not easy to take off the clothes, and he was a little tired. In the end, he was out of breath and his face was red.

"Aze, you've been tired for a day today. Eat something first, then take a bath and go to bed early."

But Xie Chengze was a little unhappy: "Brother Yanzhou, you haven't spoken to me today."

Lu Yanzhou thought for a while and said, "So, you go eat and take a bath first, and I'll take a bath, and then I'll come to accompany you and lay a floor next to you to tell you a story?"

Just moved, Lu Yanzhou was not at ease. Tonight, he planned to live next to this sterile room.

Xie Chengze likes to be next to him, they can sleep one inside, one outside, and sleep next to each other.

"Okay." Xie Chengze agreed.

The third floor is quite large. Although Xie Chengze's sterile room is placed, there is still some spare space, and there is even a toilet.

Lu Yanzhou had already made up his mind to live there, and he had already spent money to buy a folding bed for him.

As Xie Chengze's assistant, he can use Xie Chengze's tens of millions of assets, and naturally he can also direct people in the company to do things for him.

As for what people might be unhappy about, that's another story.

Lu Yanzhou asked Mrs. Wang to keep the meal. After going downstairs to eat, he went to take a battle bath, and then took his folding bed upstairs.

He put the foldable bed out of the plastic wrap and put on the quilt.

It's cold outside now, but fortunately, the villa is equipped with central air conditioning, so he only needs to have a thin quilt.

Lu Yanzhou had just packed up when he saw Xie Chengze come out of the shower.

He was obviously in his twenties, but because he didn't see the sun all the year round and lacked exercise, Xie Chengze, who was much younger than his actual age, was wearing an old pajamas, and his fair neck was probably rubbed in the shower and turned red.

Lu Yanzhou took a few more glances and decided to let Xie Chengze exercise more in the future.

His skin is too delicate.

Xie Chengze noticed Lu Yanzhou's eyes and wiped his hair for a while.

His sterile room comes with purified water, but he doesn't usually bathe—in such a clean environment, he doesn't need to shower all the time.

Today, he also sweated after staying in the protective suit for a long time, so he needed to wash it.

After washing, he saw that Lu Yanzhou had already made the bed and was still staring at his open collar... Xie Chengze was a little puzzled.

It was Lu Yanzhou's suggestion to move out this time. Lu Yanzhou also said that he would accompany him more after moving out, but he thought that Lu Yanzhou was just talking about it.

But now... he seems to have guessed wrong?

This week, Lu Yanzhou has been too kind to him, is this really just for money?