MTL - Hokage: Invincible at the Beginning, Anger Against Konoha-Chapter 539

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Watch this scene with your own eyes.

Tobirama was even more heartbroken and angry.

Unfortunately, now is not the time for revenge.

Not far away, the three [Ten-Tailed War Beasts] were still sharpening their knives, ready to continue their attack.

Stay any longer, I am afraid that the big brother will not block the next round of tailed beast jade bombing!

"Brother, Quanna, go!"

The door did not hesitate.

I grabbed my eldest brother and Izumi who was half recovered.

Launching Flying Thunder God, he left here instantly.

Soon, a portal opened above the broken wooden coffin.

Three people in the peach style of Otsutsuki flew out of it.

"Suspicious? Is anyone gone?"

"Have you escaped?"

"Running really fast!"

"Being able to survive under the attack of the ten-tailed war beasts, these natives are indeed powerful!"

Pu Shi laughed playfully.

"Humph! One of the inferior creatures has mastered a space movement ability."

"It should have escaped with someone."

"What a bunch of disgusting, slippery bugs!"

Peach style is quite irritable and unhappy.

Pu Shi: "Then, Senior Peach, do you want to start the hunt?"

Tao Shi squeezed his left hand and said viciously:

"No hurry, as long as they are still in this planet, those guys can't escape!"

"First go and destroy several other places, and then slowly chase down these escaped mice..."

He wants to kill these inferior creatures bit by bit.

Let them be tortured to death in fear and despair!

the other side.

Tobirama took the two of Hasuma and teleported to the sacred place of the Slug Immortal's [Wet Bone Forest].

Finally, he gathered with the rest of the Konoha refugees who escaped.


The refugees who fled here are also not feeling well.

Basically terrified.

Many people are still injured...

Fortunately, there was a huge slug fairy to help rescue, otherwise many seriously injured people would have died.

Those who managed to escape were lucky.

compare to.

Yamanaka Kaiichi, Nara Shikisa, Mito Gate Flame, etc. who failed to escape in time

A large number of elite Shangnin were destroyed along with the village.

The loss this time is so great that it is simply immeasurable!

Seeing this, Zhu Jian was even more heartbroken, as if he was dripping blood.

"Tobirama, how are the casualties?"

Totoro shook his head and said:

"The specific situation will not be counted for a while; it is estimated that the death toll is more than one-third!"

His heart was shocked, and he muttered to himself in pain:

"This casualty is too big, too big!"

"Our village..."

"Three ten tails, how to deal with this?"

"I should have opened the door earlier! In that case, I might be able to save the village..."

Tobirama quickly comforted:

"Brother, it's not your fault, the enemy is too strong!"

"If it wasn't for you to hold back the first ten tails, the village would have been destroyed long ago."

"It's impossible for the remaining villagers to escape..."

"Even, maybe Naruto and Kyuubi will fall into the hands of the enemy!"

"Besides, this is not the time for self-blame and frustration!"

Hasuma was stunned for a moment, suppressed the remorse and sadness in his heart, and looked at Tobirama.

Tobirama urgently added:

"Big brother, there are three enemies of Otsutsuki that just appeared."

"Looks like they were separated at first."

"That is to say, when the first Otsutsuki attacked us, several other people may also attack other villages at the same time!"

"Now, Konoha is gone."

"They will probably attack other villages again!"

"We must get ahead of them, rescue the ninjas in other villages as much as possible, and retain our vitality!"

"In the future, it will be better to integrate forces and repel the attackers!"

In fact, Tobirama was indeed a ninja who wanted to rescue other villages.

But what he didn't want to see was that the other big hidden villages were completely destroyed, and the remaining tailed beasts were also killed or captured.

In that case, there will be no hope of turning over the ninja world.

If so, one or two tailed beasts can be saved;

At least it will give the eldest brother one more chance to revive, and it can increase his own odds of winning a little.

This is the real purpose of Tobirama's rush to save other villages.


"Let's go now."

"I can't let those guys kill more ninjas!"

Hakuma immediately cheered up and started to act.

There are no eggs under the nest.

The leaves are gone, and the spine is broken.

If the other big ninja villages are destroyed, then the whole ninja world is basically over...

before that.

It's better to save a little more living force than to stand by!

Soon, a few clones were left to maintain order.

Tobirama and Hasuma's main body, once again disappeared in place.

I rushed to support several other hidden villages.

Chapter 458 The Gradually Falling Ninja World

When Tobirama and Hasuma rely on the technique of Flying Thunder God, they teleport to behind [Mist Hidden Village].

The scene in front of them made the pupils of the two shrink again, and their hearts were horrified.

Predict the past.

Half of the [Misty Hidden Village] has disappeared.

Only a charred semi-circular giant gully remains, extending far away, with no end in sight...

No doubt, this was obviously formed by the bombardment of the [Tailed Beast Cannon] released by the ten tails.

Half of the Hidden Mist Village, together with countless ninjas and villagers.

It even includes the current elders of Kiriyin, and the Anbu commander of Xiguashan Pufferfish, these two high-ranking powers of Kiriyin.

They were all annihilated together under the terrifying [Tailed Beast Cannon].

no resistance at all...

If not, the Ten Tails controlled by Otsutsuki Jinshi would attack halfway.

It was summoned by the peach style.

I'm afraid, the remaining half of the [Misty Hidden Village] no longer exists...

Rao is so.

In the remaining half of the village, the situation is not optimistic.

The smoke is still filled with smoke, the fire is candlelight, and the night sky is red...

can be clearly seen.

There are pitiful figures in the village crying and begging for help.

It can be seen that many of the remaining villagers have been frightened.

He is running away from the village like crazy, trying to escape from this hell.

However, due to the persecution of the blood fog policy for many years, the number of ninjas today is not many, and half of them have been wiped out in an instant.

The rest is simply not enough to maintain order.

Even many timid ninjas have joined the fleeing army.

in some sense.

The entire [Misty Hidden Village] is the same as [Konoha Village], it's gone...

However, there are still ninjas who never give up.

Terumi Mei, who refused to admit defeat, and the ghost shark, etc., took over the command respectively, and worked hard to carry out search and rescue work in the remaining half of the village.

"Sure enough, those **** of Otsutsuki also attacked other Shinobi villages!"

"If it weren't for the fact that you defeated the first Otsutsuki just now, maybe [Misty Hidden Village] has disappeared now..."

Tobirama sighed regretfully.

Although seeing this tragic situation in Wuyin Village, it further proves the cruelty and horror of the Otsutsugi clan.

But for some reason, Tobirama felt a little better in his heart.

The so-called schadenfreude? That's probably what it means, right?

Although, Tobirama also knew that this was not good.

Read The Duke's Passion