MTL - Hokage: Invincible at the Beginning, Anger Against Konoha-Chapter 536

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A chakra arrow attack with a cracking sound came.

At such a high altitude, only Susa's arrows could reach it.

"Humph! Has it been discovered?"

"Stupid attack."

Otsutsuki Peach-style snorted coldly, but did not avoid it.

Just stretched out his right hand, aimed at the arrow below, and suddenly opened the red [Reincarnation Eye] in the palm of his hand.

[High Imperial Production Z Sun God] - Activate!

For a moment, Quanna's orange chakra arrow seemed to hit an invisible wall.

Can't go any further.

And it is still shrinking rapidly, and the chakra contained in it is absorbed at high speed by the peach-style [Reincarnation Eye].

Even, the peach style can take Chakra and turn it into the power to restore itself...

Then use the left hand [Reincarnation Eye] to increase the power of the absorbed spell, and counterattack back.

Compared to Madam Ban's Samsara Eye's [Seal of Sealing Technique], it is three points higher.


At this moment, when the Susa arrows are about to be absorbed.

A kunai hidden at the tail of the arrow was suddenly exposed, taking the peach-style palm [Reincarnation Eye].

You must know that [High Imperial Production Z-Sun God] cannot absorb physical objects.

If it is stabbed by Kuwu, the reincarnation eye of the peach-style right hand will be useless.


[Blind eyes? Coercion! 】

The peach-style white eyes suddenly exerted strength, and an invisible wall of air burst out, blocking the bottom of his right hand.

It was very easy to stop the Kunai.

And subconsciously disdain:

"Tips for carving insects..."

But his voice didn't fall.


Next to that Kuwu, a figure suddenly appeared!

That was Tobirama, who was instantly transferred from the ground to here by relying on the mark of Fei Lei Shen!

Obviously, they never expected a chakra arrow, a kunai; to defeat this powerful enemy from Otsutsuki.

This is just to send Tobirama up...

Such a sudden flash also startled Tao Shishi.

Unexpectedly, the indigenous creatures here.

How could he have mastered such exquisite spatial abilities?

It's kind of interesting!

Taking advantage of the moment of peach style stunned.

Tobirama immediately attacked with a seal, displaying the advanced water escape ninjutsu he developed.

"Water escape? Water breaks waves!"

The ultra-high-pressure linear water column quickly spit out the target to cut off the target, like a sharp blade, which can easily tear and shred the target.

Although it is definitely not comparable to Ban's [Xianfa? Lan Dunguang Fang].

But it is also powerful enough to cut off the roots of the divine tree!


The peach-style response is not slow either.

Activate the ability of the right hand [Reincarnation Eye] again, and easily absorb the 'Water Breaking Wave' that is slashed in the face.

Obviously, unless you use Taiju or Xianju to attack.

Otherwise, an enemy with [Eye of Reincarnation] can completely ignore most ninjutsu attacks; for ninjas, he almost has a completely undefeated advantage!

After easily blocking Tobirama's attack, Momochi laughed contemptuously:

"Inferior creatures are simply courting death!"

The next moment, Peach Style began to fight back.

In an instant, he rushed forward a few meters and came to Tobirama.

The speed is so fast, coupled with Tobirama who has no flying ability, there is no way to avoid it.

He was hit in the abdomen with a punch from Tao Shi, and was pierced on the spot.


After killing Tobirama, Momoshi suddenly realized that something was wrong with this low-level creature?

He didn't bleed?

Look up again.

Qianshou Tobirama was actually smiling at him?

not good!


Unfortunately, Tobirama didn't give Momo-style a chance to retreat.

[Flying Thunder God's Reverse Rotation Technique] - Activate!

Different from the "Flying Thunder God Mutual Rotation Technique", this is a new usage of Flying Thunder God developed by Tobirama; just need to engrave the Flying Thunder God's reverse rotation imprint in advance, and then you can exchange the positions of yourself and the marked person.

Even if the other person does not master the technique of flying thunder god...

At this moment, Tobirama used this technique to exchange, it was Hashima on the ground!

From the beginning.

Tobirama didn't expect to be able to defeat an Otsutsuki enemy by himself!

Otsutsuki's style of toughness is still vivid in his mind.

Looking at the Ninja world, it is possible to defeat Otsutsuki head-on, and only the participants of the original [Five Gods Talk].

Tobori is just a guesswork.

Therefore, Tobirama was first exposed to Momo-shiki, attacked, and was defeated by Momo-shiki.

But it's all to lower Peach's vigilance.

When the opponent is convinced that he has won, launch a decisive counterattack;

This is Tobirama's best tactic!


For a moment.

Hakuma appeared at Tobirama's position.

Appeared in front of Otsutsuki Momo.

[Eight Doors Dunjia? Seventh Shocking Door] - Open!

Hashirama, who had been negotiated for a long time, appeared at this moment.

Without any hesitation, the strongest force broke out directly, and it was almost desperate to open the eight doors.

However, with Hashima's physical strength.

Even if seven doors are opened, the increase is quite impressive.

It is by no means the Otsutsuki Momo-style that is close at hand, the speed that can be avoided!

Otsutsuki peach style? Dangerous!

The pillars punched fiercely without showing any mercy.

The anger of the fierce battle caused by the large number of casualties of the villagers burst out.

At this moment, the surrounding air, like a pinched heart, suddenly shrank!

Then it exploded again, forming a vacuum.


A thunderous sonic boom exploded...

Being hit by the peach pose in this fierce punch, his entire chest burst open on the spot.

Then, like a meteorite, it cut through the night sky.

It fell violently to the ground, knocking out a large circular pit.

Life and death don't know...


"call out--"

Tobirama flashed back again, appeared beside Hasuma, and hurriedly asked:

"Brother, did you succeed?"

Hashimoto shook his head:


"Not enough precision to hit him in the head."

"It's just that my blow also shattered most of his body. He must have been seriously injured!"

"If he didn't have the same terrifying regeneration ability as the ten tails, 80% would be dead."

It was the first time Hashima used Tobirama to use the [Flying Thunder God Mutual Reverse Rotation Technique], which was really not proficient.

Otherwise, the punch just now should be able to hit the peach-style head with precision.

But such a record is already very sturdy.

Unexpectedly, he seriously injured the Otsutsuki enemy, and it was even enough to turn the whole battle!

"It's been good."

"Big brother, you go and deal with that ten-tail first!"

"I took others to see if the enemy died violently?"

Tobirama arranged immediately.

He wanted his big brother to continue chasing and killing that Otsutsuki Momo.

However, there is no big brother to control the giant Buddha, and no one can resist the ten-tailed war beast.

It is already very dangerous to be able to teleport away for a few seconds now.

Just a little longer.

That Ten-Tails should have stepped on [Konoha Village].

The village or the enemy, who is more important?

Nature speaks for itself.

"it is good!"

Hasuma nodded, and was instantly sent back to the battlefield on the ground by Tobirama.

Continue to control the 'really thousands of hands' and defend against the ten tails.

Read The Duke's Passion