MTL - Hokage: Invincible at the Beginning, Anger Against Konoha-Chapter 506

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"Why not a single planet? What about the enemy?"

Obito took the initiative to wonder.

Along the way, Natsume and Kaguya have shared a lot of knowledge of the universe with the three of them.

I also have a certain understanding of concepts such as galaxies, nebulae, and planets.

Therefore, Obito was curious.

The large purple nebula in front of it seems to have no planet inside. How could the Otsutsuki family live there?

In this regard, Kaguya took a deep breath and explained slowly:

"This nebula is just a cover for the outer layer. My family actually lives inside the nebula."

"Inside the nebula?"

"That's right! As long as you pass through the outermost nebula, you can see what's inside."

To put it bluntly, the outer nebula is just a false screen.

It is used to confuse the outside sight.

When civilization has developed to a certain level, in order to deal with the dangerous law of the cosmic jungle, it is of course impossible to directly expose itself.

Otherwise, it is no different from a big fat sheep dancing and showing off in the midst of a pack of wolves.

"Such a large nebula, all disguised?"

"How big is this?"

Kaoru couldn't help smacking his tongue in surprise.

Even Natsume and Madara, their pupils shrank, secretly surprised.

This large nebula is at least ten times larger than the entire solar system!

This alone is enough to see how extravagant and terrifying the Otsutsukimoto family is...

"Then let's go in directly?"

The soil is a little rushed.

Dangerous or not, he has already put it aside.

In my mind, I just want to make fruits and make Lin become a god!


"The outermost nebulae are restricted and inaccessible."

"If you forcibly break in, your soul will be wiped out; even me, there is no exception..."

"Only through a specific channel can we enter smoothly."

"And this passage changes its position every day, only the senior members of the family know about it..."

Kaguya immediately rejected it.

Natsume: "Then how do we get in?"

Kaguya: "Wait. I have already sent a message, and it is estimated that someone will come to meet us soon."

Hearing this, several people had to wait patiently.


But ten minutes.

In front of Natsume and the others, a dark portal suddenly appeared.

Then, several Otsutsuki figures flew out of it.

A total of four people.

Three of them were figures that Natsume knew well.

From left to right, in order:

Large tube wood gold style. (The picture has been supplemented)

Large tube wood peach style. (The picture has been supplemented)

Otsutsuki Mokura style. (The picture has been supplemented)

Large tube wood. (The picture has been supplemented)

However, it is obvious that the four of them are led by the middle-most Otsutsuki Momo-style.

"Yo yo yo!"

"Isn't this a senior and Princess Kaguya?"

"Are you finally back?"

"However, it looks a little embarrassed? A senior?"

The out-of-character Otsutsuki Kiura immediately laughed and joked.

Obviously, he was also quite surprised by the sudden return of 'Yi Shi' and Kaguya.

"Pu Shi, shut up! Stop talking nonsense..."

Otsutsuki Momoshi, who was headed by him, turned his head and scolded Pu Shiki, making him shut up.

Only then did he turn his head to look at Yi Shi, and asked with a bad expression:

"Yi Shi, what's the matter with you?"

"Didn't you spread the news before that Kaguya betrayed you and stole the fruit?"

"You look like this?"

"And these inferior creatures?"

"Please explain it to me!"

When they met again, Tao Shi did not seem to doubt Yi Shi's identity; but he was still puzzled by Yi Shi's contradictory behavior.

Forced to ask Yi Shi, what happened?


In the face of peach-style questioning, 'Natsume' was not afraid at all.

Instead, he controlled the 'one-style clone' and took the initiative to fly to the opposite side of the peach style.

Responded arrogantly:

"Why should I report to you?"

"Peach style, are you qualified to let me report?"

According to Kaguya's information, Natsume has long known the hierarchy within the [Otsutsukimoto family].

The top one is naturally the supreme [True God] of the entire Otsutsuki clan, and is also the original ancestor of Otsutsuki.

The second is: the royal lineage.

Next: the top of the family.

The follow-up is the cadre of the family, the warrior of the family...

Namely: Otsutsuki Shinjin → Main Family Royal Family → Main Family Seniors → Main Family Cadres → Branch Family Royal Family → Main Family Warriors → Main Family Members → Branch Family Members → Slaves.

The Otsutsuki Ichi style and the Otsutsuki Peach style are both cadres of the main family, slightly higher than Kaguya, who is the princess of the branch family.

Therefore, their status is equal, and there is no regulation on who reports to whom.

Even, to some extent still in a competitive relationship.

Therefore, 'Natsume' will be so hard-hearted, and directly respond to the peach style.

And the more this is the case, the more 'Yi Shi' is more publicized, the more it can prove his true identity.

to this.

Tao Shi also showed a bad face, and frowned.

But with the same status, it is not easy for him to have a direct attack.

Only to threaten:

"One way! Don't be ashamed, your problem is very serious."

"The Japanese-style adults even asked directly, you'd better figure out your current situation!" (Supplementary picture)

Hearing this, 'Yi Shi' pretended to pause, as if he was afraid of the prestige of the Japanese-style adult.

Afterwards, he restrained a bit of arrogance.

"I did send a message for help before, but it was just me misjudging the situation."

"During the planting period, Kaguya did devour a fruit; but that was also to protect the divine tree, protect me, and resist the indigenous attackers; that's why I had to eat the [Chakra Fruit]."

"In short, Kaguya did not betray the family."

"The rest, regarding the attacker's situation and specific details, I will report to the Japanese-sama in person."

"Don't be foolish to ask."

Natsume explained with a somewhat impatient look on purpose.

This information is half true and half false, and it is difficult to distinguish.

Anyway, it only needs to explain that Kaguya has not betrayed and put all the problems on the non-existent indigenous attackers.

Hearing this, Tao Shi frowned even more.

There is a vague feeling that something is wrong;

But I can't verify it, and I don't know how to determine if it's true or not.

Just ask:

"How do you prove it?"

'Natsume' spread out his right hand, took out the [Guidao Jade Box], and opened the mouth of the box.

The [Chakra Fruit] inside was revealed.

"Chakra Fruit!"

"The quality is not high, it seems to be the worst grade?"

Tao Shi complained with some dissatisfaction.

But after seeing Yi Shi took the initiative to bring back this [Chakra Fruit], most of the doubts and vigilance in my heart were eliminated...

No matter how poor the quality is, it is still a complete [Chakra Fruit]!

If Yi Shi and Kaguya really betrayed, it would be impossible to bring the fruit back to pay tribute.

This alone is enough to prove the loyalty of Yi Shi and Kaguya.


"That planet is not as energetic as the intelligence said."

"We used two ten tails to almost drain the planet, and only barely produced two low-quality fruits."

"In order to repel the attackers, Kaguya ate one of them."

"It also caused me to be seriously injured by the enemy, and even lost a [white eye]."

"Don't let me know who is in charge of the intelligence survey in that area..."

"Otherwise, I will definitely merge him into a 'Dan'!"

'Natsume' squeezed his fists and cursed with extreme resentment.

A look of being humiliated and extremely unwilling because of this task.

It added a bit of reliability to his 'lie'.

at the same time.

Momo turned his head sideways and glanced at Kaguya behind him.

Read The Duke's Passion