MTL - Hokage: Invincible at the Beginning, Anger Against Konoha-Chapter 501

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A young figure was waving a long clay whip, shouting loudly and instructing everyone to dig:

"Hurry up for me!"

"Whether you can eat meat tonight depends on whether today's output index can meet the standard!"

"If anyone dares to be lazy, see if I don't blow up his chrysanthemums into four petals!"

There is no doubt that he is the person in charge of the entire [No. 2 Silver Mine] mining work, and the honorary second-level engineer of [Yanyin Village]: Deidara.

Although he was only ten years old, he looked very immature.

But at this moment in the entire mine, no one dared to underestimate him.

Instead, they respected him.

And the reason is simple.

One: Deidara is one of the few ninjas here who has not been sealed with Chakra by the Heavenly Prison Technique; and it is still the kind of tyrannical strength, which is naturally enough to overwhelm everyone.

Second: His clay explosion technique is the first weapon for mining veins!

No matter how small and hidden the blasting point, he can always rely on his dexterous miniature clay bomb to easily enter and detonate it with precision.

And also moderate power, never miss.

With him around, it is enough to increase the mining speed more than ten times.

The output of the entire 'No. 2 Silver Mine' is much more efficient than the 'No. 1 Silver Mine' mined using the [Explosive Charm].

Because of this, the miners of their 'No. 2 Silver Mine' can add meals every day! Eat meat every day!

matter of personal interests.

Such a baby bump, how can all the miners not love it? Do not embrace it?


"Boss, it's stuck at the No. 3 mine!"

A miner ran to Deidara's side and reported urgently.

"okay, I get it."

Deidara opened his mouth and spat.

A lump of clay immediately turned into three spider clay bombs, and under Xiao Di's control, they quickly drilled into the No. 3 mine, ready to blast the barrier.

"Boom! Boom!—"

After a few explosions.

The No. 3 mine was successfully blasted, and it can be mined normally again...

Seeing this, Deidara also smiled happily.

Then he sat back leisurely and took a hard sip of the lemonade in his hand.

‘Sure enough, it’s still comfortable to be a foreman! ’

'Finally, there is no need to be squeezed by bitterness! ’

Xiao Di raised Erlang's legs and sighed with emotion in his heart.

But, right now.

A mocking voice suddenly came from behind.


"It looks like you are very leisurely? Very comfortable?"

Deidara waved:

"It's okay! It's not too leisurely..."

next moment.

Deidara, who suddenly woke up, was startled, and the chrysanthemum tightened.

And jumped up suddenly from the chair, like a fried monkey.


Chapter 426 Do you have the right to refuse?

"It's you!"

"Yu, Uchiha Natsume!"

Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared behind him, Deidara trembled even more and cried out in surprise.


Xia Mu frowned.

Seeing this, Deidara quickly changed his mouth, flattering:

"Cough, hello Natsume-san!"

"Why are you here?"

"Don't say it in advance, I'm not ready for this!"

Deidara ejected and quickly gave up his chair to Natsume.

And out of nowhere, he took out a glass of iced watermelon juice and hurriedly offered it.

Natsume took the water glass and took a deep breath.

Then he laughed and joked:

"Well prepared."

"However, I still like the tough look you used to be, so please recover."

Deidara: "..."

"This, I can't stand up now! I can't recover!"

Are you really stupid?

I have also stayed in this [Yanyin Village] for almost half a year.

He is no longer the ignorant and conceited genius boy he once was.

Do you really think that you don't know the character of this evil patriarch Uchiha?

If you really believed Natsume's nonsense.

Guarantee tomorrow morning, my streaking photos will appear all over the ninja world...

Also tough **** yo!

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"I need you to take someone to mine a new mine..."

Xia Mu was too lazy to linger, and directly explained his purpose.

Deidara was stunned.

"Have you discovered a new vein again?"

"Where? How big? How deep? What is the geological structure? How long is the construction period? Are there any production requirements?"

After digging mines for so long, Deidara is quite experienced.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked all the key points.

"More than a hundred miles away."

"Slightly larger than this silver mine."

"300 meters deep."

"The geological structure is dominated by sedimentary rock layers, so there is no need to worry about blasting."

"The construction period is three days."

"In three days, I need you to mine half of there!"

Natsume answered one by one, giving very clear indicators.

On Deidara's side, after hearing this, he screamed in astonishment:

"You are crazy!"

"Three days, 300 meters underground, half mining?"

"You can't do it even if you kill me!"

Calculated according to the size, manpower and output rate of this 'No. 2 silver mine'.

It will take at least two or three months to mine this silver mine.

Not to mention.

In three days, it was time to mine another vein that was half the size of this silver mine.

This is simply Arabian Nights!

Simply incredible!

Even if Deidara was drained, it would be impossible to complete such a task!

"Don't get excited."

"I know it's a tough one."

"But correspondingly, there will be other support."

"During these three days, all the miners in the remaining ore veins will suspend their mining tasks, and they will all come together, and all of them will be allocated by you!"

"Including the most difficult mine excavation, the division of the mine field, the blasting of the main mine, etc... I will also take action myself."

"Help you build it in the shortest possible time."

"You only need to be responsible for directing the mining of the crowd, as well as the precise blasting with clay bombs, and that's it."

"Finally, even if the total output value fails to meet the standard, there will be no penalty..."

"On the contrary, I will still give you a big reward..."

Natsume quickly reassured.

And the conditions given are also excellent.

Almost let Deidara take over the mining power, which can be said to be trustworthy.

Even, there is no reason to refuse.

But Deidara was pretty sure.

This **** Natsume will never be so kind, there must be a conspiracy here!

"What mine is that?"

"Uranium mine."

"Is it the kind of ore that glows? It damages the body?"


Deidara's face darkened, and he quickly rejected:

"Sure enough! You want to trick me again..."

"I reject!"

Natsume smiled kindly:

"Guess, do you have the right to refuse?"


Read The Duke's Passion