MTL - His Marriage Partner is Scheming-Chapter 34

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Chi Xueyan was stunned, only to remember the last time the two had a conversation in the bathroom of the master bedroom.

He didn't forget what he said, but he was a little surprised that He Qiao actually remembered it, and really mentioned it when he needed to use it.

He is indeed a meticulous person.

"Okay, what do you want to cash in?" He also didn't forget to remind him again, one thing he was too lazy to learn, "except cooking."

"It's not cooking." He Qiao said, "It's a birthday."

At a close distance, he looked at Chi Xueyan seriously: "I will tell my family, you come to arrange how to spend Christmas Eve."

On the first day of December, this was the first time that Chi Xueyan was reminded of the festival that would not come until the end of the month.

He was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

In the eyes of outsiders, based on the way the two get along, He Qiao, who is more infatuated with each other, will indeed prepare bath water for his lover in advance every day, and Chi Xueyan, who does whatever he wants, will indeed decide how to spend his lover's birthday willfully.

In the absence of outsiders, these lies do not actually need to be executed, it is enough to fabricate them.

But He Qiao really did it and spent more energy than the agreement, so Chi Xueyan took the initiative to promise an extra detail as a reward.

Now it's his turn to deliver on that promise.

is a fair and reasonable exchange.

"Okay." Chi Xueyan didn't raise any objections to him, and said again, "Good night."

"Good night."

After getting the answer, He Qiao left the bathroom and gently closed the door of the master bedroom.

Chi Xueyan sank into the hot water with just the right temperature.

The wet red hair was soaked in the transparent water, and slipped away quietly.

He suddenly recalled that his black hair was dyed red because of a little boy.

There is a sense of mission to be Santa Claus again.

This time it was during the real Christmas season.

It was the first time to dye my hair, and it was also the first time to arrange a birthday for another person.

It's fresh, but also confusing.

Although for most people, birthday may be the most special day of the year, but for Chi Xueyan, every day can be very special.

He has no interest in those ordinary arrangements - making cakes with his own hands, cooking for birthday parties, going out to watch movies, lighting candles together at night, and opening gifts prepared in advance.

Chi Xueyan has never had such a regular birthday, unless he just wanted to feel "normal" that year.

He even decides what to do when it is his own birthday.

Because inspiration usually comes from unpredictable moments.

Moreover, this may also be a subtle inheritance.

The three members of their family have very similar attitudes towards this. There is no plan in advance, and they can only come up with whatever they want.

Once on Han Zhenzhen’s birthday, the family went to the maternity hospital for a long time, where babies were constantly being born, and the corridors were full of people laughing or crying, and new lives were born in hope.

It was rare for her eyes to be red, and the next second she smiled and sighed: Fortunately, when she was pregnant with Chi Xueyan, this beautiful baby was very good, and she didn't suffer too much.

Once on Chi Zhongsheng’s birthday, they accompanied him to donate blood, but failed. Instead, they changed to go to the supermarket to scour snacks and candies. Han Zhenzhen and Chi Xueyan pushed a shopping cart each, and couldn’t stop laughing the whole time.

Because the tall and burly Chi Zhongyuan was actually dizzy with blood, and only his own blood.

Chi Xueyan thought, this may have subconsciously prompted his father to develop a good skill that has never failed, otherwise he would be doubly ashamed.

What kind of birthday would He Qiao like?

he does not know.

Because he didn't know the real He Qiao at all.

In his heart, He Qiao was just like the annual summary document in the computer, it was blank.

…reminds me of this again while I’m emptying out.

Why on earth do people write all kinds of endless reports?

Chi Xueyan had no choice but to force herself to withdraw her thoughts and think about He Qiao's birthday another day.

So today he took a very short bath.

After returning to the bedroom and lying down, Chi Xueyan even dreamed of the sound of typing on the keyboard.

One document is the annual report and one document is the birthday arrangement.

The things that bothered him suddenly became two.

The second is like December of the year.

Chi Xueyan thought that the early winter he was about to experience would be the happiest he had ever been in memory.

But just this weekend, two problems were solved at the same time.

As usual, both he and He Qiao were at home.

Chi Xueyan planned to go out after lunch, and went alone to visit the newly opened haunted house in the city.

When he got up from the dining table, He Qiao suddenly asked him: "Are you in a bad mood recently?"

Chi Xueyan's footsteps stopped, and she looked back at him: "Is it obvious?"

In fact, his life has not changed in appearance, he will still wait for He Qiao to get off work, and he is too lazy to drive. After getting used to it once, there will be countless times, and the sofa in that office is very comfortable.

The relationship and conversation between the two are also as usual, because the most annoying thing for Chi Xueyan is writing reports, not birthdays, and he will not vent his negative emotions to unrelated people.

He Qiao nodded: "During this time, you rarely go to the window to see the scenery."

It was a meticulous angle that he could not have imagined.

Chi Xueyan didn't think much about it, and readily admitted: "I'm bothering to write the year-end summary, and it's easy to think about it every time I lose my mind."

While walking out, he also explained the reason why he went out: "So I am going to the haunted house to find inspiration."

After the words fell, He Qiao's gentle voice sounded behind him: "Do you want me to write for you?"

Chi Xueyan stopped suddenly.

Another offer he couldn't refuse.

He Qiao loves to read the news, and often reads various work-related reports, so he is naturally more familiar with this style of writing.

Chi Xueyan instantly gave up the idea of ​​going out.

And, out of the blue, he had a glimmer of birthday inspiration.

He turned around and asked He Qiao, "Are you free this afternoon?"

He Qiao responded fluently: "Finish before dinner."

The afternoon sun floods this brightly colored home.

He Qiao was sitting at the dining table, using his computer to write the annual work summary of a children's dentist.

Chi Xueyan sat beside him and explained some proper nouns to him.

Judging from the current progress, it will be done in half an hour.

As expected, He Qiao knew how to write such things better than him.

The house is very quiet, with only the regular sound of typing. As time passed quietly, Chi Xueyan gradually developed a rare feeling for youth.

Because this is a landscape that he is particularly familiar with.

It's just that the tool has changed from the ballpoint pen in middle school to today's computer.

The people around him have also changed from the tablemate who had long forgotten their faces, to the current agreed lover.

When I was a student, there were often various activities to participate in, and everyone had to submit a reflection afterwards.

Of course Chi Xueyan knew what to write in this kind of article.

But he didn't want to write that.

His real ideas are always far-fetched and sometimes deviant.

So Chi Xueyan reached a deal with his deskmate at the time, he answered all the questions he didn't understand, and the deskmate helped him write all the impressions of such activities that needed to be submitted.

It's boring to write rigid rules, but it's fun to watch other people write rigid rules.

Watching He Qiao write a work report in the tone of a child dentist is much more interesting than watching his deskmate write his impressions of the exhibition without perspective.

The more focused He Qiao's expression was, the more Chi Xueyan wanted to chat with him about some inexplicable things.

Anyway, almost finished.

"Do you remember last time I said about taking the test?"

"I remember." He Qiao answered him while continuing to type, "Ticket for the fan club."

The day after Chi Xueyan mentioned it, He Qiao gave him the ticket to the Duan Duan fan club, which was one of the best seats in the venue.

"I think you should have guessed who I want to give it to." Chi Xueyan said, "Actually, the result is pretty easy to guess, he didn't take it."

The sound of typing suddenly slowed down a bit.

It seemed that it took He Qiao a few seconds to withdraw his mind from the dentist's world, and asked, "How did you give it to him?"

"Through Wang Shaojing." Chi Xueyan said, "I don't have Lu Siyi's contact information, but on the day of the lost and found, he added Lao Wang."

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something funny, with a smile on his brows and eyes, and took the initiative to hand the phone to He Qiao.

"I asked Lao Wang to give him a ticket in the name of winning the lottery. You can see the rest for yourself."

On the screen is the chat interface between Chi Xueyan and Wang Shaojing, staying on a screenshot sent by the other party.

He Qiao clicked on the screenshot, which showed the conversation between Wang Shaojing and Lu Siyi, the latter had a long note.

[Graduate student not interested in horror movies: When is this lottery? Have I participated? ]

[SCA Bar-Wang: don’t want to give it away for nothing, I drew it from the friend list! ]

[Graduate student not interested in horror movies: Thanks, no, the lab is busy. ]

[SCA Bar-Wang: This singer is very popular recently, the streets are full of his songs, and tickets are hard to find. ]

[Graduate student who is not interested in horror movies: Sorry, I haven't heard of it, the lab is very busy. Is there anything else? ]

At the bottom is a string of ellipses sent by Wang Shaojing, and a kowtow expression package of "excuse me".

After reading the screenshots, He Qiao heard Chi Xueyan say with a smile: "After he told me, I joked with him and asked him if he could try to drag him to the fan club again."

"Old Wang sent a lot of ellipses and asked me why I did this."

"I said," he paused, "I want to see if the fortune teller's prediction works."

The innocent fortune teller took another blame.

So Chi Xueyan was overjoyed and said: "Then Old Wang specially sent a voice message, telling me to get out loudly."

"I think every time he hears the word fortune-telling in the future, he may want to curse."

When Chi Xueyan told the story, he smiled so much that his eyes were filled with the afternoon sun, and He Qiao laughed too.

The cold wind blows over the Morandi green window frame, where winter and spring alternate.

He Qiao remembered the only unresolved detail: "What about that ticket?"

"Old Wang gave it to a regular bar customer. She liked Duan Ruo's songs before, but after she graduated and worked, she didn't have time to pay attention to them. I just found out that he came back with a new name."

Chi Xueyan said: "It can be regarded as an old fan, so it fits the theme of this fan club?"

"Yes." He Qiao replied, "This ticket went to the right person."

It's like a perfect ending.

At the same time, the last period is dropped in the document.

He Qiao pushed the computer back a little, and reminded: "It's finished."

In a moment of silence, Chi Xueyan heard what he meant, put down the annual summary that was finally completed, and asked him, "Do you think it's wrong for them to meet?"

These are obviously the two protagonists in the novel.

After discovering that the trajectories between the two of them were getting farther and farther, and that they might never meet again, Chi Xueyan once felt that he really had a bit of villain talent.

Nothing was done this time, and a pair of protagonists who were supposed to be in love were inexplicably torn apart.

He Qiao was silent for a while before answering him: "Maybe they don't think so in the book, but in my opinion, yes."

He skipped Lu Siyi's part, and only mentioned another protagonist: "Duan Ruo should have liked other people at first, but later, he himself gave up this kind of liking."

This is a detail that Chi Xueyan didn't know before. He was a little surprised, and soon realized who this other person was referring to: "He Xiao?"

He Qiao nodded slightly.

Chi Xueyan also understood the reason behind this in an instant.

The sharp difference between people is a kind of attraction like the poles of a magnet.

And similarity is also an attraction.

The talented singer who was betrayed by his once trusted partner did not have the luck to come back sooner. He wasted too long in the book. It was a long and difficult period of darkness. Those who have not experienced it personally cannot truly empathize with it.

He Xiao, who has also experienced a long period of darkness and is still in the darkness, has never walked out of childhood memories.

The former may still believe in love, but they have lost the innocence and courage of flying moths to a flame.

The latter loses the ability to properly handle any kind of love.

Chi Xueyan thought for a long time quietly, and then asked He Qiao: "Do they really like each other?"

He is asking the two protagonists.

He Qiao answered him in the most objective way: "None of them seem to have a personality that would force themselves to make do with it."

Love is not a once-in-a-lifetime emotion.

They do like the people around them.

It is also true that I have regrets for those who are no longer around, maybe even I have not noticed.

This is a kind of regret that is only once in a lifetime, and it is difficult to recover after missing it.

Chi Xueyan understood what he meant, and sighed softly: "There always seem to be many regrets in life."

"A very sad book," he said. "No one can have the purest happiness, even if it seems to be happy."

After finishing speaking, Chi Xueyan stared at the computer screen that was still on in front of her, and chuckled, her eyes were clear and bright.

"However, I have no regrets - at least this year."

The annual report that had plagued him for a week was completely resolved.

He can continue to enjoy this new winter.

Chi Xueyan let go of her feelings about the novel, and asked the people around her about the reality that is more within reach: "What kind of birthday do you like?"

"Unexpected." He Qiao didn't hesitate much, as if he had already prepared the answer, "Also, the one you like."

Hearing this, Chi Xueyan joked: "It sounds like the difficulty is very low."

He Qiao said, "It's more like the arrangement you would make."

So the red-haired young man sitting opposite nodded, frankly admitted this judgment of himself, and simply said: "I will arrange it."

The peaceful afternoon outside the window began to gradually transition to the beautiful dusk.

He Qiao heard the sound of something falling gently in his heart.

He remained calm and simply imitated the other party's sentence pattern: "I will look forward to it."

Chi Xueyan is an unpredictable person, and often does things that others don't expect.

But in a sense, he was also a very simple man.

All his emotions are written in his actions, and he never hides them.

I no longer go to the window to look at the scenery because I have something on my mind.

I don't ask how to spend my birthday because I don't care.

During this period of time, He Qiao has actually clearly felt the change in Chi Xueyan's attitude towards him.

Under this change, the two of them getting along in private became more and more natural, like friends who appreciate and know each other well, without deliberately staying away or drawing a clear line.

But compared with before the wedding, the biggest difference is that Chi Xueyan will no longer take the initiative to do anything.

For example, he took the initiative to ask to participate in the adventure of the typhoon night, and asked him about his past experience.

All that remains is the usual get-together within the boundaries of friends, with some compromises that are naturally included in an agreed marriage.

Chi Xueyan would not ask about the birthday arrangements and plans, and would cooperate no matter what.

Not to mention taking the initiative to propose how to celebrate birthdays and Christmas Eve, which obviously requires a more intimate relationship.

The window in his heart was closed for a long time.

Even if it appears by the window, it cannot touch the wind through the glass.

Even if the window is full of roses, he will not walk into the wind.

Chi Xueyan acquiesced that the window would not be opened again, and she also abandoned her curiosity about the wind itself, and stopped asking important questions that would change the relationship between them.

Because he was warned by stories about the future.

This in itself is a warning brought by the wind.

Strange fate.

But at least, it's a regret that can be made up for.

The wind does not want to open this glass window with sudden destruction.

He wanted to use a softer method, such as making a wish.

He Qiao knew that Chi Xueyan would earnestly fulfill certain wishes.

Especially weird and sincere wishes.

It's like dyeing his black hair deep red without saying a word for a little boy who met by chance in the clinic and believed in the cartoon setting.

Such a dazzling hair color suits his name and character even more, and it also suits this season when there will be snowflakes covering the ends of his hair.

The breath of winter is getting stronger.

The annual report problem was solved, and Chi Xueyan began to reappear in the office window.

He continued to gaze absentmindedly, at the clouds and trees, the road and windows, the wind and the balloon man.

For He Qiao, this is a new landscape.

Because he guessed that there was a ray of new thoughts in these seemingly ordinary observations.

Related to Christmas Eve.

Also related to him.

This is an imagination that will make people who are unrequited love feel very happy.

December is gradually coming to an end, and the shops on Maple Leaf Road have put shiny snowflakes and smiling Santa Claus stickers on the glass windows one after another.

Tonight is Christmas Eve.

In the early morning, He Qiao walked out of the room. The house was extremely quiet, and Chi Xueyan had already gone out.

From yesterday until saying good night to each other, Chi Xueyan didn't mention tomorrow's arrangement to him, everything was as usual.

So at this moment, He Qiao was not surprised.

That was a wish he had made, to have an unexpected birthday.

There is a pair of shoes missing in the hallway, but there are more things on the sofa in the living room.

A suit of loosely folded clothes with a note in it.

He Qiao picked up the note, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

This is the second note that he will treasure carefully.

Half an hour later, He Qiao appeared at the place agreed on the note.

A busy intersection, surrounded by wide roads, is full of the sound of car motors and horns.

Chi Xueyan seemed to have just arrived.

He was wearing a black hat and was standing across the road with what appeared to be breakfast in a bag.

This was the first time He Qiao saw him wearing a hat.

He Qiao didn't wear the white shirt and black coat that have remained unchanged for thousands of years since he took over the company, but wore the clothes that Chi Xueyan had chosen in advance and put on the sofa.

Light gray sweater, dark brown jacket, more blurred and soft colors.

It was similar to the style of clothes he was wearing today.

Seeing that he arrived on time, Chi Xueyan raised her hand, as if signaling him to come over.

But He Qiao was distracted, unable to respond in time, and forgot to take a step forward.

He just watched intently.

Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, the man in the hat was too lazy to cross the road or speak loudly, so he simply took out his mobile phone.

The sun was so strong that He Qiao couldn't see Chi Xueyan's expression clearly covered by the brim of his hat, but he heard the soft ringing of a bell in his jacket pocket.

Under the sky and cloud shadows, the flowing crowd became an unreal dream, and there was only one clear figure, a somewhat small shape outlined by the bright light, in this bustling and empty world.

He was standing across the road, holding his mobile phone and staring at it, while the traffic lights beside him kept flashing.

The brim of the black hat was lowered, but the crimson hair ends and the looming snowflake earrings could still be seen.

At this moment, He Qiao suddenly wanted to hug him.

He seemed to want to hug him more than kiss him.

The phone was connected, and Chi Xueyan's voice rang in his ears, with a distinct smile.

"Come here and take you on an adventure."

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