MTL - High Above-v2 Chapter 812 Scarlet Garden (4800)

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  Chapter 812 Scarlet Garden (4800)

   From the second floor of the 'Twilight Shelter' to the third floor of the 'Scarlet Garden', it was originally necessary to pass through the 'courtyard ladder' located in the center of the shelter.

That is a large central elevator, which can carry nearly a thousand people and a large amount of supplies up and down at the same time. Digging the hole with brute force, the solidified rock layer nearly a kilometer thick will take a lot of effort and time even if it is at the third energy level.

   After all, the first two floors of the Alien Research Institute are essentially civilian facilities, a shelter designed to survive the doomsday, while the third floor and below are the real 'Alien Institute'.

   It's just that the garden ladder has a problem after a thousand years... I don't know if it's a low energy supply or a program error. Now it needs to stop for several hours once it runs.

Theoretically speaking, the exploration team that arrived at the courtyard stairs first could take advantage of this opportunity to widen the gap with other exploration teams—a few hours back and forth, and half a day passed, and the teams that gathered behind might still be there. If conflicts and fights occur, it will be a waste of time.

  If the negotiation is done well, it’s okay for everyone to go down together... If it’s still a team to go down separately, then by the time the last team enters the third floor, the first one has already explored for two or three days.

  In short, the team that reaches the courtyard stairs first will undoubtedly have the greatest advantage.


   There are teams cheating.

   "Our Ember Department has long discovered another way to reach the third floor without waiting."

After the prosthetic body of the King of the Mountain left, Anfa used the dragon soul to communicate with Ian and Xiou—and Ian relayed it to Ethan through the "Light and Spirit Communication" in his eyes, and the four used a concealed method that would not be discovered by the communication broadcast. Communication: "Not far away, there is an ordinary-looking building. There is a small independent elevator in the basement on the ground floor of this building, which also goes straight to the third floor of the **** courtyard."

   "It should be a key facility of pre-epoch civilization, and it should not be accessible to ordinary people, but now, it has become a shortcut for us!"

   Regarding cheating, Anfa is not at all uneasy or guilty. Rather, she believes very much that other exploration teams must have their own cheating methods.

  Go the right way? What a joke, who is playing with you within the rules? Our exploration team of the big power is going to play with forces outside the rules! Otherwise, where are the advantages of these big forces?

   "Indeed. Without cheating, our team acting alone is not comparable to the already formed empire and the heavenly court brigade."

  Ian also quite agrees with this.

  At this time, Ian has taken back the source quality chip on the central base of the Twilight Shelter and handed it over to Anfa for safekeeping.

   This thing is too sensitive. Even though Ian has confirmed that the dark gold dragon does not have the authority to locate himself through the chip, for safety reasons, he will never give the other party any chance to touch the silver chip and discover his true identity!

  As for whether the time of the twilight shelter needs to be adjusted back...

   Don't you think it's cool to keep your shelter under the evening sunset light all the time?

This is Ian's aesthetics. A good ancient ruins must be in this kind of dilapidated, dimly lit, and almost extinct colors—what do you have to do with such clear and sunny seasons? It needs an atmosphere of decadence and ending. It seems that everything will fall into the dark dusk!

   Others don't care much about this, and Ian can't help feeling that they are all young people who don't have their own aesthetics.

On the way to the shelter building with a small elevator, there are also many scattered alien beasts, such as alien slime monsters made of venom, radioactive substances, and corrosive liquids, deformed meat ball beasts that constantly spew black smoke, and tailed monsters. The blade has a highly poisonous mutant serpent... These monsters seem to have no dragon blood, but in fact, they are all dragon blood transformations.

The ooze monster uses the vitality of the dragon's blood to take care of so many poisons and use them for its own use; the distorted meat ball that spews black smoke is essentially a failed attempt to simulate the breath organ of a real dragon, but even so The breathing organ came alive alone, as if the aberrant sarcoma had come to life.

  As for the last big snake... it is a snake, so it is a dragon!

   These scattered beasts don't need Ian to take action, Isengard can solve them all by himself, which can be regarded as training the young master's actual combat ability.

Not to mention the result—maybe it was because Ian and Yisen practiced swords against each other too many times in the imperial capital. The young master who knew nothing about this aspect is really good at fighting, and he only relies on the second level. Physical fitness and one-handed swordsmanship have eliminated all enemies!

   Soon, everyone arrived at the ordinary building mentioned by Anfa.


After entering the basement of the building, Ian couldn't help sighing: "This is the experimental product processing channel of the pre-epoch civilization—you see, the iron cabinets next to it are low-temperature freezers used to store internal organs and corpses... This place is a corpse processing plant. Not very lucky."

   "It's actually like this..." Inwardly, he deducted a few points for the prophet who told the truth at an untimely time, Anfa didn't change his face on the surface: "Then let's change the way and go to the courtyard stairs?"

"of course not."

  Ian looked around with great interest, and said firmly: "According to my experience, if the third floor is really the research area, then the failure experiment processing room must not be far from the research institute—that is our core goal!"

  After speaking, Ian took the initiative to walk into the small elevator—a dragon’s blood test is also required here. After all, the failed test product definitely needs dragon’s blood, as well as relevant team leaders, so it can be considered an easy pass.

   Alien Research Institute, third floor.

  【Scarlet Garden】

  The **** courtyard sounds like a courtyard filled with blood, and it seems to have a sense of poignant horror, just like the garden made of blood and human bones in the castle of the devil, which has an incredible beauty of hunting.

   But in fact, the reason why it is so named is very simple.

   "Isn't it all red warning lights?"

As soon as he got out of the elevator and came to the street on the third floor, Ian complained: "The first floor is sunny, the second floor is dusk, and the third floor is **** - I thought it was so amazing, but I didn't expect it to be a simple red alert. ?”

As Ian said, the reason why the third floor of the Scarlet Courtyard is full of blood is because the place is still reporting errors and warnings continuously, and you can vaguely hear extremely inferior warnings that have changed in pitch in the distance... and the reason why it is the courtyard, It is because there are so many research institutes on this floor, and the research institutes with their own experimental spaces are scattered all over the place, just like courtyards.

   "Communication cut off." "Contact cut off!"

Unlike Ian, who only cared about the third-tier painting style, Isengard and Xiou discovered the really important changes immediately—one of them couldn’t get in touch with Master Gosser and Prince Carlos, and the other couldn’t get in touch with his mother. up.

   "Well. From the third floor of the Scarlet Courtyard, it is basically impossible to contact the outside world."

Anfa nodded slightly, she raised her finger and pointed to the rock top supported by the iron mesh dome: "There is a 'shielding layer' nearly a kilometer thick between the second and third floors, which should have been The natural barriers set up by the civilization of the pre-epoch to prevent the out-of-control experimental subjects from easily reaching the outside world also happened to deal with the psychic radiation of the catastrophe of falling from the sky."

"Because of this, in the Scarlet Courtyard, there are many 'chips' that still have the research data of the civilization of the previous era... The chips on the first two floors have been washed by powerful spiritual energy and can no longer be used, while the chips on the third floor But there are still many storage devices that contain precious information!"

  There is no doubt that this is the real purpose of the major forces to summon dragon blood and send people to the third floor! The technical reserve of pre-epoch civilization is enough to affect the national power of a country and the key thing that can greatly strengthen one's own sublimation. Research institutes and gains of this level must not be given up!

   "Only the most basic link is left. Make sure that the equipment on us still exists and is not broken."

  Anfa checked the broadcast camera on his body and found that there was no way to transmit any information, so he smiled and looked at Ian: "Now you can use your full strength."

   "I hope." Ian slammed his mouth instead, not looking forward to it: "If I really use all my's hard to say it's a good thing or a bad thing."

Hearing this sentence, Xiou was still a little ignorant, and Anfa and Yisen couldn't help laughing after being stunned for a while: "Your way of really fresh and refined! Also, the enemy who can make you go all out to attack let us Encountered, it is really a bit dangerous."

   It's more than a little dangerous... In fact, when everyone descended to the third floor, in Ian's vision, everyone's color turned bright red.

   Of course, this is not stained by the warning lights, but there is really a **** disaster.

  —Under my protection, there will be **** disasters, and the danger of the Alien Research Institute is well-deserved.

Thinking of this, Ian also has a deeper understanding of the "deceit" that Prince Carlos said... Yes, the prophet is not omnipotent, as long as he is in a dangerous enough place, every step he takes is his own prophetic ability. This is definitely not a problem that ordinary prophets can solve.

  Although His Royal Highness Carlos did not say a few words that were not tentative truths, but now it seems that they are really kind, reminding himself of the difficulties of this young prophet.

   Shaking his head slightly, Ian took out the Mithril transmitter from his pocket.

   "Wait, Ian, are you really posting?"

Anfa, who was identifying the way and was about to take everyone to the place where she found the source chip in the past, noticed the young man's movements. She couldn't help but froze for a moment, then hurriedly raised her hand and waved in front of Ian's eyes: "You don't really intend to go along with me?" Inspired by Uncle Jafta's wishes? Do you really want to cooperate with him?"


   Lifting his eyes from the transmitter, Ian raised his brows: "You hate your uncle so much? Jin Deng and the Yinmen family have been allies for many years, and there should be nothing to hide from each other."

   "The Yinmen family is trustworthy, but Yafoda is not."

Anfa said seriously, with a serious look on her face: "My uncle is fickle and untrustworthy, as long as you don't sign a contract with him, he can deceive you without guilt... And listen to what you say, Ian, you didn't talk to my uncle Sign a contract? In this case, your transaction will not count at all!"

   "Listen to me, Ian, my uncle is really crazy. He may have been crazy decades ago... I even know that he leaked the information about my trip to South Ridge, which attracted the pursuit of candle holders!"

At this moment, Anfa uttered this confidential information, and it was precisely because the communication on the third floor was completely cut off that she had the courage to guess... After all, this Uncle Yafoda is the president of the Great Council, and even the current leader of the Yinmen family. Patriarch, even if it is really him who is doing tricks in the dark, so what? Others have no room to resist!

   "You made a mistake, Anfa."

   Regarding this, Ian just smiled slightly: "I knew Yafoda's purpose from the very beginning—my only thought was actually to know how he achieved his purpose. So I don't mind helping him."

   "What... what?"

  At this moment, Anfa looked bewildered.

She can somewhat understand why talking to a prophet can make people's blood pressure...Because the prophets in this world can see too many things, and no one knows how far they can reach—no one likes a A guy who can see through himself, not to mention he's a riddler.

   "Your uncle, the real purpose is actually very simple."

  Ian looked around at the other three people present, and he said calmly: "What he wants is nothing more than a 'hunt'."

   "Anfa, when Canaan Moore was at its peak, there were only three fifth energy levels, right?"

"Yes." Anfa nodded slightly, and the elf girl pondered for a while before she understood: "When Canaan Moore was at its peak, there were only two top blood... and the third one was actually an accident, he was the other The successor of Makoto, and the Makoto was completed by him before advancing to the fifth energy level... Wait, this is what you call hunting?!"

   "Yeah, the fifth energy level. The blood of the crown. It's not the same thing."

Ian muttered to himself for a while, then raised his head, and explained to everyone: "Obviously, the National Domain Department has chosen its own successor, and the fifth energy level of the Aoba Department is still young—these two big families , has occupied enough time for the blood of the top seat, hasn't it?"

  Anfa was silent. But silence is also an answer, which makes the boy's expression more cheerful: "So, I understand what the chairman of Yafoda is going to do. The only question is how much does he know about this ruin... He is definitely not just" Ever explored 'this level."

   "I even guessed..." Ian said softly, "He has something to do with the Lord of the Labyrinth!"

   There is no need to use your brain to speculate on these. Yafoda has obviously been to the third floor, which is why Ian was given this special communication device. In fact, according to official records, Yafoda has never been here at all-this proves that he has his own channel, You can come to the depths of the Alien Research Institute.

And the existence that can make a peak of the fourth energy level frequently come to the depths of a ruin that is completely cut off from outside communication, seriously prepare something, and even cooperate with the master of the labyrinth... His goal is obviously not the other fourth level. energy level.

   "Ministry of State..."

  Anfa whispered to himself at this moment: "It must be the ancestor of the Ministry of Land... Could it be him that uncle's target?! But this is too crazy, how can he do it?!"

   "Who knows. I don't really understand the internal struggle of your elves"

  Ian was noncommittal, he had finished thinking at this moment, checked the communicator, and then pressed the start button to launch—this even made the **** heads on everyone's bodies recede a lot.

   It was precisely because of seeing this future that Ian dared to act so decisively with all his companions by his side.

  At this moment, an invisible signal burst out. Even the peak of the fourth energy level may not be able to detect it. Only Yafoda, who had prepared early in the morning and waited for the signal, could understand it immediately.

   "Hmm...Is it Ian and Anfa? This speed is too fast!"

The speaker, who was confronting the other fourth energy levels, turned his head sideways, thinking: "It seems that his strength is really not simple. Even with the assistance of Anfa, being able to reach the third level at this point in time is enough to prove that Their strength!"

   "However, it's still early, he's too fast, which may cause hidden dangers. There are several other signals that need to wait for the opportunity to activate one by one..."

  Thinking of this, the head of the Yinmen family smiled and continued to confront the other strong men.

the third floor.

   "Okay, the mission is over."

   Putting the mithril transmitter back into his arms, Ian ended his fugue state, and then smiled and said to all his friends: "What else do you find? If not, we will set off!"

  Originally, Ian didn't think that everyone would have any additional information, but Xiou's doubtful voice sounded at this moment.

   "There's something wrong with this place, Ian."

  Looking around, the red-haired Dragon Goddess looked a little chilly, she frowned, and looked around in a state of disbelief: "Do you feel...the entire Scarlet Garden seems to be covered by a strange phenomenon?"

   "Oh?" Ian paused, and he immediately sensed the phenomenon of the entire Scarlet Courtyard seriously.

  Then, the boy said with serious eyes: "Yes, Xiou is right. This place is indeed weird! The virtual world is actually vibrating, and there is even a tendency to form a subspace maze, overlapping with the real world!"

   "Everyone, be careful... the entire third floor is probably as dangerous as the Avak Land in the west of the empire—or even more dangerous!"

   Last day, ask for a monthly pass!

   Try to write more next month, I will also work hard!



  (end of this chapter)