MTL - He’s Not A Non-Entertainment Circle-Chapter 76 "Competition"

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Gu Qingyan expressed his true shame and wanted to play his own novel. Moreover, the "Competition" can be regarded as the annual ip drama launched by Star Entertainment. It is a TV drama that is focused on investment by Star Entertainment. Therefore, Gu Qingyan is quite embarrassed when he relied on the copyright of "The Deer". A lot of private money.

- "Competition", Game 3

In front of him is a young man in a plain white robes with a jade scorpion on his head. This person looks handsome, his lips are red and white, and the girl’s family is frequent, and a handsome Junjun, even a lot of bold The girl’s home is directly casting flowers to him.

When Mu Zifei first saw Qin Ge as a person, he had to praise it. Qin Ge’s appearance was too good and deceptive. Unfortunately, when Qin Ge spoke, he completely exposed his leak. The disadvantages, his nature, and his image were destroyed.

"Hey, what are you doing with me?" Qin Ge raised his eyebrows at the youth in front of him. The other person’s body looks like it’s not cheap, and it’s completely different from the one he bought.

Qin Ge stepped forward and touched the clothes of Mu Zifei, his eyes slightly praised: "You are really good on this body..."

Qin Ge can be described as the ruin of his previous celestial temperament, Mu Zifei looks at the people in front of the complex, I do not know how to be good.

Qin Ge grinned. "What do you mean by looking at Xiao Ye?" Then I was very dissatisfied with a blank look at Mu Zifei. "Do you want me to speak like this?"

Mu Zifei nodded and did not say much.

"I have always been like this, but unfortunately all of you are only looking at my outside but not looking at my heart. How disappointing? But that's the way it is, and there are more things to be seen than anything else. People?" The words scorned the hand and touched Mu Zifei's face.

Mu Zifei should have responded to Qin Ge at this moment so that he should not be so arrogant, but he said that he did not think that Qin Ge was a good person.

In the days that followed, Mu Zifei and Qin Ge also formally met each other. They would meet at the pub to talk about the land, talk freely, and share what they thought. Mu Zifei told Qin Ge that he wanted to become an idle prince to visit this great river and mountain, to appreciate the beauty of the world, to experience this prosperous world, to taste the bitterness of this world.

They sang the wine and they didn't hurry.

Qin Ge looked at the drunken Mu Zifei, and gently patted the other's handsome face with his hand. He whispered on his face and said, "It's stupid, I am not afraid that I will take the silver and run."

Qin Ge turned away and did not take away anything. Mu Zifei slowly opened his original closed eyes. At this moment, Mu Zifei did not seem to be drunk. Mu Zifei thought of Qin Ge, a friend of his son. Fiji is settled.

Just when Mu Zifei couldn't see the place, Qin Ge's expression was very subtle.

- "Competition" 14th

Qin Ge is just an ordinary city and small people. He does not understand very well why he is involved in the battle for the princes. Is it because of this clever face that looks deceptive?

Qin Ge touched his face with his hand, and he was really suffering, and he dared to offend these dignitaries. Qin Ge’s expression is bitter, he wants to help the three emperors to steal the secrets of the two emperors. I still don't know if this second emperor will know his good emperor in the future. Actually, he calculated that he wants to take his power. What do you think?

Qin Ge chuckled, it would be very interesting to think about it.

Qin Ge holds a delicate bone fan, unconsciously stroking the fan handle of the fan, and the look looks quite unpleasant and pleasant.

Although Qin Ge doesn't have too much ink in his stomach, but because of this seemingly deceptive face monk and still clever brain, it can be said that he has learned a lot of unfathomable things to do.

In fact, most of the advisers are just talking about a few words that make people feel incomprehensible. They turn around and leave to leave an inscrutable back, let others freely play to guess, but in these people. It’s really hard to say how many people actually have strategies.

Qin Ge had to look down on the other side's arrangement in front of the three emperors, and to pretend to be unfathomable in the presence of the second emperor.

Qin Ge listened to the plan that the Three Emperors told him, and said flatteringly: "Please rest assured that your Highness, Qin Ge must complete the task, but the money after this thing..."

The three emperors looked at Qin Ge's temperament and couldn't help but sigh. "You can't look at people. It's really unpleasant for people who have a virtual watch to be insatiable."

The three emperors waved their hands and said impatiently: "After the incident, this Highness is naturally rewarding."

"That Qin Ge is here, thank you for your reward." Qin Ge's smile is only a hand hidden under the robes, and the bottom of the eye is crossed.

- "Competition" 77th

The prince died, the second prince was finished, and the three princes were also imprisoned.

Qin Ge came to the residence of the Three Emperors and looked at the former emperor. Now he is defeated and defeated. His heart is alive.

"Who are you?" At this moment, the status of the three emperors looked very bad. His hair was dissipated and the appearance of the former emperor was decent and graceful.

Qin Ge faintly glanced at the person who was in front of him. One hand held the bone fan and gently tapped on the palm of the other hand. The long and white hand was not appreciated at the moment, only the bottom of my heart. Irritable.

Qin Ge’s mouth is slightly tilted, and his eyes seem to look at the dead object with carelessness: “It seems that the three emperors, I really don’t know me.”

The three emperors were shocked and blurted out: "Who are you?"

"Oh." Qin Ge sneered with a chuckle, and looked at the three emperors. "I am your four emperors, the three emperors can be well? Why don't you know me, the four brothers are so sad."

The three emperors were shocked by Qin Ge’s words and whispered to himself: “How is it possible? How is it possible? How could it be Mu Jinxiao who died long ago? No... No... Mu Jinxiao died early... ...."

Although he was already scared, he could suppress the calm and anger and scream: "Bold! The four brothers of Your Royal Highness have already passed away. How dare you pretend to be the four emperors of your Highness!?"

Qin Ge certainly knows that the other party will say this. He looked up at the three emperors and said: "When the Jingren Palace was done, I really want to thank the emperor."

The three emperors muttered: "Impossible... impossible... impossible, how could you be him?"

Then he laughed loudly at Qin Ge: "Ha ha ha..., ridiculous. In the end, we all lost to you. Mu Jinxiao, a good Mu Jinxiao, you can fool your brothers."

Qin Ge’s expression is still so light and light, and he smiles lightly: “The Three Emperors’ brothers say this, I just reward my brother’s friendship.”

The three emperors smiled bitterly and looked at Qin Ge. Qin Ge himself has conjectured many kinds of identities, but he did not expect that he would actually be this identity. I didn’t want to count my own organs, but in the end I was deceived by the four brothers who had died.

There is no intention to survive in the eyes of the three emperors. Sitting down on the ground and slowly opening: "The king is defeated, please. Four brothers..."

Qin Ge touched his chin and flashed his eyes in the eyes: "Three emperors, please rest assured. Brother, I must treat you well!"

- "The Competition" 82nd

Mu Zifei looked at the man in front of him in a complicated way. Mu Zifei never imagined that this person’s heart was so deep. He actually regarded himself as a **** and he was cheated by him. Mu Zifei felt a heartache when he smiled. He really regarded the other person as a brother.

Because this person in front of him, his emperor brothers are dead and sleepy, and they are terrible and ruthless.

Although Mu Zifei knows that this is a tragedy that will surely happen, the Qin Ge method is too fierce, they are all brothers after all.

Mu Zifei asked Qin Ge: "Why, why do you have to do that?"

Qin Ge sat on the white jade stool in the Royal Garden Pavilion. He looked at Mu Zifei with a faint look: "Because this is what they owe me!"

"But we are all brothers!?" Mu Zifei looked at Qin Ge with grief, and his eyes were sad. "Can't you put them on a path?"

Qin Ge looked to the distance and replied firmly: "No, they didn't plan to let me go."

Then Qin Ge faintly said: "My mother-in-law has clearly done nothing, is it not dead at the end?"

Although Qin Ge seems to be light and faint, the tone is ruthless, and the means are fierce, Qin Ge’s eyes are occasionally betrayed him, and Qin Ge’s fingertips are actually slightly trembled and white.

"The things that have happened can be irreparable, even though they are all wrong, but other innocent people!?"

Mu Zifei looked anger and sorrow at the sight of this person who should be called the emperor. Some people were mortally murdered when they were not damned, and the other party’s means were fierce and violent. The once compassionate person was long gone, and he was no longer his brother Qino.

"Small six, this is the reality!" Qin Ge looked directly at Mu Zifei's eyes and said coldly. "If you become a king, you will lose it."

In the end, Mu Zifei and Qin Ge are not happy, they all know that this brother is really lost, and can no longer find it.

In the time of Gu Qingyan's filming, I don't know why, and a lot of fans of the heart of the book went to Gu Qingyan's microblog to ask Gu Qingyan.

Asked if he relied on the relationship to get the role of Qin Ge, saying that he was not qualified to play the simple and kind Qin, funny and funny Qin Fudge in their minds.

Gu Qingyan is simply crying and laughing. Qin Ge’s people seem to have no intentions, simple kindness, and flickering in the early stage. It is a very interesting little person, but he has buried a lot of foreshadowing, although the latter half has not been officially released. It should still be able to see it.

And why do you suddenly tear yourself?

This incident is very embarrassing, but in a sense, I really rely on the relationship to get the role of Qin Ge.

Later, Gu Qingyan learned about the beginning and the end of the situation, because some people deliberately incited the fans who provoked the peace of mind, and spread the Gu Qingyan's role in the book by the despicable means. This incident made the book fans very dissatisfied that their favorite characters were tarnished, so they poured into Gu Qingyan's microblog and asked Gu Qingyan to explain.

The identity of Gu Qingyan's author has always been hidden by himself. The reason is very simple because he is afraid of being sent out by the reader after being picked up.

Well, it can be said that it is difficult to say because his book powder is too strong.

Gu Qingyan has a very bad habit of dragging drafts and very serious drafts.

Basically, under the microblog of the peace of mind, there is a threat of mourning and anger among book fans. Basically, the style of painting is like this:

My heart is big: the heart is big, why are you still no more text, blade blade! !

Button Jun: The heart is big, I want to send you a blade! ! ! ! Angry, what about your manuscript? My big knife is already hungry and thirsty, I can't help but put the knife on your neck! !

Broken heart: big heart! ! ! You tell me quickly, why haven't you been more literate until now? You still want to live! ?

Xiaoyuzi: The heart is big! ! ! If you are quicker, we will send the blade to the editorial department again! !

Where is the heart sorrow: the heart is big! ! ! You are really enough. You tell me why my male **** will become like this? ? I want to send you a blade, how can you treat my goddess like this! !


Gu Qingyan said that he is also very scared. He is very afraid of being discovered by a book fan, knowing who he is, then getting his address and sending him a blade.

Because his book fans are too powerful, after all, they really sent the book powder to the editorial department. When Gu Qingyan received the express delivery from the editorial department, he opened the small video. I found the video to be a very beautiful and beautiful box, but when I opened the box, I found that it was all blades.

Don't be too scary, especially if there is a letter in the blade. The letter threatened Gu Qingyan very politely, spit out his bad manuscripts and his mother's actions, and warned him with a pitiful but threatening warning. Let him do not write the words and ask him to think more about them. That poor book fan.

Gu Qingyan said that the blade incident really made him unforgettable. The letter can be said to let him personally feel the love of the fans, although his bad behaviors such as drag drafts have not been greatly improved, but At least, it’s important to know that it’s important to converge some life.

After all, the book's fighting power is too strong, and the author can only survive in the cracks.

The author has something to say:

When the text was revised, Jinjiang pumped himself and saved it, (*/ω\*). So I locked it up and changed it. After I sent it myself, this is the manuscript after 0 o'clock. o(*////▽////*)q, it will be over soon, and there will be several exceptions at the time (microblogging should also have... um, smiles.)