MTL - He’s Not A Non-Entertainment Circle-Chapter 26 《梧桐花开》

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- "The Sycamore Flower Blossom" Game 27

Ye Haochen recently frustrated, and he confessed to Su Yutong. As a result, Su Yutong simply did not take this seriously.

Ye Haochen felt that he was too stupid, and even the confession did not work well, so he prepared for the elite assistant of his brother to ask for advice, because the other party looks very smart, and the brain wearing glasses is not bad, um. Ye Haocheng feels that he has a good reason.

Ye Haochen came to his brother's company and named Jiang Assistant.

Ye Haocheng looked at Jiang Wei with some embarrassment, but he was embarrassed to speak.

"Ye Shao, is there anything I need to help?" Jiang Hao looked at Ye Haocheng in front of his eyes. For the stupid younger brother of the boss, he always thought that the other party was very interesting. Now I don't know how to make an impatient appearance. It is very interesting. .

"What, your brain looks smart."

"So, Ye Shao called me to praise me?" Jiang Yan pushed his glasses.

"Do you know how to make me smart?" Ye Haochen was embarrassed to scratch his head.

Jiang Wei’s expression looks very ridiculous: “Return to the furnace.”

Ye Haochen is not good for the whole person. He does not know that his assistant's assistant has such a poisonous snake. He insisted on scalping: "I asked you to be serious, this matter is very important to me!"

Jiang Yan suddenly took off his glasses and stared at Ye Haochen casually and said: "Ye Shao, because I look smarter with glasses, so ask me this?"

Ye Haochen nodded.

Jiang Yan’s mouth rose slightly, and his eyes revealed an interesting: “If it is because of this, then I think there is nothing that can save you, my master Ye Da.”

Ye Haochen was annoyed by Jiang Yan’s words and felt that he was stupid enough to ask this **** viper.

The director shouted the card and was very satisfied with the performance of the two people, especially Gu Qingyan. Originally thought that the other party is an inexperienced person did not want to play the show is really good, the gas field is very good in the lens, I did not expect to have a treasure.

"Xiao Gu, you played well. Have you played a play before?" the director asked amiablely.

Gu Qingyan nodded politely and replied: "I used to run through the dragon."

The director patted Gu Qingyan's shoulder: "It's not bad, it's a good thing. The next line is good, and it's good!"

"Okay, director." Then Gu Qingyan went to the small corner where he had been sitting.

Luran came over and said to him: "Qing Yan, you are acting very well!"

"Thank you." Gu Qingyan looked up at Lu Ran and then continued to look down at the script.

Luran sat next to Gu Qingyan and looked at Gu Qingyan, who was seriously reading the script. The other party’s serious look was very good. And the sense of self-confidence from the inside out when he was acting was really appealing.

Baby, you are acting very well. I now know how stupid things are not to let you act. The way you act is particularly good. Although I know that more people will like you and I will fight you, I still don’t want to deprive you of the hobby you like to shoot because you see It is so happy to get up.

- "The Sycamore Flower Blossom" 30th

Ye Haochen is the first place to come to the bar. He wants to come here to see if these people are so pickled. As a result, Jiang Wei was encountered at the door. Jiang Wei looked up and down Ye Haochen, and Ye Haochen had to be seen by him.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

"I just didn't expect Ye Shaohui to come to this place. Does your brother know?"

"I am an adult!!!" Ye Haochen protested.

Jiang Yan raised his eyebrows at him and suddenly got a bad thought: "Do you know that this is gay?"

Ye Haochen, who was "lying in the trough", was stunned by Jiang Yan’s words. Then he protected his chest with his hand.

Jiang Yan suddenly laughed: "Are you stupid? What do I believe in what I say?"

Jiang Yan’s tears came out: “Let’s say, what are you doing here for young people?”

"Rely on, you lied to me!!!" Then dissatisfied, "I just want to come here to learn how to pick up a girl."

"Si Chun?" Jiang Wei touched Ye Haochen's head.

Ye Haochen knocked out the other's hand: "The head can break the blood, the hair can't be messed up!!!" I took care of my hair style. "What spring, I like a girl, but people don't like me." Then it looks Some tweaks.

"Sure enough, it's a child," and then generously said, "I want to chase my brother to teach you~"

The author has something to say:

Jiyou said that this is his favorite script. I have not written entertainment, so I may write a piece that is not the same as others. I hope you can like it~