MTL - Heroes of Silver Moon-Chapter 760 : 1 outing

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In the dark room, Momet sat restrained on a chair, and Minister of Intelligence Cirillo sat opposite him, flipping through his resume expressionlessly.

After reading the resume, Cirillo sighed on the surface, but he was relieved in his heart. He pretended to be helpless and looked at Momet: "Your father is the commander of the navy. Why are you here in the intelligence department?!"

Momet stroked his hair in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Uncle Cirillo, I am still a young man with my own ideals and ambitions. I can't live under the care of my father all my life!"

Cirillo put his hands together and looked at Momet seriously: "Let me tell you first, the intelligence department is not a place to play games. Most of the time, the environment we are in is even crueler than the battlefield!"

Momet's face became serious, and he nodded, "I know this, and I'm prepared for it!"

Cirillo nodded expressionlessly: "That's fine. The intelligence department will have an important operation the day after tomorrow, and you will also participate. I declare in advance that this operation is extremely dangerous. Say goodbye to your parents in advance!"

Momet stood up and gave a military salute to Cirillo: "Yes, Minister!"

When Momet left, Cirillo slumped on the chair weakly, with a troubled expression on his face.


In the evening, Momet returned home exhausted. His mother, Alicia, had prepared meals, and his father, Guy, was absent as usual.

Looking at her dusty son, Alicia wondered, "What did you do today?"

Momet lied naturally: "Nothing, just playing with a few friends."

Alicia knocked off the dust on her son's clothes with her hands, and complained: "Really, why did you get covered in ashes, quickly take off your clothes and take a shower, and I'll get you clean clothes."

Seeing that her mother didn't see through her lies, Momet stroked her hair guiltyly, and went to the bathroom to freshen up pretending to be relaxed.

Under the service of the servants, he changed into a clean aristocratic dress, and this sunny and handsome noble young master began to sit at the dining table and eat quietly.

Seeing her son eating very appetizingly, Alicia, the mother, smiled sincerely, and asked, "By the way, have you not decided where you want to go after graduation? I think the navy is pretty good!"

The Doyle family she belongs to has served in the Navy fleet for generations, and her husband Guy is now the commander-in-chief of the Navy, so naturally he is more inclined to send his son to the Navy.

Besides, with the care of my father, wouldn't I be able to live more comfortably...

Momet, who had been prepared for this, grumbled reluctantly: "Let me think about it."

As soon as these words came out, Alicia immediately understood that this rebellious son was still unwilling to work under his father, so she gave her son a blank stare and didn't mention it again.

Afterwards, the two ate quietly, and there was a long silence at the table.

Feeling a bit awkward in the atmosphere, Alicia changed the subject again, and joked: "By the way, you have reached the age to get married now. Do you like someone's daughter? Mom will help you propose a marriage!"

Momet, who was drinking water, suddenly coughed and blushed, "Mom, what are you talking about, I just graduated!"

Alicia waved her hands with a smirk on her face: "What's the matter? When my mother was pregnant with you, she was still in school!"

Hearing what his mother said, Momet didn't know how to refute for a while, so he could only hide back in the room shyly.

Lying on the bed, Momet stared blankly at the ceiling and murmured, "Are you married..."

He is already twenty-one years old this year, and it is indeed the perfect marriageable age for male nobles, but he has been in school before, and has never considered this aspect.

In a sense, he is only a legally grown-up child, so he escapes from his mother's jokes.

Feeling uneasy, he fell asleep in a daze, and Momet got up early the next morning to pack his luggage.

The servant had already prepared breakfast, and the sleepy-eyed Alicia sat on the dining table, looked at her son who had been busy early in the morning, and asked in a daze, "What are you doing, running away from home?"

Momet stroked her hair in embarrassment: "No, I made an appointment with some friends yesterday to go on an outing, and I may have to live outside for a while."

Alicia nodded knowingly, then waved her hand lazily: "Be careful, and also, find me a daughter-in-law as soon as possible, your mother and I are still waiting to have a grandson."

Momet, who was dragging the suitcase outside, yelled again with a blushing face: "Mother, can you stop talking about this!"

Seeing her son go out, Alicia first smirked a few times, and then showed endless sadness.

I didn't expect my son to be so big in a blink of an eye...

Sometimes, she naively thought that she was the girl who could play carefree with Xi Ludi and Irina.

"Oh, my God, my poor Xiludi." Thinking of her friend who was unfortunately murdered, Alicia was immediately immersed in sadness.


Dragging his suitcase, Momet walked out of the aristocratic area, turned east and west, and entered an alley, which is an underground stronghold of the Ministry of Intelligence.

After checking the password and passing the identification, Momet successfully entered the stronghold, where Cirillo had been waiting for a long time.

What surprised Momet was that not only Cirillo, the intelligence minister, but also the two deputy intelligence ministers, Quick Arrow and Squirrel, were also here.

Momet, who had just joined intelligence work, had seen this kind of formation there, and his scalp felt a little numb for a while, not knowing what kind of medicine was being sold in the gourd.

Seeing Momet coming, Cirillo waved his hand and took him to a secret room.

Quick Arrow, Squirrel, and a few unknown characters who are easy to mess with all gathered in this secret room.

Cirillo clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, then he pushed Momet to the front, and introduced: "Momet, the outstanding graduate of Wangdu Military Academy this year, although he may not have enough experience, But in terms of ability, it is definitely worth trusting, everyone is welcome!"

Everyone in the room applauded with weird faces, but they didn't ask face to face why a rookie was allowed to join such an important operation.

Then, Cirillo introduced everyone to Momet. Except for the two deputy ministers, Quick Arrow and Squirrel, the rest are also senior agents.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this room, anyone can rub Momet on the ground...

After introducing each other, Cirillo said: "We have received information that the empire is building a large-scale fleet with the intention of destroying the Silvermoon Kingdom in one fell swoop.

In addition, I heard that this time the empire also took out some kind of hole card, which can determine the outcome of any naval battle.

Our trip to the empire this time is to find out the specific information of the combined empire fleet, especially the trump cards of the empire, we must investigate clearly.

My friends, our operation will go deep into the empire, which is very dangerous, but as long as it succeeds, it can determine the dominance of the future maritime battlefield.

If someone thinks it is dangerous, they can quit now, I will never make it difficult, but as long as they join this operation, they must always be ready to sacrifice! "

Cirillo looked at these old friends with piercing eyes. Except for the newcomer Momet, the rest of them had a solemn look that put life and death aside.

As for Momet, of course he has a confused look on his face, no, he has just joined the intelligence department, why can he participate in such an important operation? !

But even though he was complaining in his heart, Momet didn't have the slightest fear.

Because he knew that Cirillo, the minister of intelligence, would never do anything useless, and there must be a deeper intention to pull him into this operation.

Besides, if this operation is really as important as it says, the harder they work, the less danger Dad will have...

After completing the mobilization work, Squirrel took everyone to the arsenal to collect weapons. In the next period of time, they had to complete a training camp to run the team before they could go to the empire.

In the secret room, Kuaijian stayed.

After everyone left, he grabbed Cirillo by the collar and asked angrily, "Momet is the only son of the navy commander, why did you involve him?!"

Knowing that this operation is extremely dangerous, Momet, who has an unusual identity and no experience in intelligence work, is involved. Isn't this obviously messing up!

Cirillo pushed the old friend away, and UU Reading replied with a gloomy expression: "I have a very important task that needs someone like him to complete."

Kuaijian was puzzled and said: "There are so many excellent agents in the intelligence department, what tasks must be completed by the only son of the navy commander?!"

Cirillo shook his head: "The person I need must be of noble birth, have a good family education, have both martial arts and knowledge, and have outstanding talent and handsome appearance. So far, only Momet has perfectly met These factors."

Quick Arrow was silent for a moment: "I don't believe he is the only choice, what if he didn't join the intelligence department?"

Cirillo sighed: "I did train a lot of candidates before, but none of them were satisfactory."

After all, no matter how much you imitate the day after tomorrow, you always feel that something is missing, so when Momet joined the intelligence department, he was really relieved.

With Momet's background, appearance, knowledge, and martial arts, he is simply the best candidate to complete that task!

Kuaijian asked gloomyly: "So, let him carry out your so-called mission with the highest success rate?"

Cirillo nodded expressionlessly.

Quick Arrow made a gesture of prayer: "Then, I hope Her Majesty the Goddess will bless this poor child!"

The intelligence department of the Silver Moon Kingdom was born out of the intelligence department of the original Xinfaling, and the intelligence department of the original Xinfaling was built on the church's intelligence system.

Therefore, most of the agents of the intelligence department are the former demon hunter knights of the Moonlight Church. They are still priests in essence, and everything must be in the interests of the Moonlight Goddess.

As far as the Moonlight Goddess is concerned, as long as she can defeat the empire, she doesn't care what methods the people below have adopted, and what price they have paid...

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