MTL - Heroes of Silver Moon-Chapter 734 : Overtime (8)

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In the early morning, Nikas finished washing, led a group of young officers to reorganize the army, and continued to march towards the Yelin River defense line.

Unlike yesterday, today they were really going to reinforce the king, rather than stabbing him in the back.

After yesterday's mutiny, the soldiers became silent and cautious. Now, they really don't know who to trust and whose side should they stand on?

The army of tens of thousands of people was walking on the road, but no one spoke, looking lifeless.

boom! boom! boom!

The army hadn't gone out for several miles when several shells exploded in front of them. The sound of the explosion made these soldiers who seemed to have not woken up tremble.

The turmoil and anxiety began to spread rapidly, and the soldiers were full of panic and confusion.

On the one hand, because of the sudden attack, they didn't know who the enemy was or where the enemy was.

On the other hand is the gap in weapons.

The power of artillery has long been known in the Silver Moon Kingdom, but most of what they hold in their hands are just cold weapons, and there is no possibility of winning at all.

Nikas, who was at the forefront on horseback, also asked the scouts to search for the enemy in a panic, but the result made him tremble all over.

There are enemies in front, back, left, and right. At some point, they have entered the encirclement.

Nikas quickly called other young officers, started a discussion, and finally came to a conclusion.

The army that surrounded them didn't know why, but they didn't launch a surprise attack on them anyway. The shelling just now should have been just a warning.

After discussing for a long time, they decided to send someone to communicate with the other party's commander.

Nikas and the others showed that they had no weapons with their hands empty. After being searched and led by soldiers, they met the commander of the army.

After seeing the commander's face clearly, Nikas's heart sank: "Harris Legion Commander..."

Harris is the king's chief military officer, and he guards the country with an alternate army, and being here in person also means that they have to face the entire alternate army.

Regardless of the number of people or the combat power, they can crush this mob of them to pieces!

Harris looked at him coldly: "You are very lucky, according to the king's plan, I should launch a surprise attack on you last night...

But yesterday evening, something interesting happened in your camp, so I gave you a chance to explain. "

Nikas kept smiling wryly, he should have known a long time ago, how could the king not be aware of a rebel army of 40,000 to 50,000 people.

It turns out... I want to wipe them all out!

Immediately afterwards, Nikas recounted the matter of their mutiny with more details.

Emphasized that they were unaware of the rebellion, and they stopped it as soon as they found out, expressing their loyalty to the king and definitely not joining the rebels intentionally.

After listening to Nikas's narration, Harris nodded expressionlessly: "I know the situation, but it is up to His Majesty the King whether to forgive your rebellion. The war with the Empire is coming to an end. Good army, come with us to the Yelin River defense line."

Nikas breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and could only keep nodding with a wry smile.

Harris' hurdle is over, at least they are safe until they meet the king.


In the Imperial Army camp, Mick with a bandage on his forehead asked, "How many people do we have?"

Ivy shook his head numbly, and sighed: "There are still about 100,000 people, but the number is not the key. Our military morale has collapsed."

No matter how many soldiers there are, if they have no fighting spirit, they will only die when they go to the battlefield.

"Damn it!" Mick slammed the table excitedly, "Can't those trash in the navy break through the coastal defenses of the Silver Moon Kingdom?"

The battlefield of Yelin River, the battlefield of the Principality of Love, the battlefield of the Principality of Love, and the battlefield of the Principality of Love have been completely defeated, and their main battlefield is almost equal to failure.

The only thing that can be counted on now is the navy to open a breakthrough from the sea.

Ivy shook his head again: "It's useless, the Silvermoon Kingdom hid the fleet and never fought the Imperial Navy head-on, and the Imperial Navy didn't dare to attack rashly."

The warships of the Silver Moon Kingdom are fast, powerful, and have excellent defense capabilities. Although they are relatively small in number, they cannot compete with the Imperial Navy head-on.

But hiding itself, the Imperial Navy did not dare to take the initiative to attack.

If the navy of the Silvermoon Kingdom is not eliminated, the Empire will attack the coastline of the Silvermoon Kingdom, and the Silvermoon Kingdom will dare to attack the coastline of the Empire.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes!

In the end, even if the Silvermoon Kingdom was annexed by the Empire, they would only get a pile of ruins, but the Empire would be devastated by the Silvermoon Kingdom's counterattack.

The Silvermoon Kingdom can afford this kind of loss, the empire cannot afford it!

One side's navy is weak and actively avoids war, while the other side's navy is strong, but it is wary.

Although both sides are real fleets, they confront each other and offset each other during the war. If there is no confrontation at all, it is tantamount to not having any, which perfectly fits the concept of the existence of a fleet.

Mick said angrily: "Fuck, don't tell me it's just like this, the old man died at their hands!"

He survived the charge of the cavalry division by virtue of his youth and strength, but Lydia was old and failed to survive the torrent of cavalry.

Before he became the head of the legion, Lydia actually took care of them...

Ivy was silent for a moment, then sighed: "Let's see what His Royal Highness the Regent has to say!"

At this moment, commotion came from outside the tent, and the two walked out of the tent dissatisfied, and were immediately stunned by the sight in front of them.

I saw a large group of soldiers popping up from the Silver Moon Kingdom's position, roughly estimated to be more than 200,000 soldiers, and the discipline was quite strict. It was obvious at a glance that they were not mob soldiers.

It was precisely because of this that the soldiers of the Imperial Army rioted.

Before the 100,000 people, they killed 600,000 to 700,000 soldiers, and now there are more than 200,000 soldiers. Is it necessary to continue fighting?

Ivy's eyes darkened, and UU Reading almost fainted. He took a deep breath and murmured: "Ridiculous!"

He had always thought that in order to deal with the war with the empire, the Silver Moon Kingdom must have used all their strengths, so as long as they broke through the Ye Linhe defense line, they would be able to take the Silver Moon Kingdom.

Now it seems that this idea is a complete joke!

The Silver Moon Kingdom increased its troops by 200,000 troops, but only 100,000 were left with the 800,000 troops on their side.

How much manpower and material resources do you need to invest in order for the empire to win this battlefield? Even if it barely wins, will the empire really feel better?

These questions lingered in Ivy's mind.

The heavy knight appeared beside Ivy with a gloomy face: "I reported the situation to the imperial capital, and His Royal Highness the Regent decided to negotiate peace with the Silver Moon Kingdom first."

"What? It's gotten to this point, let's negotiate a peace!"

Mick was a little excited: "Give me another 200,000 troops, no! As long as 100,000 people, I promise to take over the Silver Moon Kingdom!"

The heavy armored knight glanced at him coldly: "You have no chance, just yesterday, the royal court of the orcs fought against the empire again, and the **** defense line has become a mess!"

Ivy felt chills all over, was he finally dragged to this point by the Silver Moon Kingdom?

In this human civil war, the reason why the orc royal court has been watching coldly is to see how much of the strength the Silver Moon Kingdom can consume from the empire.

Participating in the war now shows that they are confident that they can win the empire at this time.

Once the orc king's court joins the battle, the rhythm of the war will no longer be controlled by the empire. The empire has already reached a precarious situation!

Judging from the current situation, annexing the Silvermoon Kingdom has become an extravagant hope. The best option is to negotiate a peace temporarily, and then deal with them after the Beast King Court is dealt with.

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