MTL - Heroes of Silver Moon-Chapter 685 : Great Patriotic War (final)

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The flames of the orc camp lit up the entire night, even though they were far away, the cavalry division led by Siegel could see them clearly.

Seeing the flames soaring into the sky, Siegel was a little dazed. After an unknown amount of time, a hand suddenly patted on his shoulder: "Are you okay?"

Siegel came back to his senses suddenly, and found that his deputy, the former head of the King's Wings Cavalry Regiment, and now the deputy commander of the Cavalry Division, Yusef, was standing behind him.

Siegel explained: "It's okay, I'm just in a daze."

But Yousef obviously didn't agree with this explanation: "You seem to be in a daze for the past few days, what's going on?"

Siegel shook his head, as if he wanted to get rid of all those messy thoughts, and then rubbed his temples: "I don't know, I keep thinking about the past recently.

At that time, Simon was not our boss, Guy was, but Guy was very unreliable, so Simon gradually became the backbone.

Now that I think about it, fourteen years have passed. "

Siegel, who was immersed in memories, had a wry smile on his lips. Compared with the experience of the past few years, the memories of the college period were particularly warm.

Especially at the end of the first semester, the memory of Simon taking them on an adventure, although in the end because of meeting that evil Lauren, the ending was not so happy.

But memories, isn't it because they are not perfect that people yearn for them?

Siegel's memories made Yousef a little bit embarrassed. He was also among the King's Wing Knights who escorted this group of little kids to school in the capital.

Who would have thought that fourteen years later, the humble eldest son of the earl would become the king of Silver Moon, and everyone else would also become the pillar of the country.

"In addition to these memories, the figure of Olenna often appears in my mind. She just gave birth to a child, but I am not around, and I don't know what is going on with the mother and child."

Thinking of his wife and children, Siegel couldn't help but smile on his face.

Yousef felt a little heavy in his heart, patted him on the shoulder earnestly, and said with emotion: "Concentrate and win this battle, and you will spend time with them in the future."

"Yes, we have to win this battle first, those **** bards, who dare to brag about the heroic deeds related to the war in the future, I must throw them on the battlefield, let them also experience a The feeling of a hero." Siegel shook his head with a wry smile.

Once in the college days, or even earlier, he had imagined that he could become a powerful knight, make great achievements on the battlefield, and leave behind countless brilliant deeds.

But since following Simon to open up the territory, the cold reality has woken him up again and again.

How can there be so many romances in the army, only boring training and boring life, how can there be so many heroic deeds on the battlefield, and some are just meaningless deaths and killings.

Wanting to be a hero on the battlefield, the only result is death, praising war is simply the most ridiculous thing in this world!

Thinking of Sir Felix who died in the Battle of Yelin River, and those 30,000 brave and fearless soldiers, Yousef nodded with deep sympathy.

Ending this topic, the atmosphere between the two was a little silent. They were just ordinary colleagues, and they even belonged to two factions. One was loyal to the king, and the other was loyal to the royal family.

"By the way, what are you looking for me for?" Siegel suddenly reacted.

Yousef was stunned for a moment, but also realized: "Oh, yes, the situation of the orc camp has been found out, and now the First Army is fighting them at night."

Siegel was silent for a moment: "Wake up the soldiers, we will drive all night, trying to join the battlefield at dawn, and surprise the orcs from behind."

After gathering the troops, he made a deliberate circle. Now that the cavalry division is behind the orcs, he can definitely catch them by surprise.

Youssef frowned: "After two days of driving, they and the horses are very tired."

Siegel shook his head with a straight face: "We are tired, and the orcs are even more tired than us. What's more, the first army is the first batch of troops to cross the river. It took less than two days to engage in a more tragic night battle, which shows that our situation is very bad. Be optimistic, the battle must be resolved as soon as possible!"

Yousef nodded thoughtfully, and then sent people to wake up the sleeping soldiers one by one. They wanted to stab the orc in the back. Of course, the quieter the better.

If you use a sharp and ear-piercing copper whistle, you don't know how far it can be transmitted on this empty plain. If it is heard by scattered orcs wandering around, it will tell them that the enemy is going to launch a sneak attack from behind them.

Under the dark night, a slow-moving cavalry unit approached the orc camp quietly.


The sky was slightly pale, and it was just at dawn when a flaming meteorite fell, smashing a big crater on the endless plain.

Immediately afterwards, three more meteorite-like figures fell, accurately landing around the first meteorite.

"Huh...huh." Simon, who was bleeding all over, crawled out of the first crater, and then turned over to face the sky, lying on the ground weakly and panting.

This was the first time since he became promoted and became a legend, he was so tired that he didn't even bother to move a finger.

Batu and the other two legendary orcs flew in the low air with their feet off the ground, and slowly floated to his side, looking very tired from their posture.

Two days and two nights of high-intensity fighting, even the legendary strong can't stand it.

"Silver Moon King, it seems that you lost." Batu looked at Simon with a gloomy expression.

He has been chased and beaten by Simon these days, but as long as he is willing to avoid it, it is very difficult to kill the legendary powerhouse, so Simon has never been able to open this breakthrough.

"That's right, I did lose, but you can't kill me, can you?" Simon, who was lying on the ground and didn't want to move, laughed.

It was very difficult for him to kill the injured Batu, but as long as he wanted to avoid the battle, it would be equally difficult for the three orc legends to kill him.

"If you avoid the battle, we really can't kill you, but can you really avoid the battle?" Dragon Soul Elder Kanter said with a cold face.

Simon fell silent, yes, he couldn't avoid the fight.

As the only legend in Silvermoon Kingdom, if these three orc legends cannot be stopped, the new legion will be defeated in an instant due to the intervention of the legendary powerhouse.

Therefore, he had to stop these three orc legends.

"Damn it, you're still watching a show. It's really useless to join this **** holy alliance." Seeing the legend of the empire who was still standing by, Simon scolded directly.

In order to gain the approval of the empire and join the Holy Alliance of Humanity, he could endure all kinds of unfair treatment from the empire.

Even the fact that the Silver Moon Kingdom was downgraded to a principality, he dare not announce it to the public until now.

The result is good now, the Red Scorpion Khanate, under the guidance of the orc royal court, received the support of a group of orc nations, and brought a large group of people to fight against the Silver Moon Kingdom.

The empire neither sent a single soldier to join the battle, nor did it call on other human nations to come to support it. The only two legends sent over had been watching him being besieged.

As if it hadn't joined the holy alliance of humans, the Silver Moon Kingdom was fighting alone.

That being the case, what are the various unfair treatments proposed by the empire at the beginning?

As Simon cast his gaze, the two empire legends felt something, and the younger Saint Gaucho frowned: "Aren't we going to join the battle?"

Saint Omod shook his head expressionlessly: "It seems that this Silver Moon King can hold on for a while longer, and when he really can't hold on, he will naturally bow his head to the empire."


In the main camp, Hagrid, the orc commander, was resting with his eyes closed. This unforgettable night was finally passed by him.

Last night, humans organized wave after wave of attacks. Although the number of people was small, the orcs had been fighting all day, and their bodies and spirits were already exhausted. Coupled with the crushing of weapons, humans even almost broke through their main camp.

Fortunately, in this night battle, humans seemed to have suffered heavy losses, and had to retreat at dawn.

Now...he can finally rest. As soon as this idea came to Hagrid's mind, he heard the horn of attack coming from the human position again.

A large group of people rushed towards the orc camp again, the number of people far exceeded last night.

Hagrid couldn't help showing bitterness on his face. He knew that this was the human's army rotation tactic, which should have been the orc's strategy, because their army had twice the number of humans.

But the range of human alchemy weapons is too far, almost covering the entire orc camp. Unless the troops are divided, they can only be forced to participate in the battle.

But they didn't dare to divide their troops, otherwise without supervision, there would be deserters soon, which would lead to a large rout, or be eaten by human concentrated forces.

Obviously, judging from the number of troops, this should be a crushing war, but the result is just the opposite. So far, the battle loss ratio of orcs and humans is four to one, and the gap between the weapons of the two sides is too great.

Even if it weren't for the human race to end this battle in a hurry, it would not be impossible for the battle loss ratio to reach ten to one in the frantic active attack.

In the continuous orc camp, the orc soldiers who had been fighting for a day and night wanted to fall asleep, and in any corner, one could see people drowsy or even asleep.

However, the horn of human attack forced them to endure drowsiness and take up the weapons in their hands to join the battle.

Lack of sleep, the reaction of these orc soldiers was quite slow, and they were almost defeated by humans all the way through the line of defense.

Hagrid had to mobilize more manpower to go to the front line to block the human army's footsteps.

As long as they lasted for another day or two, and when the legendary battlefield was decided, they would win, no matter how heavy the casualties of the mortal army were.

After these few days of fighting, although the casualties of the orcs were heavy, they were not enough to be defeated by humans in a single battle, and they could still survive in a day or two.

Seen from the sky, the armies of both sides seemed to be fighting in two waves.

At this moment, the long and dull cavalry charge horn sounded from behind the orc camp, and Hagrid suddenly turned his head, his face full of horror and disbelief.


Three orc legends surrounded Simon in a triangle.

Suddenly, Batu's ears moved slightly, and he frowned and looked in the direction of the orc camp. Simon and the other two legendary orcs did the same.

Even though it was tens of miles away, the situation on the battlefield was still imprinted in their eyes.

Seeing that a human cavalry was about to attack the empty orc main camp from the rear, Batu's breathing suddenly became heavy.

Faced with human alchemy weapons, the orc army has long been panicked after fighting for the past few days. If the command center is destroyed at such a critical moment, a large-scale defeat will definitely occur.

The four people who reacted rushed towards the battlefield in an instant, but on the way, two legends of the orc king's court stopped Simon, making it difficult for him to return to help.

Simon could only watch helplessly as Batu appeared in the sky above the battlefield, and with the broken holy weapon scimitar, he cut out hundreds of meters of blade light, and slashed at the cavalry division that was charging.

For an instant, as if time had paused, the perspective was forcibly switched to Siegel. As the commander of the cavalry division, he rushed to the forefront of the cavalry division.

Seeing the hundreds of meters long blade strike, Siegel's mind went blank.

Due to the environmental constraints of the battlefield, it is difficult for the cavalry behind to see the situation ahead. If the leader starts to turn, the people behind will follow suit.

Therefore, once the cavalry unit starts to charge, it must not stop, otherwise it will deviate from the target of the impact and take the entire unit into the ditch.

Moreover, with the width and speed of the blade light, it would be difficult for him to turn around to avoid it.

In the blink of an eye, Siegel made his choice. He pointed the scimitar forward and shouted: "Cavalry division, charge!"

The sword light slashed, and nearly a thousand cavalrymen in the front were cut in two, while the cavalrymen in the rear kept running, and the horses stepped on their corpses and continued to rush forward.

A cavalry charge, once started, never stops, unless the leader in front turns, and their leader...doesn't.

"Siegel!" Simon, who witnessed this scene, felt chills all over his body instantly, and a burst of anger rushed into his brain, and he threw out the sword of kingship without hesitation: "Blast me!"

This semi-artifact inherited from the first Silver Moon King was instantly detonated.

The divine impact of the explosion pushed the exploded fragments, directly breaking through all the defenses of the two legendary orcs, instantly seriously injuring them, and falling from a high altitude.

Batu still wanted to continue attacking the cavalry division that was charging, but there was nothing to stop him. Simon appeared in front of Batu in a flash, and the sacred chains bound him firmly.

An angry Simon, and Batu, who was in the first aid field, once again launched a fierce confrontation.

Legendary powerhouses were never easy to kill. Although the fragments from the explosion of the semi-artifact pierced the two legendary orcs blocking the way countless times, they still did not completely lose their combat effectiveness.

After regaining consciousness, they dragged their seriously injured bodies and rushed to besiege Simon.

At this time, it would take some time for the cavalry division to break through the main camp of the orcs, but the sky was already bright, and the increase brought by the law of moonlight was rapidly fading.

While facing the siege of three strong men of the same rank, Simon also had to prevent them from attacking the cavalry division, and soon fell into a comprehensive disadvantage.

In the high kingdom of God, the Goddess of Moonlight has a dignified face. The fate has come to the most critical moment. Once Simon can't stop the three legends of the orcs, the mortal war of the Silver Moon Kingdom will collapse instantly, but their imperial allies are still watching from the other side. .

Therefore, she tried her best to mobilize her own power, and the entire kingdom of God began to shine, helping her mortal spokesperson as much as possible.

Seemingly aware of the anger of the sister gods, the sun **** took the initiative to restrain his power, and the sun and the moon appeared in the sky together.

The blessing of the moonlight law once again increased Simon's strength. He firmly rooted the sanctuary in the void, frantically extracting and burning the magic power in the magic power sea.

Under the extreme anger, even the purple light group, which had always been like a dead object, emitted a special rhythm.

Under the blessing of this mysterious rhythm, Simon seems to have crossed a certain boundary, and the strength of the law has undergone a qualitative Two orc legends who were already seriously injured were beaten and flew backwards after a few punches.

"Red Scorpion King, we can't take it anymore, let's say goodbye!" The strangeness revealed by Simon made the two seriously injured legends frightened, and disappeared into the battlefield in a flash.

They are legendary powerhouses, and they cherish their own lives more than this war.

"You guys, no!" The departure of his allies made Batu, who was bound by chains, almost die of anger, but Simon's powerful attack could not allow him to be distracted.

On the mundane battlefield below, the cavalry division also completely overwhelmed the defense of the orc main camp. The orc commander Hagrid didn't even survive for three seconds before he was trampled into a pulp by the torrent.

Immediately afterwards, the cavalry division broke into pieces, and rushed all the way towards the fighting orcs from the rear.

As expected, the command center was destroyed and the cavalry attacked from the rear. Coupled with days of brutal fighting, the orc army finally couldn't hold on, and a major defeat was inevitable.

"Hmph, you guys are capable!" Seeing this, the Red Scorpion King Batu also knew that he was helpless. After saying a harsh word, he forcibly broke away from Simon's chains and disappeared without a trace.

In the high kingdom of God, the Moonlight Goddess restrained her own power, showing a trace of fear in her eyes.

When she displayed her power just now, the **** behind the Red Scorpion Khanate was not idle. Fortunately, she used the **** crystals accumulated over hundreds of years to offset the cost of this attack.

On the mortal battlefield, the new legion is chasing the fleeing orcs to expand their victories, and the overall situation has been decided!

Simon's eyes were cold, and he took a deep look. The two empire legends who had stood by from the beginning to the end were not afraid at all. Instead, they smiled at Simon, turned around and disappeared.

Simon took a deep breath and clenched his fists tightly.

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