MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 2571 Tian Tian and Tian Tian, ​​whoever leaves will stay! (14)

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She went to the balcony and saw Meng Chen's car leaving. Then she put on a skirt, then went downstairs, took a taxi, and went to the original bar.

Turns out the bar.

Different from the bar she used to go to.

After she went in, everything around her made her feel very strange.

She ordered a glass of "forgetfulness" on the bar, drank two, and someone was drunk and came over here.

After seeing Tian Xin, the man was so frightened that his legs almost fell and fell to the ground.

"You, you are ..."

Tian Xin smiled at him, and the man quickly ran out, and it looked like he was scared.

Tian Xin's eyes narrowed and he followed the man and went out.

She came outside the bar and saw the man lying on the side corner and vomiting.

Tian Xin paused, walked over, and slapped him on the shoulder.

The man turned back, and when he saw Tian Xin, he was frightened and shouted, "Ah, don't come to me, you don't look to me! Ghost! Ghost!"

Tian Xin narrowed his eyes, squatted down, and said, "I'm a ghost? Do you know me?"

"Know you, you are Tian Xin! You have to die has nothing to do with me! Don't come to me! We were just playing at the time, you should never come to me!"

When he said that, he was so trembling that he couldn't move without squatting on the ground.

Tian Xin seemed to grasp something, and shook his shoulder suddenly: "What did you say? How did I die? Why did I die?" ...

When walking out of the bar, Tian Xin's eyes were straight.

She never thought that the truth of the matter would be like this.

She lowered her head, smiled bitterly, and suddenly stopped a taxi and went to the hospital.

In the senior VIP ward, she stood outside the door and looked in, and she saw Shi Ying lying quietly on the bed.

Her eyes were wet all of a sudden.

Shi Ye, who jumped downstairs with her at the time, and at the last moment threw her on the trampoline, but fell to the edge, and finally fell to the ground, not Meng Chen, but Shi Ye! !! !!

She clenched her fists and looked at the man inside.

Why is he so stupid?

Now that you have loved others and had children with other women, why would you still want to save her?

She was thinking and suddenly heard footsteps behind her.

She turned back sharply and saw Li Xiaoxiao standing behind him.

Tian Xin was suddenly anxious, and stepped forward and wanted to leave.

But as soon as I started, I heard Li Xiaoxiao call her: "Tian Tian!"

Tian Xin, no, or it should be Tian Tian's footsteps. When he turned around, he heard Li Xiaoxiao say, "Can we talk?"


In the cafe opposite the hospital.

Tian Tian sat there, watching Li Xiaoxiao order two cups of coffee, inexplicable.

Thinking of everything today, I still feel a little weird.

Just when she entered the office and received hypnosis, her mother told her that when she fell down, she saved her.

Mom said she figured it out.

Shi Zhe can even save her life. If Tian Tian is still alive and finally survives, then she will be with Shi Zhe, and her mother will not object.

Tian Tian felt at the time that the dead heart was completely resurrected!

But she never expected that an accident occurred during the treatment.

PS: Writing the ending of the little fox, it ’s a bit stuck. I wo n’t change it today. I ’ll continue to write.

Read The Duke's Passion