MTL - Heaven’s Will Balancing System-Chapter 9 Tears of Grandpa

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In the evening, it is about six o'clock.

Wu Baixiao finally returned to the village entrance. At this time, he was wearing only shorts and shoes, holding wet clothes and bamboo strips in his hands, and his body was inexplicably red and swollen, and his hair was a little frantic here and there.

Xi Baixiao first returned the bamboo sticks to their original positions, allowing them to continue to perform their original duties, then took out the hidden textbooks, and then went home for dinner.

Xi Baixiao's home is not very large, just a two-story building, plus a small yard. When Bai Xiao returned home, the kitchen had issued a seductive flavour of meat, which flew into Bai Xiaoxin's heart.

Zhuan Baixiao grabbed the aroma, drool secretion increased, smiled slightly, and the pace accelerated.

"Grandpa, I'm back! Really fragrant! Really fragrant!" Bai Xiao threw clothes and textbooks into his room, poured water in the bathroom, wiped his body, and went straight to the kitchen, calling to the busy grandfather.

"Come back? Just right, just grilled meat, but eat while hot. Wash your hands!" Grandpa said cheerfully when he heard his words.

"Huh!" Bai Xiao was like a good boy, obediently shook some water in the bucket and washed his hands.

On the rice table, Bai Xiaokou ate a savory and delicious barbecue, drinking bone broth and sweating.

Grandpa Grandma didn't eat much, chewed slowly, and looked at the haggard white with his muddy eyes, very happy.

"Bai Xiao, why is your body so red?" Bai Xiao's complexion was very dark, and this swollen and abnormal grandfather had not noticed it until now.

"Oh, this! It's okay, it's just that I played too much today, I've been in the sun for a long time." Bai Xiaoyang raised his arms, his face indifferent.

Grandpa Grandma nodded, no doubt about him.

"Yes, Grandpa, I want to tell you something." When Grandpa was basically clean, he said to Grandpa.

"What is it, do you want to go to the mountains tomorrow?" Grandpa grinned with a big yellow tooth grinning.

"No." Bai Xiao shook his head and said, "The teacher has given me privileges. I can go to school or not in the future."

哦 "Oh? Why?" Grandpa was surprised.

"Because my learning progress is too fast, the school can't keep up with me, and staying in the school will only delay me. It is not much benefit. So the class teacher decided to give me a privilege to allow me to be free at home. Learn higher-level knowledge, not to be dragged down by the progress of the school. "Bai Xiao laughed and lied.

"Really?" Grandpa was shocked and couldn't agree.

"Of course it is true, I am a genius! Don't believe it, you can also ask my class teacher and Conan." Bai Xiao proudly said.

多次 After many confirmations, Grandpa confirmed that he had heard correctly, and finally believed in Bai Xiao's ghost words.

"I didn't expect, my descendants have become geniuses! The clans have shown their spirits!" Grandpa grabbed Bai Xiao's shoulder and shivered authentically. He knew his great-grandson was very smart, but didn't want to be so smart.

Xi Bai looked at the excited grandpa, smiled and didn't speak, and finally felt cheated.

Tonight, Grandpa is very happy. Even the wine jar that has not been touched for a long time has been tasted in Kaifeng. He also teaches young Xiao Bai to drink.

I was too old and had a bad drink. After drinking a small glass of wine, my grandfather was a little smoky, so he helped him back to the room to rest.

Li Baixiao lit the oil lamp and looked at the sore grandpa, saying, "Too grandpa, I picked a fruit today, it was delicious."

He said, Bai Xiao drew it in his pocket and pulled out a red fruit like a small tomato.

"Isn't this tomato? Silly boy." Grandpa looked at it with a smile.

"Let ’s eat and see. I deliberately picked it for you, but unfortunately when I picked it, I found that the tree had withered and died, and then it was gone." Bai Xiao pretended to be frustrated.

"Okay, I eat! I eat!" Grandpa laughed comfortingly, "A tomato tree, I will take you to the tomato garden tomorrow, so you can eat enough!"

"This is not a tomato!" Bai Xiao looked at Grandpa and swallowed 'Tomato' in a mouthful, mysteriously.

"Your child, isn't it tomato? Even the taste is the same. Uh ~" As soon as Grandpa finished speaking, he found that he was a lot easier, and he hadn't committed many years of old problems.

"What is this?" Grandpa changed his hands and shook his feet and quickly touched him.

"No, no more, really good!" Grandpa holding his own thigh meat, can't believe that the problems that have troubled him for many years have disappeared.

"Is that the tomato? What the **** is this?" Grandpa said.

"Tomato!" Bai Xiao could not unexpectedly laugh back.

"It's a fart tomato! I have eaten too much tomatoes, what do I still don't understand?" Grandpa glared at him, and when he got rid of his illness, the man was mentally relieved.

"Now know why I'm so smart! Hee hee!" The white hippie smiled.

"That's it!" Grandpa understood it immediately, UU reading "It's a strange fruit generated by heaven and earth! No wonder I think you are a bit wrong, premature is like an adult, it turns out to be this way."

"Really? Hehe ..." Bai Xiao sweated on the spot, and sure enough, the acting skills he worked hard for half a life could not deceive his eyes for more than a hundred years.

"Oh! I blame me for talking, but it's a pity that I was spoiled so much. You should keep it for yourself." After cooling down from the excitement of restoring health, Grandpa suddenly felt very annoyed and blame, "I'm fast As a native, eating this fruit is simply a waste! "

"Don't say that, you won't die! With your blessing, you will definitely live to more than two hundred, and you will only spend half your life now." Bai Xiaoji comforted.

"You child!" Grandpa laughed and cursed, feeling relieved, but even more blame. Such a good child should even enjoy this exotic fruit!

"Well, don't blame yourself. To be honest, I actually want you to live on and cook and do laundry every day to take care of me, or what should I do if you leave suddenly?" Bai Xiao A sharp change of speech.

也是 "Also, I can't die yet, I have you as a little burden to take care of!" Grandpa listened to Bai Xiao's words, instead of being sad, his heart widened and his smile gradually emerged.

"That's right! I laughed so much, and I was so happy. You must drag me on with a little burden to live!" Bai Xiaobai said with a half smile and seriousness.

"Hahaha! Good, good! When you grow into a big burden, I will drag you on, and I will not die until I become your burden!" Grandpa was so happy that tears flowed unconsciously.

"Yu ~ Grandpa is not ashamed! Cry and cry!"

"Okay! Don't cry, don't cry!"

Uh ...