MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 4 Cunning duel

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"What's that? It looks like a coin ..."

Maca, while playing with the objects in her hand, secretly recalled the mysterious blue light just seen. He temporarily pressed his intention to leave here, and pulled a piece of broken wood from another large basket next to it.

He pretended to be curious, and after listening to the short wizard's paradoxical explanation, he asked the price in amusement.

"Ten Jinlongs! It must be ten Jinlongs. It's worth the price. You see how rare it is ..."

After seeing him continue to flicker, she had to wave her hand to interrupt the other party's speech, and repaid the price, "Three Jin Jialong, as far as I know, it is only three.

Maca's tone was unusually firm, as if he knew exactly the true value of this so-called "Haierbo coffin".

"No! This is impossible! At least eight King Garrons! You must know that the prestigious black wizard-the despicable Haierbo, buried himself in ..."

I didn't wait for him to finish, and Maca interrupted again, "Four Golden Gallons! No more!"

When the short wizard stopped talking, Maca roared pretending to be angry, pulled out something from the gap in the shelf with a very random movement, and then yelled, "OK! Add this, Two together eight gold gallons! Otherwise I won't have to! "

Maca took eight Jin Jialongs on the counter not far away, then stared wide-eyed and stared at the short wizard.

Suddenly the other party was silent. He looked down at the contents of Maca's hands, and looked at the eight Jin Jialongs on the counter with a look of grievance.

This is a very old-looking coin, heavy in the palm of your hand, but it looks dirty as if there is nothing special.

"Okay, okay, just as I gave you, to pay for eight Jinlongs." He whispered helplessly, and received the coins on the counter in the locked drawer ...

On the street, Maca was in a good mood. He played with the old coins in his hand, and was so proud of his heart that it seemed that even this dark path became open.

Of course, he didn't get a chance to see the Meloche Museum, the short wizard was showing the same proud smile.

"Arrogance is the most precious wealth of mankind, and it can benefit Merlot." The short wizard patted the drawer of money with an intoxicated expression, and made a rattling sound of gold coins.

The old coin in Ma'ma's hand was naturally enchanted by this dwarf. In fact, it was just a dirty cast-iron coin.

Let's not mention the trick of the adulterer first, on the other side, the satisfied Maca estimates that it should be almost time, so he walks along the way.


When she reached the fork in the road, she saw a tall figure in the crowd and was walking out of the gate of the Guling Pavilion.

"Haige, the half-blooded giant?" Maka whispered, and went over there.

As soon as he got through the crowd, he immediately found the little figure beside Hagrid.

噢 "Oh! Excuse me, are you the famous ... Mr. Harry Potter?" Marka deliberately looked up and down the boy, and then said.

The boy hadn't had time to respond, but the people around him had gathered together.

"Oh my god, it's Harry Potter!"

"Really? Oh-!"

"Oh my God! I feel like I'm dreaming!"

The puppet crowd immediately began to discuss, and several of them fought forward, as if they had seen some rare magical creatures.

Maka looked around, and Limara ran up Harry's sleeves, and hailed Hagrid to keep up. After they both got into the scrap shop, Maca and Harry were relieved.

噢 "Oh, sorry, I didn't expect them to be like this," Maca said embarrassedly.

哦 "Oh, it's okay," Harry shook his head as he looked at Maca, who was his age. "But, why is this? This is the second time, and I seem to be famous?"

Maka glanced at Hagrid, and seemed to nod.

嗯 "Hmm ... I'm sorry, but it doesn't seem like I should explain it to you." Maca scratched her head, although he was too lazy to elaborate.

Just as Harry tried to question, Hagrid was already there.

"Okay, now that we are here, we might as well buy a wand first!" Hagri patted Maca's shoulder, and said happily, "Come with you! Uh ..."

"Maca, Maca McLean," Maca nodded.

哦 "Oh, yes, Mr. McLean." Hagrid nodded as well.

"No, I mean, just call me Maca."

Maka said, and suddenly put her hand on Hagrid's ass. He immediately noticed this and felt awkward in his heart.

"Oh my God, you are so tall!" In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Maka deliberately squeezed her throat.

He Haige smiled awkwardly when he heard the words, but did not say anything.

Maca then reacted. It is estimated that Hagrid would still care about his bloodline. Of course, according to Hagrid's personality, the estimate he minds is the children's view of him, not his own bloodline.

Immediately after seeing this, Marka stretched his hand back, regardless of the **** or shoulders. He smiled easily: "I was in the Gulin Pavilion just now, and a fairy said to me."

"Hahaha! You are not much older than a goblin at this age." Hagrid was not stupid, he had clearly realized that Maca was actively relaxing the atmosphere.

Harry, who was standing aside, looked at the two in front of him, a bit inexplicable. He couldn't figure out what the two were talking about, but he felt the atmosphere was strange.

"Well, let's go! Let's go to Oliver across, where you will be able to buy the best wand."

Hey, magic wand-that's exactly what Maca and Harry both dreamed of.

This is a small, shabby store with a gold signboard on the door that has been peeled off and reads: "Olivander: Well-made wands since 382 BC."

In the dusty window, a faded purple cushion was solitary with a magic wand.

When they entered the store, there was a ringing bell ringing somewhere behind the store. The shop is small and has nothing but a bench.

Haig sat on the bench and waited, while Harry had a strange feeling, as if in a tightly managed library.

强 He squeezed the many salary problems that had just arisen in his mind, and began to look at the thousands of long and narrow cartons almost to the ceiling. For some reason, he suddenly felt hairy. The dust and silence here seem to make people feel that there is mysterious magic hidden.

"Good morning," said a soft voice, startling Harry.

Hagrid, who was sitting, seemed too frightened, because at that moment there was a loud clicking noise, and he quickly got up from the bench.

老 An old man stood in front of them, and his large pair of very light eyes were as bright as two rounds of moon in the dim shop.

"Hello, Mr. Olivander." Marka greeted politely.

Harry looked somewhat restrained, but also said "hello" to Maca.

"Oh yes," said the old man, "yes, yes. I know I'll see you soon, Harry Potter, that's not a problem. Your eyes are the same as your mother's, when she came here Come and buy her first wand, it's almost like it just happened yesterday. It's ten and a quarter inches long and made of wicker. It's a good wand for casting. "

先生 Mr. Ollivander came to Harry, and Harry wished he could blink more, and his silvery eyes made Harry's hair straight.

"Your father is different. He likes mahogany wands. Eleven inches long, flexible, and more powerful. It is best for metamorphosis. I say your father likes it-in fact, of course it is The magic wand is choosing the wizard!

Mr. Olivander didn't seem to pay attention to Maca, he was getting closer and closer to Harry, and his nose was stuck on Harry's face. Harry could even see his shadow in the old man's hazy eyes.

哦 "Oh, this is ..." Mr. Olivander stroked the lightning-like scar on Harry's forehead with his long fingers.

"I'm sorry, this is a magic wand I sold." He whispered softly, "Thirteen inches and a half long. Yew's. UU Kanshu is very strong, very strong, But it fell into the wrong hands ... if I knew this wand had been made, I would have done something like this ... "

先生 Mr. Olivander sighed slightly, but looked up behind Harry again, and he seemed to recognize Hagrid, which finally relieved Harry.

"Ruber! Ruberhager! I'm so glad to see you again ... Oak, sixteen inches long, a little curved, right?"

"Yes, sir," Hagrid said.

"That's a good wand. But I think they must have been killed when they fired you?" Said Mr. Olivend, suddenly becoming serious.

啊 "Ah, yes, they were killed by them, yes." Hagrid slowly moved his foot and said, "I still have the wand of death."

"But you don't need it anymore?" Mr Olivander asked hastily.

哦 "Oh, sir, sir." Hagrid responded quickly, and Harry noticed that Hagrid grasped the pink umbrella tightly as he answered.

Of course, Macaco didn't pay much attention to Hagrid's little broken umbrella, because Olivander finally set his sight on him.

"Oh, this is a new face. Hello, boy." Olivander's interest in Maca didn't seem to be as strong as Harry's, which was obviously right. Macaco had no strange life experience Let everyone know him, "What's your name?"

"Maca McLean," Maca replied.

噢 "Oh, okay, Mr. McLean." Mr. Olivander said, glancing at them with sharp eyes, "then, two gentlemen, who are you first?"

掏 He pulled out a long tape measure with silver scales from his pocket, with a look of solemnity on his face, and Maca patted Harry on the back to signal him to come first.