MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 2674 Hermione she, began to pray

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This battle shouldn't have ended so hastily, like it shouldn't have started hastily at this point in time.

So, if every unsatisfactory ending in this world must correspond to an equally unsatisfactory beginning... Then perhaps, in the face of such a fiasco, everyone can accept it more easily in their hearts.

After all, no victims have appeared so far, which is undoubtedly a fortune among misfortunes!

Of course, the "everyone" above must not include Hermione.

For nothing else, just because she was the planner, she took the initiative to break the agreement in advance. It would be good to say that her temporary change of mind can bring more advantages to everyone, but the result is like this...

Even if there is no one here to accuse her, she will not feel better.


"Although I didn't expect that we would be so vulnerable when we actually started to move our hands. But at least, after taking the initiative to attack such a "monster", we can still lie on the ground and think like this. It's for the best...even if it's obviously just because the other side doesn't seem interested in taking our lives."

Hermione fell a little out of the way.

This was because she had just rushed back from the front at the last moment and blocked an attack for Luna.

She suffered a strong impact during the fast movement with the blessing of the anti-gravity field. Not only was she mentally traumatized, but her body also seemed to have slammed into a high wall. The force of the shock alone was enough to make her collapse. fly far away.

Although it was said that the shock was actually nothing more than a range-style mental fluctuation released by Kern at will, not even a serious magic.

In other words, a wizard of Kern's level, perhaps even a casual move or thought, can turn into extremely terrifying magic!

Didn't see the wall of black mist at the door be instantly blasted away again?

So, Hermione could only huddle in the corner against the wall now, and the pain that seemed to have broken several bones in her whole body emerged from every corner of her body, making her feel like she was about to suffocate.

"By the way, Luna... Is Luna okay?"

She remembered that she was the last person to fall. Before that, the other partners had lost their ability to fight one after another during the short but progressive battle.

However, Luna should be the only one among them who hasn't been hurt until the end - she is the one who is responsible for arranging the magic formation in the rear, and in the event of danger, everyone needs to protect her as much as possible , just like Hermione just now.

Although the defeat came too quickly, Luna finally failed to set up the formation and activate it in time - it should have been arranged when Harry and Maca were both present. In the situation just now, it was too late. Maybe it's a matter of course - but at least she didn't get hurt.

"Yes, I just pushed her aside just now. She should have avoided that shock..." Hermione said to herself in her heart, "Then how is she now?"

Although her whole body was still in severe pain, Hermione, who was eager to know Luna's situation, still gritted her teeth and turned her head to look at the other side - this is not only worried about whether Luna is also injured, but more importantly What's more, she also wanted to know what Witch Kern was doing at the moment.

"Huh? Luna also fell on the ground over there and didn't get up... Is she still affected? No, it shouldn't be, I know that better than anyone. So... yes, after all, as long as Luna doesn't get confused Lake is often very wise at critical moments. Even if he is not injured at this time, he can't really get up alone like no one... Then, what about "that woman"?"

She moved her gaze a little further in front of her, and then Hermione saw that the figure who had just slapped their group to the ground, but at the moment only raised her head slightly, staring fixedly at the magic above. dome.

If the scene displayed on the ceiling is really the sky outside at this moment...

"The vortex of dark clouds is about to completely devour the remaining sky." Hermione, who also saw the scene along the other side's line of sight, couldn't help but murmured in her heart.

What does the closing of the clouds actually mean?

What will happen when it is fully collapsed?

Hermione, who had temporarily tampered with the plan to take the initiative before knowing the timing was wrong, was actually trying to grasp the possibility that might be hidden in this change. It's a pity that not only did she fail to seize this opportunity, but she still didn't know the truth behind the change.

Just when Hermione felt an incomparable sense of frustration, in the sight of her and Kern, the dark clouds above finally gathered completely—

"The last moment has finally come!"

"Is there... no way..."

Kern's voice sounded almost at the same time as Hermione's whisper, but one rarely brought a bit of joy, while the other was full of frustration.

Although Hermione was still curious about what the change in the cloud meant to Witch Kern and the world, she didn't want to watch it any longer.

So she lowered her head, closed her eyes slightly, and savored the severe pain on her body.

Then, a weak, but particularly abrupt, magical shock suddenly spread from not far away, causing everyone in the auditorium who still had willpower to tremble.


It's Luna!

No, it should be said that it was the rune pattern that Luna had been arranging since before, but had not been able to activate it in battle—she activated that formation!


Why does she want to activate the map array? Why at this time?

No one knows the function of that formation better than Hermione, because it was designed by Hermione. It's just that the premise for that formation to work is that Harry must arrive in time...


Hermione didn't lift her drooping head back up, but under the messy bangs, her eyes lit up.

"Harry is here!"

It would be somewhat inconceivable to say that even the things that caused the situation to spiral out of control due to her temporary change of plans were actually in Maca's calculations.

But Hermione was willing to believe it was incredible, because if Harry really came, it might mean that things had turned around!

Hermione bowed her head, praying for the first time to that erratic fate.

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