MTL - Happy Little Mayor-Chapter 1402 . But do n’t ask for good deeds (3/5)

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The display area he chose for IKEA is located in the central square, where the space is large and the number of tourists is just right.

Although IKEA did not build a house professionally, they were quick to build a house to visit.

Wang Bo went to see the construction of the house. The solar panel room he was interested in was set up very quickly. To build such a house, it only took about four hours for four people. No extra tools were needed. After fixing the location, Just screw the screws in the steps.

This kind of house is a simple and convenient version of the building block house. From the photos, it seems to be built from tents. Actually, it is not made of hardened materials and has good sound insulation.

Among these materials, the frame of the house is made of special materials, which are rainproof, heat-insulating, cold-resistant, and strong.

The roof's battery panels are thin and light, easy to set up, and will not cause life injury if accidents occur.

The most important thing is that the space inside is large. Rosemary said that the space of this house is three times that of traditional tents, which can accommodate up to 5 people.

After the house was built, a word of thanks was given to the outside: "The real charity is not a simple charity, but a full respect for the helped."

After the house was completed, Wang Bo went in and took a look. It had a bed and stove, as well as a bathroom and a kitchen.

Kidd, who was in charge of the project, asked, "Boss, you seem to be interested in this house?"

Wang Bo nodded: "Yes, we are building a bah resort on the mountain, but there is no suitable housing option. Maybe a house like IKEA can help us."

The bah resort was a concept he had half a year ago. This concept is simple, but it is difficult to implement because if you want to build bah, you need to cut down trees and damage the environment.

In addition, even building blocks are very heavy, and the cost of building them in the mountains is relatively high.

The IKEA board room brightened Wang Bo's eyes, and this thing can greatly help his resort planning.

This house is a model house for donors to see and understand what kind of house their money will be used to buy. What is really used to visit is a very simple hollow brick house.

In this regard, IKEA has taken care to present the real living environment of the theater family as much as possible. Regardless of the choice of building materials, the layout of the house, and the interior decoration, the house is restored in accordance with the real proportions.

Compared with IKEA board houses, refugee houses are much harder to build, and it took four days to build them.

When the house was built, the Salvation Army also came to help, so when the house was finally built and the charity event started, Wang Bo participated in the activity as a representative of the Salvation Army.

The skeleton of the house is like being erected with hollow bricks. There is no whitewashed inner wall, the wall bricks are rough and bare, the color is very dark, and there is an indescriptible simplicity.

The house had only one window, and the window was not Polly, covered with plastic film.

Wang Bo went in to visit, and there was only one kind of decoration in the whole room, and that was a few photos.

Because the house is hoisted with hollow bricks, nails cannot be nailed, so it cannot be fixed on the wall with nails, and it can only rest on the gap between the bricks.

There is a label on every arrangement in the room. This is not like other IKEA furniture. It is its number and price, but the story of the family and how they can help them.

A couple of stuffed toys are piled on the sloppy bedside, and the label next to them tells the story of children getting this toy.

"This family is from Damascus, the capital of Syria. Luna, a teacher's mother, took her 4 children and other family members together. Because of the war, they fled and settled." Rosemary gave Wang Bo and Rex etc. Introduced.

IKEA will build thousands of such visiting houses in many countries around the world, but none of them are duplicated, in order to truly show the plight of refugees.

The old tour guide Rex is responsible for the explanation of the visit to the house. He is also a member of the Salvation Army. This is an obligation to help explain.

His voice is relatively low, because he has been a homeless man for thirty years, so he has a special experience of this kind of displaced life.

After learning about the refugee family, Rex nodded and said, "I have all remembered, and I will pass these things on to every interested tourist."

Wang Bo donated 100,000 yuan on behalf of Sunset Town, while Rex donated 150,000 yuan.

"I rely on you to donate so much? Where do you get so much money?" Pharaoh asked in surprise.

Rex smiled, "I got a high salary after being a tour guide, and the bonus last quarter was 20,000 yuan. In addition, I used to be a stray, but not a beggar, I also saved some money."

"so much?"

"This is all I want," Rex said, hoping to help the poor.

Wang Bogan laughed: "You are so kind. God must be proud to have a believer like you."

Rex shook his head and said, "No, I just felt the same. It ’s terrible to have no home. Boss, it ’s really terrible! I now have my son and daughter-in-law, and my lovely grandchildren. I am very satisfied. And I can continue to make money. Let the money now help more people! "

Wang Bo nodded and said, "You're right."

Eva then donated a million dollars, which was naturally Pharaoh's idea.

The event went very smoothly. Thousands of people visited the dilapidated house on the first day, and the donation amount reached two million dollars.

Of course, Wang Bohe and his men contributed most of them. He donated millions of NZ dollars, and Bowen, Charlie, Hani and others could not say nothing.

However, this incident is in line with Wang Bo's usual style of doing things.

This joint event organized by IKEA and the Red Cross is huge and is being carried out in various countries around the world. Among the donations from Japan, Sunset Town ranks second, behind the Los Angeles Pavilion.

New Zealand media and other national media have reported on this event, and the town of Los Angeles has once again made the news.

After reading the report, Pharaoh patted the newspaper very happily and said, "We in China have a saying, but we do n’t ask the future for doing good deeds. The ancients don't deceive me!"

This charity event is not only for adults, but the Suntown Elementary School also organized students to watch it, letting children know that on the other side of the globe, some children as old as them did not even have toys.

After visiting, Xiao Luoli asked Wang Bo, "Is the house they live in really like that? Our tree houses are 100 times better than them."

Wang Bo patted her head and said, "There are still many things in this world that you haven't seen. Some of these things have bright sunshine, while others are as cold as ice."

Little Lori thought about it and said, "Then I need to find a way to make money and then help them!"

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