MTL - Handsome to the Point of Death-Chapter 81 Short-lived clan 2

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It was late, and in a humble villa on the outskirts of the city, Dominier was quietly waiting for the return of his master.

He was dressed in a decent black suit, wearing a bow tie, and slightly curled up brown hair. He looked meticulous all over the body, and even the arc of his mouth seemed to have been precisely calculated, making it impossible to pick out the slightest mistake.

Cristo jumped lightly out of the window, and saw Dominier turn her head immediately, seeing that she was, and turned her head again, waiting silently, leaving her a beautiful back.

Cristo snorted from the nasal cavity. Dominier was indeed the most annoying person in the world. She would only camouflage a thoughtful and tolerant look in front of her brother, to anyone else, including her. Miss Zuo Jia in the name is completely indifferent and looks like a nostril!

Humph! hypocritical!

My brother still loves him!

"I have to tell you bad news, Dominier," Cristo rolled her eyes and grinned harshly. "My brother has eaten out tonight, I'm afraid I don't need you."

Dominier stood still upright, but his eyes flickered.

"Ah, let me just say, your brother is tired of your poor blood." Chris sighed exaggeratedly. "It's really sad. As food, even the qualifications to be eaten in the end Are you going to lose— "


Before anyone arrived, a voice with a hint of warning entered the ears of the two people in the room.

Cristo's voice came to an abrupt halt. After seeing the person coming in, she instantly burst into a sweet smile, and threw it up cheerfully.

"Brother, you are back!"

Dominier in front took a step forward, and his tall body accurately blocked Christie's petite body. He slightly leaned over and said without change: "Master, welcome back."

Xu Zhi nodded, took off his jacket, and stared at the man's face for a moment, matching the words Dominier in the plot with the man.

Dominier does not make many appearances in the plot. He usually exists as a background board. He is a special human being. His family generation has existed as a blood slave. His branch belongs to the original blood father, Mondley. A few years ago, before leaving for Europe, Monteli gave Dominier a gift to the original owner Zuo Li.

In other words, Dominier and his family are pets that have been captive by blood, and blood of any level can trample on it at will.

In the hands of the original owner, Zuo Li, Dominier was used by his unceremonious things. In addition to serving as a fresh blood bank, Dominier also worked as a housekeeper, driver, and servant, and occasionally came in as a bodyguard. It can be described as an all-rounder, a waste of shame.

Xu Zhi's perception of Dominir is very good, not only because he looks solid and reliable, but also because his loyalty to Zuo Li has reached a point where the sun and the moon can be learned. Specifically, in the plot, the night after the death of the original owner, Dominir Under the sword of Christo, holding her last breath, he dug out his heart to the moon, shouted at his master, and died generously.

"Brother!" Christie gave Dominier a glance, jumped out from behind him, grabbed Xu Zhi's corner, and said poorly, "The new coffin made by Christie has been moved, and we are tonight Would you like to sleep together? "

Xu Zhi looked down at her coldly: "No."

Sleeping with a giant ice cube? Even if he is also a piece of ice, it is not a comfortable thing. Vampires have always preferred to approach and hug humans with warm bodies.

Although Xu Zhi was not very used to sleeping coffins, he was forced to get used to it if he was not used to it.

"It's about to dawn, I need plenty of sleep, and wake me up if a guest comes." Without paying any attention to Christine who started to be coquettish, Xu Zhi said to the silent Dominier and went upstairs.

No wonder he was so indifferent to Christie. There was no blood relationship between them. They are only brothers and sisters in the sense of bloodlines-descendants of the same bloodline transformer, and his sister is not a peacemaker. Not only did she become a bloodline by hooking up with Mondley, it wasn't long after Mondley started to hook up with the original owner Zuo Li, not to mention the bunch of dead unidentified men she had scourged, and it was her who collected the handsome man's skull The biggest interest is that the original owner's cousin was one of her collections, so the original owner's perception of her was poor, and she was justified.

What's more, his sister is not the original product now, not only changed a man's core, but also has the legendary protagonist's physique of the accident. The original owner was because of a relationship with her, and was finally killed by lying in a gun, which is even more so. Let Xu Zhi stay away from this sister.

In summary, the sister (pseudo) creature, Xu Zhi, he really can't stand it.

Kristo watched Xu Zhi's back disappear at the end of the corridor. The smile on her face converged slightly. She slowly lowered her head. When Dominier turned and left, she suddenly looked up and smiled coldly: "Hey, I'm hungry Now. "

Dominier gave a slight pause, and the next second, Krisdor approached him instantly, pressing his neck vigorously, and the sharp fangs pierced the man's fragile skin fiercely.


When Xu Zhi woke up, it was another night when Dominier stood respectfully beside him, with a flat voice:

"Master, Your Excellency Simon sent you to inform you that Lord Mondley has now been caught by the elders in Europe and will soon be tortured."

Is it finally time?

Xu Zhi frowned, and asked, "Did Chris know?"

"Miss hasn't heard from yet."

"Then don't tell her," Xu Zhi groaned for a moment, "clean up, and we'll leave for Paris immediately."

Dominier thought his master was going to save his father, Monterey. Although he didn't want his master to go to risk for Monterey, even if Lord Monterey was his former master, it turned out that he wanted Instead of getting off the plane, instead of going straight to the Presbyterian Church, the host just wandered around Paris like an ordinary tourist.

Xu Zhi did not come to rescue the Monteli who died daily and finally killed himself, but it was by no means idle to travel to Paris, he was here to destroy the plot.

In the original work, after Christie's fusion with a male soul from a parallel world, he was happy to accept the fact that he turned into a female vampire, quickly integrated into the role, cultivated feelings with Mondley and Zuo Li, and was blessed by the protagonist's aura. (Probably?), Mondley quickly saw Christie as a treasure, and Zuo Li gradually got a good impression on her. So, after learning that Mondley was killed in Europe, Christie was furious. To Europe, unfortunately one step later, Monterey has been burned clean.

When Christie was sad and sad, she was caught by the werewolf and rescued by Vampire Hunter Kyle, and the two were in love. However, Kyle soon discovered the identity of Christy's blood. Lisdo escaped Kyle's pursuit (in fact, the other side also released water), but when he learned that someone was going to kill Kyle's family, he couldn't help but rescue Kyle (one person), and the two started. Ten years of love and killing journey.

During the period, in the case that the original owner Zuo Li wiped the **** for the hostess n times, the hostess was guilty and married Zuo Li, and then ... Zuo Li became a father.

Yes, the child is not his.

Then when the truth was unknown, Zuo Li happily raised his son to six years old, and his dad, Kyle, came to **** someone.

Although Zuo Li is strong, but the hostess is not standing by Kyle, why did the hostess suddenly fell, because she suddenly found out that her father (old lover) Mondley could not have died! It's all because his brother Zuo Li didn't save him!

My brother is still hiding her!

Therefore, the aura and the male and female masters killed the villain Zuo Li.

Then, the male and female lead a happy life together (not).

After a few years, Kyle, who was unwilling to become a vampire, grew old, and Chris was more and more disgusted with him, and even raised a few young and beautiful little lovers, and ... then she was angry. Kyle was humanely destroyed.

For such a positive ending, Xu Zhi said: I really like it :)

However, although the ending is good, the process Xu Zhi absolutely did not want to experience it personally. Even if he looked on by himself, he felt that his IQ had been lowered. He heard that Mondley was about to be burned to death, and he went to Europe with great interest. Here comes the male lead.

In fact, the reason why the original owner was indifferent to Monterey's death can only be said to be the evil created by Monterey himself.

At the time, Mondley was rushed to Asia by the blood races because of hooking up with the werewolf. He not only did not know how to converge, but also intensified, not only drained his parents' blood in the presence of the original owner, forcing him to become a vampire, but also created malicious terror events to find presence. , And feel complacent about it, because it is too much, was driven back to his hometown by several major forces in Asia, and then ... there is no more.

This is the end of the generation of blood races.


In the pool of blood, Kyle hugged his mother, covered her **** chest, and stared empty.

"Hey, there's one more here!"

A man with a gun saw Kyle, and greeted his companion without turning his head, aiming at Kyle and pulling the trigger.

With a bang, the man's eyes widened and his eyes dropped, and he saw a white to transparent hand passing through his chest.

He shook the blood on his hand, and Xu Zhi stepped in front of Kyle, squatting slightly, looking directly into his eyes, and saying, "Do you want revenge?"

Kyle still lowered his head and did not respond.

"I have limited time."

Kyle moved his finger slightly, he carefully laid the corpse, slowly stood up, the flames in his eyes gradually burned, and he clenched his fist: "I will definitely take revenge!"

Xu Zhi smiled with satisfaction, showing his fangs, saying, "Become a blood race, you can get what you want."

"Endless life, extreme speed, great power."

All of this.

-Except sunlight.

Read The Duke's Passion