MTL - Handsome to the Point of Death-Chapter 8 Short-lived prisoner 2

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Now that the story of the original book has progressed, Dyson gradually moved his true feelings to Wu Ye, but found that Wu Ye still secretly saved Duan Xi's life, so the loyal dog entered the black countdown, and Duan Xi also entered the dog belt countdown.

The two main characters in the original book, including some of the supporting characters in this prison, are difficult to deal with. In order to complete this task, in addition to spending four years in this prison, it is to prepare for escape early. Undoubtedly, although the second option is very risky, Xu Zhi still chooses the latter compared to the threat of missing hands and legs all the time in four years.

Xu Zhi has always been a very mobile man. After he healed his wounds, he began to use all kinds of time to observe the layout of the prison.

After many investigations and collection of information, Xu Zhi had a preliminary understanding of the prison.

This is a prison built on an overseas island with a layer of high-voltage power grid on the periphery. It is divided into two areas before and after. The front area is the prisoner's activity area, including facilities such as prison cells, playgrounds, canteens, shower rooms and other facilities. In the rear area are prison guard quarters, interrogation rooms and infirmaries. There are many guard posts around the island, and prison guards with guns are stationed in turns. Once prisoners are found out of the prescribed range, they will be shot and killed.

In summary, this is by no means an ordinary prison, and the probability of successful escape is almost equal to zero.

Xu Zhi recalled the plot carefully, and found that most of them described the protagonist's twists and turns and intense bed movements. For the background of the prison and how Dyson escaped successfully, why did Fu Chuwu enter this place? All the prisons have been taken in a relatively vague manner.

However, the book also mentions an important figure-Wang Hongyi. It was because of Dyson's cooperation that he escaped from prison.

Wang Hongyi ... Xu Zhi silently memorized the name.

During the period of Xu Zhiyang's injury, because Dyson was still tangling his feelings in the early stage of melancholy, he had not yet shot at him. He usually bullied Duan Xi's most powerful brother recently and was detained because of something wrong. Others though Looking down on Duan Xi, it is mostly a few words of insult, and occasionally a few people itch to try to get him to release the fire, but Xu Zhi also paid homage to the past.

After stumbling in this way, the injuries on his body were finally healed, and Xu Zhi was relieved, otherwise he would be beaten again. Even if he had deliberately practiced some Sanda moves in his last life, this thin body could not perform.


Every afternoon, prisoners are required to move stones back and forth under the supervision of prison guards, which consumes a lot of energy. After dinner time in the cafeteria, the shower room will be opened on time to allow the prisoners to take a good shower and wash away the sweat from their bodies for a day. .

However, for some people, the period of shower room is the most exciting time of the day, for others it is a disaster.

In order to avoid the peak period, I always stepped to the cafeteria every time. After eating slowly, I went to the shower room. At that time, the people there had already walked in a batch and there was no need to squeeze a cubicle with others. .

As soon as I walked into the shower room, there was a scent of water vapor coming out of my face, and the men were laughing, sometimes screaming, Xu Zhi passed through without looking, and found an unmanned corner. In the compartment, I was just about to twist the flowers, and suddenly I heard a scream with a cry not far away.

"... Uh ... Ah! No!"

The voice sounded young and innocent, some familiar, Xu Zhi suddenly frowned, and walked away with long legs and walked in the direction of this voice.

In a narrow compartment diagonally opposite, two tall men besieged a teenager who was only ten years old. One of them hugged the teenager and put it on his body. His waist moved fiercely. The other One was with his back to the outside, holding the thing between his legs, and was about to stuff it into the young boy's screaming mouth.

When the boy saw this, he closed his mouth tightly, and the man was upset. He slapped him over and said, "You kid, be honest and serve your grandfather comfortably. You will be better in the future." Seeing the boy just shook his head with tears, the man It was a little bit hot, and he opened his mouth with one hand, and said, "Don't you still think about Duan Xi's waste? He--"

Before the man's words were finished, he heard a sound of cold **** sounding behind him.

"Who do you say is waste."

The sound was like quenching the ice, which suddenly caused a coolness. The man was agitated, and the twirling young man almost softened. After the man with tattoos on the other arm saw the person, A contemptuous smile appeared, and the action was fast and fierce. The teenager, Deng Yidi, saw Duan Xi suddenly appeared, his face flushed, and he was trying to say something, but because of the action behind him, he could only bite his teeth and not let him be ashamed. The sound leaked.

"Hey, say Cao Cao Cao Cao's here, Duan Xiaobai's face is not satisfied with the five masters, lonely to the brothers to come here to find comfort? You look at Xiaodi, but it is very cool." The man in front turned around Body, while talking, sweeping the naked-exposed slender white body back and forth with sticky eyes.

Because of the cultivation these days, Xu Zhi's body has recovered a lot and her physique has regained her strength. Coupled with this tanned skin, the mist is hazy, which really brings people the beauty of male charm.

The man couldn't help but drool, thinking, no wonder Wu Ye had endured this boy for so long, this figure, this face, is a stun ...

Xu Zhi clenched his fists and said coldly, "Get out."

The man grinned, "I didn't want to touch you. Since you came to your door, then-"

A heavy punch hit the man's right half of the face unexpectedly, and he struck him back a few steps, covering his swollen face. The man's hung □□ changed for a second, he pinched After squeezing his punches, he said angrily, "Okay, your kid doesn't know--"

However, Xu Zhike didn't listen to his interest in the opening remarks. He grabbed him and pulled out of the compartment. He flew out and kicked the man out. The man was hit **** the wall with a bang. It felt like the bones were shattered. He stared blankly at the man who seemed to be a man with a strong hand. His little brother was completely soft.

People around looked at this and saw that it wasn't long before the tattooed man was thrown out by Duan Xi's nose and swollen face, covering his face with a painful appearance, his turbid eyes full of fear.

In the end, Xu Zhi hugged Deng Yidi and strode out of the shower room.

Everyone who was fortunate to see this scene felt a tremendous coercion, and reminded themselves in the heart not to provoke this person in the future, while feeling their little brother faintly hurt.


At night, he sent away a meaningful on-duty prison guard, Xu Zhi lay on the bed, stared at the ceiling for a while, and was about to close his eyes to sleep. When a person suddenly walked to his bed without talking, he looked in silence. Holding him.

Xu Zhi rolled over, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

When Deng Yidi heard him talking, a pair of round eyes couldn't control the tears in his eyes. When he remembered what happened this afternoon, he was ashamed and faintly sweet. He wiped his eyes casually, and his voice was a little trembling: "Xi, thank you today. "

Xu Zhihan gave a sigh, raised his hand and rubbed his curls. Although there was no expression on his face, his voice was a little tender: "Go to sleep."

"Brother Xi, me, can I follow you later?"

Looking at the big eyes in front of the boy's eyes, Xu Zhi paused, and finally nodded slightly.

Deng Yidi immediately felt his head and smirked.

Until lying in bed, he was immersed in happiness, Xi brother saved me! Brother Xi touched my head! Brother Xi promised to let me follow! Brother Xi is so handsome! Brother Xi's voice is so loud! And ... Xi Xi's figure is really good!

Thinking about it, he even ignored the pain on his body, his mind was full of imagination for the future happiness.


The next day, after one morning's work, Xu Zhi came to the cafeteria on time, followed by Deng Yidi, who was fart.

After having a younger brother (Xiao Di), he didn't have to wait in line to pick up the food himself. He took his number plate and took the initiative to help him line up.

Lunch is a simple dish and a soup. You can still get an apple early. Xiaodi was so lucky that she just got the last two apples. She handed them to Xu Zhi and praised them.

This was the first time Xu Zhi had eaten fruit here, gave Xiaodi a look of approval, and he put one of them into his bowl, and began to dine in a hurry.

Xiaodi: The boss is so considerate! Moving!

It was a more pleasant meal, but the sudden appearance of a person broke the atmosphere.

Xu Zhi looked at Xiaodi's maliciously sprayed meal and the apples rolling to the ground, and slowly moved his gaze to the bald head with a mad laugh beside him, and a pair of ink-colored eyes were gradually preparing for a storm.


The bald man didn't hear it and smiled to himself: "Haha, I've only been a few days since your strong brother? Your boy has had a good life this time, how about, lick the vegetables on his face clean, this time the uncle Let you go. "

"Last time, go now."

Suddenly, Baldhead felt something was wrong. He used to bully Duan Xi like this. He should have laughed around in a circle, but now he just sits down and doesn't look at it here.

However, he hadn't waited for him to understand. Xu Zhi suddenly grabbed his hand on Deng Yidi's shoulder and pressed it on the table. The pinch of his **** was a fold, a "click", and the painful bald man called. I thought about pulling my hand back, but found that the other party's strength was amazing.

There was a "click" again, and his little finger bones were broken.

The bald head wasted, and the old man pulled out his hand vigorously. He lifted his feet and wanted to say hello to his stomach. As a result, the other side moved faster than him. He raised his legs and hit him with a chic horizontal kick in the face. On the ground.

With a headache and dying, he begged for mercy for a while: "I'll get out, I'll get out ..." Then he turned and wanted to run.

"and many more."

The bald head stiffened.

"Don't understand people? I'm talking about it."

Read The Duke's Passion