MTL - Handsome to the Point of Death-Chapter 30 Short-lived detective Lang 1

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Today is the day of great joy for Master Wei Zhaoze and the long princess of the Dynasty.

In the past, the deserted Weifu House has undergone a big change, with lights everywhere, big red lanterns hanging high, and double happiness words on the doors and windows. No matter what they think, the guests still have a smile on their faces. Have a gift and congratulate this rare and happy event.

Such a big scene, of course, cannot be supported by the declining family of the Wei family alone. At first glance, it is a royal handwriting. Some people who always look down on the Wei family are simply envious and jealous. Everyone seemed to be a halo-like handsome bridegroom officer, and said to his heart that the old Wei family did n’t know how many years of blessing he had cultivated, and he was able to give birth to such an energetic young man. After a piece of paper was given to get married, there was a layer of aura in the head.

Some of the guests who knew the inside story reported more or less the thought of looking at jokes, watching the new couple in the hall.

"Who worships heaven and earth!"

"Thank you Gaotang!"

Master Wei was sitting upright, and his smile was a little stiff, but where no one noticed, the finger holding the tea cup trembled slightly. The lady sitting on the side noticed his discomfort, and her warm hands covered her, soothing.

Master Wei had a bitter heart. He looked at the handsome face of his only son in the hall, and sighed slightly. It was a boat and everything was fate.

When the couple stood still, the main wedding man read aloud the last sentence:

"Sent to the cave!"


In the new house, the red candles are swaying, all at a glance are festive red, red curtains and sheets, red tablecloths, and wedding boxes on the table are also red. In this atmosphere, the newlyweds who have completed all the rituals , But it was a silence, sitting relatively speechless to each other.

Xu Zhiben didn't drink too much wine, and the role of the incense burner was sober at the moment. In the short time he passed through, he experienced the first wedding in his life without precaution and married a beautiful lady. Even though it was only his task body, he still felt a little awkward.

Moreover, this beautiful girl is really strange ...

Xu Zhi glanced carefully, shoulders wide, waist narrow, fingers long, fingers clear, slightly raised throat knots-wait, throat knots?

He moved closer, lifted the red hijab on the other's head, and then his pupils suddenly shrank.

The face under the hijab was smeared with a layer of light powder, and the slender eyelashes trembled and the skin was white and red. The phoenix eyes looked at him, naturally with a charm, no doubt, this It is a beauty face, but more importantly, it is also a man's face.

The long princess was dropped? Or, long princess, was originally a man?

Looking at him dumbfounded, the man raised his eyebrows and politely taunted, "Why, I thought you knew that."

Such a tone comes from the mouth of a newly married princess, which is also very wrong. What does it mean "you already know"? Perhaps the original owner did know, but when he first walked through, the story that had not yet been received was Xu Zhi, but his eyes were obscured.

However, the man's performance also means that tonight's cave night, he doesn't have to fulfill some obligation.

Xu Zhi quickly calmed down, looked away from the other person's face, stood up and drank tea, but did not answer him, but just said lightly: "The wedding is over, presumably the princess is too short, please rest first."

The man gloomed down: "Being a husband and wife, does the husband let me stay on the empty bed on the wedding night?"

The title "Fu Jun" was read out by gritting his teeth, with some inexplicable emotions.

Xu Zhi thought about it for a while, and somehow he could feel the joy that this person could not conceal when he visited the church. This offended him again, making the long princess suddenly feel like he had any resentment against him. stand up?

At this time, the plot was finally transmitted. Xu Zhi sat down at the table and said, "It's too late, the princess is free." Then he closed his eyes slightly to browse the plot in his mind.

Men no longer snored and had complex eyes.

Liu Yu! What are you thinking about! No one knows this man better than you ...

On the other side, I quickly browsed the story of this world, and Xu Zhi finally knew what was going on.

Liu Yu, the protagonist of this world, is the longest princess in the royal family, with the title of Rongchang. Although he is a male, he has always been a daughter to raise him for a little reason.

When the emperor Liu Jing said on the surface that he was the first emperor to give way, in fact, the means were not bright. As a prince who was deeply feared by the emperor, he relied on the army to rise to the throne. When the situation was most critical, His princess Zhao gave birth to a baby boy. In order to preserve the only blood at the time, the baby boy was called a baby girl and was raised as a girl from a young age. This was Liu Yu. By the time Liu Jing became the emperor, Liu Yu had grown to fifteen years old, and the male characteristics began to become apparent. Liu Jing wanted to restore his eldest son status, but found that his son had been a girl for a long time, and he had a gender cognitive disorder. Let others say that they do n’t wear men ’s clothes. At the same time, the former princess Zhao ’s family is long gone, and the new queen has given birth to the “eldest son” Liu Ren. Out of various concerns, Liu Yu ’s identity was restored. Delayed again and again, until Liu Yu was eighteen years old, fell in love with Xinke Tanhua Langwei Zhaozhao at first sight.

In fact, as Liu Yu grows older, even if he focuses on dressing and looking at it a few times, it is still easy to see his true gender. However, after all, it is a royal matter and it is deeply involved, so even if Liu Yu has become a person in Beijing Belly's joke, the queen is a powerful family. Although the emperor feels guilty of Liu Yu, in addition to always indulging and indulging him, spoiling him into an unknown appearance, he still defaults to Liu Yu's princess identity.

The long princess Liu Yu fell in love with Tan Hualang Wei Zhaoze at first sight, and begged the emperor to marry each other to die or live, which surprised everyone.

Everyone in Beijing: Even if you are in the name of a princess, as long as you are not blind, you can see that you are a man? The prince is going to marry a man. What kind of system will he have when he comes out for thousands of years? !!

Although the frightened ministers have expressed their opposition, some people are very happy to see it happen. The most representative is the queen line. They have been working hard to deal with Liu Yu. Now the other party ca n’t open the pit. What are you waiting for? Without pushing a word, I'm so sorry for the villain!

In the end, the emperor with a pit in his head thought about it, checked the background of Cha Wei Zhaoze, and found that it was only a small broken family. In addition, Liu Yu was busy every day. The two married.

Except for the inexplicably picking up the Wei family, everyone was happy.

To say that the reason why Wei Zhaoze can be seen by Liu Yu is that he has the capital. Except for his excellent kung fu, his most admirable face is that face. Flowers, like a knife cut, eyebrows like ink painting, faces like peach petals, eyes like autumn waves. "Is the most appropriate evaluation. From small to large, the reputation is far-reaching, and travel can cause congestion. A well-known beautiful man, but turning away from this layer of aura, in fact Wei Zhaoze is just an ordinary scholar.

After a decade of cold weather, the Wei family was his only seedling, and the hope of reviving the family was on him, but God sent him a boyfriend at this time.

Is Wei Zhaoze willing? Of course, he was unwilling. He had a fiancee who loved each other, had a bright future, and hoped to rejuvenate the family. But now, just because of Liu Yu ’s glance in the crowd, the rest of his life will be facing one. Employed in vain, with a royal scandal, for the princely princess to live through it, maybe until death, it will become a laughing stock in history.

Although the Wei family is a family with a long history of scholarship, it has been inferior to one generation. In the generation of Wei Zhaoze, it is already a single pass. The whole family is pointing at him. Now it ’s good. It's all broken. However, even if there are more dissatisfaction, in this era of imperial power, you can only swallow it.

Who made this long princess look on Wei Zhaoze?

After the two were married, Wei Zhaoze laughed at Liu Yuqiang and felt depressed for a while, but then he seemed to finally figure out something and began to ask warmth to Liu Yu. He actively expanded personal relationships in the officialdom and used all resources Climbing up, the emperor, out of some guilt and seeing him as a rare talent, broke the convention that the horses of this dynasty must not be too involved in the administration of the government, allowing Wei Zhaoze to sit on the seat of the minister of the industry step by step.

This is already the limit.

Wei Zhaoze is a very ambitious man. With his good looks, he became the guest of the queen. He devised strategies and exhausted all the means to eventually cause the emperor to die due to illness. Liu Ren, who was only eight years old, ascended the throne. It quickly became a generation of power ministers, and the helpless long princess Liu Yu became a joke completely.

Watching more and more Ji Zhi in Wei Zhaoze's Mansion, Liu Yu ended up depressed.

If the story ends here and Wei Zhaoze is a winner in life, then why would Xu Zhi come here?

The reason is simple. The protagonist, Liu Yu, was born again on the wedding day with Wei Zhaoze.

[Copywriting: Rebirth with resentment, he is no longer obsessed with Wei Zhaoze, crying for him and laughing for him, simply innocent Liu Yu, he will recapture everything that belongs to him and live for himself! I thought he would never have the ability to fall in love with anyone anymore, but after turning around, he finally found that it turned out that love has never gone far ...

In the second part of "Rebirth of Wrong Love", **** abuse counterattacks Shuangwenliu. Since all the relatives feel that Wei Zhaoze is too slag, so the head office changes, Xiao Yu will gain a true love! o (n_n) o ~】

Xu Zhi turned it around roughly. It was roughly all kinds of faces after Liu Yu's rebirth. He finally came to the throne with the help of the loyal dog general attack. The queen was easily cannon fodder. The only thing worthy of his comfort is that the original owner * oss is indeed My mind is deep, resisting various attacks stiffly, and stubbornly living to the end, but finally said: "I only found out that I love you so much" and then willing to be strangled to death? !!

Can people set up completely? !!

Xu Zhi slowly opened his eyes, rubbed his forehead, and looked at the protagonist sleeping on the bed.

Really interesting plot.

Read The Duke's Passion