MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 97

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After discussing the rest of the work with George, Lin Xiu was going to take Jing Zhao back to the room.

The moment the door of the recording studio opened, Lin Xiu wanted to go back to pull Jingzhao, but he walked straight out. It was only three or two steps, and he didn't even walk out of the door. It seemed that there was nothing unusual, but Lin Xiu felt weird .

It wasn't his first choice at all.

Lin Xiu looked down at his feet in a daze. Why did he have the urge to walk away just now? Obviously Zhaozhao is still behind him.

Because of neglecting the person he likes, Lin Xiu quickly felt guilty. He quickly turned around and walked to Jing Zhao, who was a few steps behind him, and held her hand without saying a word.

Maybe it was because she was used to being pampered, Jing Zhao noticed such small details for the first time, just now she thought Lin Xiu would hold her, and subconsciously stretched out her hand, but she only saw the man walking straight forward So she was also stunned.

He would never abandon himself and walk ahead alone. At that moment, Jing Zhao felt a little empty in his heart for no reason.

It seems that Lin Xiu has already occupied the most important part of her heart since no one knows when, otherwise she would not feel lost because of such a casual move by the other party.

But fortunately, when Lin Xiu found out that she was not there, he immediately turned around and led her, which made Jing Zhao feel better in an instant. He hugged the man's arm, forgot what happened just now, and smiled innocently.

Lin Xiu touched her face, and then led people out. But he kept thinking about his weird self just now. He clearly wanted to hold Zhaozhao's hand, so why did he just walk out?

He couldn't figure it out, Lin Xiu could only attribute his actions just now to the fact that he brought Jing Zhao to the recording studio for the first time, because he was a little distracted from work, so he forgot, and he would never do this again next time.

However, the next time came soon.

After the two returned to the room, Lin Xiu went to the studio. He wanted to see what needs to be adjusted for the new arrangement, and Jing Zhao naturally followed him.

Except when Jing Zhao needed to soak in water or sleep, Lin Xiu rarely let her leave him.

When Lin Xiu was listening to the music, Jing Zhao would either sit on the sofa holding a tablet to catch up on dramas, or use his mobile phone to play the game of big fish eating small fish.

Jing Zhao didn't want to play games today, so she chose to watch TV. She recently learned a new method. If she can't write, she can use voice to find the TV series she wants to watch.

Thinking of something, Jing Zhao clicked on the Mike-like shape, and said the word vixen.

Soon a lot of videos in small boxes appeared on the screen, each picture looked red and purple, there were women and men, everyone was dressed coolly, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Out of curiosity, Jing Zhao clicked on the first video. At the beginning, it was a woman in ancient attire taking a bath in a bathtub. Soon the screen changed, and the woman was lying on the bed with a man on her body.

Jing Zhao subconsciously supported her cheeks with her hands, and felt that the scene was inexplicably familiar. Before she could figure it out, the woman in the video suddenly changed into another look, with red hair and white face, sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. The hands on the man's shoulders were also covered with red hair, and his fingers turned into sharp claws, drawing long bloodstains on the man's shoulders.

Jing Zhao let out an "ah", covered his eyes and secretly opened the gap to look at the woman who showed the prototype in the video and muttered, "It's so ugly, so this is the true face of a vixen?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of objects hitting the table came from his ears. Jing Zhao turned his head and saw Lin Xiu took off the headphones and threw them on the table, looking at her impatiently.

Not knowing what he did wrong, Jing Zhao straightened up with a puzzled expression, knelt down on the sofa, wringing his fingers with some anxiety, "What's wrong, Xiuxiu?"

Lin Xiu also wanted to ask himself what was wrong. He forgot Zhaozhao was still here for a moment just now, and subconsciously treated her as a stranger, because she disturbed him, so he couldn't help losing his temper.

Glancing at the earphones that he had just thrown on the table, Lin Xiu closed his eyes, then got up and walked to the sofa where Jing Zhao was sitting.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" Lin Xiu stretched out his arms to hug him, he was the one who lost his temper just now, but his expression looked more frightened than Jing Zhao, "I didn't lose my temper at you, don't give birth to me Are you angry?"

"I'm not angry." Jing Zhao was indeed not angry, but felt that he was a little weird, and suddenly she thought of the way the fox looked at Lin Xiu before leaving the recording studio.

He must have done something to Lin Xiu, with his eyes.

Hearing from Lin Xiu, Bai Ze lives next door, and Jing Zhao was thinking about whether to talk to him, when the person in front of him suddenly lowered his head and kissed her.

She raised her head subconsciously, and met the man with worried eyes.

Lin Xiu was very disturbed. He felt that his behavior today was very abnormal. He obviously didn't think that way, but the behavior he did was contrary to what he thought in his heart. His extraordinary vigilance over the years made him faintly aware that something was wrong. But couldn't find the source of the problem.

He even wondered just now if he was mentally ill.

"Zhao Zhao..."

The man's eyes and voice were full of urgency, if Jing Zhao felt it, he stretched out his hand to wrap around the man's neck, and kissed his thin lips for the first time, the warm and cool breath gradually comforted him. Lin Xiu's inexplicably restless heart.

After a long time, Lin Xiu got up and carried him back to the bedroom, letting Jing Zhao sleep peacefully, as he had to go out for something.

Jing Zhao rubbed the soft quilt, and curled himself into the soft bed, looking very sleepy.

After the man left the room, Jing Zhao suddenly sat up from the bed, put on his shoes, walked out of the room, and walked to the door of the room opposite the corridor.

There are only two residents on the first floor, and the doors are on the left and right, one end and the other end. Jing Zhao walked to the end of the corridor and stopped, then stretched out his hand and rang the doorbell outside the house.

Bai Ze had just taken a shower. He was wearing a white bathrobe and a towel around his neck. When he heard the sound, he walked to the door and took a look. When he saw the figure in the display, he subconsciously squinted his eyes.

It turned out to be her, what did she come to ask for? Could it be that she really noticed what he did to Lin Xiu.

This was the first time that Bai Ze felt unconfident about his abilities.

But he still reached out and opened the door.

Outside the house, Jing Zhao saw Bai Ze after opening the door, with a cold expression but a hint of anger: "I have already said that I will keep the secret for you, why do you still bully Lin Xiu?"

A girl who was as beautiful as an elf spoke the coldest words in the softest and cutest tone, unexpectedly there was a contrasting cute feeling.

She is so cute even when she is angry, no wonder Lin Xiu, who is not close to women, likes it.

If he... Bai Ze was taken aback for a moment, it's none of his business, why would he drag it on himself.

"Miss Jing's words are strange. Is there any secret I need you to keep for me? And what did I do to Lin Xiu?" Bai Ze shrugged, with a playful smile on his lips.

He was too surprised to be distracted before. Even if Jing Zhao found out his identity, at most she could tell others that he had a fox tail and was a vixen. Who else would believe it? Maybe he will be treated as a psychopath and locked up in a mental hospital.

ask for trouble.

Seeing that Bai Ze refused to admit it, Jing Zhao pointed behind him and said, "Aren't you afraid that others will know that you are not a human being, but a human fox?"

Hearing the word human fox, Bai Ze squinted his eyes reflexively, a dangerous light flashed in the long and narrow fox eyes, and then he stretched out his hand suddenly and pulled him into the room, closing the door with a "bang".

Jing Zhao was caught off guard and brought into the room, remembering the ferocious look of the vixen in the video, a flash of panic quickly flashed in his eyes, he put his hands on his chest, and looked at Bai Ze with round eyes full of defense.

Seeing her like this, Bai Ze sneered, "Afraid? Are you afraid and dare to come to me alone? Knowing about human foxes, do you know that human foxes cannibalize people?"

His pupils became extremely deep, and his deliberately low voice was also very scary.

Jing Zhao's eyes trembled slightly, he hugged himself even tighter with both hands, pursed his lips, glanced at the wagging fox tail behind the man, and asked cautiously, "So you also eat people?"

"Eat, three of you in one meal." Bai Ze deliberately teased her, hoping to see how Jing Zhao would react.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him really took it seriously, his small face turned pale immediately, the arms that hugged him began to tremble, and there was an urge to run away.

In fact, Jing Zhao thought that when he was in the sea, he would eat everything. Apart from not eating people, it must be very scary in the eyes of humans, so it seems that there is nothing strange about human foxes eating people.

Moreover, the human fox looks so fierce, she must not be able to beat him, what should I do, he attacked Lin Xiu, did he intend to eat Lin Xiu, no way!

Bai Ze watched as if watching a good show. The reaction of this little beauty was very interesting. She was scared for a while and angry for a while. She felt that she had made up a big drama in her head, and her expression was too vivid.

As if she was addicted to being funny, Bai Ze saw the person in front of her while she was about to say something, and she actually... cried.

"Can you stop eating Lin Xiu?" Jing Zhao raised his head, his eyes were misty, "If you want to eat, eat me, I'll eat for you, please let Lin Xiu go!"

Before Bai Ze could be surprised by her words, he saw the teardrops on her eyelashes roll down suddenly, and then turned into a translucent white pearl in mid-air.


Bai Ze opened his eyes wide in surprise, subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch the small pearl that fell, it was full of luster and slightly hard texture, it was indeed a pearl.

The person whose tears can turn into pearls... Bai Ze is not simply Jing Zhao who is like a piece of white paper. He knows that there are many different kinds in this world, but he has never encountered any other kind except himself. There are some legends, for example, among the aliens, only mermaids can shed tears.

So the girl in front of me is a little mermaid?

Bai Ze sized Jing Zhao up and down suspiciously, and the previous incident suddenly had an explanation. She was able to see through herself, probably because of the special power of the mermaid!

Bai Ze's gaze was full of interest, he glanced at the pearl in his hand, then looked at Jing Zhao, "Are you a mermaid? Let me tell you, no one has ever been able to see my identity, but you can see my tail. "

Jing Zhao was taken aback when he saw the pearl in Bai Ze's hand, and then realized that he seemed to have exposed his identity unconsciously, and immediately looked at the person in front of him warily.

Bai Ze didn't care about her defense, and asked curiously, "Does Lin Xiu know that you are a mermaid?"

"He's none of your business!" Jing Zhao said fiercely.

Bai Ze's eyes darkened, but there was some surprise in his heart, and he could tell that the little mermaid in front of him was so innocent, if it fell into the hands of outsiders, it would end up being cheated every minute without any tail left. Fortunately, the person she met was Lin Xiu.

Since they are of the same kind, there is no need to kill each other, and why did he think that this idiot would threaten him in the first place?

Bai Ze fell into deep self-doubt for a moment.

"We are aliens in the eyes of human beings. It is not a good thing to believe in human beings too much." Out of the experience of those who have experienced it, Bai Ze kindly reminded.

Jing Zhao noticed the change in this person's attitude before and after, and was a little puzzled, so he asked tentatively, "You...don't eat me?"

Remember this? Bai Ze thought it was a little funny, but he didn't want to see her drop the little pearl again. In fact, it was the first time he did something like scaring people to tears.

"Well, I don't eat fish." Bai Ze said seriously.

Jing Zhao was dubious, obviously still a little scared, but he forgot to ask, "Then you can't eat Lin Xiu either."

Bai Ze raised his eyebrows, does he look like he wants to eat people?

Bai Ze's lips moved, wanting to explain, but looking at Jing Zhao's frightened eyes, he probably wouldn't believe it, so he simply didn't bother to explain, and just promised, "Okay, don't eat him."

Jing Zhao finally felt relieved, and said with a sigh of relief, "Then it's settled, we don't invade land from sea water."

Does the sea not violate the land? The little mermaid talks really interesting.

"Okay, sea water doesn't invade land." Bai Ze hooked his lips and added, "Foxes don't eat mermaids."

With his assurance, Jing Zhao wanted to turn around and leave, but then remembered that his purpose of coming here had not been achieved, so he hurriedly turned his head, "And you to Lin Xiu..."

"My hint to Lin Xiu has expired, he kissed you, didn't he?" Bai Ze said flatly.

He gave Lin Xiu a hint with his eyes before, which would make the other party behave differently when facing the person he likes, and he wanted to use this to drive Jing Zhao away.

But even he didn't expect that Lin Xiu could get rid of his hint so quickly.

It seems that he really loves this little mermaid.

Hearing what Bai Ze said, although Jing Zhao was a little skeptical, there was no reason to be suspicious right now, so why not go back and wait for Lin Xiu to come back.

With a clear mind, the little mermaid ran back to her room with a pair of legs that were frightened and limp.

Bai Ze watched the people leave, closed the door expressionlessly, turned around and leaned against the wall, his eyes lowered, and his eyes fell on a small white pearl lightly twisted by his fingertips.

She hooked her lips playfully, it was really easy to lie, she believed everything he said.

At the same time, after leaving the room, Lin Xiu did not go to work, but called Ma Dong and asked him to invite several experts in mental and psychological diseases for him.

After some examinations, the doctors concluded that Lin Xiu was in good physical condition, both physically and mentally, and he did not have the manifestations of schizophrenia or rage that he said.

Hearing this answer, Lin Xiu looked gloomy and didn't look like he was happy. He pinched his eyebrows a little tiredly.

His intuition has always been accurate, the feeling of being out of control when facing Zhao Zhao made him feel very bad.

In his opinion, there must be a reason for things to happen, and even being sick is better than having no reason.

If he has always been like this, how can he continue to be by Zhaozhao's side.

As determined as Lin Xiu, he never doubted that he would suddenly dislike Jing Zhao.

Ma Dong didn't know why his boss looked so distressed. After sending the doctor back, he waited beside him for a long time before deciding, "Boss, do you want to go back to Longteng or..."

It's been a while since I came out, Zhaozhao should be anxious not to go back, Lin Xiu stood up from the sofa, looked at Ma Dong with deep eyes and said: "Look again, regardless of domestic or foreign countries."

Ma Dong was taken aback, and after realizing what Lin Xiu was referring to, he nodded hurriedly, but he couldn't figure it out.

The boss looks quite normal, why does he have to think he is sick?

The author has something to say:

Author: Let go of what I said in the last chapter like a fart! ?

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